Prof. Dr. Gürdal Tuncel
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Interest Areas
Long-range transport of pollutants in the atmosphere
Precipitation chemistry
Receptor Modelling
Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Trace metal chemistry in sediments
Curriculum Vitae | |
E-mail: tuncel {at} | |
Links: | |
Phone: +90-312-210-5871 Fax: +90-312-210-2646 |
- B.S. in Chemistry, August 1976, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- M.Sc. in Chemical Oceanography, September 1978, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
"Biogeochemistry of Mercury - Development of Analytical Methods"
Thesis supervisor: Dr. Turgut I. Balkas
- Ph.D in Nuclear, Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, March 1985, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.
"Particles at the South Pole Atmosphere: Temporal Variations and Sources"
Thesis supervisor: Dr. William H. Zoller
Professional Positions Held
- 1976-1980 Graduate Research Assistant Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- 1980-1985 Graduate Research Assistant University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.
- 1985-1987 Research Associate University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA.
- 1987-1988 Assistant Professor Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- 1988-1994 Associate Professor Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- 1994- Professor Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
Administrative Positions Held
- 1988-1990 Assistant Chairman Middle East Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering
Research Interests
Long Range Transport of Pollutants in the Atmosphere
To use trace elements as markers of transport. To determine types and quantities of pollutants that are transported from Europe to the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea basins. To identify source regions in the Europe which contribute to the observed concentrations of pollutants in the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions.
Precipitation Chemistry
To determine chemical composition of wet and dry deposition. To investigate factors affecting acidity and chemical parameters in precipitation. To identify relative contributions of in-cloud and below-cloud processes on pollutant concentrations in precipitation. To study wet and dry deposition of pollutants, including acidic species and toxic trace elements, to water and forest ecosystems
Receptor Modelling
To use receptor modelling approach to determine sources and their contributions on atmospheric aerosol in urban and industrial areas.
Environmental Analytical Chemistry
To develop contamination free aerosol and precipitation sampling techniques. To improve sample handling procedures for determination of trace elements in precipitation and aerosols. To standardize available analytical techniques for routine analysis of large number of environmental samples.
Trace Metal Chemistry in Sediments
To study the changes in the trace element composition of the suspended particles in rivers when they flow into the sea. To find trace element markers in marine sediments that can be used to monitor discharges from specific sources.
Scientific and Professional Societies of Which a Member
- American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- American Chemical Society (ACS)
- Türk Kimya Derneği
- International Assignments
- Representative of Turkey for the Federation of European Chemists (FEC) (1996 - )
- Short term consultancy to World Meteorological Organization (WMO) for establishing air monitoring infrastructure in Tunusia (1997)
- Consultancy to World Metorological Organization (WMO) for establishing air monitoring infrastructure in Morocco (1998)
- Consultancy to UNEP for preperation of atmospheric sampling and analysis manual for MED POL program (1999)
- Consultancy to UNEP for preperation of Transboundary Diagnostic Report for the Mediterranean region (2002)
- Short-term consulting to IAEA for Regional training course on evaluation of analytical data, source identification and source apportionment (RER/2/005), Lisbon, Portugal, 19 – 24 October 2009
- Short term consultant to IAEA for AFRA Workshop on Environmental Analytical Chemistry Co-organized between International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), International Organization for Chemical Sciences in Development (IOCD) and Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC) Arusha-Tanzania, 23-24 May 2011
- Editorial Board Member, Environmetal Forensics (2005 - )
- Editorial Borad Member, Atmospheric Pollution Research (2008 - )
- Editorial Borad Member, Hava Kirlilği Araştırmaları Dergisi (2012 - )
- Editorial Borad Member, Karaelmas Science and Engineering Journal (2010 - )
- Editorial Borad Member, Mühendislik ve Çevre Bilimleri (2004 - 2014)
Honours and Awards
- NATO support for short term stay at Universty of Washington (1990)
- Fullbright – Travel grant (1989)
- Türkiye Kimya Derneği, Onur Üyeliği (2004)
- Outstanding Faculty Award 2004
- Honorary membership to the Turkish Chemistry Association (2004)
- Outstanding Faculty Award 2005
- Outstanding Faculty Award 2006
- Outstanding Faculty Award 2008
- Outstanding Faculty Award 2009
- Outstanding Faculty Award 2011
- Outstanding Faculty Award 2012
Thesis Supervised
Supervisor in:
- Trace elements in the Black Sea Atmosphere: Concentrations and variations, M.Sc. thesis, 1989 Gülen Hacısalihoğlu
- Sources of acid forming ions in a rural and urban air shed, M.Sc. thesis, 1990 Figen Eliyakut
- Development of an Air Emission Inventory For Turkey for Use in A Regional Air Pollution Transport Model, M.Sc. thesis, 1991 Gülben Palaoğullarından
- Application of a Regional Air Pollution Transport Model, M.Sc. thesis, 1991 Tülin Pervan
- Impacts of the Proposed Aliaga Thermal Power Plant on the Sulphur Dioxide Concentration and Sulphur Deposition Patterns in the Aliaga Air shed, M.Sc. thesis, 1993 Bora Arpacıoglu
- Chemical Composition of Precipitation in the Eastern Mediterranean, Ph.D. thesis, 1995 Idrees AlMomani
- Sources of Atmospheric Aerosols in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin, Ph.D. thesis (1996) Gülen Güllü
- Size Separation and dry deposition of particles in the Eastern Mediterranean basin, M.Sc. thesis, 1997 Esra Kuloğlu
- Assessment of the potential impacts of fugitive dust from Seyitömer (Kütahya) coal-fired power plant fly ash disposal area. M.Sc. thesis, 1998 Aysegül Hamzaoglu (C. yurteri Co-Supervisor)
- Changes in the chemical composition of soil in Ankara due to deposition of atmospheric pollutants. M.Sc. thesis, 1998 Ozan D. Yay
- Investigation of soil pollution in the city of Antalya. M.Sc. thesis, 1998 Nilgün Güvenç
- Calculation of critical acid loads for Turkey. M.Sc. thesis, July 1999 Basak Erdogan (K. Ünlü, Co-Supervisor)
- Discharge of power plant stack gases through cooling towers: A case study for Afsin-Elbistan series. M.Sc. thesis, September 1999 Öznur Oguz (C. Yurteri Co-supervisor)
- The determination of sources of pollution in Izmir Bay sediments using receptor modeling technique, M.Sc. thesis, September (2000) Sinem Atgin
- Biogenic Sulfur component in the Eastern Mediterranean Atmosphere. M.Sc. thesis, September 2000 Bahadir Uzun
- Long term trends in the ionic composition of precipitation in the central Anatolia. M.Sc. thesis, September 2000 Burcu Tuncer
- Identification of source regions affecting chemical composition of atmospheric particles in Eastern Mediterranean using trajectory statistics M.Sc. thesis October 2000 Canan G. Günaydın
- The use of chemical composition as tracer of Saharan Dust. M. Sc. Thesis in September 2002 Banu Kocataş
- Investigation of O3 levels in Istanbul using Neural Networks Sc. Thesis in January 2003 Tansel Coşkuner
- Risks imposed by two nuclear power plants located at Armenia and Bulgaria on Turkish citizens. M.Sc. Thesis December 2003 Ozge Unver
- Composition of atmosphere at the Central Anatolia M.Sc. Thesis January 2004 Ebru Yörük
- Similarities and differences between the chemical compositions of aerosols and precipitation in different parts of Turkey M.Sc. Thesis September 2004 Ahmet Türküm
- Investigation of potential source regions affecting eastern and western Mediterranean, central Anatolia and black Sea using trajectory statistics M.Sc. Thesis January 2005 Güray Doğan
