Prof. Dr. Ülkü Yetiş
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Interest Areas
Primary research interest is on physiochemical operations in water, wastewater and hazardous waste treatment systems.
Current research focuses on hazardous waste management; Applications of membranes processes for drinking water treatment and industrial wastewater treatment/reclamation; Integrated pollution prevention and control, and understanding of disinfection by-product formation in water treatment. |
Curriculum Vitae | |
E-mail: uyetis {at} | |
Links: | |
Phone: +90-312-210-5868 Fax: +90-312-210-2646 |
- Ph.D. METU, Department of Environmental Engineering, 1988
- M.S. University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemical Engineering, 1982
- B.S. METU, Department of Chemical Engineering, 1981
Research Interests
- Primary research interest is on physiochemical operations in water, wastewater and hazardous waste treatment systems
- Current research focuses on integrated water resources management, micropollutant management; applications of membranes processes for drinking water treatment and industrial wastewater treatment/reclamation; integrated pollution prevention and control, and understanding of disinfection by-product formation in water treatment.
Professional Experience
- 09/1998 - to date METU, Environmental Engineering Department, Professor
- 10/1992 - 09/1998 METU, Environmental Engineering Department, Associate Professor
- 03/1988 - 10/1992 METU, Environmental Engineering Department, Assistant Professor
- 03/1985 - 03/1988 METU, Environmental Engineering Department, Instructor
- 01/1988 - 03/1985 METU, Environmental Engineering Department, Research Assistant
- 09/1981 - 08/1982 University of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemical Engineering, Research Assistant
Administrative Positions
- 05/2018 - to date Member of the Scientific and Technological Board of the Joint Programming Initiative of EC on “Water challenges for a changing world” (Water JPI)
- 04/2015 - 04/2017 MUDEK- Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs, Vice President
- 04/2013 - 04/2015 MUDEK- Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs, Executive Board Member
- 08/2010 - 08/2012 Member; Environmental, Atmospheric, Earth and Marine Sciences Grant Committee, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK)
- 02/2008 - 08/2010 Advisor; Environmental, Atmospheric, Earth and Marine Sciences Grant Committee, TUBİTAK
- 02/2001 - 09/2004 Member; Construction and Environmental Technologies Research Grant Committee, TUBİTAK
- 10/1998 - 11/2003 METU Environmental Engineering Department, Chairperson
- 02/2000 - 02/2001 Member; Earth, Marine, Atmosphere, Fishery and Environmental Sciences Grant Committee, TUBİTAK
- 11/1999 - Member, METU Engineering Faculty Research Committee
- 11/1997 - 10/1998 Assistant Chairman, Department of Environmental Engineering, METU
- 10/1994 - 10/1995 METU, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biotechnology, Division Head
Society Memberships
- The International Water Association (IWA)
- MUDEK- Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs
- Turkish National Committee on Water Pollution Research and Control (SKATMK)
Grants and Awards
- Outstanding Academic Achievement Award, Middle East Technical University; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.
- Tarık Somer Academic Achievement Award, Middle East Technical University, 2003.
- Vakıfbank Achievement Award, Middle East Technical University, 1999.
- TUBİTAK Incentive Award, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, 1997.
- NATO Scientific Affairs Division, Fellowship to be associated with the CCMS (Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society) Pilot Project on Pollution Prevention Strategies for Sustainable Development, 1993-1995.
- Prof. Dr. Mustafa Parlar Foundation, 1994-1995 Academic Year, Educator of the Year Award.
- Research Assistantship, University of Pittsburgh, 1981-1982.
Consulting - Contributed Projects
- Key Expert, “Determination of Industrial Emission Strategy of Turkey in Accordance with Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Project (DIES)” (Contract No TR2017 ESOP MI A3 11/SER/11), EKODENGE, 2020-.
- Senior Non-Key Expert, Support to Project Preparation for Environment and Climate Change Sector, Montenegro (PPF) (Contract no: PWA/MNE/IPAII/CAP16/SER/01-908/20-10606/1), Training on Municipal Wastewater Treatment Processes, COWI, 2022.
- Consultant to UNIDO and the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization of Turkey, for the Project “Minamata Initial Assessment in the Republic of Turkey”, The preparation of Initial Assessment Report for Turkey (Contract No: DOGER/NEWST/TR2014/DG/02/RA-2/SER/008, 2019.
- Senior non-key expert in the project entitled “Technical Assistance for New Era for Statistics Programme”, The development of wastewater statistics, GOPA mbH, 2020-2022.
- Consultant to TUBİTAK-BILGEM, in the project “National Smart Cities Strategy and Action Plan 2019-2022”, Ministry of Forestry and Urban Affairs’, 2018-2019.
- Consultant to ASKİ (Ankara Water and Sewerage Administration), Performance Assessment of the Ivedik and Pursaklar Drinking Water Treatment Plants, 2018.
- Consultant to ASKİ (Ankara Water and Sewerage Administration), Assessment of Possible Effects of Solar Energy Power Plants on Drinking Water Source Protection Zones, 2018.
- Consultant to İTÜNOVA Technology Transfer Office (TTO) for the Ministry of Forestry and Urban Affairs’ project entitled “Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Treatment Technologies”, 2016-.
- Senior Short Term Expert, in the Project titled “Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Capacity of Ministry of Environment and Urbanization on Environmental Impact Assessment” (Service Contract No 2007 TR 16I PO 001.3.06/SER/42 with the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization), NİRAS IC Sp. z o.o., 2016.
- Senior Short Term Expert, in the project “EuropeAid/135965/IH/SER/TR “Technical Assistance for Capacity Building on Marine Strategy Framework Directive in Turkey”, NİRAS IC Sp. z o.o., 2016-.
- Consultant to TURKSAT Company, for the Ministry of Forestry and Urban Affairs’ project entitled “Establishment of National Water Information System for Turkey” in designing water quality database, 2016-.
- Consultant to MWH Global, “EuropeAid/134078/IH/SER/TR: Technical Assistance for Assessment of Drinking Water Resources and Treatment Plants in Turkey Project, 2016.
- Local Expert, UNIDO, for the NIP- UNDP-UNIDO project entitled “POPs Legacy Elimination and POPs Release Reduction Project – Unintentional POPs from Industry, May-December 2016.
- Consultant to FUGRO SIAL, for the the Ministry of Forestry and Urban Affairs’ project entitled “Developing and Implementation of Methodologies/Methods for Determination and Assessment of Groundwater Quantity and Quality: Gediz Basin Pilot Study” in establishing threshold values for groundwater bodies, 2016-2017.
- Consultant, Verisis Veri ve İletişim Sistemleri A.Ş., Management of Desalination Concentrate from Thermal Power Plants, 2013.
- Consultant, Management of Desalination Concentrate from Thermal Power Plants, Verisis Veri ve İletişim Sistemleri A.Ş., 2013.
- Consultant for COWI SNS, “Rehabiliation of Kırıkkale Petroleum Refinery Wastewater Treatment Plant”, 2012.
- Consultant for Zenit Mining Inc., “Evaluation of the Possible Impacts of Mining Operations in Kiziltepe (Balıkesir) on Tourism”, 2011.
- Consultant, Verisis Inc.-OMV Group, “Impacts of the OMV Samsun Power Plant Desalination Wastewaters on Seawater Quality”, 2011.
- Consultant, Verisis Inc.- Baymina Inc., Development of Disposal Alternatives for Chemical Sludge with High Organic Matter Content originating from Water Treatment Plant”, 2010.
- National Expert, Proline Integrated Intelligence (Turkey), “Technical Assistance for Establishment of Turkish Environmental Information Exchange Network (TEIEN) [EuropeAid/125541/ D/SER/T]", 2009-2010.
- National Expert, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, EU LIFE Third Countries 2006 Programme project entitled “HaWaMan-Improvement of Industrial Hazardous Waste Management in Turkey”, 2008-2009.
- Team Leader, COWI A/S (Denmark), EU financed project ALTUN/ND/TR0504.03/ FWC/032- Technical Assistance for the Preparation of Technical Specifications, Market Research and Terms of Reference for the Capacity Strengthening and Support of Implementation of Nitrate Directive in Turkey Project”, 2007.
- 10. National Expert, COWI A/S (Denmark), EU financed project, entitled Technical Assistance for Environmental Heavy Cost Investment Planning-TR/0203.03/001, Co-author of Directive Specific Implementation Plan for Hazardous Waste Directive, 2004-2005.
- National Expert, COWI A/S (Denmark), EU financed project, entitled Technical Assistance for Environmental Heavy Cost Investment Planning-TR/0203.03/001, Co-author of Directive Specific Implementation Plan for Water Framework Directive, 2004-2005.
- National Expert, COWI A/S (Denmark), EU financed project, entitled Technical Assistance for Environmental Heavy Cost Investment Planning-TR/0203.03/001, Co-author of Directive Specific Implementation Plan for Nitrate Directive, 2004-2005.
- National Expert, COWI A/S (Denmark), EU financed project, entitled Technical Assistance for Environmental Heavy Cost Investment Planning-TR/0203.03/001, Co-author of Directive Specific Implementation Plan Bathing Water Directive,2004-2005.
- Consultant on "Gelibolu National Park Water and Wastewater Master Plan project" includes preparation of water and wastewater management plans” Yeni Yapi Inc., October 2004 - October 2005
- Consultant on "Assessment of solid waste management system in Urfa", Urfa Municipality, September 2004 - October 2004.
- Consultant for YUKSEL PROJE, Taste-odor-turbidity problems in the Bursa Water Treatment Plant, 2003.
- Consultant for Thames Water Turkiye, Wastewater Management in Thames Water Turkiye İzmit Plant- An Assessment, 2001.
- Consultant for the Ministry of Environment (Turkey)-Directorate of Specially Protected Zones, Evaluation of Pamukkale ve Akkoy Wastewater Treatment Plant Projects, 2000.
- Consultant for Beysehir Municipality, Treatability of well water to be used as water supply to Beyşehir, 2000.
- Consultant on "Assessment of landfill site selection studies for the Greater Municipality of Mersin", Mersin Governorship, March 2000-April 2000
- Ministry of Environment-Directorate of Specially Protected Zones, Selection of wastewater treatment technology for the village of Gocek, 1999.
- Consultant for İZAYDAŞ, "Revision project of industrial waste cell of İzmit Greater Municipality's Landfill to hazardous waste cell", April 1999.
- Consultant for Samsun Fertilizer Industry Corporation General Directorate, Characterization of gypsum waste, 1998.
- Consultant for Akdeniz Fertilizer Industry Corporation General Directorate in the Characterization of Gypsum Waste, 1997.
- Consultant for Arges Engineering A.S., Preparation of the Cankırı Organized Industrial Site Wastewater Treatment Plant Project, 1996.
- World Bank and State Planning Organization, Preparation of the National Environmental Action Plan, Co-autor of the Water Resources Part, 1994-1996.
- Consultant on Development of the Survey on Manufacturing Industry’s Emissions, State Institute of Statistics, 1992-1993.
- Consultant on Ankara Solid Waste Management Project; Landfill site selection and the optimization of the transfer station site locations, Sistem Planlama Consulting Engineering and Design Co. Ltd., 1992.
Other Professional Activities
Reviewer for papers submitted for publication to;
- Applied Clay Science
- Applied Energy
- Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering Research and Design
- Chemosphere
- Clean
- Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
- Current Research in Environmental Sustainability
- Desalination
- Desalination and Water Treatment
- Environmental Engineering Science
- Environmental Forensics
- Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
- Environmental Pollution
- Environmental Science & Technology
- Environmental Science and Pollution Research
- Environmental Technology
- Environmental and Experimental Botany
- Fuel
- Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
- International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
- Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology
- Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences
- Journal of Environmental Management
- Journal of Green Energy
- Journal of Hazardous Materials
- Journal of Hydrogen Energy
- Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology
- Journal of Membrane Science
- Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers
- Ozone Science and Engineering
- Process Biochemistry
- Process Safety and Environmental Protection
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
- Resources, Environment and Sustainability
- Science of the Total Environment
- Separation and Purification Technology
- Separation Science and Technology
- Sustainability
- Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy
- Sustainable Production and Consumption
- Turkish Journal of Chemistry
- Turkish Journal of Chemistry, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
- Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences
- Waste and Biomass Valorization
- Waste Management
- Waste Management and Research
- Water Environment Research
- Water Research
- Water SA
- Water Science and Technology
Reviewer for research proposals submitted to;
- National Boron Research Institute of Turkey
- Ministry of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Turkey
- Research Groups of the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
- Technology and Innovation Funding Programs Directorate (TEYDEB) of The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey
- Technology Development Foundation of Turkey
- European Research Council, Starting Grant Programme
- University Research Funds
Member of;
- Editorial Board; Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022-.
- Advisory Board; Biotechnology, Agriculture, Environment and Food Technologies Grant Committee (TEYDEB), Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBİTAK), 2017- 2019.
- Editorial Board Member, Turkish Journal of Water Science and Management, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs General Directorate of Water Management, 2017-2019.
- Ad-hoc evaluation teams, environmental engineering program evaluator, MUDEK-Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Engineering Programs (2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022).
- Ad-hoc evaluation teams, evaluator, Turkish Higher Education Quality Council (YOKAK), 2015-2022.
- Executive Board; Environmental, Atmospheric, Earth and Marine Sciences Grant Committee, TUBİTAK, 2010-2012.
- Advisory Board, Environmental, Atmospheric, Earth and Marine Sciences Grant Committee, TUBİTAK, 2008-2010.
- Research Committee, Faculty of Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 1998-2009.
- IWA's Specialist Group on Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewaters, 2006-2014.
- ITU-Journal of Water Pollution Control, Published by Turkish National Committee on Water Pollution Control, February 2006 - 2010.
- Executive Board, Construction and Environmental Technologies Research Grant Committee, TUBİTAK, 2001 – 2004.
External Auditor for the projects;
- “Improving the Energy and Chemical Use Efficiency in Dyeing and Finishing operations in Wool Textile Industry by Cleaner Production Approach”, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-Technology Forecasting and Assessment Directorate, 2015-2017.
- Development of a Hygiene-Focused Sludge Drying System - Contribution to the Development of Environmental Management System, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-Technology Forecasting and Assessment Directorate, 2015-2017.
- “Wastewater Management in Textile Industry – Reclamation of water and salt from wastewaters”, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-Technology Forecasting and Assessment Directorate, 2012-2014.
- “Reclamation of Vanadium from Chromium Industry Wastes”, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey - Technology Forecasting and Assessment Directorate, 2012-2013.
- “Recarbonation using stack gas emissions”, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-Technology Forecasting and Assessment Directorate, 2012. “Development of Ultra Violet Water Treatment Systems for Ballast Wastewater, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-Technology Forecasting and Assessment Directorate, 2011-2013.
- “Development of Low-Cost Treatment Technologies for Turkey, Marmara Region Case Study”, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, (Project No: KAMAG-105G047), 2006-2011.
- “Conversion of Waste Mineral Oils to Fuel via Thermal Cracking”, Turkish Technology Development Foundation, 2004-2006.
- “Recycle of Waste Electrical and Electronics Equipment –Compliance with the EU’s WEEE Directive”, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-Technology Forecasting and Assessment Directorate, 2004-2006.
- “Recovery of Waste Ceramics”, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-Technology Forecasting and Assessment Directorate, 2005-2006.
