For ENVE 490 course you need to contact the faculty responsible with the topic of interest.

You can view this term's topics here.


ENVE 490 dersi için, dersi eklemeden önce ilgilendiğiniz konudan sorumlu öğretim üyesiyle görüşmeniz gerekmektedir.

Bu dönemki konulara buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.


Prof. Dr. Ayşegül AKSOY

1. Electricity production potential from wastewater treatment plants in Turkey.

2. Renewable energy potential in Ankara

3. Baseline study for plastic wastes in Ankara

4. Determination of algal distribution in Lake Eymir

Prof. Dr. İpek İMAMOĞLU

1. Evaluation of better management options for sites contaminated by persistent organic pollutants

2. Do plastics age? If so, how? Can we simulate it in the laboratory?

3. Can we model the impact of the plastisphere and how it impacts global distribution of pollutants?

4. Sorption of organic pollutants onto microplastics

Prof. Dr. F. Dilek SANİN

1. Microplastics in Municipal Sludge

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Zöhre KURT

1. Measuring the effects of biofilm formation on microplastic settling

2. Optimizing the algal biofuel production via continuous reactors and vacuum drying

3. Modeling a fluidized bed reactor for chlorobenzene treatment from groundwater

Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Y. Dilşad YILMAZEL TOKEL

1. Nutrient recovery from biogas plant effluents: an industrial symbiosis model

2. Laboratory culture adaptation for hyperthermophilic biohydrogen production from unpretreated animal manure 

Son Güncelleme:
17/03/2022 - 00:16