- Organic composition of particles and gases in the Ankara atmosphere. Ph.D. thesis, June 2005 Öznur Oguz
- Short and long term variations in the concentrations of gaseous and particulate pollutants in Ankara and assessment of traffic contribution. M.Sc. thesis, September 2005 Deniz Genç
- Investigation of 8-year long composition record in the Eastern Mediterranean precipitation M.Sc Thesis January 2006 Özlem Işıkdemir
- Chemical composition of atmospheric particles in the aegean region M.Sc. thesis, February 2008 Başak Munzur
- Investigation of short and long-term variations in the concentrations of trace elements and major ions in the Eastern Mediterranean region. Ph.D. thesis, January 2009 Fatma Öztürk
- Investigation of distributions of organic pollutants and associated health risk in Bursa atmosphere. Ph.D. thesis February 2010 Mihriban Yılmaz
- Mitigation of greenhouse gas emission originated from thermal power plants, by substituting alternative energy sources M.Sc. thesis, February 2010 İzzet Arı
- Development of GIS based trajectory statistical analysis method to identify potential sources of regional air pollution. M.Sc thesis, May 2010 Rıza Fikret Yılmaz
- Temporal variation of atmospheric concentrations of speciated VOCs at the Aliağa region Ph.D thesis, January 2013 Güray Doğan
- Chemical composition of particles at the northwestern border of Turkey Ph.D. thesis, February 2013 Deniz Genç
- Spatial distribution of VOCs at Balıkesir atmosphere. M. Sc. Thesis September 2013 Efdal Yalçın
- Variation of sulphate source regions affecting sulphate concentrations in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere M. Sc. ThesisFebruary 2014 Zeynep Malkaz
- Chemical composition of rainwater in different regions of Turkey and its implications in terms of transport M. Sc. Thesis February 2014 Gül Ayaklı
- Modelling on industrial sulphurdioxide impacts. M. Sc. Thesis in progress Funda Yetgin Number distribution of atmospheric particles in Ankara Atmosphere M. Sc. Thesis in progress Caner Yosunçığır
- Temporal variation of volatile organic compound concentrations in bursa atmosphere Ph.D Thesis, October 2014 Sema Yurdakul
- Modeling study on the high-level radioactive waste package degradation and subsequent radionulide release from engineered barrier system Ph.D. Thesis September 2014 Özge Ünver
- Chemical composition of atmospheric particles as a tool for identification of sources affecting aerosol population in the eastern black sea atmosphere Ph.D. Thesis in progress İlker Balcılar
- Determination of secondary organic particle composition in Ankara atmosphere and investigation of their contribution to receptor modeling Ph.D. Thesis in progress Ebru Koçak
- Sources of vocs at rural and urban Kütahya atmosphere M.Sc. Thesis in Progress Tuğçe Bek
Co-supervisor in:
- Determination of Lead and Nickel in Air Particulate Materials, M.Sc. thesis 1990, Mahmoud Anwari (Supervisor O. Y. Ataman)
- Time Series Analysis of Ankara Continuous Air Pollution Data, M.Sc. thesis 1991, Yalçın Sert (Supervisor C. Yurteri)
- Determination of the European contribution on the aerosol composition in the Black Sea basin and investigation of transport mechanisms. Ph.D Thesis 1999, Duran Karakaş (Supervisor S. Tuncel)
- Precipitation chemistry in the Black Sea atmosphere. Ph.D Thesis 2000, Omar Alagha (Supervisor S. Tuncel)
- Solubility of trace metals in atmospheric aerosols. M.Sc. Thesis 2001, Nurbanu Öztaş (Supervisor S. Tuncel)
- Integration of Geographic information systems with environmental impact assessment: A case study on Çamlı Dam M.Sc Thesis 2002. (Supervisor: Zuhal Akyürek)
- Erzurum Kent atmosferinde partikül madde kompozisyonu Ph.D tezi 2006, (Erzurum Üniversitesi), Hanefi Bayraktar (Supervisor: Sezer Turalıoğlu)
- Chemical composition of precipitation at Bolu atmosphere. M.Sc. Thesis In progress (Bolu Izzet Baysal University) Yasin Ç. Kılıçer (Supervisor Serpil Y. Karakaş)
- Chemical composition of particles at a rural site at northwestern Turkey: gateway to the central Anatolian plateau. M.Sc. Thesis, July 2013 (Bolu Izzet Baysal University), Eda Sağırlı (Supervisor Serpil Y. Karakaş)
Principal Co-ordinator in:
- Trace elements in Ankara Atmosphere: Receptor modelling approach. Funded by: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (1988)
- Determination of heavy metal pollution in the Black Sea and Golden Horn Sediments. Funded by the University Research Fund (1988)
- Long range transport of trace elements to the Black Sea Atmosphere. Funded by the Turkish National Research Council (TÜBITAK) (1989). Start 01.09.1993 End 01.09.1996 Budget 1 230 TL
- Air quality monitoring in the Aliaga air shed. Funded by the EPDC Corp (Japan) (1991)
- Monitoring of marine pollution along the Black Sea coast of Turkey. Funded by the Turkish Ministry of the Environment (1992)
- Monitoring of the marine pollution in the Izmir Bay. Funded by the Turkish Ministry of the Environment (1992)
- Monitoring of air-borne pollution in the MED POL programme. Funded by the Turkish Ministry of the Environment (1992)
- Transport and Transformation of Air Pollutants fro Europe to the East Mediterranean Region. Funded by the European Union (1993)
- Long-Range Atmospheric Transport of Pollutants to the Eastern Mediterranean Basin. Funded by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (1993)
- Long-range atmospheric transport of pollutants to the Black Sea Basin. Funded by the Turkish National Research Council (1993) Bütçesi: 359940 Başlangıç Tarihi: 15.05.2009 Bitiş Tarihi:15.05.2012 Yürütücü
- Long range transport of pollutants to the eastern Mediterranean basin. Funded by the University Research Fund (1994)
- Air pollution transport and its role in the pollution of the Mediterranean Sea, Funded by the Turkish Ministry of the Environment (1995)
- NO and NO2 concentrations around the Cayirhan thermal power plant, Funded by the TEAS, 1996
- Cycling of Hg in the Mediterranean atmosphere, Funded by EU, 1997
- Monitoring of air-borne pollution in the MED POL program. Funded by the Turkish Ministry of the Environment (1998)
- Investigation of baseline air quality in Kazan region Funded by SRK Co. (02-03-11-00-03) (2002)
- Investigation of baseline air quality in Temelli region for the construction of a gas fired power plant Funded by the University Research Fund (02-03-11-2-00-10)
- Investigation of long term trends in trace elements and major ions at the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere. Funded by the University Research Fund (2002)
- Investigation of distributions of volatile organic compounds and health risk associated with them in Ankara. Funded by the University Research Fund (2002)
- Investigation of sources and health effects of organic and inorganic air pollutants in Aliağa region (İzmir) (İzmir Aliağa Endüstri Bölgesinde Hava Kirliliğine Neden Olan Organik ve İnorganik Kirleticilerin Düzeylerinin, Kaynaklarının ve Sağlık Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi). Funded by TÜBİTAK (2005) Start 01.07.2005 End 01.01.2008 Budget 194 800 TL Proje Kodu 104Y276
- Determination of VOC uptake rates in passive sampling tubes. Funded by TÜBİTAK (2009) Start 15.08.2008 End 15.08.2009 Budget 20 000 TL Proje kodu 108Y223
- Investigation of variations in compostion of air masses as they travel over Turkey. Funded by TÜBİTAK Start 15.05.2009 End 15.05.2009 Budget 359 940 TL Proje Kodu 108Y306
- Development of a sampler that can simultaneously collect PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 particles from atmosphere (Halen sürüyor) Start 15.11.2014 -
Researcher in:
- Wastewater Pollution Assessment and Waste Management. Funded by the NATO Science for Stability Programme (1988)
- Study of the land based sources affecting the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea. Funded by the Turkish Ministry of Environment (1989)
- Studies on the control of the marine and air pollution from land based sources. Funded by the Turkish Ministry of Environment (1990)
- Environmental Impact Assessment for the Aliaga Thermal Power Plant. Funded by the EPDC Corp. (Japan) (1991)
- Study of the contribution of motor vehicles on the atmospheric particles in Ankara. Funded by the Turkish National Research Council (1991)
- Determination of the current state of the environment in Kaymaz Gold mine. Funded by the TÜPRAG Corp (1992).