- “Conversion of Waste Mineral Oils to Fuel via Thermal Cracking”, Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey-Technology Forecasting and Assessment Directorate, 2005-2006.
- “Membrane Bioreactors in the Treatment of Municipal Wastewaters”, Turkish Technology Development Foundation, 2004-2006.
Short-Courses Organized
- Organization and the delivery of the short course on Nutrient Pollution Control from Agriculture, financially supported by UNEP/GPA and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Antalya, February 2009.
- Organization and the delivery of the short course on Improving Municipal Wastewater Management in Coastal Cities, financially supported by UNEP/GPA, Trabzon, August 2005.
- Organization and the delivery of the short course on Improving Municipal Wastewater Management in Coastal Cities, financially supported by UNEP/GPA, Ankara, December 2005.
Invited Seminar Presentations, Lectures, Short Courses
- Presentation on “Ecolabelling in Turkey: Turkish Environmental Labelling System”, Barcelona Convention – 22nd Meeting of The Contracting Parties (COP 22), 07-10 December 2021, Antalya, Turkey.
- Presentation on “BESTU Project- Cleaner Production in Selected Sectors”, 2nd International Symposium on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, 6-8 October 2021, Karabük, Turkey.
- Presentation on “The Effects of Climate Change on Surface Water Quality”, Committee on Climate Change of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, 27 April 2021, Ankara, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Combining Technology-based Effluent Standards and Water Quality-based Effluent Limits: A Proposal for Turkey”, 1st International Conference on Environment, Technology and Management, 27-29 June 2019, Nigde, Turkey.
- Short Course on “Efficient Water use in Industry”, 12-13 March 2019, Turkish Water Institute, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Short Course on Environmental Impacts of Human Activities on Water Resources, 20-21 March 2018, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Ankara, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Water Recovery by Membrane Processes”, 21-23 September 2017, Istanbul.
- Short Course on Hazardous Waste Disposal Methods and Technologies, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, NIRAS IC Sp. z o.o., 27 July, 2017, Ankara.
- Presentations on “Water Framework Direction: Implementation of Environmental Quality Based Discahrge Limits” and “”Dangerous Substances in Water”, Workshop on Industrial Waste and Wastewater, Ondokuz Mayıs University, 25-26 May 2017, Samsun, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Membrane Technology in Water Reuse”, Workshop-Application of Membrane Technologies for Water Reclamation and Whey Desalination in Food Industry”, May 22, 2017, İzmir, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Environmental Quality Standards Based Discharge Limits”, The 4th Istanbul International Water Forum, May 10, 2017, Istanbul, Türkiye.
- Presentation on “Integrated Water Resources Management in EU- Case Study”, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, 18-21 April, 2017, Bodrum, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Linking Industrial Emissions Directive to Water Quality”, Integrated Water Resources Management in EU- Case Study”, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, 18-21 April 2017, Bodrum, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Linking Industrial Emissions Directive to Water Quality”, “EU Water Framework Directive-Environmental Objectives”, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, 12-14 April 2017, Antalya, Turkey
- Presentation on “the EU Water Framework Directive”, Chamber of Environmental Engineers, May 2016, Ankara, Turkey.
- Presentation on “The Implementation of Environmental Quality Standards for Dangerous substances – Role of IPPC/IED”, Workshop on Priority pollutants and River Basin Specific Pollutants – Harmonizing the National Legislation”, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, 3-4 December 2015, Ankara, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Linking Environmental Quality Standards to Emission Limit Values”, Workshop on Priority pollutants and River Basin Specific Pollutants – Harmonizing the National Legislation”, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, 3-4 December 2015, Ankara, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Dangerous Substances and their Effects in the Water Environment”, On-the-job training; “Water Quality and Treatment”, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, İzmir, Turkey, 23 November 2015.
- Presentation on “Total Maximum Daily Load Planning Tool”, On-the-job training; “Water Modelling”, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Antalya, Turkey, 20 November 2015.
- Presentation on “Non-point and Point Source Pollutants in Groundwaters”, State Hydraulics Works, Groundwater Management Steering Committee Meeting, October 2015.
- Presentation on “Dangerous Substances in the Water Environment”, Workshop on Dangerous Substance, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, İzmir, Turkey, 7 April 2015.
- Presentation on “Dangerous Substances in the Water Environment”, Workshop on Dangerous Substance, Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Corum, Turkey, 21-22 May, 2014.
- Presentation on “Wastewater Treatment and Reuse”; Soil Fertilizer and Water Resources Central Research Institute, Turkey, April, 2013.
- Presentation on “Improvement of Hazardous Waste Management in Turkey”, Waste 2012 Symposium, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, 24-26 April, 2012.
- Presentation on “Communiqué on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control in Textile Industry”, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Symposium on Cleaner Production in Textile Industry, 28-30 March 2012, Antalya, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Adaptation of IPPC Directive to a Textile Mill: BAT Application”, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, Symposium on Cleaner Production in Textile Industry, 28-30 March 2012, Antalya, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Improvement of Hazardous Waste Management in Turkey”, Waste 2011 Symposium, 16-21 April 2011, Antalya, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Water Recovery from Textile Wastewaters by Membrane Processes”, Membrane Technologies Symposium, 2-3 November 2009-11-07 Istanbul.
- Presentation on “An assessment of Ankara Drinking Water Quality”, 7th Congress of the Turkish Association of Toxicology, May 30-June 1 2009, Ankara, Turkey.
- Lecture on “Sustainable Urban Wastewater Management”, Karaelmas University, March 20, 2009, Zonguldak, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Coverage of Industrial accidents that occurred in Turkey in Selected International Data Bases”, 11th Round Table on Disaster Management in Turkey, METU Disaster Management Implementation and Research Centre, 16th January, 2009, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
- Lecture on “Innovative Technological and Financial Approaches in Urban Wastewater Management”, Training Seminar on Legal, Technical, Financial and Institutional Aspects of Waste and Wastewater Management, KfW-MUVIT-MMO, April 30, 2008, Ankara, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Hazardous Waste Management in Turkey”, International Symposium on Environmental Auditing and SAI’s, May 30th, 2007, Ankara, Turkey.
- Presentation on “Hazardous Waste Management in Turkey – Implementation Cost”, 1st Environmental Technology Fair and Symposium, Kocaeli-Turkey, 2007.
- Presentation on “Adoption of EU’s IPPC Directive to a Textile Mill in Turkey: BAT Applications”, European Textile Employers’ Association’ Annual Congress, Criet 2007, 24-26 June 2007, Istanbul.
- Short Course on “Analytical Methods for Water Quality”, TODAIE-GTZ, May 2006, Ankara, Turkey.
- Short Course on “Chemical Treatment”, UCTEA Chamber of Environmental Engineers, March 2006, Ankara, Turkey.
- Seminar on “Hazardous Waste Management in Turkey- Implementation of EU’s Legislation”, Selçuk University, Konya, April 2006.
- Seminar on “Environmental Engineering Education at METU”, Fourth National Environmental Engineering Congress, UCTEA Chamber of Environmental Engineers, 7-10 November 2001, Icel, Turkey.
- Short Course, Environmental Impact Assessment, ARÇELİK, METU Continuing Education Center (SEM), Ankara, Turkey.
- Participation in the delivery of the course on Major Industrial Risk Prevention and Implementation of the SEVESO II Directive, organized by TUBİTAK-INERIS (French National Institute for Industrial Risk and the Environment), Marmara Region Industrial Pollution and Risk Management Action Plan, 9-12 October 2001.
- Short Course on “Disinfection By-products and their Control”, Water Supply Situation in Earthquake Affected Regions Meeting, UNICEF, April 2001, Duzce, Turkey.
- Short Course on “Water Treatment Operations and Processes”, Chamber of Environmental Engineers, February 2000, Ankara, Turkey.
- Participation in the delivery of the course on “Water Resources and Water Quality Management”, METU Continuing Education Center, September 1996, Ankara, Turkey.
- Partner, “European Commission Supported H2020-PRIMA Project; NEWFEED (Turn food industry by-products into secondary feedstuffs via circular-economy schemes)”, Coordinator: David San Martin (AZTI, Spain), 2.057.528,06 Euro, 2021-2024.
- Principle Investigator, Development of the Turkish Environmental Labeling System (TÇES) Project, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, $90,000, 2021-2022.
- Principle Investigator, Determination of the Compliance Status of Waste Treatment Facilities in accordance with the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Regulation, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, $245,000, 2020-2022.
- Principle Investigator, “Improving Waste Management and Adding Control Capability to Waste Declaration System,” Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, $180,000, 2019-2020.
- Principle Investigator, Cleaner Production in Selected Industrial Sectors in Turkey, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, $360,000, 2019.
- Principle Investigator, “Determination of Design and Operational Criteria for Interim Waste Storage Facilities, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, $80,000, 2019-2020.
- Principal Investigator, Management of Point and Diffuse Pollutant Sources in Yeşilirmak River Basin (Project no: 114Y758), Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 2016-2019.
- Principal Investigator, Sub-project “Preparation of sectoral EIA guidelines (integrated chemical facility, textile, production of motor vehicles, pharmaceutical /pesticides; metal, cement, pulp and paper, and glass indıustries) as part of the Project titled “Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Capacity of Ministry of Environment and Urbanization on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)” , NIRAS IC Sp. z o.o., 2017
- Principle Investigator, Development of an Implementation Strategy for the environmental quality based discharge limits, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, $565,000, 2016-2018.
- Principal Investigator, Management of Point and Diffuse Pollutant Sources in Yeşilirmak River Basin, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Project No: ÇAYDAG-114Y758), $735,000, 2016-2019.
- Principle Investigator, “Industrial Waste Management – Determination of Waste Generation Rates for Selected Industries and Preparation of Sectoral Waste Management Guidance Documents”, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, $175,000, 2017.
- Principal Investigator, The development of a total maximum daily load (TMDL) for Gediz River, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Marmara Research Institute (MAM) (A sub-project under the general project carried out by MAM for the Ministry of Water Affair and Forestry), $95,000, 2015-2017.
- Principal Investigator, Management of Point and Diffuse Pollutant Sources in Yeşilirmak River Basin, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Project No: ÇAYDAG-114Y758), $735,000, 2016-2019.
- Principal Investigator, The development of a total maximum daily load (TMDL) for Gediz River, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Marmara Research Institute (MAM) (A sub-project under the general project carried out by MAM for the Ministry of Water Affair and Forestry), $95,000, 2015-2017.
- Principal Investigator, Recycling of Reactive Dyeing Wastewater as Clean/Salty Water: Membrane-Based Process Design and Membrane Fouling Analysis, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Project No: ÇAYDAG-114Y102), $100,000, 2014-2017.
- Principal Investigator, Identification of Dangerous Substance in the Coastal and Transitional Waters of Turkey, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, Marmara Research Center, $110000, 2013-2014.
- Partner, European Commission Supported FP7 Project, BIOHYPIO (Confronting the clinical relevance of biocide induced antibiotic resistance), Coordinator: Marco Oggioni, 2,999,707 Euro, 2009-2012.
- Principal Investigator, Hazardous Waste Management in Compliance with European Union Environmental Regulations in Turkey, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Project No: KAMAG-107G126), $2,000,000, 2009-2012.
- Principal Investigator, Adaptation of Textile Industry to IPPC Directive: BAT Applications in a Selected Plant, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Project No: ÇAYDAG-105Y088), $350,000, 2005-2008.
- Principal Investigator, DBP Formation Potentials of Source Waters in Turkey, State Planning Organization (Project No: BAP-DPT-03-11-DPT.2003K120920-04), $30,000, 2003-2005.
- Principal Investigator, Natural Organic Matter Removal by Membrane Processes, METU Research Fund, Project No: BAP –2005-03-11-01, $50,000, 2005-2006.
- Researcher, Development of Tools and Guidelines for the Promotion of Sustainable Urban WW Treatment and Reuse, EU-MEDA, Euro 200,000, 2003-2006.
- Principal investigator, Monitoring the Environmental Impacts of the İskenderun Energy Waste Disposal Site, İSKEN İskenderun Energy Co., $25,000, 2006.
- Principal investigator, Recovery and Reuse of Indigo Dyeing Wastewater Using Membrane Technology, METU Research Fund (Project No: BAP-08-11-DPT2002K120510-DK-5), 2002-2005.
- Principal investigator, Development of a Membrane Based Treatment Scheme for Color Removal from Textile Effluents, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, $50,000, 2002-2004.
- Researcher, Disinfection by-products in Surface Water Reservoirs Governed by the State Hydraulics Works, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (Project no: İÇTAG-Ç019), $10,000, 2001-2004.
- Principal investigator, Development of a TSC on Nutrient Pollution from Agriculture Train-Sea-coast Black Sea Unit, United Nations, New York, 2003- 2007.
- Principal investigator, Monitoring the Environmental Impacts of the İskenderun Energy Waste Disposal Site, İSKEN İskenderun Energy Co, $75,000, 2003-2005.
- Principle investigator, Çubuk I Dam Reservoir - Water Quality and the Pollution Control, Ankara Greater Municipality Water Water and Sewerage Authority, $12,500, 2004.
- Principle investigator, Çamlıdere Dam Reservoir - Water Quality and the Pollution Control, Ankara Greater Municipality Water Water and Sewerage Authority, $20,000, 2004.
- Principal investigator, Monitoring the Surface and Groundwater Quality - The Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan Crude Oil Pipeline Project –Lot C, Encon Env. Consultancy, $10,000, 2003.
- Reseacher, Effects of Extracellular Polymer Composition of Activated Sludge on the Removal of Hazardous Substances by Biosorption, the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (İÇTAG-Ç002 (100I038)), $6,000, 2001-2003.
- Co-investigator, Pb (II) Removal Using Biomass from Anaerobic Digester Effluent, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, $2,500, 2002-2003.
- Principal investigator, Examination of Surface and Groundwater Qualities at Kutlular, İnkoy, Esenli,Erikli, Murgul Mining Sites, Dardanel Madencilik, $15,000, 2002.
- Principle Investigator, Marmara Region Environmental Emergency Action Plan, Ministry of Environment, $50,000, 2001.
- Principle Investigator, Air, Wastewater Parameter Measurements and EIS Studies, Mercedes-Benz Turk, $30,000, 2000.
- Co-investigator, Disinfection by-products in the drinking water of Ankara City, METU Research Fund,$20,000, 2000.
- Co-investigator, Gemlik-Orhangazi-İznik Basin Environmental Status Assessment, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), $ 8430, 1999-2000.
- Coordinator, Disinfection by-products removal from drinking waters, DPT (State Planning Organization), $30,000, 1998-2000.
- Researcher, Color and Chlorinated organics removal from pulp and paper effluents, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, 1999-2000.
- Principal investigator, Disinfection by-products removal from drinking waters, State Planning Organization, 1998-2000.
- Researcher, Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters Using Simple and Low-Cost, Samur Carpet Industry, 1998.
- Principal investigator, Biosorption of Heavy Metals by White-Rot Fungi, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, 1997-1998.
- Principal investigator, State Road Authority, Treatment of Guvercinlik Asphalt Plant, ENCON Environmental Consultancy, 1996.
- Co-investigator, İzmir Karsıyaka Pump Station Odor Control System Design Project, İdil A.S., 1996.