- Environmental impact assessment studies of the Marmara oil-fired power plant. Funded by the Trakya Electric Power Generation Co. (1993)
- Environmental impact assessment studies of the Bursa oil-fired power plant. Funded by the Turkish Electrical Authority (TEK) (1993)
- Preparation of the environmental management plan for the Mogan and Eymir lakes. Funded by the Ankara Municipality (1993)
- Environmental Impact assessment studies of the Gümüshane gold mine. Funded by the Eurogold company (1994)
- Distribution of trace elements in Izmir Bay sediments, Funded by the TUBITAK, (1995)
- Monitoring of Air Quality at the Western Turkey using lichens as biomonitors. Funded By TUBITAK Start 01.09.1997 End 01.09.2000 Budget 5 081 TL
- Biogenic sulphur component in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere. Funded by the TUBITAK, (1998)
- Apportionment of sources of particulate air pollutants in the city of Erzurum. Funded by TÜBİTAK (2003)
- Investigation of air pollution at western Turkey using lichens as biomonitors. Bütçesi: 5081 Başlangıç Tarihi: 01.09.1997 Bitiş Tarihi: 01.09.2000
- Investiagion of Air quality at Zonguldak: Determination of PM10 and PM2.5 composition and assessment of their health effects. Funded by TÜBİTAK Bütçesi 26000, Start 01.08.2004 End: 01.08.2006.
- Determination of air quality at Eskişehir: Measurement of composition, source apportionment and health effects Funded by TÜBİTAK. Budget: 94000 Start date: 01.07.2005 End date: 01.01.2008
- Determination of chemical composition of particular matter in an urban atmosphere Funded by TÜBİTAK Budget: 82250, Start date: 15.04.2005, End date: 15.04.2008,
- Determination of indoor air quality in houses, offices and schools in Kocaeli. Funded by TÜBİTAK (2005) Start 01.07.205 End 01.01.2008 Budget 130 400 TL Project code 104Y275
- Investigation of indoor leves, sources and heath effects of air pollutants (PM10, VOC, PAH, SO2, NO2, O3) at the city of Balıkesir: Funded by TÜBİTAK (Sürüyor) Start 15.10.2008 End 15.05.2012 Budget 359 400 TL Proje Kodu 108Y166
- Effect of indoor air quality on historical artifacts displayed at Dolmabahçe Museum: Risk assessment and proper preventive actions. Funded by TÜBİTAK Start 01.04.2010 End 01.04.2012 Budget 239 250 TL Proje Code 108Y272
- Investigation of the possibility of improving source groups identified in source apportionment studies by usind different sets of natural tracers. Budget: 360 000 TL Start Date: 2013
- Chemical composition of atmospheric aerosol at Nortwestern Turkey: Transport patterns to Anatolian Plateau. Budget: 25000 TL, Start Date: 15.03.2012 End Date: 15.03.2013
- Kütahya’da hava kalitesi belirleme çalişmalari: Kaynaklarin tesbiti, ölçümler ve sağlik riski analizi Funded By TÜBİTAK. Burdget 360000 TL. Start at November 2013 -
- American Assocaition for Advancement of Science (AAAS) 1985 -
- American Chemical Society (ACS) 1984 -
- Turkish Chemists Association 1980 -
- Fedaration of Eurpean Chemical Societies (FECS)(National Delegate) 1996-
- Başbakanlık Çevre Yüksek Kurulu YÖK temsilcisi 2002 – 2003
- Member of the Middle East Technical University, GGIT steering comitee 2002 - 2004
- Environmental Forensics, Editorial board Member 2003 –
- Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, Member of Editorial Board 2005 –
- TUBA Member of the Trace element comitee 2005
- Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Expert Panel on critierias for coal used in Turkey Nisan - Haziran 2008
- Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Expert Panel on Air Quality Eylül 2008
- Ministry of Forestry and Environment, Steering Comitee for ICP Forests applications in Turkey 2006 -
Papers presented in scientific meetings
International Meetings
- T. Ý. Balkas, I Salihoglu, G. Tuncel, S. Tugrul, G. Ramelow, Trace Metals and Organochlorine Residue Content of Mullidae Family Fishes and Sediments in the Vicinity of Erdemli (Içel), Turkey. Jur. Etud. Pollut. CIESM, pp 159-163, Antalya, Turkey (1978).
- G. Tuncel, O. Y. Ataman, Copper Deposited Carbon Tubes for Atomic Absorbtion Determination of Mercury in Seawater. XV th ACS Mid-Atlantic Regional Meeting, Washington D.C., January 1981.
- G. Tuncel, W. H. Zoller, Radiochemical Studies on Atmospheric Aerosol: A Search for Meteoritic Debris. American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting, Washington D.C., March 1982.
- M. Yatin, S. Tuncel, N. K. Aras, G. Tuncel, Atmospheric Aerosols in the Ankara Atmosphere: Receptor Modelling Approach” International Atomic Energy Agency, Research Co-ordination Meeting, Jakarta, October 1989.
- G. Hacısalihoğlu, T. I. Balkaş, I. Ölmez, M. Arami, G. Tuncel, Atmospheric Deposition of Metals to the Black Sea. NATO Worksop on the Black Sea Oceanography, Izmir, November 1989.
- G. Hacısalihoğlu, S. Tuncel, M. Arami, F. Eliyakut, O. Y. Ataman, T. Ý. Balkaş, G. Tuncel "Black Sea Aerosols" 201st American Chemical Society National Meeting, Atlanta, April 1991.
- W. H. Zoller, G. Tuncel, Aerosol Chemistry at the South Pole 1970-1983. Symposium on the Tropospheric Chemistry of the Antarctic Region, A. Hogan and S. L. Bowen Edts, pg 66-74, Boulder, July 1991.
- M. Yatın, G. Tuncel, S. Tuncel, N. K. Aras, G. Tuncel, Atmospheric Aerosols in the Ankara Atmosphere: Receptor Modelling Approach. International Atomic Energy Agency, III. Research Co-ordination Meeting, Vienna, September 1991.
- T. I. Balkas, Ü. Yetis, G. Tuncel, Coastal Zone Management Studies in Relation to Mediterranean Action Plan - Izmir Case Study, Symposium - Mediterranean Sea 2000, Institute for Marine environmental Sciences, Genoa, September 1991.
- G. Hacısalihoğlu, T. Ý. Balkaş, M. Arami, I. Ölmez, G. Tuncel, Sampling and analysis of aerosols in the Black Sea atmosphere, UNEP/WMO Workshop, Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Atmospheric Transport, pp 67-82, Monaco, October 1992.
- Turgut Balkaş, F. Cuhasz, Ülkü Yetiş, Gürdal Tuncel, Nermin Talu, Preliminary Study on the Costs and Benefits of Measured for the Reduction of the Degradation of the Environment From Land-Based Sources of Pollution and Activities in Coastal Areas of the Bay of Izmir, UNEP technical report series UNEP/WG.14/Inf.8, December 1991, UNEP, Athens, (1991)
- Turgut Ý. Balkaş, F. Cuhasz, Gürdal. Tuncel, Ülkü. Yetiş, Nermin. Talu, Cost and Benefits of Measures for the Reduction of Degradation of the Environment from Land-Based Sources of Pollution in Coastal Areas: A. Case Study of the Izmir bay. MAP Technical reports series no 72, UNEP, Athens (1993)
- G. Tuncel, W. H. Zoller, Sources of Antarctic aerosols, Symposium on Geophysics and Environment: Background Air Pollution, pp 447-471 Rome, July (1992)
- S. G. Tuncel, S. Ungör, M. Yatın, N. K. Aras, G. Tuncel, Characterization and Source Determination of Air Pollution in Ankara, Proceedings of an International Symposium on Application of Isotopes and Radiation in Conservation of the Environment, pp 459-478, Karlsruhe, March (1992)
- G. Hacısalihoğlu, T. I. Balkaş, S. Tuncel, F. Eliyakut, M. Anwari, Y. Ataman, G. Tuncel, Chemical composition of particles in the Black Sea atmosphere. Proceedings of the 2. International Symposium of Ecology and Environmental Problems, Ankara, 5 – 7 November (1992)
- B. Arpacıoğlu, G. Tuncel, C. Yurteri, E. Alp, Long-Term Air quality Modelling Studies of the Aliağa Thermal Power Plant. Proceedings, International Conference on Environmental Pollution, eds. B. Nath, L. Candela, L. Hens, J. P. Robinson, pp 407-414, Barcelona, September (1993)
- G. Tuncer, G. Güllü, G. Tuncel, T. I. Balkaş, Turkish Practice on Coastal Zone Management. IAWQ 17th Biennial International Conference, Budapest, July 1994.
- Kayın S., Ö. Koray, N. Tokinan, G. Tuncel, C. Yurteri, Comparison of Environmental impacts of natural gas-fired combined cycle power plants with different cooling systems. ECOS'95, Istanbul, July (1995)
- Tuncel G., Al-Momani I. F., Eler Ü, Örtel E., Sirin G., Chemical composition of Eastern Mediterranean precipitation: Indications of long-range transport. In, Proceedings of the 10th World Clean Air Congress, P. Antilla, J. Kamari and M. Tolvanen Eds., 28 May - 2 June Espoo, Finland (1995)
- Güllü G., Ölmez I., Eler Ü, Örtel E., Sirin G., Tuncel G., Sources and composition of atmospheric aerosols over the Eastern Mediterranean. In, Proceedings of the 10th World Clean Air Congress, P. Antilla, J. Kamari and M. Tolvanen Eds., 28 May - 2 June Espoo, Finland (1995)
- Tuncel G., Long range transport of pollutants from Europe to Eastern Mediterranean Basin. 35th IUPAC Congress, Book of Abstracts p 146, Istanbul, August (1995)
- Kayın S., Önder K., Tokinan N., Tuncel G., Yurteri C., Assessment of air emissions from O-4 ad O-20 highways on reservoir and lakes near Ankara. Proceedings of the XXth World Road Congress, pp Montreal, September (1995)
- Al-Momani Ý., Tuncel G., Wet deposition of Aeolian dust to the Eastern Mediterranean basin. Workshop on The Impact of African Dust Across the Mediterranean. Book of abstracts, pg 33, Oristano, October (1995)
- Tuncer G., Güllü G. H., Tuncel G., Balkaş T. I., Integrating environmental issues into the coastal zone management of Turkey: Land based sources of pollution. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST 95, pp 1357-1371, Tarragona, October (1995)
- Güllü G. H., Ölmez Ý., Tuncel G., Chemical concentrations and size distribution of aerosols in the Eastern Mediterranean, during strong dust storms. in The Impact of African Dust Across the Mediterranean. Guerzoni S., Chester R., eds., pp 339-347, Kluwier (1996)
- Kallos G., Kotroni V., Laguovardos K., Papadapoulos A., Varinou M., Luria M., Peleg M., Wanger A., Sharf G., Tuncel G., Transport and Transformation phenomena in the Eastern Mediterranean. In Proceedings of the Vth International Conference of the Israeli Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, pp 17-25, Jerusalem, July (1996)
- Al-Momani I. F., Eler Ü., Örtel E., Şirin G., Tuncel G., Chemical composition of precipitation in the Eastern Mediterranean: Long term trends. In Proceedings of the Vith International Conference of the Israeli Society for Ecology and Environmental Quality Sciences, pp 17-25, Jerusalem, July (1996)
- Hamzaoglu A., Kayın S., Tuncel G., Yurteri C., Fugitive dust modelling: A case study for Seyitomer coal-fired power plant. SWEMP’98, Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production. Ankara, May 18 - 20 (1998)
- Tuncel, G., Güllü G., Olmez I., Al-Momani E. F., Long range transport of pollutants to the eastern Mediterranean atmosphere. 8th annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe, book of abstracts pp 13, April 14-18, Bordeaux (1998)
- Tuncel, S. G., Aras, N. K., Olmez, I., Tuncel, G., Chemical composition and sources of air pollution in Ankara. Euro-Mediterranean Conference, Book of Proceedings of, A. Dilorenzo Ed., pp 90-101, Naples, Italy, December (1198)
- Oguz, Ö., Tuncel G., Yurteri C., Assessment of air quality impacts of Afşin-Elbistan series. Submitted to Warhaw’98 Forth International Symposium nd Exhibition on Environmental Contamination in Central and Eastern Europe
- Al-Momani, I., Kuloğlu E., Eler, Ü., Şirin, G., Örtel , E., and Tunncel, G., Atmosphere – Sea fluxes of pollutants: How significant they are for the Black Sea and Eastern Mediterranean. International Conference on Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, pp 61 - 69, October 19 – 21, Antalya (1998)
- I. F. Al-Momani, G. Güllü, Ü, Eler, E., Örtel, G. Şirin, G. Tuncel, Long range transport of pollutants from Europe to the Eastern Mediterranean, Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Environmental Quality and Environmental Engineering in the Middle East Region, Bahadır M., Burdurlu Y., eds., Konya 5 – 7 October (1998)
- Iverfeld, A., Munthe J., Ferrara R., Pirrone N., Berg T., Costa P., Ebinghaus R., Kock H., Sommar J., Feng X., Gardefelt K., Stevens R., Keeler G., Mamane Y., Tuncel G., Nicaro E., Sproveiri F., Lanzilotto E., Schmolke S., Urba A., Wonberg I., Intercomparison for atmospheric mercury measurements in Tuscany, Italy, 27th of June to 3rd of July, 1998. 5th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant May 23-28 Rio de Janerio – Brazil (1999)
- D. Karakaş, I. Ölmez, G., Tuncel, Long-range transport of pollutants to the Turkish western Black Sea region. Colloquium Spectroscopium Internationale XXI, September, Ankara (1999)
- G. Tuncel, Deposition fluxes of elements to the eastern Mediterranean basin. Colloquium Spectroscopium Internationale XXI, September, Ankara (1999)
- B. Uzun, G. Tuncel, Investigation of biogenic sulfur in Eastern Mediterranean basin. Colloquium Spectroscopium Internationale XXI, September, Ankara (1999)
- O. Al-Agha, G. Tuncel, Levels of trace elemens and ions in wet and dry deposition samples: Western Black Sea forest region. Colloquium Spectroscopium Internationale XXI, September, Ankara (1999)
- S. R. Atgın, G. Tuncel, Investigation of sediments of Izmir bay: Trace elements. Colloquium Spectroscopium Internationale XXI, September, Ankara (1999)
- Hamzaoglu, A.; Kayin, S.; Tuncel, G.; Yurteri, C., Fugitive dust modeling: a case study for Seyitomer coal-fired power plant. Environ. Issues Waste Manage. Energy Miner. Prod., Proc. Int. Symp., 5th, 137-142. Edited b
- M. Gemici, G. Tuncel, Y. Gemici, C. Yurteri, Element analysis in wheat (Triticum durum Desf. Cv. Gediz) grown in power plant fly ash. Second Balkan Botanical Congress, Book of Abstracts pp 78, Istanbul, May (2000)
- Y. Mamane, O. Yossef, S. Hassid, N. Pirrone, R. Ferrara, G. Kallos, J. Munthe I. Wangberg, J. Pacyna, G. Tuncel, Gaseous and particulate mercury along the mediterranean coast – the mamcs program. International Symposium on Atmospheric Deposition and Impact on Ecosystems, Tel Aviv, June (2000)
- Gürdal Tuncel, Wet and dry deposition of trace elements and major ions to the Eastern Mediterranean: Source-receptor relation. International Symposium on Atmospheric Deposition and Impact on Ecosystems, Tel Aviv, June (2000)
- El-Agha O., Tuncel G., Chemical composition of rainfall over a Black Sea forest region. 3rd Mediterranean Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Book of Abstracts pp 78, Antalya, June (2000)
- Kuloğlu E., Güllü G., Tuncel G., Dry deposition and particle size distribution of particulate trace elements in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere. 3rd Mediterranean Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Book of Abstracts pp 85, Antalya, June (2000)
- Uzun B., Tuncel G., Investigation of biogenic sulfur in Eastern Mediterraenan basin. 3rd Mediterranean Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Book of Abstracts pp 93, Antalya, June (2000)
- Gunaydin G. E., Tuncel G., Potential source regions of pollutants affecting Mediterranean atmosphere. 3rd Mediterranean Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Book of Abstracts pp 94, Antalya, June (2000)
- Tuncer, B., Tuncel G., Yesilyurt C., Bayar B., The chemical composition of precipitation in the central Anatolia. 3rd Mediterranean Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Book of Abstracts pp 230, Antalya, June (2000)
- Öztaş N. B., Tuncel G., Tuncel S., Water solubility of trace elements in atmospheric aerosols. 3rd Mediterranean Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Book of Abstracts pp 240, Antalya, June (2000)
- Gülen Güllü, Ilhan Ölmez, Gürdal Tuncel, Elements as tracers of transport patterns and source regions of pollutants to the eastern Mediterranean atmosphere. Workshop on “Harmonization of Sampling and Analysis for Heavy Metals”, Book of Abstracts pp 25, Ispra, Italy, May (2000)
- Gaye Tuncer, Gürdal Tuncel, Turgut. I. Balkas, Metal Pollution History Of The Golen Horn Sediments (1912 - 1987). Silver Anniversary, International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Proc. pp 576-579, August 6-10,; Ann Arbor, MI (2000)
- Gülen. Gullu, Ilhan. Olmez, Gürdal. Tuncel, Trace Element Composition Of The Eastern Mediterranean Aerosols: Indicators For Distant Source Regions. Silver Anniversary, International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Proc. pp 128-132, August 6-10, Ann Arbor, MI (2000)