- Co-investigator, Treatment of Effluents from Mechanical and Chemical Industries Authority (MKE)'s Plants, MKE, 1995-1996.
- Principal investigator, Biosorption of Heavy Metals by P.chrysosporium and C.versicolor - Use of Waste Sludge as Biosorbent, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, 1995-1996.
- Co-investigator, Petroleum Coke and its Environmental Impacts, Ministry of Industry and Technology, 1995.
- Co-investigator, Characterization and Treatability of SEKA Pulp and Paper Wastewaters: Chlorinated Organics, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey.
- Co-investigator, Preparation Effluent Discharge Guidelines for the Greater Municipality of Ankara, Ankara Water and Sewage Works Administration, 1993.
- Researcher, Preparation of Air Pollution Maps, Ankara Sub-Project, Ministry of Environment, 1993.
- Principle investigator, Treatment of Colored Textile Effluents by Adsorption, METU Research Fund, 1993-1994.
- Principal Investigator, Effects of Heavy Metals on Activated Sludge Process, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, (Project No: KTCAG-9), 1992.
- Principal Investigator, Biological Treatment of Cr(VI) Bearing Industrial Wastewaters-Effect of Shock Cr(VI) Load on Process Performance, METU Research Fund, 1992.
- Researcher, Determination of Technologies Minimizing Environmental Pollution and Cost Estimates from Abatement Facilities in Organized Industrial Estates, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, 1991-1994.
- Co-Investigator, Preparation of OECD Country Report, Prime Ministry, Undersecratariat of Environment, 1990.
- Principal Investigator, Effects of Cr(VI) on Activated Sludge Process, METU Research Fund, 92-03-11-01, 1990-1992.
- Co-investigator, Mediterranean Action Plan and Black Sea Supplementary Protocol, Technical Studies on The Application of the Protocol Related to Land Based Pollutants, Prime Ministry- Undersecratariat of Environment, 1989-1991.
- Researcher, NATO-TU Wastewater, NATO Science for Stability Programme, 1989-1991.
- Researcher, Land Based Pollutants Affecting Black and Marmara Seas, Prime Ministry- Undersecratariat of Environment, 1990.
- Researcher, Effects of Heavy Metals on Activated Sludge Process, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, $17500, 1991-1992.
- Researcher, Treatment of Wastewaters Originating from TESTAS Electronic Industry, TESTAS, 1989.
- Researcher, BOTAS Dortyol Petroleum Terminal Wastewater Treatability Study, BOTAS, 1989.
- Researcher, Biological Treatment of Heavy Metal Bearing Wastewaters, METU Research Fund, 1988.
- Co-investigator, OZMER Marble Industry - Water Supply and Treatment Project, OZMER A.S., 1985.
- Researcher, Coal Dewatering Project, U.S.A., Department of Energy, 1982-1983.
Teaching Experience
Undergraduate Courses
- Introduction to Environmental Engineering
- Unit Operations of Environmental Engineering
- Unit Operations and Processes of Water Treatment
- Unit Operations and Processes of Wastewater Treatment
- Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering Laboratory
- Treatment of Water and Wastewater Sludges
- Environmental Engineering Design I
- Environmental Engineering Design II
Graduate Courses
- Industrial Wastewater Treatment
- Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment
- Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science
Thesis Supervised
- Pilevneli, T., A Risk-Based Monitoring And Control Strategy For Micropollutants in A River Basin, Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2022.
- Kucuk, E., Development of a Methodology for Identification and Control of the Chemicals of the Greatest Concern: Yeşilırmak River Basin Case Study”, Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2018.
- Yilmaz, O., Hazardous Waste Management System Design for Turkey, Ph.D. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Bahar Yetiş Kara, METU, 2011.
- Girgin, S., Integrated Environmental Risk Assessment for Major Industrial Accidents: A Multi-Media Environment Approach, Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2008.
- Ates, N., Disinfection By-Products Formation in Low Bromide and Low SUVA Waters, Ph.D. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Mehmet Kitis, METU, 2008.
- Uzal, N., Recovery and Reuse of Indigo Dyeing Wastewater Using Membrane Technology, Ph.D. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Levent Yilmaz, METU, 2007.
- Yukseler, H., Biological and Chemical Sludge Filtration, Ph.D. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. İsmail Tosun, METU, 2007.
- Capar, G., Development of a membrane based treatment scheme for water recovery from textile effluents, Ph.D. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Levent Yilmaz, METU, 2005.
- Tarlan, E., Kinetic Aspects of Decolorization of Pulp and Paper Industry Wastewaters by Algae, Ph.D. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. F.B. Dilek, METU, 2001.
- Polat, C.,”The Removal of Phorate from Water by Adsorption an Powdered Activated Carbon and Cha”azite", Co-Supervised by Dr. F. B. Dilek, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2022.
- Akdeniz, S., Life Cycle Assessment of Activated Carbon Adsorption and Ozonation To Remove Micropollutants From Textile Wastewater, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2022.
- Şimşek, N.Z., A Life Cycle Assessment of The Selected BATs For Salt Reduction Applied in Reactive Dyeing, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2022.
- Karagöz, B., Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Legislation as a Driver of Innovation: a Qualitative Analysis for Turkish Industry, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2022.
- Gencturk, M., Sericin Protein Recovery From Silk Degumming Wastewater in Pilot Scale Via Membrane Hybrid Processes, Co-Supervised by Dr. G. Çapar, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2021.
- İnce, İ, Occurrence, Load, and Effect of Micropollutants from Urban and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants to Receiving Environment in the Yeşilirmak River Basin, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2021.
- Yanar, S.B., Souce Identification of Pesticide Pollution and Determination of Normal Background Concentrations of Metals in the Yeşilırmak River Basin, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2021.
- Gülveren M., Assessing the Potential Benefits From the Application of Best Available Techniques in The Textile Industry, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2021.
- Ates, A., Cost of Reducing Micropollutant Load from Urban Wastewater Treatment Plants in Turkey, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2019.
- Erdem, E., Assessment of Responsible Sectors Having Considerable Pollution Load in Yesilirmak River Basin, Turkey, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2019.
- Erciyas, E., Identification of Specific Pollutants in Yesilirmak River Basin by Using Commps and Norman Prioritization Methods, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2018.
- Yildiz, C., Monitoring and Evaluation Systems for Urban Infrastructure Services: A Comparison of the Systems Applied by Turkish Authorities and International Financing Institutions, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2017.
- Zaf, R.D., Fouling Analysis for Different Ultrafiltration Membranes in Reactive Dyeing Wastewater Treatment, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Zeynep Çulfaz Emecen, METU, 2017.
- Kocer, B., Process Optimization on Clean Water Recovery From Real Reactive Dyeing Effluents by Nanofiltration, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Zeynep Çulfaz Emecen, METU, 2017.
- Erkanlı, M. Treatment of Reactive Dyeing Wastewater and Recovery of Brackish Water by Applying Ultrafiltration, Co-Supervised by Dr. Zeynep Çulfaz Emecen, METU, 2016.
- Akay, E., Ranking of Pesticides According to Leaching Potentials to Groundwater for the Selected River Basins in Turkey – Index-Based Approach, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. F.B. Dilek, METU, 2016.
- Bayar, E., A Valuation of Recovery of Caustic from Mercerization Wastewater by Evaporation by Using Life Cycle Assessment, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2015.
- Civancık, D., Substance Flow Analysis of Mercury in Turkey for Policy Decision Support, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2015.
- Karakas, C., Substance Flow Analysis of Nonylphenol and Nonylphenol Ethoxylates in Turkey, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2014.
- Kurada, B., Harmonization of the Turkish legislation on industrial accidents with the EU legislation – A management strategy proposal, Expertise Thesis, The Prime Ministry Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), November 2014.
- Orhan, B., Removal of Triclosan from Surface Waters by Ozonation: Kinetics and Removal Mechanism, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. F. B. Dilek, METU, 2014.
- Orhan, A.K., Triclosan in Biological Wastewater Treatment: Fate, Kinetics and Population Dynamics Aspects, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. F.B. Dilek, METU, 2014.
- Bas, D., Implementation of Article 12 of the Seveso II Directive In Turkey, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. S. Gunes, METU, 2014.
- Ogutverici, A., Trıiclosan Removal by Nanofiltration from Surface Water, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. F.B. Dilek, METU, 2011.
- Olmez, G., Comparison of Sub-Processes and Final Products of Iron and Steel Production Wıth Life Cycle Assessment, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. T. Karanfil, METU, 2011.
- Cakir, N., Selection of Best Available Techniques for an Integrated Iron and Plant, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. E. Alp, METU, 2011.
- Karabacak, A., Sulphate Removal by Nanofiltration from Water”, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Mehmet Kitiş, METU, 2010.
- Tezce, G., “Drinking Water Quality in Ankara: A Monitorıng Study”, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. F.B. Dilek, METU, 2010.
- Moralı, E.K., “Ozonatiıon of a Denım Producing Textile Industry Wastewater – Process Optimization”, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2010.
- Dogan, B., “Selection of The Best Available Water and Wastewater Management Techniques For A Textile Mill: Cost-Benefit Analysis”, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. M. Kerestecioglu, METU, 2008.
- Varol, C., Caustic Recovery From Highly Alkaline Denim Mercerizing Wastewaters Using Membrane Technology”, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2008.
- Arda, M. M., Risk Assessment for A Denim Manufacturing Plant in Turkey, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Ertugrul Alp, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2008.
- Kocabas, M., Improvements in Energy and Water Consumption Performances of a Textile Mill After BAT Applications, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. F.B. Dilek, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2008.
- Unlu, M., Indigo Dyeing Wastewater Treatment By Membrane Based Filtration Processes, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2008.
- Yilmaz, O., Hazardous Waste Inventory of Turkey, Middle East Technical University, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2006.
- Tokcaer, E., Removal of Lead Using Anaerobic Biomass, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2003.
- Yuncu, B., Effect of Extracellular Polymer Composition of Activated Sludge on the Removal of Heavy Metals by Biosorption, Co-Supervised by Dr F.D. Sanin, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2003.
- Anbaryapan, N., Comparison of Leaching Teasts for Hazardous Waste Characterization, Co-Supervised by Dr K. Unlu, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2001.
- Haytoğlu, B., Heavy Metal Biosorption by Anaerobic Biomass, Co-Supervised by Dr. Gksel Demirer, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2000.
- Çeribası, İ.H., Biosorption of Nickel and Lead by Phanerocheate chrysosporium Type White Rot Fungus from a Binary Metal System, Ph.D. Thesis, METU, 2000.
- Tokmak, B., Existing Situation in Ankara Water Distribution System in terms of Total Trihalomethanes and Organic Matter, M.S. Thesis, METU, 1999.
- Alp, E., Non-market Valuation of Environmental Damage- A Case Study on Yusufeli Dam and HEP, Turkey, M.S. Thesis, METU, 1999.
- Gur, O., Seasonal Variation of Characteristics and THMFP of Camlıdere and Kurtboğazı Reservoir Waters, Co-Supervised by Dr. Filiz B. Dilek, M.S. Thesis, METU, 1999.
- Capar, G.K., Removal of Trihalomethane Precursors by Activated Carbon Treatment, M.S.Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Goksel Demirer, METU, 1998.
- Arıcan, B., Nickel Sorption by Activated Sludge, M.S. Thesis, METU, 1998.
- Dölek, A., Boisorption Using White-rot Fungi, M.S. Thesis, METU, 1997.
- Erbay, A., Heavy Metal removal by White-rot Fungi, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Filiz B. Dilek, METU, 1997.
- Şahin, S., Characterization of Chlorine Dioxide Bleached Pulp Effluents, M.S. Thesis, METU, 1996.
- Lule, M., Respirometric Study of BOD-Effects of Metals, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Celal F. Gokcay, METU, 1996.
- Arat, G., Removal of Heavy Metals from a Metal-Plating Wastewater by Aluminum Hydroxide Co-precipitation System, 1996.
- Selcuk, A., An Approach for Reducing AOX in the Bleaching Effluents of a Turkish Pulp and Paper Plant: A Case Study, M.S. Thesis, METU, 1994.
- Eskendarnajad, E., Chemical Precipitation of Heavy Metals-Comparison of Calcium Hydroxide and Magnesium Hydroxide in Precipitation Divalent Cadmium and Trivalent Chromium, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Aysel Atimtay, METU, 1994
- Tarlan, E., Effect of Waste Activated Sludge on Primary Settling, M.S. Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Filiz B. Dilek, METU, 1994.
- Tuncer, A., Removing Trihalomethane Precursors by Coagulation, M.S. Thesis, METU, 1994.
- Yucel, G., Modelling of BOD Exertion Curve, M.S. Thesis, METU, 1992.
- Demirer, G., Stimulative Effects of Chromium (VI) on Activated Sludge Process, M.S. Thesis, METU, 1991.
Thesis Co-Supervised
- Kocaman, K., Fate and Removal of Pesticides in Wastewater Treatment Plants – Case of Yeşilirmak Basin, M.S. Thesis, Supervised by Dr. F.B. Dilek, METU, 2019.
- Yavuz, M. Investigation of Occurrence and Fate of Biocides in Wastewater Treatment Plants and Surface Waters, METU, 2013.
- Atlı, E., Enhanced Coagulation of Raw Water of Ankara City, M.S. Thesis, Supervised by Dr. F.B. Dilek, METU, 2002.
- Ozeler, D., Life-cycle Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Methods: Ankara Case Study, M.S. Thesis, Supervised by Dr. G.N. Demirer, METU, 2001.
- Qushsho’o, M.H., Imrovements of the Bleaching Process of Dalaman Pulp and Paper Plant to Reduce the Environmenmental Impacts, M.S. Thesis, Supervised by Dr. Canan Ozgen, METU, 1997.
- Ergen, N., Biosorption of Heavy Metals by White-rot Fungi, M.S. Thesis, Supervised by Gulay Ozcengiz, METU, 1997.
- Yayla, F., Impact of Planned Sewage Effluent Discharges in the Middle Izmir Bay and Alternative treatment Methods, M.S. Thesis, Supervised by Dr. Turgut Balkas, METU, 1991.
Papers in Refereed International Journals
- Kocaman, K., Yetis, U., Dilek, F.B., Investigating the effect of solids retention time on pesticides removal in an activated sludge process, Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy, 29 (100784), 2022.
- Ates, N., Uzal, N., Yetis, U., Dilek, F.B., Removal of pesticides from secondary treated urban wastewater by reverse osmosis. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2022).
- Yılmaz, H., Avaz, G., Yetis, U., ÖZKAN, M. (2022). Toxicity of environmentally important micropollutants on three trophic levels. Aquatic Research, 5(1), 20-28.
- Dinç, B., Çelebi, A., Avaz, G., Canlı, O., Güzel, B., Eren, B., Yetis, U., Spatial distribution and source identification of persistent organic pollutants in the sediments of the Yeşilırmak River and coastal area in the Black Sea, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 172, November 2021, 112884.
- Baser, B., Yousaf, B., Yetis, U., Abbas, Q., Kwon, E.E., Wang, S., Bolan, N.S., Rinklebe, J., Formation of nitrogen functionalities in biochar materials and their role in the mitigation of hazardous emerging organic pollutants from wastewater, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 416, 126131, 2021.