- Gemici, M., Tuncel G., Gemici Y., Yurteri C., Element analysis in wheat (Triticum durum Desf. CV. Gediz). Grown in power plant fly ash. Proceedings of the 2nd Balkan Botanical Congress Ozhatay N. Ed., pp403-406, 14-18 May, Istanbul (2000)
- Karakaş, D. and Tuncel, G., Long Range Transport of Aerosols to Turkish Western Black Sea Region. "Eurotrack 2000 Symposium", 1, (2000), s.AER-6.
- El-Agha, O., Tuncel, S.G. and Tuncel, G., Long Range Transport Models Applied to Wet and Dry Deposition over the Western Black Sea Forest Region-Turkey. "Eurotrac 2000 Symposium", 1, (2000), s.BIA-9.
- O El-Agha, G. Tuncel and S. G. Tuncel, Analytical Characterization of trace and major ions in rainwater by GF-AAS and ACP-AES. Colloquium Spectroscopium Internationale, CSI XXXII, Book of Abstracts p P10-1, July 8-13, Pretoria, South Africa (2001)
- N. B. Oztas, G. Tuncel, S. G. Tuncel, Water solubility of trace elements in atmospheric aerosols: Application of GF-AAS, FAAS and FAES. Colloquium Spectroscopium Internationale, CSI XXXII, Book of Abstracts p P3-10, July 8-13, Pretoria, South Africa (2001)
- O. Yay and G. Tuncel, Modification of trace element composition of surface soil due to dry deposition of anthropogenic particles from atmosphere. Colloquium Spectroscopium Internationale, CSI XXXII, Book of Abstracts p P3-6, July 8-13, Pretoria, South Africa (2001)
- G. Tuncel, Use of atomic spectrometry to assess transport of pollution aerosols to the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea atmospheres. Colloquium Spectroscopium Internationale, CSI XXXII, Book of Abstracts p TU3-8, July 8-13, Pretoria, South Africa (2001)
- Yay, O. D. and Tuncel, G., Investigation of Soil Pollution in Ankara: Enrichment of Elements and Distribution of Pollution. SECOTOX World Congress and Sixth European Conference on Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Book of Abstracts, pp 40, Krakow-Poland, August 2001
- Gullu, G., Sirin G., Ortel E., Tuncel G., Trends and variations of tropospheric ozone and their effects on the forests of southeastern Turkey. Second International Symposium on Air Quality Management at urban, Regional and Global Scales, Proceedings pp 149-156, Istanbul, Turkey (2001)
- Kuloglu, E., Oztas N. B., Tuncel G., Size separation and dry deposition fluxes of particles and the size dependent solubility of metals in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin. Second International Symposium on Air Quality Management at urban, Regional and Global Scales, Proceedings pp 448-455, Istanbul, Turkey (2001)
- Yay, O. D., Tuncel G., Projection of soil data to source apportionment for atmospheric aerosols. Second International Symposium on Air Quality Management at urban, Regional and Global Scales, Proceedings pp 456-462, Istanbul, Turkey (2001)
- Tuncel G., Wet and dry deposition fluxes of major ions in the eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea and Central Anatolia. In UNEP/MAP/MEDPOL: Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Pollutants into the Mediterranean Sea: Final Reports on Research Projects: MAP Technical Report Series No 133, UNEP/MAP, Athens, 2001
- El-Agha O., Tuncel G., Tosun S., Air quality in the western Black Sea region: Acidic species and rain metal composition. Second International Symposium on Air Quality Management at urban, Regional and Global Scales, Proceedings pp 517-524, Istanbul, Turkey (2001)
- Oguz, O., Tuncel G., Karman D., Measurement of Traffic Related toxic air pollutants in an urban atmosphere. Second International Symposium on Air Quality Management at urban, Regional and Global Scales, Proceedings pp 149-156, Istanbul, Turkey (2001)
- Gulen Gullu, Gurel Sirin, Erdal Ortel, Gurdal Tuncel The effect of air pollution on crown and foliar nutrient Conditions of forests in the southern Turkey. 11th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, Limassol, Book of abstracts p 39, Cyprus, October (2001)
- Tuncel G., Wet and dry deposition of natural and anthropogenic aerosol components to the Eastern Mediterranean. Bi National Israeli-Turkish workshop on Atmospheric Deposition of Aerosols and Gases in the Eastern Mediterranean, Book of Abstracts pp 1, Dead Sea, January (2002)
- Oğuz G., Tuncel G., Karman D., Volatile organics at urban atmosphere. In Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere Proceedings of the EUROTRAC-2 Symposium, pp. GUEST51 (1-4), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, March 2002
- Gunaydin G. C., Tuncel G., Source regions affecting chemical composition of aerosols and precipitaiton in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere using trajectory statistics. NATO Advance Research Workshop, Air Pollution Processes in Regional Scale”. Proceedings pp 25-34, Kallithea, June (2002)
- G. Tuncel, Importance of nuclear techniques in source and source region apportionment of air pollution as exemplified by recent studies in Turkey. Seventh International Conference on Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences, Antalya, Turkey, June (2002)
- G. Güllü, I. Olmez, G. Tuncel Source apportionment of trace elements in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere. Seventh International Conference on Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences, Antalya, Turkey, June (2002)
- M. Yatin, S. Tuncel, N.K. Aras, G. Tuncel Sources contributing to PM2.5 particle mass in Ankara, Turkey. Seventh International Conference on Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences, Antalya, Turkey, June (2002)
- D. Karakas, I. Ölmez, S. Tosun, G. Tuncel Trace and major element compositions of Black Sea aerosol. Seventh International Conference on Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences, Antalya, Turkey, June (2002)
- S. Atgin, G. Tuncel, Source apportionment of trace elements in Izmir Bay sediments. Seventh International Conference on Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences, Antalya, Turkey, June (2002)
- E. Kuloglu, G.Tuncel, Size distributions and dry deposition fluxes of elements and ions at the eastern Mediterranean region. Seventh International Conference on Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences, Antalya, Turkey, June (2002)
- B. Kocatas, A. Zararsiz, R. Kirmaz, G. Tuncel, Phosphorous as a tracer of Saharan dust. Seventh International Conference on Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences, Antalya, Turkey, June (2002)
- Tuncel G., Air pollution in the Mediterranean region: Importance of multielement data sets to identify source regions. 3rd Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Proceedings pp 15-21, Lesvos, September (2002)
- Gaga, E. O., Tuncel G., Tuncel S. G., Determination of PAH’s in snow samples by solid-phase extraction – Ags chromatography-mass spectrometry. 3rd Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Proceedings pp 107-109, Lesvos, September (2002)
- Oztas N. B., Tuncel S. G., Tuncel G., Size dependent solubility of metals in atmospheric aerosols. 3rd Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Proceedings pp 190-192, Lesvos, September (2002)
- Tuncel G., Depositions of major ions and trace elements at the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. Proceedings of the Atmospheric Deposition and its Impact on Ecosystems, R. Van Grieken and Y. Shevah eds, pp 71-79, Universteit Antwerben (2002)
- Karman, D., Tuncel, G., Graham, L.A., Oguz, O., “Spatial Variations in the Concentrations of Motor Vehicle Related Organic Air Pollutants in Ottawa”, Abstract at Toxic Substance Research Initiative National Conference National Conference, pp. 96, 5-8 March, Ottawa, Canada (2002)
- Oguz Ö., Yurteri C., Tuncel G., Modeling plume rise of power plant flue gases discharged through cooling towers. 26th NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution and its Application, Proceedings pp 512-514, May, Istanbul (2003)
- Coskuner T. R., Gulu G., Tuncel G., Short-Term prediction of NOx levels in Istanbul using artificial neural network approach. In Air Pollution Modeling and its Application. Barrego C. and Incecik S., eds, Kluwer Academic/Plenium Publishers, New York, May (2004)
- Tuncel G., wet and dry deposition fluxes of trace elements and major ions in the eastern Mediterranean region. 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean region, book of Abstracts, pp 21, Antalya, October (2003)
- Dogan G. and Tuncel G., comparison of aerosol compositions in subregions of Turkey. 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean region, book of Abstracts, pp 301, Antalya, October (2003)
- Oguz O., Orhan A. S., Karman D., and Tuncel G., Volatile organic compounds in the Ankara atmosphere. 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean region, book of Abstracts, pp 311, Antalya, October (2003)
- Tuncel G. and Ünver Ö., The risk posed by nuclear power plant in Bulgaria at different parts of Turkey. 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean region, book of Abstracts, pp 340, Antalya, October (2003)
- Güllü G., Çetin B. and Tuncel G., Dust transport to north eastern Mediterranean. 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean region, book of Abstracts, pp 133, Antalya, October (2003)
- Gaga E. O., Tuncel S. G., and Tuncel G., Investigation of PAHs in snow samples collected in an urban city. 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean region, book of Abstracts, pp 172, Antalya, October (2003)
- Öztas Emek N.B., Tuncel S.G., and Tuncel G., Bioavailability of metals in Mediterranean aerosols. 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean region, book of Abstracts, pp 173, Antalya, October (2003)
- Öztürk F., Soultanov L., and Tuncel G. Investigation of origins of atmospheric pollution due to elevated so4 2- levels over the eastern Mediterranean. 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean region, book of Abstracts, pp 174, Antalya, October (2003)
- Türküm A. and Tuncel G., Investigation of relation between aerosol and rainwater composition at different parts of Turkey. 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean region, book of Abstracts, pp 177, Antalya, October (2003)
- Yörük E., Yesilyurt C., Bayar B., and Tuncel G., Atmospheric composition of central Anatolia. 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean region, book of Abstracts, pp 178, Antalya, October (2003)
- Tuncel G., Sources of high sulfate concentrations in the Eastern Meediterranean atmosphere. 13th World Clean Air and Environmental Protection Congress and Exhibition, book of abstracts, pp 33, London, August 2004
- Öztürk F., Tuncel G., Chemical Composition of precipitation in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere, 13th World Clean Air and Environmental Protection Congress and Exhibition, book of abstracts, pp 58, London, August 2004
- Kuntasal O. O., Karman D., cel G., Comparision of volatile organic compounds in a regulated and nonregulated city atmosphere. 13th World Clean Air and Environmental Protection Congress and Exhibition, book of abstracts, pp 33, London, August 2004
- Tuncel G., Receptor Modeling and trajectory statistics – chemometry in air pollution reseach: Applications in Turkey. 4th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Proceedings, pp 78-83, Kuşadası, September (2004)
- Genc D. Deniz, Yeşilyurt C., Bayar B., Tuncel G. Short and long term variations in the concentrations gaseous and particulate pollutants in Ankara and assessment of traffic related pollution. 4th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Proceedings, pp 99-101, Kuşadası, September (2004)
- Doğan G., Tuncel G., Comparison of positive matrix factorization and factor analysis for the source apportionment of particulate pollutants in Antalya. 4th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Proceedings, pp 113-115, Kuşadası, September (2004)
- Kuntasal O. Ö., Karman D., Tuncel S. G., Tuncel G., Determination of volatile organic compounds in ambient air by multibed adsorbtion/short path thermal desorbtion-GC/MS. 4th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Proceedings, pp 339-341, Kuşadası, September (2004)
- Gaga O. E., Tuncel G., Tuncel S. G., Statistical analysis of environmental data: PAHs in urban atmosphere. 4th Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days, Proceedings, pp 505-507, Kuşadası, September (2004)
- Ahmet Türküm, Hakan Pekey, Beyhan Pekey and Gürdal Tuncel Investigation of the relationship between aerosol and rainwater compositions at different locations in Turkey. 3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales (AQM 2005), Proceedings pp 8-17, Istanbul, September (2005)
- Ahmet Türküm, Beyhan Pekey, Hakan Pekey and Gürdal Tuncel, Comparison of sources affecting chemical compositions of aerosol and rain water at three different locations in Turkey. 3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales (AQM 2005), Proceedings pp 36-45, Istanbul, September (2005)
- Güray Doğan, Ebru (Yörük) Tuna, Gürdal Tuncel Comparison of source apportionment of particulate pollutants at different parts of Turkey. 3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales (AQM 2005), Proceedings pp 93-102, Istanbul, September (2005)
- Öznur Oğuz Kuntasal, Deniz Karman, Gürdal Tuncel Receptor modelling of toxic air pollutants in Ankara atmosphere. 3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales (AQM 2005), Proceedings pp 480-487, Istanbul, September (2005)
- Deniz Derya Genç, Canan Yeşilyurt, Banu Bayar, Gürdal Tuncel Effects of meteorology on Ankara air quality. 3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales (AQM 2005), Proceedings pp 385-392, Istanbul, September (2005)
- Mihriban Y.Civan, Gürdal Tuncel Performance comparison of different brands of passive sampling tubes for the determination NO2 and O3 in urban atmosphere. 3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales (AQM 2005), Proceedings pp 1499-1504, Istanbul, September (2005)
- Hanefi Bayraktar, F.Sezer Turalioğlu and Gürdal Tuncel, Mass concentrations of TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 in Erzurum urban center, Turkey. 3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales (AQM 2005), Proceedings pp 1505-1513, Istanbul, September (2005)
- Gülen Güllü, Güray Doğan, Gürdal Tuncel, Source regions of dust transported to the eastern Mediterranean. 3rd International Symposium on Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales (AQM 2005), Proceedings pp 1153-1161, Istanbul, September (2005)
- E. Gaga, G. Tuncel, S. G. Tuncel, Assessment of Dry Deposition of Trace Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Surface Snow Analysis. The 16th Regional Conference of Clean Air and Environment in Asian Pacific Area, Book of abstracts pp 101, Tokyo, August (2005)
- Ebru Yörük, Canan Yeşilyurt, Beyhan Pekey and Gürdal Tuncel Investigation of sources of atmospheric aerosol at rural area in Central Anatolia . 1st International Conference on Air Pollution and Combustion, book of abstracts p 77, Ankara, June (2005)
- Burcu Tuncer, Canan Yeşilyurt, Banu Bayar, Hakan Pekey, Gürdal Tuncel Investigation of source regions affecting chemical composition of precipitation at the Central Anatolia (Turkey) during 1993–1998. 1st International Conference on Air Pollution and Combustion, book of abstracts p 17. Ankara, June (2005)
- Deniz Derya Genç, Canan Yeşilyurt, Banu Bayar, Gürdal Tuncel Assessment of traffic contribution on Ankara air quality. 1st International Conference on Air Pollution and Combustion, book of abstracts p 22. Ankara, June (2005)
- Gürdal Tuncel, Fatma Öztürk, Abdullah Zararsız, Application of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Technique to Measure Elemental Concentrations of Aerosols in the Eastern Mediterranean Atmosphere. 1st International Conference on Air Pollution and Combustion, book of abstracts p 11. Ankara, June (2005)
- Güray Doğan, Duran Karakas, Gürdal Tuncel Comparison of Positive Matrix Factorization and Factor Analysis for the Source Apportionment of Particulate Pollutants in the Black Sea Coast. 1st International Conference on Air Pollution and Combustion, book of abstracts p 14. Ankara, June (2005)
- Öznur Oğuz Kuntasal, Deniz Karman, Semra G. Tuncel, Gürdal Tuncel, Spatial and temporal variations of vocs in Ankara atmosphere. 1st International Conference on Air Pollution and Combustion, book of abstracts p 26. Ankara, June (2205)
- Omar Alagha, Gürdal Tuncel, Evaluation of air quality over the Black Sea: Trace metals in rain water. 1st International Conference on Air Pollution and Combustion, book of abstracts p 60, Ankara, June (2205).