- Celebi, S., Yetis, U., Unlu, K., A practical approach for the determination of environmental quality standards-based discharge limits: the case of Tersakan sub-basin of Yesilirmak River in Turkey, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(29):38730-38748, 2021.
- Elif Kucuk, E., Pilevneli, T., Erguven G.O., Aslan, S., Olgun, EO, Canlı, O., Unlu, K., Dilek, F.B., Ipek, U., Avaz, G., Yetis, U., Occurrence of Micropollutants in the Yesilirmak River Basin, Turkey, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,28(19): 24830-24846, 2021.
- Dinc, B., Avaz, G., Canli, O., Guzel, B., Yetis, U, Evaluation of Organochlorine Pesticides (OCPs) and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Concentrations in the River and Marine Sediments of Samsun Coastline, Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology, 43(2): 131-138, 2021.
- Emek, A. D. Allar; Yilmazer, C. Eropak; Cinar, S., Kiraz, O, Pasaoglu, ME, Tasdemir, RS, Ok, Ö., Karaha, O, Koyuncu, İ, Citil, E., Ak, O., Şiltu, E, Gucver, SM, Turan, Z., Dikmen, B., Toroz, I., Tanik, A., Yetis, U., Kinaci, C, Removal of endocrine-disrupting chemicals from textile industry effluents by nanofiltration, Desalination and Water Treatment, 211:411-421, 2021.
- Karabacak A., Dilek FB, Yılmaz L., Kitis, M., Yetis, U., Sulfate Removal from Drinking Water by Commercially Available Nanofiltration Membranes: A Parametric Study, Desalination and Water treatment, In press.
- Gursoy-Haksevenler, B.H.G., Atasoy-Aytış, E., Dilaver, M., Yalçınkaya, S., Fındık-Çınar, N., Küçük, E., Pilevneli, T., Koç-Orhon, A., Şıltu, E., Güçver, S.M., Karaaslan Y, Yetis U., A Strategy for the Implementation of Water Quality-Based Discharge Limits for the Regulation of Hazardous Substances, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(19):24706-24720, 2021.
- Cakir, N., Alp, E., Yetis, U., Assessing Technologies for Reducing Dust Emissions from Sintermaking based on Cross-Media Effects and Economic Analysis, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 22:9 (1909-1928), 2020.
- Olmez-Hanci, T, S. Dogruel, A.D. Allar Emek, C. Eropak Yılmazer, S. Çınar, O. Kiraz, E. Citil, A. Koç Orhon, E. Sıltu, S.M. Gucver, O. Karahan Ozgun, A. Tanik, U. Yetis, Performance of ozone and peroxone on the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) coupled with cost analysis, Water Science and Technology, 83(4): 640-650, 2020.
- Baghirzade, Busra Sonmez; Yetis, Ulku; Dilek, Filiz B. Imidacloprid elimination by O-3 and O-3/UV: kinetics study, matrix effect, and mechanism insight, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, In press.
- Allar, D.E., Yılmazer, C.E., Çınar, S., O. Kiraz, M. E. Paşaoğlu, R. Şengür Taşdemir, Ö. Karahan Özgün, İ. Koyuncu, E. Çitil, A. Koç Orhon, E. Şıltu, S. M. Güçver, Z. Turan, B. Dikmen, İ. Toröz, A. Tanik, U. Yetis, C. Kınacı, Removal of endocrine-disrupting chemicals from textile industry effluents by nanofiltration,Desalination and Water treatment, 211:411-421, 2021.
- Bulut, O., Duru, B., Cakmak, O., Gunhan, Ö., Dilek, F.B., Yetis, U., Determination of groundwater threshold values: A methodological approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume: 253, Article Number: 120001, Apr 20 2020.
- Celebi, S., Yetis, U., Unlu, K., Identification of management strategies and generation factors for spent lead acid battery recovery plant wastes in Turkey, Waste Management & Research, 37 (3): 199-209, 2019.
- Demir, C., Yetis, U., Unlu, K., Identification of waste management strategies and waste generation factors for thermal power plant sector wastes in Turkey, Waste Management & Research, 37 (3): 210-218, 2019.
- Demir, A. E. Akay; Dilek, F.B.; Yetis, U., A new screening index for pesticides leachability to groundwater, Journal of Environmental Management, 231: 1193-1202, 2019.
- Orhon, A. K., Orhon, B., Yetis, U., Fate of Triclosan in Laboratory-scale Activated Sludge Reactors -Effect of Culture Acclimation, Journal of Environmental Management, 216, June 2018, 320-327.
- Civancik, D., Yetis, U., Substance Flow Analysis of Mercury in Turkey for Policy Decision Support, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Environ Sci Pollut Res, 25:4 (2996-3008), February 2018.
- Orhon, K.B., Orhon, A.K., Dilek, F.B., Yetis, U., Triclosan Removal from Surface Waters by Ozonation – Kinetics and by-products Formation, Journal of Environmental Management, 204 (327-336), December 2017.
- Öncel, M.S., Bektaş, N., Bayar, S., Engin, G., Çalışkan, Y., Salar, L., Yetis, U., Hazardous wastes and waste generation factors for plastic products manufacturing industries in Turkey, Sustainable Environment Research, 27(4), 88-194, 2017.
- Yilmaz, O., Kara, B.Y., Yetis, U., Hazardous waste management system design under population and environmental impact considerations, Journal of Environmental Management, 203, 720-731, 2017.
- Yukseler, H., Uzal, N., Sahinkaya, E., Kitis, M., Dilek, F.B., Yetis, U., Analysis of the Best Available Techniques for Wastewaters from a Denim Manufacturing Textile Mill, Journal of Environmental Management, 203, Part 3, December 2017, 1118-1125.
- Erkanlı, M., Yilmaz L., Yetis, U., Emecen-Culfaz, Z., Brackish water recovery from reactive dyeing wastewater via ultrafiltration, Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, November 2017,1204-1214.
- Civancik, D., Yetis, U., Substance Flow Analysis of Mercury in Turkey for Policy Decision Support, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Environ Sci Pollut Res (2015).
- Ozturk, E., Koseoglu, H., Karaboyacı, M., Yigit, N.O., Yetis, U., Kitis, M., Sustainable textile production: cleaner production assessment/eco-efficiency analysis study in a textile mill, Journal of Cleaner Production, 138, December 2016, 248-263.
- Cakır, N., Alp, E., Yetis, U., Evaluation of Environmental Performance Based on Proximity to BAT Associated Resource Utilization and Emission Values: A Case Study in A Steel-Making Industry, Waste and Biomass Valorization, 7, 4, 975-993, Aug. 2016.
- Babuna, G.F., Toroz, I., Avsar, E., Yetis, U., “Hazardous waste generation in Turkish pesticide industry”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 57, 54, 26280-26285, Nov. 2016.
- Morali, K., Uzal., N., Yetis, U., Ozonation pre and post-treatment of denim textile mill effluents: effect of cleaner production measures Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Cleaner Production, 137, 1-9, November 2016.
- Olmez, G.M., Dilek, F.B., Karanfil, T., Yetis, U., The environmental impacts of iron and steel industry: a life cycle assessment study, Journal of Cleaner Production, 130, 1 September 2016, 195-201.
- Ozturk, E., Koseoglu, H., Karaboyacı, M., Yigit, N.O., Yetis, U., Kitis, M., Minimization of Water and Chemical Use in a Cotton/Polyester Fabric Dyeing Textile Mill, Journal of Cleaner Production, 130, 1 September 2016, 92-102.
- Ogutverici,A., Yilmaz, L., Yetis, U., Dilek, F.B., Triclosan removal by NF from a real drinking water source – Effect of natural organic matter, Chemical Engineering Journal, 283, 330-337, 1 January 2016.
- Yetis, U., Jakobsen,J.B., Dilek, F.B., Kıyık, E., Mugoša, S., Novović, J., Kerestecioglu, M., Solid Waste Management Scenarios For Cetinje in Montenegro", Waste Management & Research, 33(5), 477–485, 2015.
- Varol C., Uzal N., Dilek F.B., Kitis M., Yetis U. Recovery of caustic from mercerizing wastewaters of a denim textile mill. Desalination and Water Treatment, 53:12, 3418-3426, March 2015.
- Yavuz, M.,M.R., Oggioni, Dilek,F.B.,Yetis, U., Biocides in Drinking Water System of Ankara, Turkey. Desalination and Water Treatment, 53:12,3253-3262, March 2015.
- Ozturk, E., Karaboyacı, M., Yetis, U., Yigit, N.O., Kitis, M., Evaluation of Integrated Pollution Prevention Control in a textile fiber production and dyeing mill, Journal of Cleaner Production, 88, 116-124, February 2015.
- Germirli-Babuna, F., Toroz, I., Avsar, E., Yetis U., Hazardous Waste Generation in Pesticide Synthesis Sector in Turkey, Pesticide Research Journal Vol. 26(2): 181-188, December 2014.
- Koc, A.,Orhon,K.B., Ogutverici, A., Yılmaz, L., Furi, L., Oggioni, M.R., Dilek, F.B.,Yetis, U., Is Adsorption an Artifact in Experimentation with Triclosan?, Desalination and Water Treatment, 52 (37-39), 7101-7107, November 2014.
- Ozturk E., Karaboyaci M., Koseoglu H., Yigit N.O., Yetis U., Kitis M., Water and chemical management studies for cleaner production in a textile industry, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 39, 493-498, 2014.
- Tunç, M.S., Yılmaz, L., Yetis, U., Çulfaz-Emecen, Z., Purification and concentration of caustic mercerization wastewater by membrane processes and evaporation for reuse, Separation Science and Technology, 49, 1968–1977, August 2014.
- Yilmaz O., Can, Z.S., Toroz I., Dogan, O., Oncel, S., Alp, E., Dilek, F.B., Karanfil, T., Yetis, U., Use of Theoretical Waste Inventories in Planning and Monitoring of Hazardous Waste Management Systems, Waste Management and Research, 32(8), 763-771, August 2014.
- Yetis, U., Yukseler, H., Valatka, S., Girgin, S., Semeniene, D., Kerestecioglu, M., Jacobsen, M., “Implementation of the European Union’s Nitrates Directive in Turkey”, Desalination and Water Treatment, 51(19-21), 4171-4182, March 2013.
- Kentel, E., Aksoy, A., Buyuker, B., Dilek, F.B., Girgin, S., Ipek, M. H., Polat, S., Yetis, U., Unlu, K., Challenges in Development and Implementation of Health Risk-Based Soil Quality Guidelines: Turkey’s Experience, Risk Analysis, 31(4) 657-667, April 2011.
- Yigit,C.,Maden, G., Disa, N., Yılmaz, O., Ogutverici, A., Alp,E.,Unlu,K., Gokçay,C.F., Dilek, F.B., Doğan, O., Karanfil,T., Yetis, U., Hazardous Waste Management in Turkey: Current Legislative Requirements and Future Challenges, Desalination and Water Treatment, 26 (1-3) 152-159, Feb 2011.
- Yilmaz, O., Dogru, B., Yetis, U., Current practices in hazardous waste management in Turkey, Desalination and Water Treatment, 26 (1-3) 111-117, Feb 2011.
- Dogan, B., Kerestecioglu, M., Yetis, U., Assessment of the Best Available Wastewater Management Techniques for a Textile Mill: Cost and Benefit Analysis, Water Science and Technology, 61(4) 963-970, February 2010.
- Alp, E., Yetis, U., Application of the contingent valuation method in a developing country: a case study of the Yusufeli Dam in Northeast Turkey, Water Science and Technology, 62(99-105), January 2010.
- Uzal,N., Yılmaz, L., and Yetis, U, Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis for Reuse of Indigo Dye Rinsing Waters, Separation Science and Technology, 45(331-338), 2010.
- Kocabas, A.M., Yukseler,H., Dilek,F.B.,Yetis, U., Adoption of European Union's IPPC Directive to a textile mill: Analysis of water and energy consumption Journal of Environmental Management, 91, 102-113, 2009.
- Yukseler, H., Girgin, S., Yetis, U., Valatka, S., Semeniene, D., Kerestecioglu, M., Jacobsen, M., Implementation of the European Union's Bathing Water Directive in Turkey, Journal of Environmental Management, 90(8), 2780-2784, June 2009.
- Yigit, N.O., Uzal, N., Koseoglu, H., Harman, İ., Yukseler, H., Yetis, U., Civelekoglu, G., and Kitis, M., Treatment of a denim producing textile industry wastewater using pilot-scale membrane bioreactor, Desalination, 240 (1-3), 143-150, 15 May 2009
- Unlu, M., Yukseler H., and Yetis, U., Indigo Dyeing Wastewater Reclamation by Membrane-Based Filtration and Coagulation Processes, Desalination, 240 (1-3), 178-185,15 May 2009.
- Uzal, N., Yilmaz, L. and Yetis, U., Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration as Pretreatment for Reclamation of Rinsing Waters of Indigo Dyeing Wastewater, Desalination, 240 (1-3), 198-208, 15 May 2009.
- Ates, N., Yilmaz, L., Kitis M.,and Yetis U., Removal of Disinfection By-Product Precursors by UF and NF Membranes in Low-SUVA Waters, J. of Membrane Science, 328(1-2), 104-112, 20 February 2009.
- Ozturk, E., Yetis,U., Dilek, F.B., and Demirer, G.N., A chemical substitution study for a wet processing textile mill in Turkey, Journal of Cleaner Production, 328(1-2), 104-112, 20 February 2009.
- Sahinkaya, E., Uzal, N., Yetis, U., and Dilek, F.B., Biological treatment and nanofiltration of denim textile wastewater for reuse, Journal of Hazardous Materials 153(3): 1142-1148, 30 May 2008.
- Capar, G., Yilmaz, L. and Yetis, U., A membrane based co-treatment strategy for the recovery of print- and beck-dyeing textile effluents, J. of Hazardous Materials, 152(1): 316-323, 2008.
- Ates N., Yetis U. and Kitis M., Effects of bromide ion and natural organic matter fractions on the formation and speciation of chlorination by-products, Journal of Envıronmental Engıneerıng-ASCE 133 (10): 947-954, 2007.
- Yukseler, H., Tosun,I. And Yetis, U., A new approach in assessing slurry filterability, J. of Membrane Science 303: 72-79, 2007.
- Ates, N., Kitis, M. and Yetis, U., Formation of chlorination by-products in waters with low-SUVA- correlations with SUVA and differential UV spectroscopy, Water Research 41: 4139-4148, 2007.
- Capar, G., Yetis, U. and Yilmaz, L., What is the most effective pre-treatment to nanofiltration for the recovery of print dyeing wastewaters?, Desalination 212:103-113, June 2007.
- Ates, N., Kaplan, S.S., Sahinkaya, E., Kitis, M., Dilek F.B. and Yetis, U., Occurrence of disinfection by-products in low DOC surface waters in Turkey, J. of Hazardous Materials 142 (1-2): 526-534, April 2007.
- Uzal, N., Yilmaz, L. and Yetis, U., Microfiltration: a pretreatment alternative for indigo dyeing textile wastewater, Desalination 199, (1-3): 517-519, November 2006.
- Ates N., Kitis M. and Yetis U., Formation of chlorination by-products. in waters with low SUVA-correlations with SUVA and differential UV spectroscopy, Water Research 41 (18), 4139-4148, 2007.
- Tokcaer, E. and Yetis U., Pb(II) Biosorption Using Anaerobically Digested Sludge in a Counter-Current Sorption Process, J. of Hazardous Materials 137, No.3, Oct. 2006, 1674-1680.
- Yuncu B., Sanin F.D. and Yetis, U., An investigation of heavy metal biosorption in relation to C/N ratio of activated sludge, J. of Hazardous Materials 137(2): 990-997, Sep. 2006.
- Capar, G., Yilmaz, L. and Yetis, U., Reclamation of Acid Dye Bath Wastewater: Effect of pH on Nanofiltration Performance, J. of Membrane Science 281(1-2): 560-569, September 2006.
- Capar, G., Yetis, U., Olceroglu, A. H. and Yilmaz L., Effect of Color and Surfactants on Nanofiltration for the Recovery of Carpet Printing Wastewaters, Separation Science and Technology, Vol. 41, No. 12, September 2006, 2771-2784.
- Capar, G., Yetis, U. and Yilmaz, L., Membrane Based Strategies for the Pretreatment of Acid Dye Bath Wastewater, J. of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 135, No. 1-3, July 2006, 423-430.
- Capar, G., Yetis, U. and Yilmaz, L., Reclamation of Printing Effluents of a Carpet Manufacturing Industry by Membrane Processes, J. of Membrane Science 277(1-2): 120-128, June 2006.
- Tekin, H., Bilkay, O., Ataberk, S.S., Balta, T.H., Ceribasi, I.H., Sanin, F.D., Dilek F.B. and Yetis, U., Use of Fenton Oxidation to Improve the Biodegradability of a Pharmaceutical Wastewater, J. of Hazardous Materials, 277(1-2): 120-128, June 2006.
- Ozeler, D., Yetis, U. and Demirer, G., Life Cycle Assesment of Municipal Solid Waste Management Methods: Ankara Case Study, Environment International 32(3): 405-411, April 2006.
- Yukseler, H., Yetis, U. and Tosun, I., Current Status of Filtration Theory, Journal of Residuals Science & Technology 2(4), October 2005.
- Tokmak, B., Capar, G., Dilek, F.B. and Yetis, U., Trihalomethanes and Associated Potential Cancer Risks in the Water Supply in Ankara, Turkey, Environmental Research, Vol. 96, Nov. 2004, 345-352.
- Qushsho’o, M., Ozgen, C. and Yetis, U., A Case Study For Control Structure Selection: Chlorination Stage in the Bleaching Process of a Pulp and Paper Plant, Chemical Engineering Communications, Vol. 191. No.1, Jan 2004, 87-104.
- Arıcan, B. and Yetis, U., Nickel Sorption by Acclimatized Activated Sludge Culture, Water Research, Vol.37, No.14, Aug. 2003, 3508-3516.
- Dilek, F.B., Yetis, U., and Gokcay, C.F., Water savings and sludge minimization in a beet-sugar factory through re-design of the wastewater treatment facility, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 11, No. 3, May 2003, 327-331.
- Ozkan, M., Dilek, F.B., Yetis and U., Ozcengiz, G., Nutritional and cultural parameters influencing antidipteran delta-endotoxin production, Research in Microbiology, Volume 154 (1): 49-53, Jan.-Feb. 2003.
- Tarlan, E., Yetis, U. and Dilek, F.B., Algal treatment of pulp and paper industry wastewaters in SBR systems, Water Science and Technology 45(12):151-158, Dec. 2002.
- Capar, G. and Yetis, U., Removal of THM Precursors By GAC: Ankara Case Study, Water Research 36(5): 1379-1384, 2002.
- Tarlan, E. and Yetis, U., Improvement of Primary Settling Performance with Activated Sludge, Environmental Technology 23(4):363-372, 2002.
- Tarlan, E., Dilek, F.B, and Yetis, U., Effectiveness of Algae in the Treatment of a Wood-based Pulp and Paper Industry Wastewater, Bioresource Technology 84(1): 1-5, Aug. 2002.
- Mutlu, S.H., Yetis, U., Gurkan, T., and Yılmaz, L., Decolorization of Wastewater of a Baker’s Yeast Plant by Membrane Processes, Water Research 36(3): 609-616, 2002.
- Arican, B., Gokcay, C.F.,Yetis, U., Mechanistics of Nickel Sorption by Activated Sludge, Process Biochemistry 37(11): 1307-1315, 2002.
- Dilek, F.B., Erbay, A. and Yetis, U., Nickel Biosorption by Polyporous versicolor Process Biochemistry 37(7): 723-726, 2002.
- Capar, G., Demirer, G.N., Dilek, F.B., and Yetis, U., Removal of Trihalomethane Precursors by Granular Activated Carbon, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 10(2): 197-202, 2001.
- Haytoglu, B., Demirer, G. and Yetis, U., Effectiveness of Waste Anaerobically Digested Dead Biomass In Adsorbing Heavy Metals, Water Science and Technology 44(10): 245-252, 2001.
- Ceribası, H. and Yetis, U., Biosorption of Ni(II) and Pb(II) by Phanerocheate chrysoporium from a Binary Metal System – Kinetics, Water SA 27(1): 15 – 20, 2001.
- Yetis, U., Dolek, A., Dilek, F.B. and Ozcengiz, G., The Removal of Pb(II) by Phanerocheate chrysoporium, Water Research 34(16): 4090-4100, 2000.
- Yetis U., Demirer, G. and Gokcay C.F., Effect Of Chromium (VI) on the Biomass Yield of the Activated Sludge, Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 25: 48-54, 1999.
- Dilek F.B., Gokcay, C.F., and Yetis, U., Combined Effects of Ni(II) and Cr(VI) on Activated Sludge, Water Research 32(2): 303-312, 1998.
- Yetis, U., Ozcengiz, G., Dilek, F.B., Parlakgoz N., Erbay, A. and Dolek, A., Heavy Metal Biosorption by Polyporous versicolor and Phanerocheate chrysoporium, Water Science and Technology 38(4), 1998.
- Yetis U., Demirer, G. and Tekin, H., Effect of Shock Chromium (VI) Load on the Activated Sludge Process, Turk. J. of Engin. Environ Sci. 22: 445-453, 1998.
- Lule, M., Yetis, U., and Gokcay, C.F., Effects of Ni(II) on Respirometric Oxygen Uptake, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 48: 636-641, 1997.
- Yetis, U., Ataberk, S., Gokcay, C.F., and Sahin S., Characterization of Effluents from Chlorine Dioxide Substitution Bleaching and Oxygen-reinforced Extraction, Water Science and Technology 36(2-3): 353-360, 1997.
- Yetis, U., Selcuk, A. and Gokcay, C.F., Reducing Chlorinated Organics, AOX, in the Bleachery Effluents of a Turkish Pulp and Paper Plant, Water Science and Technology 34(10), 97-104, 1996.
- Gokcay, C.F. and Yetis, U., Effect of Ni(II) on the Biomass Yield Of the Activated Sludge, Water Science and Technology, Vol.34, No.5-6, 1996, 163-174.
- Tosun, I., Yetis, U., Willis, M.S. and Chase, G.G., Specific Cake Resistance: Myth or Reality, Water Science and Technology, Vol.28, No.1, 1993, 91-101.
- Balkas, T., Juhasz, F., Yetis, U., and Tuncel, G., The Izmir Bay Wastewater Management Project - Economical Considerations, Water Science and Technology, Vol.26, No.9-11, 1992, 2613-2616.
- Dilek F.B. and Yetis, U., Effects of Heavy Metals on Activated Sludge Process, Water Science and Technology, Vol.26, No.3-4, 1992, 801-813.
- Gokcay, C.F., and Yetis, U., Effect of Chromium (VI) on Activated Sludge, Water Research, Vol.25, No.1, 1991, 65-73.
- Dilek F.B., Gokcay, C.F., and Yetis, U., Effects of Cu(II) on a Chemostat Containing Activated Sludge, Environmental Technology, Vol.12, 1991, 1007-1016.
- Yetis, U., and Gokcay, C.F., Effect of Ni(II) on Activated Sludge, Water Research, Vol.23, No.8, 1989, 1003-1007.
International Books or Book Parts
- Cagin, V. And Yetis, U., Water Reuse Strategies: Iron and Steel Industry Case Study, in Security of Industrial Water Supply and Management, Ed.: A. Atimtay and S.K. Sikdar, NATO Science and peace Security Series C: Environmental Security, Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 141-158.2011.
- Mungan, M. and Yetis, U., Environmental Risk Assessment Of A Textile Factory In Turkey”, in Energy and Environmental Challenges to Security, Ed.: Stec, S. and Baraj, B., Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Energy and Environmental Challenges to Security, Budapest, Hungary, 21–23 November 2007, Energy and Environmental Challenges to Security Series C: Environmental Security, Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 415-4127, January 2009.
- Yetis, U., 2008, Water Quality, Pollution and Conservation in Overexploitation and Contamination of Shared Groundwater Resources, Ed.: C.J.G. Darnault, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, Springer, The Netherlands.
- Girgin, S., Unlu, K., and Yetis, U., 2004, Use of GIS as a Supporting Tool for Environmental Risk Assessment and Emergency Response Plans in Comparative Risk Assessment and Environmental Decision Making, Ed.: I. Linkov and B. Ramadan, NATO-ARW Series, Kluwer Publishers, pp. 267-274.
- Yetis, U., Selcuk, A. and Gokcay, C.F., An Approach for Reducing AOX in the Bleachery Effluents of a Turkish Pulp and Paper Plant, in Cleaner Technologies and Cleaner Products for Sustainable Development, Ed.: H.M. Freeman, Z. Puskas, R. Olbina, NATO ASI Series, Springer-Verlag, 1995, Germany.
- Balkas, T., Yetis, U., and Chung, C., Integration of Environmental Considerations into Coastal Zone Management: Izmir Bay, Turkey, Coastal Zone Management-Selected Case Studies, OECD Documents, pp.87-108, 1992.
- Balkas, I.T., Juhasz, F, Tuncel, G., Yetis, U., and Talu, N., Preliminary Study on the Coasts and benefits of Measures for the Reduction of Degradation of the Environment from Land-Based Sources of Pollution and activities in Coastal Areas of the Bay of Izmir, UNEP(OCA)/WG.14/Inf.8, December 1991, UNEP, Athens.
Papers in Refereed National Journals
- Dinc, B., Avaz, G., Canlı, O., Aslan, E., Eren E., Yetis, U, Persistent Polyaromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) Compounds in Coastal River and Sea Sediments of Samsun Province, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(1), 2019,07˗14.
- Ozturk, E., Demirer, G., Yetis, U., Dilek, F.B., Pre-evaluation for the chemical substitution in a textile mill in Turkey, SKKD (Water Pollution Control Journal), Vol.20, No.2, 2010, 12-24.
- Capar, G., Yetis U. and Yilmaz L., Treatment of Carpet Dying Wastewaters by Membrane Processes, SKKD (Water Pollution Control Journal), Vol.14, No.2, 2004, 9-15.
- Cangir, B.T., Capar, G., Dilek, F.B., and Yetis, U., Trihalomethanes in the Water Distribution System in Ankara, Journal of Association of Environmental Engineers (Environmental Science and Technology), Vol.1, No.3, Jan. 2003, 39-46.
- Yetis, U. and Capar, G., Chlorinated Organic Compounds and Their Removal- Ankara Case Study, Environmental Sciences, Vol. 5, 2002, 29-38.
- Capar, G. and Yetis, U., Removal of Natural Organic Matter and Trihalomethanes from the Drinking Water of Ankara City, Turk. J. of Engin. Environ Sci, Vol.25, No.5, 2001, 527-535.
- Dolek, A., Yetis, U., and Dilek, F.B., A Novel Method in Metal Removal, SKKD (Water Pollution Control Journal), Vol.8, No.2, 1998, 49-54.
- Yetis, U., Gokcay, C.F., Ataberk, S., and Sahin, S.M., Characterization of Chlorine Dioxide Bleaching Wastewater – Distribution of Molecular Weights, SKKD. (Water Pollution Control Journal), Vol.7, No.1, 1997, 37-47.
- Tuncer, A. and Yetis, U., THMs Precursors Removal - Ankara Case Study, SKKD (Water Pollution Control Journal), Vol.5, No.2, 1995, 17-26.
International Proceedings
- I. Ince, E. Kucuk, U. Yetis, Wastes from Recycling of Spent Batteries, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (virtual), 23-25 June 2021.
- B. Baser, U. Yetis, C. Polat, E. Kucuk, T. Pilevneli, M.M. Ata, I.Sesenoglu, A. Nuray, A. Durak, Y. Kesimal, M. Ecer, M.E. Birpınar, A Study of Waste Management Strategies and Waste Generation Factors for Vegetable Oil Re ning Sector, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (virtual), 23-25 June 2021.
- N. Ates, N. Uzal, U. Yetis, F.B. Dilek, Removal of Pesticides from Wastewater by Membrane Process, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (virtual), 23-25 June 2021.
- Removal of Pesticides from Wastewater by Membrane Process8th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (virtual), 23-25 June 2021.
- C. Polat, H. Yildirim, U. Yetis, Y.D. Yilmazel, F.B. Dilek, B. Baer, I. Ince, S.B. Yanar, M. Tanrıkulu, E. Kucuk,T. Pilevneli, N. Ulgudur, S.U. Yurtseven, O. Yılmaz, A. Durak, Y. Kesimal, M. Ecer, M.E. Birpınar, Investigation of Waste Management Practices in Turkey with a Particular Focus on Interim Waste Storage Facilities, 8th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (virtual), 23-25 June 2021.
- Pilevneli, T., Gencturk, M., Yetis, U., Capar, G., Cost of Sericin Recovery from Silk Effluents, The 3rd IWA Conference on Resource Recovery, September 8-12 2020, Venice, Italy.
- Kucuk, E., T. Pilevneli, G. Avaz, U. Ipek, Z. Kurt, K. Unlu, F. B. Dilek, U. Yetis, Occurrence of micropollutants in the industrial wastewaters discharged to Yeşilırmak and Nilüfer Rivers in Turkey, 5th International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management (WaterWaste-19), 22-24 July 2019, Paris, France.
- Kucuk, E., Pilevneli, T., Aslan, S., Erguven, G.Ö., Canlı, O., Öktem-Olgun, E., Kurt, Z., Celik-Madenli, E., Unlu, K., Dilek, F.B., Avaz, G., İpek, U., Yetis, U., Effects of Point Source Discharges in the Yeşilırmak River Basin”, Ist International Potable Water and Wastewater Symposium, 6-7 December, 2018, Afyon, Turkey.
- Kiraz, B., Bayram, I., Yetis, U., Capar, G., Ultrafiltration performance for sericin recovery from silk effluents, Euromembrane 2018, 9-13 July 2018, Valancia, Spain.
- Bulut, O.F., Duru, B., Cakmak, O., Gunhan, O., Dilek,F.B., Yetis, U., Determination of Groundwater Threshold Values: A Methodological Approach Applied to the Gediz River Basin (Western Turkey), 3rd South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES 2018), June 30 – July 4, 2018, Sırbistan-Novi Sad.