- Tuncel G., Sources affecting chemical composition of particles in the Black Sea atmosphere. 8th International Conference on Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences, book of abstracts, pp 171, Rio de Jenario, 17 – 22 April (2005)
- Ozturk F., Efe, N., Zarars A., Tuncel, G., Investigation of Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles Over the Eastern Mediterranean. The 16th Regional Conference of Clean Air and Environment in Asian Pacific Area (RCCAE 2005), pp.138 , 2-4 August, Tokyo, Japan (2005)
- Oztürk F., Zararsız A., Tuncel G., Identification of Source Regions Affecting Chemical Composition of Eastern Mediterranean Aerosols. Air Pollution and Environmental Health, from Science to Action. Paris, September (2006)
- Fatma Öztürk, Nurettin Efe, Abdullah Zararsiz, and Gurdal Tuncel, Investigation of Source Regions and Temporal Variation of Ammonia over the Eastern Mediterranean Atmosphere. Workshop on Agricultural Air Quality:
- State of the Science Book of proceedings page 966 - 1001, Maryland (USA), June (2006)
- G. Doğan, S. Atgın, A. Zararsız, R. Kırmaz, G. Tuncel Source contributions to sediment trace element levels in Izmir bay (Turkey). CMA4CH, Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics applied to Environment and Cultural Heritage. Book of Abstracts p 312, EMI (RM), 2-4 October 2006, Italy
- G. Doğan, G. Güllü and G. Tuncel, Sources and Source Regions Effecting the Aerosol Composition of the Eastern Mediterranean CMA4CH, Multivariate Analysis and Chemometrics applied to Environment and Cultural Heritage. Book of Abstracts p 425, EMI (RM), 2-4 October 2006, Italy
- Adriano M.G. Pacheco, Mariado Carmo Freitas, Gürdal Tuncel, How the Caribbean Basin May Contribute to Airborne Elements over the Azores. 3rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston, USA, Agust 2007
- Fatma Ozturk, Gürdal Tuncel, Identification of Source Regions of Aerosols in the Eastern Mediterranean Atmosphere by Exploiting Receptor Oriented Models., 26th Annual Conference of the American Associaiton for Aerosol Research. Reno, Nevada, US, September (2007)
- Civan M. Y., Kuntasal O. O., Tuncel G., Determination of ;Uptake rates for VOC’s in ambient air using axial type thermal desorption passive tubes. 7th Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium, Book of Abstracts pp 4, Reston Virginia (US), April (2007)
- Civan M. Y., Tuncel S. G., Tuncel G., Spatial distributions of organic and inorganic pollutants at an industrial city on the northwestern Turkey, 7th Passive Sampling Workshop and Symposium, Book of Abstracts pp 5, Reston Virginia (US), April (2007)
- Tokgöz, D. D. G and Tuncel G., Investigation of Chemical Composition and Sources of Atmospheric Aerosols at a Rural Area over Northwestern Turkey. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-11615, 2008
- Yorulmaz S. Y., Civan, M. Y. and Tuncel G, Examination of VOCs Sources in Urban Air of Bursa Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-08417, 2008
- Dogan, G., Karakas, D., Tuncel G. and Genç D., Determination of long range potential source regions of anthropogenic substances in the Black Sea coast of Turkey. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-06383, 2008
- M. Y. Civan M. Y., Kuntasal O. O., and Tuncel G., Spatial Distribution and Source Apportionment of VOCs Using Passive Sampling at an Industrial City in Turkey. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-08314, 2008
- Özlem Işıkdemir, Güray Dogan and Gurdal Tuncel Determination of sources affecting chemical composition of rain water at the Eastern Mediterranean using positive matrix factorization. International Environmental Forensics Conference, Book of abstracts pp 36, May 26 -31, Qindao, China (2008)
- Lokman H. Tecer, Omar Alagha, Ferhat Karaca and Gürdal Tuncel, A bidirectional case-crossover study: Fine and coarse particulate matter and children's hospital admissions for asthma and respiratory diseases" International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health, October 13-16, 2008, Munich, Germany
- Doğan, G., Güllü,G., Karakaş, D. and Tuncel, G. Comparison of Source Regions of Major Anthropologic Compounds at the Two Coastal Regions of Turkey. 2nd International Meeting on Multivariate Analysis and Chemometry for Cultural Heritage and Environment, Ventotene, Italy, 1-4 June 2008, 35-36
- Karakaş Duran, Doğan Güray, Tuncel Gürdal, Interboundary atmospheric transport of pollutants to the Black Sea basin. BIES08, Black Sea Internatioanal Environmental Symosium, Giresun, August (2008)
- Ihsan Ali Ihsan, Öztürk Fatma, Balta Ttülay, Öz Nezahat, Kenet Fatma Eroğlu Rasan Gürhan, Dündar Cihan, Tuncel Gürdal, Chemical composition of wet deposition in the Black Sea atmsophere. Black Sea Internatioanal Environmental Symosium, Giresun, August (2008)
- Öztürk, F., Kırmaz, R., Zararsız, A., Tuncel, G., “A new approach for the characterization of aerosols using EDXRF”, 9th International Conference on Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences (NAMLS 9), 7-12 September 2008, Lisbon, Portugal
- Maria do Carmo Freitas, Adriano M. G. Pacheco, and Gurdal Tuncel Molybdenum and Uranium from Remote Continental Origin at Pico Summit, Pico Island, Azores, Portugal Proceedings of the Natural Radiation Environment: 8th International Symposium (NRE VIII); American Institute of Physics conference series, Volume 1034, pp 234-241, Anselmo Salles Paschoa Ed., Rio de Jenairo, October (2008
- D. Deniz Genç, Gürdal Tuncel, Trajectory clustering for long range transport of aerosols in Northwestern Turkey Global Conference on Global Warming 2009, Istanbul July 2009
- Sema Yorulmaz, Mihriban Civan & Gürdal Tuncel ınvestıgatıon of the lıght hydrocarbons ın Bursa atmosphere Global Conference on Global Warming 2009, Istanbul July 2009
- Mihriban Civan,Tolga Elbir, Remzi Seyfioğlu, Sait Sofuoğlu, Abdurrahman Bayram, Aysenmüezzinoğlu, Mustafa Odabaşı and Gürdal Tuncel, spatıal dıstrıbutıon of organıc and ınorganıc pollutants at alıaga,Turkey Global Conference on Global Warming 2009, Istanbul July 2009
- Duran Karakaş, Ilhan Ölmez and Gürdal Tuncel, The use of receptor modeling to apportıon sources affecting chemical composıtıon of partıcles at the black sea atmosphere International Network of Environmental Forensics Conference, August Calgary (Canada) (2009)
- Güray Doğan, Duran Karakaş, Gürdal Tuncel, Role of spectrometry in environmental forensics: a powerful tool in source region apportionment in the black sea region 5th Black Sea Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Samsun, September (2009)