- Yilmaz, P., Erkanli, M., Kocaman, K., Dilek, F.B., Yetis, U., Waste Generation in Paint Sector in Turkey, 3rd South East European Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES 2018), June 30 – July 4, 2018, Sırbistan-Novi Sad.
- Çelebi, S., Yetis, U., Unlu, K., Identification of Waste Management Strategies and Waste Generation Factors for Spent Accumulator Recovery Sector Wastes, EurAsia 2018 Waste Management Symposium, 2 - 4 May 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Pilevneli, T., Zaf, R.D., Celik-Madenli, E., Yetis, U., Waste Generation in Wood BasedWood-based Panel Production, EurAsia 2018 Waste Management Symposium, 2-4 May 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Demir, C., Yetis, U., Unlu, K., Identification of Waste Management Strategies and Waste Generation Factors for Thermal Power Plant Sector Wastes in Turkey, EurAsia 2018 Waste Management Symposium, 2-4 May 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Evrim Celik Madenli, Pilevneli, T., Zaf, R.D., Yetis, U., Waste Generation in Wood-based Panel Productionure Manufacturing Industries in Turkey, 2017 International Environmental Engineering Conference & Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers (IEEC 2017), 15-17 November, Jeju, Korea.
- Erciyes, E., Kucuk, E., Pilevneli, T., İpek, U., Balcı, D.D., Unlu, K., Dilek, F.B., Celik, E., Yetis, U., Identification of River Basin Specific Pollutants Using Hazard-ranking and Risk-ranking of Chemicals, 2017 International Environmental Engineering Conference & Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers (IEEC 2017), 15-17 November, Jeju, Korea.
- Pilevneli, T., Kucuk, E., Yetis, U., Precautions to Control Priority and Specific Pollutants from Major Industrial Sources in a River Basin According to Water Framework Directive, Identification of River Basin Specific Pollutants Using Hazard-ranking and Risk-ranking of Chemicals, 2017 International Environmental Engineering Conference & Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers (IEEC 2017), 15-17 November, Jeju, Korea
- Kiraz, B., Bayram, İ., Yetis, U., Capar, G., “Resource Recovery from Textile Effluents: The Case of Protein”, 2nd International Resource Recovery Conference, 5-9 August 2017, New York City, USA.
- Akay, A.E., Karaaslan, Y., Yetis, U., Dilek, F.B., “Comparative Leaching Tendency of Pesticides used in Turkey”, 5th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, 21–24 June 2017. Athens, Greece.
- Kucuk, E., Danaci, D., Yetis, U., “Waste Generation in Primary and Secondary Aluminum Sector in Turkey”, 5th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, 21–24 June 2017. Athens, Greece.
- Kucuk, E., Koc-Orhon, A., Siltu, E., Gucver, S.M., Karaaslan, Y., Kinaci, C., Yetis, U., Implementation of European Union Water Framework Directive in Turkey - Management of Dangerous Substances, IWA 2 nd Regional Symposium on Water, Wastewater and Environment, 22-24 March, 2017 Çesme-Izmir, Turkey.
- Zaf, R.D., Kocer B. O., Erkanli, M., Yilmaz, L., Yetis, U., Culfaz-Emecen, Z., “Fouling Analysis for Different UF Membranes in Reactive Dyeing Wastewater Treatment”, Frontiers International Conference on Wastewater Treatment, 21-24 May 2017, Palermo, Italy.
- Kocer, B., Erkanli, M., Zaf,R.D., Yilmaz, L., Yetis, U.,Culfaz-Emecen, Z., Process Optimization on Water Recovery from Real Reactive Dyeing Effluents, PERMEA 2016 - Membrane Science and Technology Conference of Visegrád Countries, 15-19 May 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Yetis, U., Cakır N. , Made, G., Alp, E., Dilek, F.B., “Modern Practices in the Management of Waste from Iron and Steel Industry”, 4th International Symposium on Advanced Materials, 12-16 October, 2015, Islamabad, Pakistan.
- Germirli, F.B., Toröz, İ., Avşar, E., Yetis, U., Hazardous Waste Generatıon in Turkısh Pesticide Industry, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology Rhodes, Greece, 3-5 September 2015.
- Yetis, U., Karanfil, T., Alp, E., Dilek, F.B., Can, Z.S., Toröz, I., Öncel, S., Doğan, Ö., “Development of Hazardous Waste Inventory-Use in Waste Management Systems”, TAKAG 2015, VI: Deutsch - Türkische Abfalltage, 26-29 May, 2015, İzmir, Turkey.
- Cakır, N., Alp, E., Yetis, U., “Evaluation of environmental performance based on proximity to BAT associated resource utilization and emission values: A case study in a steel-making industry”, IWWATV 2015, Athens, Greece, 21-23 May, 2015.
- Capar, G., Yetis, U., Development of a National Set of Environmental Performance Indicators, IWWATV 2015, Athens, Greece, 21-23 May, 2015.
- G. Capar, C. Aksit, C. Coskun Dilcan, S. Arslan, M. Celik, S. Kodal, L. Yilmaz, U. Yetis, M. Palmer, J. Gowing, K. Li. Water quality for agriculture in Golbasi district of Ankara-Turkey, IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, September 21-26, 2014. Lisbon, Portugal.
- G. Capar, U. Yetis, Development of a national set of water indicators for Turkey, IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition, September 21-26, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Ozturk, E., Yetis, U., Yigit, N.O., Kitis, M., Optimization of water and chemical use in a cotton/polyester fabric dyeing textile mill, SDEWES 2014 (Accepted).
- Ozge Yılmaz, Zehra Can, Ismail Toroz, Ozgur Doğan, Salim Oncel, Emre Alp, Filiz B. Dilek, Tanju Karanfil, Ulku Yetis. Use of Theoretical Waste Inventories in Planning and Monitoring of Hazardous Waste Management Systems: A Case Study of Turkey, SDEWES 2014, (accepted).
- Gulnur Olmez, Filiz B. Dilek Tanju Karanfil Ulku Yetis. The Environmental Impacts of Iron and Steel Industry: A Life Cycle Assessment Study. SDEWES 2014, (accepted).
- Dilek, F.B. and Yetis, U., Exploring Stabilization Alternatives for a Lime-Softening Sludge with a High Organic Content, ATHENS2014-2nd International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste, 12th–14th June 2014, Athens, Greece.
- Yetis,U., J. B. Jakobsen, F. B. Dilek, E. Kıyık, S. Mugoša, J. Novović, M. Kerestecioğlu, Solid Waste Management Scenarios for Cetinje in Montenegro, ATHENS2014-2nd International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste, 12th–14th June 2014, Athens, Greece.
- Civancik, D., and Yetis, U., Substance Flow Analysis of Mercury in Turkey for Policy Decision Support, 2nd International Conference of Recycling and Reuse, (R&R, 2014), June 4-6, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Karakas, C., and Yetis, U., Substance Flow Analysis of Nonylphenol and Nonylphenol Ethoxylates in Turkey, 2nd International Conference of Recycling and Reuse, (R&R, 2014), June 4-6, 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Ulku Yetis, Jens Bjørn Jakobsen, Filiz B. Dilek, Enver Kıyık and Merih Kerestecioglu, Exploring Solid Waste Management Scenarios for the City of Cetinje in Montenegro, the Twenty-Ninth International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, PA U.S.A. March 30-April 2, 2014.
- Merve Yavuz, Abdullah Ogutverici, Marco Oggioni, Filiz B. Dilek, Ulku Yetis, Biocides in Drinking Water System of Ankara, Turkey. International Conference Win4Life, Sept 19-21, 2013, Tinos Island, Greece.
- C. Varol, N. Uzal, F.B. Dilek, M. Kitis, U. Yetis, Caustic Recovery from Denim Mercerizing Wastewaters using Membrane Technology. International Conference Win4Life, Sept 19-21, 2013, Tinos Island, Greece.
- Felipe Lira, F. B. Dilek, U. Yetis, M. E. Coimbra, A. T. Freitas, G. Pallara, C. Viti, M. R. Oggioni, Trinidad Cuesta, J.L. Martínez, Effect of triclosan on the selection of antibiotic resistance in sludge from wastewater treatment plants. 5th congress of European Microbiologist- FEMS congress July 21-25 2013, Leipizig, Germany.
- Yilmaz, O., Can Z., Toroz, I., Dogan, O., Oncel, S., Alp E., Dilek, F.B., Karanfil, T., Yetis, U., Applicability of Waste Generation Factors in Estimation of Hazardous Waste Generation, International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, March 2013, Philadelphia, USA.
- Cakir, N., Olmez, G., Cagin, V., Karanfil, T., Alp, E., Yetis, U., Cleaner Production Practices in Iron and Steel Production – A Case Study,
- N. Cakir1, G. Olmez1, T. Karanfil2, E. Alp1, U.Yetis, Hazardous Waste Generation From Integrated Iron And Steel Production In Turkey - Evaluation of Cleaner Production Options, International Iron & Steel Symposium, 02-04 April 2012, Karabuk, Turkiye.
- B.Yazıcı, Z.S. Can, O.Gökyay, B. Callı,B. Mertoğlu,D. Akgul, U. Yetis, Investigation Of Hazardous Waste Generation by Turkish Automotive Industry, Euroasia Waste Management Symposium, 14-16 November, 2011, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Yazıcı, B., Callı, B. B. Mertoğlu, Z.S. Can, O. Gökyay, D. Akgul, U. Yetis, Hazardous Waste Generation from Household Appliances Industry in Turkey, Euroasia Waste Management Symposium, 14-16 November, 2011, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Babuna, F.G., I. Toroz, E. Avsar, Yetis, U., Hazardous Waste Generation Factors for Pesticide Active Ingredients Manufacturing Industry, Agro 2011 – 8th IWA International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries, 22-24 June 2011, Cesme, Turkey.
- Yigit, C., Olmez, G., Dilek F.B., Karanfil, T., and Yetis, U., Cleaner Production Practices in Iron and Steel Production – A Case Study, Third International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2011) & SECOTOX Conference, June 19 to 24, 2011, Skiathos Island, Greece.
- Cakir, N., Olmez, G., Cagin, V., Karanfil, T., Alp, E., Yetis, U., Waste Management in Foundries, Third International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2011) & SECOTOX Conference, June 19 to 24, 2011, Skiathos Island, Greece.
- Koc, A., Orhon, K.B., Yigit, C., Yetis, U., Wastes of Primary Aluminium Production and Their Management, Third International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2011) & SECOTOX Conference, June 19 to 24, 2011, Skiathos Island, Greece.
- Varol, C., Uzal, N., Dilek, F.B., Kitis, M., Yetis, U., Caustic recovery from denim mercerizing wastewaters using membrane technology, IWA Regional Conference and Exhibition on Membrane Technology and Water Reuse, October 18 to 22, 2010, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Uzal, N., Yılmaz, L., Yetis, U., Reuse of Rinsing Waters of Indigo Dyeing Using Membrane Technology: Evaluation of Chemical Precipitation, MF and MF/UF as Pretreatment, IWA Regional Conference and Exhibition on Membrane Technology and Water Reuse, October 18 to 22, 2010, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Karabacak, A., Dilek, F.B., Yılmaz, L., Kitis, M. and Yetis, U., Sulphate Removal From Surface Waters by Nanofıltratıon, IWA Regional Conference and Exhibition on Membrane Technology and Water Reuse, October 18 to 22, 2010, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Cagin, V. And Yetis, U., Water Reuse Strategies: Iron and Steel Industry Case Study NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Security of Industrial Water Supply and Management, September 12-15, 2010, Ankara, Turkey.
- Yetis, U., Dilek, F.B., Yılmaz, L., Demirer, G.N., Kitiş, M., Challenge and Opportunity on the Water Reuse in Textile Industry, 6th Chemical Engıneering Conference For Collaborative Research in Eastern Medıterranean Countries, 7th- 12th March 2010, Antalya, Turkey.
- Özge Yılmaz, Betul Doğru, Ulku Yetiş, “Current Practices in Hazardous Waste Management in Turkey”, ULE 2009 / International Workshop on Urbanisation, Land Use, Land Degradation, and Environment, 28th Sept-01st Oct 2009, Denizli, Turkey.
- Yiğit C., Maden G., Dişa N., Yılmaz Ö., Alp E., Unlu K., Gökçay C.F., Dilek F.B., Doğan Ö., Karanfil T., Yetiş U., “Comparison between EU and Turkish Legislation on Hazardous Waste Management – Reporting Requirements”, ULE 2009 / International Workshop on Urbanisation, Land Use, Land Degradation, and Environment, 28th Sept-01st Oct 2009, Denizli, Turkey.
- Dogan, B., Kerestecioglu, M., Yetis U., “Assessment of the Best Available Wastewater Management Techniques for a Textile Mill”, 2nd International Conference on Water Economics, Statistics and Finance, 3-5 July 2009, Elexandroupolis, Greece.
- Alp, E., Yetis U., “Application of the Contingent Valuation Method in a Developing Country: A Case Study of the Yusufeli Dam in Northeast Turkey”, 2nd International Conference on Water Economics, Statistics and Finance, 3-5 July 2009, Elexandroupolis, Greece.
- Yilmaz O., Yetis, U., “Waste Oil Generation from Road Vehicles in Turkey”, The 1st International Conference on Hazardous Waste Management, 1-3 October 2008, Chania-Crete, Greece.
- Ozturk E., Yetis U., Dilek F.B., Demirer G.N., 2008. “A chemical substitution study for a wet processing textile mill in Turkey”, 5th BMBF-Forum for Sustainability and 12th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (erscp2008), BMBF and FONA, Berlin, Germany, 23 - 25 September 2008.
- Ates, N., Kitis, M. And Yetis U., 2007. NOM Removal Performance of Membrane Filtration in Low-SUVA Waters, XXII International Symposium on Physicochemical Methods of Separation-ARS SEPARATORIA 2008, Lecture Presentation, pp. 23-30, Torun, Poland, July 6-9 2008.
- Kocabas, A.M., Yukseler,H., Dilek, F.B., and Yetis, U., Adoptation of EU’s IPPC Directive: Optimization of Water and Energu Consumption in a Textile Mill, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Protection and Restoration of the Environment, 29 June - 3 July, 2008 Kefalonia, Greece.
- Mungan, M., Alp, E., Yetis, U., Risk Analysis and Risk Management System of a Textile Mill in Turkey with Regards to Industrial Accidents Resulting from Hazardous Chemicals within the Mill, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Protection and Restoration of the Environment, 29 June - 3 July, 2008 Kefalonia, Greece.
- Unlu, M., Yukseler, H., and Yetis, U., Indigo Dyeing Wastewater Reclamation by Coagulation and Membrane Processes, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Protection and Restoration of the Environment, 29 June - 3 July, 2008 Kefalonia, Greece.
- Uzal,N., Yukseler, H., , Unlu, M., Yilmaz,O., Varol,C., Sahinkaya, E., Yigit, N.O., Yilmaz, L., Kitis, M., Demirer, G.N., Dilek, F.B., Yetis, U., “Integrated Wastewater Management in a Denim Manufacturing Textile Mill-Implementation of EU’s IPPC Directive, 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Sustainability, 09-12 October 2007, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Uzal N., Yilmaz L., Yetis U., “Microfiltration/Ultrafiltration As Pretreatment For Reclamation Of Rinsing Waters Of Indigo Dyeing”, Membrane Science and Technology Conference of Visegrad Countries, 2-6 September 2007, Siofok, Hungary.
- Yigit N.O., Uzal N., Koseoglu H., Harman I., Yukseler H., Yetis U., Civelekoglu G., Kitis M., “Treatment of A Denim Producing Textile Industry Wastewater Using Pilot-Scale Membrane Bioreactor”, Membrane Science and Technology Conference of Visegrad Countries, 2-6 September 2007, Siofok, Hungary.
- Varol C., Uzal N., Dilek F. B., Kitis M., Yetis U., 2007, “Caustic Recovery From Highly Alkaline Denim Finishing Wastewaters Using Membrane Technology”, Membrane Science and Technology Conference of Visegrad Countries, 2-6 September 2007, Siofok, Hungary.
- Ates, N., Kitis, M. And Yetis U., Formation of Chlorination By-Products in Low-SUVA Surfaca Waters – correlations with SUVA and Differential UV Spectroscopy, The 233rd ACS National Meeting, Vol. 47, No.1, pp. 782-788, Chicago, IL, March 25-29, 2007.
- Yukseler, H., Tosun, İ. and Yetis, U., “A New Approach in Analyzing Cake Filtration Data”, IWA Specialist Conferences, Facing Sludge Diversities: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities, March 28th-30th, 2007, Antalya, Turkey.
- Yukseler, H., Yetis, U., and Tosun, I.,“Cake Filtration: Effect of Cake-Septum Interface”, IWA Specialist Conferences, Facing Sludge Diversities: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities, March 28th-30th, 2007, Antalya, Turkey.
- Yetis, U., Ates, N., Tarhan, B., and Unlu, K. Water and Wastewater Management Plans for Gelibolu (Gallipoli) Peninsula National Historical Park, Turkey, 7th Specialised Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems, May 2006, Mexico City, MEXICO.
- Ates, N., Tarhan, B., Unlu, K., and Yetis, U., Wastewater management plan for Gelibolu (Gallipoli) Peninsula National Historical Park, Turkey, MEDA WATER International Conference on Sustainable Water Management, Rational Water Use, Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, 8-10 June 2006, Marrakech, Morocco.
- Uzal N., Yılmaz L, and Yetis U, Microfiltration: A Pretreatment Alternative for Indigo Dyeing Textile Wastewater, Euromembrane 2006, September 24-28, 2006, Giardini Naxos, Taormina, Italy.
- H. Yukseler, H., Uzal, N., Unlu, M., Yılmaz, O., Varol, C., Demirer, G.N., Dilek, F.B., Yetis, U., Adoption Of EU’s IPPC Directive:Determining BAT In A Turkish Denim Manufacturing Plant, The Seventh International Symposium On Waste Management Problems In Agro-Industries, 27 – 29 September 2006, Amsterdam RAI, The Netherlands.
- Uzal N., Yukseler H., Unlu M., Yılmaz O., Varol C., Demirer G.N., Dilek F. B., Yetis U., Water Reuse and Recycling opportunities in dyeing process of a denim producing factory, IWA, The Seventh International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries, 27-29 September 2006, Amsterdam RAI, The Netherlands.
- Yukseler, H., Yetis, U. Tosun, İ., “Characterization of Sludge Filtration”, The American Filtration and Separations Society 2006 Annual Meeting, 9-11 May, 2006, Illinois, USA.
- E. Ozturk, S. Alanya, F. Morova, U. Yetis, F.B. Dilek, G.N. Demirer, A Chemical Substitution Study For a Wet Processıng Textile Mill in Turkey, EMAN 9th Annual Conference, April 26 and 27, 2006, Graz University of Technology, Rechbauerstraße 12, Graz, Austria.
- S. Alanya, E. Ozturk, F. Morova, U. Yetis, F.B. Dilek, G.N. Demirer, Environmental Performance Evaluation of Textile Wet Processing Sector in Turkey, EMAN 9th Annual Conference, April 26 and 27, 2006, Graz University of Technology, Rechbauerstraße 12, Graz, Austria.
- Yukseler H., Yetis, U, Tosun I., Filtration of Activated Sludge, The American Filtration and Separation Society’s 9th World Filtration Congress, Abstract Book, p.25, April 18-24 2004, New Orleans, USA.
- Tokcaer, E. and Yetis, U., Removal of Pb(II) using anaerobically digested sludge, IWA 4th World Water Congress, Proceedings (CD), September 2004, Marrakesh, Morocco.
- Capar G., Yetis U., and Yılmaz L., Reclamation of carpet dyeing wastewaters by nanofiltration, Proceedings CD, EMCC-3 Conference on Nanoscience in Chemical Engineering, 13-16 May 2003, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Tarlan E., Dilek, F.B., and Yetis, U., Kinetics of COD removal from Pulping Effluents by Algae in SBR Systems, Proceedings of the 9th IWA Specialized Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants, pp.79-82, 1-4 September, 2003, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Capar G., Yetis U., and Yılmaz L., Wastewater reuse by nanofiltration in carpet manufacturing industry: determination of the pre-treatment stages, Proceedings of the 9th IWA Specialized Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants, pp.111-115, 1-4 September, 2003, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Oğuz, O., Gokcay, C.F., Surucu, G. and Yetis, U., Assessment Of Disaster Emergency Plans To Minimize Environmental Risk of Disasters, Proceedings of the International Conference On Environmental Problems Of Mediterranean Region, 12 - 15 April 2002, Northern Cyprus.
- Girgin, S., Unlu, K., Tasel, E., Tokcaer, E., Cangir, B.T., Oguz, O., Dilek, F.B., and Yetis, U., “Implementation of Geographical Information System on Development of the Environmental Emergency Response Plan for Marmara Region” in Proceedings in International Conference on Environmental Problems of Mediterrenean Region (EMPR-2002), 12 - 15 April 2002, Northern Cyprus.
- Capar G., Yetis U., and Yılmaz L., Pretreatment steps for wastewater reuse by nanofıtration in carpet manufacturing industry, Proceedings CD, International Conference on Membranes (ICOM), 7-12 July 2002, Toulouse, France.
- Tarlan, E., Dilek, F.B., and Yetis, U., Treatment of Pulping Industry wastewaters by Algae In SBR Systems : Effect of Temperature, Proceedings of ISWA’2002 World Environment Congress, pp. 1673-1677, July 2002, İstanbul.
- Yetis, U., Dilek, F.B., Tarlan, E., Biological Degradation Of Lignin-Derived Chlorinated And Non-Chlorinated Organics By Photosynthetic Microorganisms, Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on the Chemistry of Natural Products (ICNP), p. 45, 16-19 Oct. 2002, Trabzon.
- Yetis, U., Tokcaer, E., Karakas, G., Pb(II) Biosorption by Anaerobically Digested Sludge Proceedings of the Aqua Enviro 7th European Biosolids and Organic Residuals Conference, Vol.1, pp. 6-40:1-8, 17-20 Nov. 2002, Wakefield, U.K.
- Yuncu, B., Sanin,F.D., Yetis, U., An Investigation of Pb (II) Biosorption in Relation to Surface Characteristics of Activated Sludge, Proceedings of the Aqua Enviro 7th European Biosolids and Organic Residuals Conference, Vol.2, pp.8-57:1-?, 17-20 Nov. 2002, Wakefield, U.K.
- Dilek, F.B., Erbay, A., Yetis, U., Ni(II) Biosorption by Polyporous versicolor , Proceedings of the Sludge Management Entering the 3rd Millennium Conference, pp.542-547, 25-28 March, 2001, Taiwan.
- Haytoglu, B., Demirer, G.N., and Yetis, U., Effectiveness of Anaerobic Biomass In Adsorbing Heavy Metals, Proceedings of the Sludge Management Entering the 3rd Millennium Conference, pp.409-416, 25-28 March, 2001, Taiwan.
- Capar, G., Dilek, F.B., and Yetis, U, Evaluation of the GAC Performance for NOM Adsorption, 1st st World Water Congress of IWA, July 2000, Paris.
- Mutlu, H., Yetis, U., Gurkan, T. and Yılmaz, L., Decolorization of Wastewater of a Baker's Yeast Plant by Membrane Processes, 1stst World Water Congress of IWA, July 2000, Paris.
- Alp, E. and Yetis, U., Non-market Valuation of Environmental Damage: A Case Study on Yusufeli Dam and Hydroelectric Power Plant, 1st st World Water Congress of IWA, July 2000, Paris.
- Gokcay, C.F., Yetis, U. and Dilek, F.B, Metal Effects on the Biomass Yield Of Activated Sludge, Proceedings of 10th Int. Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region (pg. 229), October, 1999, Spain.
- Surucu, G., Gokcay, C.F., Yetis, U., Dilek, F.B. and Arıcan, B., Treatability of Carpet Dying Wastewater - Case Study, Proceedings of 10th Int. Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region (pg. 247), October, 1999, Spain.
- Capar, G., Yetis, U., Demirer, G.N. and Dilek, F.B. Removal of THM Precursors by GAC Treatment, Proceedings of 10th Int. Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region (pg. 215), 2-6 October, 1999, Alicante Spain.
- Haytoğlu, B., Yetis, U. and Demirer, G.D, Biosorption of Heavy Metals by Anaerobically Digested Dead Biomass, Proceedings of 10th Int. Symp.on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, 2-6 October, 1999, Alicante, Spain.
- Mutlu, H., Yetis, U., Gurkan, T., and Yilmaz, L., Development of a Process Strategy for Decolorization of the Wastewater of a Baker’s Yeast Plant by Membrane Processes, Abstract Book (p.448), Euro-Membrane 99, Sept. 19-22 1999, Leuven, Belgium.
- Dolek, A., Yetis, U., and Dilek, F.B., A Novel Metal Removal Techique, Proceedings of the 6th Industrial Pollution Control, June 3-5 1998, İstanbul.
- Dilek, F.B., Gokcay, C.F., Yetis, U., Demirbas, G. and Curuk, Waste Management Practice in a Beet-Sugar Factory, Proceedings of the IAWQ 4th Int. Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries (Vol :1, pp. 447-452), September 1999, İstanbul.
- Dolek, A., Yetis, U., and Dilek, F.B., Lead Sorption by Phanerocheate chrysoporium, Proceedings of the 19th IAWQ Biennial Conference, June 21-26 1998, Vancouver.
- Yetis, U., Eskendernajad, İ., Atımtay, A., Precipitation of Cadmium by magnesium hydroxide, Proceedings of the 19th IAWQ Biennial Conference, June 21-26 1998, Vancouver.
- Lule M., U. Yetis, and C.F. Gokcay, Effects of Ni(II) on Respirometric Oxygen Uptake, Proceedings of the IAWQ Biennial Conference, Singapor, June 23-28, 1996.
- Yetis, U., Dilek F.B., Surucu, G., and Sahin S., Treatment of Wastewaters Originating from Natural Marble Industry, Proceedings of the IAWQ Biennial Conference, Singapor, June 23-28, 1996.
- Gokcay, C.F. and U. Yetis, Effect of Ni (II) on the Biomass Yield of the Activated Sludge, Proceedings of the IAWQ Biennial Conference, Singapor, June 23-28, 1996.
- Yetis,U., Sahin, S. and C. F. Gokcay, Characterization of Effluents from Chlorine Dioxide Substitution Bleaching and Oxygen-reinforced Extraction, Proceedings of the Second IAWQ Conference on Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewater, Athens, 16-18 October 1996.
- Yetis, U., Demirer G. and Tekin, H., Effects of Cr(VI) on Activated Sludge Process with Acclimated and Non-Acclimated Cultures Proceedings of the 49th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, May 9-11, 1994, West Lafayette, pp.489-494, Lewis Publishers, USA.
- Tuncer, A. and Yetis, U., Effects of Coagulation Conditions on THMs Precursors Removal, Paper presented in the NATO-ASI Workshop on New Technologies for Large Water supply Projects, Oct 24-Nov.4, 1994, Varna, Bulgaria.
- Yetis, U., Tekin, H., and Demirer G., Chromium(VI) Shock Toxic to Organics Removal, Proceedings of Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewaters Conference (IAWQ Conference), pp.551-554, October 13-15, 1993, Athens.
- Kisoglu, Z., Yetis, U., and Balkas, T., Waste Management Approach in Izmir Bay, Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, Ed. Ozhan, E., pp. 735-748, November, 2-5, 1993, Antalya, Turkey.
- Yetis, U., Dilek F.B. and Gokcay, C.F., Effects of Heavy Metals on Biological Activity in BOD Bottle-Seed Biomass Concentration, Proceedings of IAWPRC Second Industrial Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries, pp.141-149, Istanbul, September 23-25, 1992.
- Yetis, U. and Atimtay, A., Utilization of Waste Oils from Environmental Perspective, Proceedings of The International Symposium on Hazardous Waste Management in Economically Developing Countries, pp.229-239, Istanbul, June 24-26.1993.
- Demirer, G, and Yetis, U., Stimulation of Effects of Chromium(VI) on Activated Sludge Process - A Correlation Approach, IAWPRC 16th Biennial International Conference, 24-30 Mayis 1992, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
- Demirer, G, and Yetis, U., Dilek, F.B., Chromium Stimulation of Activated Sludge, 1st International Conference and Exhibition on Biological Waste Treatment, Biowaste'92, 1-4 Haziran 1992, Herning, Denmark.
- Dilek F.B. and Yetis, U., Effects of Heavy Metals on Activated Sludge Process, IAWPRC 16th Biennial International Conference, 24-30 May 1992, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
- Balkas, T., Juhasz, F., Yetis, U., and Tuncel, G., The Izmir Bay Wastewater Management Project - Economical Considerations, IAWPRC 16th Biennial International Conference, 24-30 Mayis 1992, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
- Balkas, Turgut I., Yetis, U., and Tuncel, G., Coastal Zone Management Studies in Relation to Mediterranean Action Plan -Izmir Case Study, Symposium - Mediterranean Seas 2000, Institute for Marine Environmental Sciences, Genova, Italya, 23-27 September 1991.
- Gokcay, C.F., Dilek, F.B., and Yetis, U., Treatment of Testas-Ankara Electronics Industry's Wastewaters, Environment'89, Proceedings of the 5th. Environmental Science and Technology Conference, pp.916-933, Adana, June, 1989.
- Gokcay, C.F., and Yetis, U., Effect of Ni(II) on Activated Sludge. Proc. of International Symposium on Environmental Management-Environment'87,Vol.1, pp. 581-596, Istanbul, June 5-6, 1987.
- Kakwani, R.M., Yetis, U., Chiang, S.H., and Tierney, J.W., An Experimental Investigation of Pore Structure of Coal Filter Cakes by Micrographic Analysis. Proc.Powder and Bulk Solids Conference, Rosemant, IL, May 11-13, 1982.
National Proceedings
- Kiraz, B., Bayram, İ., Yetis, U., Capar, G., İpek Sektörü Atıksularından Ürün Geri Kazanımı ile Çevre Kirliliğinin Azaltılması, 12. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, 5-7 Ekim 2017, Ankara.
- Akay E., Karaaslan, Y., Dilek, F.B., Yetis, U., Türkiye de Kullanılan Pestisitlerin Karşılaştırmalı Yeraltısuyuna Sızma Eğilimleri, 12. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, 5-7 Ekim 2017, Ankara.
- Küçük, E., Yetis, U., Yeşilirmak Havzası Özelinde Seçilen Öncelikli Maddeler İçin Madde Akiş Analizi Yöntemi Uygulanarak Başlıca Baskıların Belirlenmesi, 12. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, 5-7 Ekim 2017, Ankara.
- Kiraz, B., Bayram, İ., Yetis, U., Capar, G., İpek Atıksularından Ultrafiltrasyon ile Serisin Geri Kazanımında Geleneksel ve Alternatif Serisin Sökme İşlemlerinin Etkisi, 5. Ulusal Membran Teknolojileri ve Uygulamaları Sempozyumu, 21-23 Eylül 2017, İstanbul.
- Yetis, U., Tehlikeli Maddelerin Kontrolünde Membran Teknolojileri, 4. Ulusal Membran Teknolojileri ve Uygulamalari Sempozyumu, 7-8 Ekim 2015, İsparta.
- Erkanlı, M., Yılmaz, L., Yetis, U., Emecen, Z.Ç., Reaktif Boyama Atıksularının Ultrafiltrasyon ile Geri Kazanımı, 4. Ulusal Membran Teknolojileri ve Uygulamalari Sempozyumu, 7-8 Ekim 2015, İsparta.
- Yetis, U., Doğu, T., Özgüler, B., Payzın, E., Platin, B., “Müdek Akreditasyonu Sürecinde Sıkça Karşılaşılan Yetersizlikler” Yöneylem Araştırması ve Endüstri Mühendisliği (YAEM) 35. Ulusal Kongresi, 9-11 Eylül 2015, Ankara.
- Yazici, B., Can, S.Z., Gokya, O., Calli, B., Mertoglu, B., Akgul, D., Yetis, U. Investigation of Hazardous Waste Generation By Turkish Automotive Industry, Euroasia Waste Management Symposium, 14-16 November 2012, Istanbul.
- Can, S.Z., Gökyay, O., Çallı, B., Mertoğlu, B., Akgul, D., Yazıcı, B, Yetis, U., Turkiye'de Otomotiv Sektörunden Kaynaklanan Tehlikeli Atıkların Azaltılması Çalışmaları, EKK2012-XIII Endustriyel Kirlenme Kontrolu Sempozyumu, 17-19 October 2012, İstanbul.
- Erdoğdu, S., Doğan, O., Başar, H.M. Pelitli, V., Yetis, U., Turkiye’de İlaç Sanayinden Kaynaklanan Tehlikeli Atıkların Atık Uretim Faktörlerinin Belirlenmesi, UKAY 2012, Kıbrıs.
- E. Alp, S. Bakkaloğlu, Ç. Yiğit, G. Ölmez, N.Çakır, Ö.Yılmaz, A. Nuray, B. Doğru, C.F. Gökçay, K. Unlu, F.B. Dilek, T. Karanfil, U.Yetiş, “Tehlikeli Atık Beyan Sistemi - İstatistiksel Yöntemler İle Atık Kontrol Mekanizmalarının Geliştirilmesi”, İTU XIII. Endustriyel Kirlenme Kontrolu Sempozyumu EKK’12 17-19 Ekim 2012 İTU, Suleyman Demirel Kultur Merkezi, Maslak, İstanbul, A.1.4.1- A.1.4.7
- Uzal, N., Yilmaz, L. and Yetis, U., Membrane Technology for Water Recovery from Indigo Dyeing Effluents, Membrane Technologies Symposium, 2-3 November 2009, Istanbul.
- Ateş, N., Yılmaz, L., Kitiş, M. ve Yetiş, U., Doğal Organik Maddelerin Membran Filtrasyonu ile Giderimi, MEMTEK 2009-Membran Teknolojileri ve Uygulamaları Sempozyumu, sf.163-166, 2-3 Kasım 2009, İstanbul.
- Yilmaz O., Yetis U., Y. Kara B., Hazardous Waste Transportation and Disposal System Design, 29th National Conference on Operations Research and Industrial Engineering (YA/EM'09), June 2009, Ankara.
- Özge Yılmaz, Ulku Yetiş, Estimation of Hazardous Waste Generation from Organic Chemical Industry by Using Waste Generation Factors, TURKAY 2009 Symposium on Waste Management in Turkey, 15-17 June 2009, Istanbul.
- Merve Kocabaş, Niğmet Uzal, Hande Yukseler, Meltem Unlu, Erkan Şahinkaya, Nevzat Ö. Yiğit, Cihangir Varol, Meral Mungan Arda, Buğçe Doğru, Ertan Özturk, Hasan Köseoğlu, Cavit Burak Bural, Kaan Moralı, Özge Yılmaz, Sevda Alanya, Levent Yılmaz, Merih Kerestecioğlu, Göksel N. Demirer, Mehmet Kitiş, Filiz B. Dilek, Ulku Yetiş, Adoption of European Union's IPPC Directive to a Denim Textile Mill: BAT Applications, Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Priorities in Environmental Pollution in Turkey, 28-29 May 2009, Gebze, Turkey.
- Kocabaş AM, Yukseler H., Dilek FB, Yetiş U, Avrupa Birliği IPPC direktifi çerçevesinde bir tekstil fabrikasında su kullanım performans değerlendirmesi, 11th ITU Industrial Pollution Control Symposium, EKK 08, pp.35-41, 11-13 June 2008, İstanbul.
- Girgin S, Guvener, M, Polat Ş, Buyuker B Yetiş U, Dilek FB, Aksoy A, Unlu, K, Endustriyel kaynaklı kirlenmiş sahaların yönetimi için bilgi sistemi geliştirilmesi, 11th ITU Industrial Pollution Control Symposium, EKK 08, pp.35-41, 11-13 June 2008, İstanbul.
- Unlu, K, Guvener, M, Girgin S, Yetiş U, Dilek FB, Aksoy A, Buyuker B, Polat Ş., Endustriyel kaynaklı kirlenmiş sahalar için çevre yönetim sistemi, 11th ITU Industrial Pollution Control Symposium, EKK 08, pp.35-41, 11-13 June 2008, İstanbul.
- Ateş, N., Kitiş, M. and Yetis, U., Relationships between DBPs formed by chlorination of surface waters and by some surrogate parameters, Environmental Problems Symposium: Kocaeli 2008, 14-17 May 2008, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli.
- Uzal, N., Yilmaz, L. and Yetis, U., Water Recovery from Indigo Dyeing Wastewatersby Nanofiltration and Reverse Osmosis, Environmental Problems Symposium: Kocaeli 2008, 14-17 May 2008, Kocaeli University, Kocaeli, Turkey.
- Girgin, S., Yetis, U., 2007, “Technological Accidents Information System for Turkey: System Overview” in Proceedings of ETRA 07 –Workshop on Environmental and Technical Research on Accidents, 2007, Gazi University, Ankara.
- Girgin, S., Yetis, U., 2007, “Data Availability in Selected International Databases on Industrial Accidents That Occurred in Turkey” in Proceedings of ETRA 07 –Workshop on Environmental and Technical Research on Accidents, 2007, Gazi University, Ankara
- Yetis, U., Sustainable Water Management in a Denim Textile Mill, Workshop on Sustainable Environmental Technologies and Strategies, May 28th 2007, Ankara.
- Yiğit, N.Ö., Harman İ., Uzal, N., Yukseler, H., Yetiş, U., Civelekoğlu, G., and Kitiş, M., Treatment of Textıle Industry Wastewater Using Pilotscale Membrane Bioreactor, April 18-21 2007, Proceedings of National Environment Symposium, Mersin, Turkey.
- Uzal N, Yılmaz L, Yetis U., 2006, Pretreatment of İndigo Dyeing wastewaters: Microfiltration, Proceedings of 10th ITU Industrial Pollution Symposium, 7-9 June 2006, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Uzal N, Yılmaz L, Yetis U., 2005, Pretreatment of İndigo Dyeing wastewaters: Chemical Precipitation and Microfiltration, Sixth National Environmental Engineering Congress, UCTEA Chamber of Environmental Engineers, October 2005, İstanbul, Turkey.
- E Şahinkaya, N Ateş, E Atlı, B Tokmak, G Capar, FD. Sanin, P Celtemen, F Baltacı, U Yetis, F B. Dilek, THM Formation Potentials of Drinking Water Reservoirs in Turkey, Proceedings of the Sixth National Environmental Engineering Congress, pp.11-22, UCTEA Chamber of Environmental Engineers, November 2005, İstanbul, Turkey.
- N Ateş, E Şahinkaya, E Atlı, G. Capar, B Tokmak, FD. Sanin, A.K. Onur, F Baltacı, M. Kitiş, U Yetis, F B. Dilek, Trihalomethanes in the Drinking Waters of Turkey, Proceedings of the Sixth National Environmental Engineering Congress, pp. 223-233, UCTEA Chamber of Environmental Engineers, November 2005, İstanbul, Turkey.
- N Ateş, Ş.Ş.Kaplan, E. Şahinkaya, U Yetis, F B. Dilek, M. Kitiş, Haloacetic Acids in the Drinking Waters of Turkey, Sixth National Environmental Engineering Congress, Proceedings of the UCTEA Chamber of Environmental Engineers, pp. 213-222, November 2005, İstanbul, Turkey.
- Yukseler, H., Yetis, U., Tosun, İ., Sludge Dewatering, Proceedings of the 1st National Sludge Symposium, pp. 201-210, 23-25 March 2005, İzmir, Turkey.
- Capar, G., Yetis, U., Yilmaz L., Water recycling and color removal from Carpet Dying Wastewaters, Proceedings of the 2nd Environmental Pollution Control Symposium, pp.145-152, 22-24 October 2003, Ankara, Turkey.
- Atlı, E., Yetis, U., and Dilek, F.B., Enhanced Coagulation in Ankara Water Treatment Plant, Proceedings of the 2nd Environmental Pollution Control Symposium, pp.388-391, 22-24 October 2003, Ankara, Turkey.
- Tokcaer, E.,Yetis, U., Pb(II) Removal Using Anaerobic Digestor Sludge, Proceedings of the 5th National Environmental Engineering Congress, pp. 443-451, 1-4 October, 2003, Ankara, Turkey.
- Yuncu, B., Sanin, D., Yetis, U., Effect of C/N Ratio of Activated Sludge on Biosorption, Proceedings of the 2nd Environmental Pollution Control Symposium, pp.267-275, 22-24 October 2003, Ankara, Turkey.
- Yukseler, H., Yılmaz, O., Yetis, U., Tosun, İ., Sludge Filtration, Proceedings of the 5th National Environmental Engineering Congress, pp. 411-422, 1-4 October, 2003, Ankara, Turkey.
- Dilek, F.B., Yetis, U., Tarlan, E. and Kerestecioğlu, M., Solid Waste Transfer Station Site selection – Ankara Case Study, Proceedings of the Fourth GAP Engineering Congress, Vol.2, pp. 1297-1304, 06-08 June 2002, Şanlıurfa, Turkey.
- Tokmak, B., G. Capar, F. B. Dilek and U. Yetis, THMs in the Ankara Drinking Water Ankara İçme Suyunda Trihalometanlar, Proceedings of the 1st Environmental Pollution Control Symposium, Middle East Technical University, 4-6 October 2000, Ankara.
- Tarlan, E., Yetis, U., and Dilek, F.B., Effectiveness of Algae in the treatment of Pulp and Paper Industry Wastewaters Abstract Book of the 1st Algal Technology Conference, 24-26 Ocrober, 2001, Izmir, Turkey.
- Capar, G. and Yetis, U., Removal of Natural Organic Matter by Activated Carbon, Proceedings of the 1st Environmental Pollution Control Symposium, Middle East Technical University, 4-6 October 2000, Ankara.
- Tarlan, E., Yetis, U., and Atımtay, A., Effects of Waste Activated Sludge on Primary Settling, Proceedings of TMMOB Izmir Water Congress, June 4-5, 1999, İzmir.
- Gökşen Capar, Burcu Tokmak, Zeki Baydar, Göksel N. Demirer, Filiz B. Dilek, Ulku Yetis. Disinfection By-Products in Ankara Distribution Network. Proceeding of Water and Infrastructure Symposium, ASKİ (Greater Municipality of Ankara, Water and Infrastructure Administration), February 1999, Ankara, Turkey.
- Haytoğlu, B., Demirer, G., Yetis, U., Heavy Metal Biosorption by Anaerobic Biomass, KUKEM Special Issue, Proceedings of XI. KUKEM Congress, 23(2), 145-146, 1999.
- Dolek, A., Yetis, U., and Dilek, F.B., A Novel Metal Removal Techique, Proceedings of the 6th Industrial Pollution Control, June 3-5 1998, İstanbul.
- Arıcan, B. and U. Yetis, Treatment of Wastewater from Murgul Copper Works Concentrator, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Priorities in Environmental Pollution in Turkey, 22-23 May 1997, Gebze.
- Yetis, U., Gokcay C.F., Sahin, S., Characterization of Effluents from Chlorine Dioxide Substitution Bleaching-Molecular Weight Distribution, Proceedings of 5th I.T.U. Industrial Pollution Conference, 25-27 September 1996, İstanbul.
- Yetis, U., Surucu, G., Dilek F.B., and Basaran, A., Treatment of Natural Marble Industry Wastewaters, Proceedings of ITU 4. Industrial Pollution Symposium, pp. 77-87.
- Yetis, U., Eskendarnajad, E., and Atimtay A., Mg(OH)2 Precipitation of Heavy Metals, Proceedings of ITU 4. Industrial Pollution Symposium, pp.309-319.
- Selcuk, A., Kilic, B., Gokcay, C.F., Yetis, U., and Bakan, G., SEKA Wastewaters-Chlorinated Organics, Proceedings of ITU 4. Industrial Pollution Symposium, 1994, pp.219-230.
- Tuncer, A. and Yetis, U., Removal of Natural Organic Matter in Drinking Water Treatment- Ankara Case Study, Proceedings of the First Turkish Chemical Engineering Congress, Ed: Tiryaki, A., September 13-16, 1994, Ankara, Turkey.
- Gokcay, C.F., Yetis, U., and Dilek F.B., Effects of Heavy Metals on Activated Sludge Process, 2nd National Biotechnology Symposium, October 22-23, 1994, Ankara.
- Yetis, U., Gokcay, C.F., and Dilek F.B., Effects of Heavy Metals on BOD-Seed Biomass Concentration, 2nd National Biotechnology Symposium, October 22-23, 1994, Ankara.
- Atimtay, A. and Yetis, U., New Energy Technologies and the Removal of H2S at High temperatures by a Regenarable Sorbent, Energy 2000, Ankara, 1992.
- Yetis, U., and Gokcay, C.F., Effects of Cr(VI) on Activated Sludge Process, Proceedings of the 2nd ITU Industrial Pollution Symposium, 24-26 September 1990, pp. 293-09, Istanbul
- Gokcay, C.F., Dilek, F.B., and Yetis, U., Treatment of Testas-Ankara Electronics Industry's Wastewaters, Environment'89, Proceedings of the 5th. Environmental Science and Technology Conference, pp.916-933, Adana, June, 1989.
- Yetis, U., and Gokcay, C.F., Effects of Chromium(VI) and Nickel(II) on the Biochemical Oxygen Demand. V.KUKEM Congress, Ankara, September 14-16, 1987.