- Gürdal Tuncel, Karadeniz’in Atmosfer Yoluyla Kirlenmesi. Uluslararasi Karadeniz Günü 1. Deniz çevresi çaliştayı, Samsun Ekim 2009
- M.C. Freitas, Paulo Fialho, Adriano Pacheco, Casimiro Pio and Gurdal Tuncel, Lower free troposphere aerosol elemental composition at Central North Atlantic Region. Symposium on Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics at Mountain Sites, Interlaken, Switzerland, 8-10 June, (2010)
- Eftade O. Gaga , Gürdal Tuncel , Semra G. Tuncel, Spatial Distribution Of PAH Dry Deposition Fluxes Onto Snow Surface At Ankara, Turkey. International Specialty Conference: Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, China May 10-14, 2010,
- Hakan Pekey, Demet ArslanbaÅŸ, Beyhan Pekey, Zehra Bulut Bozkurt, Güray DoÄŸan, Mihriban Civan, Öznur OÄŸuz Kuntasal, Gürdal Tuncel An Evaluation of the Health Risks of Selected Hazardous Air Pollutants for Different Groups in Kocaeli International Conference on Air Pollution and Control (CAPACII), Antalya, 19-23 September 2011
- Mihriban Civan, Arzu Erener and Gürdal Tuncel, Improvement Land Used Regression Model for Predicting Inorganic Pollutants Concentrations in Bursa/Turkey International Conference on Air Pollution and Control (CAPACII), Antalya, 19-23 September 2011
- Gürdal Tuncel Chemical processes in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere The sixth Jordanian International Conference of Chemistry, Irbid (Jordan), April 19 – 21 (2011)
- Öztürk, F.1, İlhan, A.İ., Balta, T., Tuncel, G. Interpretation of Long Term Aerosol and Precipitation Data Generated for Eastern Mediterranean Atmosphere in terms of Acidic Parameters AAAR Annual Conference Special Symposia on Aerosol and Precipitation. April 05, 2011
- Mihriban Civan, Öznur Oğuz Kuntasal and Gürdal Tuncel, Source apportionment and spatial trends of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the urban area of Turkey, Urban Environmental Pollution Congress, Amsterdam, 17-20 June 2012
- Yurdakul S., Civan M., Tuncel G., Sources and ozone formation potential of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Bursa Atmsophere Int Conf Recycling and Reuse, Book of Abstracts, pp 75-78, Istanbul (2012)
- Akal D., Civan M. Y., Yorulmaz S., Ersan H. Y., Tuncel G., Health risk potentials in the chemical engineering department in the Hacettepe University Int Conf Recycling and Reuse, Book of Abstracts, pp 80-81, Istanbul (2012)
- Fatma Öztürk, Vincent.A.Dutkiewicz, Liaquat Husain, Gürdal Tuncel, Local and remote sources of Black Carbon (BC) aerosols in Eastern Mediterranean, Atmosphere. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference, Book of Proceedings, pp 32-38, Istanbul 10-13 September (2012)
- Fatma Öztürk, Ali İhsan İlhan, Tülay Balta, Gürdal Tuncel, PMF analysis of rainwater data generated for Black Sea atmosphere. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference, Book of Proceedings, pp 71-79, Istanbul 10-13 September (2012)
- Fikret R. Yıkmaz, Seda Aslan Kılavuz, Zeynep Malkaz, Zuhal Akyürek, Gürdal Tuncel, Identification of potential source regions of sulphate ion determined in aerosol samples collected from central Anatolia, Turkey. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference, Book of Proceedings, pp 140-147, Istanbul 10-13 September (2012)
- Oğuz Kuntasal, Sema Yurdakul, Deniz Karman, Daniel Wang, Gürdal Tuncel, Determination of Emission Profiles of Volatile Organic Compounds in Ankara Atmosphere. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference, Book of Proceedings, pp 163-169, Istanbul 10-13 September (2012)
- Nur Banu Öztaş, Semra G. Tuncel, Gurdal Tuncel, Size dependent solubilities of elements in Eastern Mediterranean aerosol. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference, Book of Proceedings, pp 261-269, Istanbul 10-13 September (2012)
- Deniz Derya Genç Tokgöz, Gürdal Tuncel, Güray Doğan, Temporal variation in chemical composition of lower tropospheric aerosols at northwestern Turkey. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference, Book of Proceedings, pp 294-301, Istanbul 10-13 September (2012)
- Ilker Balcılar, Abdullah Zararsız, Yakup Kalaycı, Güray Dogan, Gürdal Tuncel Chemical composition of Eastern Black Sea Aerosol. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference, Book of Proceedings, pp 302-310, Istanbul 10-13 September (2012)
- Özge Ünver, Cemil Kocar, Gürdal Tuncel Development of a numerical model to calculate radiological consequences of nuclear accidents. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference, Book of Proceedings, pp 413, Istanbul 10-13 September (2012)
- Mihriban Yılmaz Civan, Tolga Elbir, Remzi Seyfioğlu, Öznur Oğuz Kuntasal, Abdurrahman Bayram, Güray Doğan, Sema Yurdakul, Özgün Andiç, Aysen Müezzinoğlu, Sait Sofuoğlu, Hakan Pekey, Beyhan Pekey, Ayşe Bozlaker, Mustafa Odabaşi, Gürdal Tuncel, Spatial Distribution of VOC Concentrations and Cancer Risk Around an Industrial Region at Western Turkey. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference, Book of Proceedings, pp 591-600, Istanbul 10-13 September (2012)
- Sema Yurdakul, Gül Ayaklı, Mihriban Civan, Güray Doğan, Gürdal Tuncel, Vertical and Temporal Variation of the Indoor Air Quality of the Working Offices in METU in Terms of Volatile Organic Compounds. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference, Book of Proceedings, pp 730-735, Istanbul 10-13 September (2012)
- Fatma Öztürk, Ali İhsan İlhan, Tülay Balta, Gürdal Tuncel, A Multi-Site Study of Rainwater Chemistry within Turkey. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference, Book of Proceedings, pp 795-802, Istanbul 10-13 September (2012)
- Zeynep Malkaz, Seda Aslan, Gürdal Tuncel, Variation of SO42- source regions affecting SO42- concentrations in the Eastern Mediterranean using Regions of Influence approach. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference, Book of Proceedings, pp 813, Istanbul 10-13 September (2012)
- Gül Ayaklı, Gürdal Tuncel, Ali İhsan İlhan, Tülay Balta, Fatma Öztürk Chemical composition of precipitation at different parts of Turkey. Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales, 4th International Symposium and IUAPPA Regional Conference, Book of Proceedings, pp 869, Istanbul 10-13 September (2012)
- E.O. Gaga, A. Ari, T. Döğeroğlu, S. Yenisoy-Karakaş, N.E. Machin, G.Tuncel, S.G.Tuncel, POPs in air, snow and rain samples in urban, suburban and industrial sites in Turkey: concentrations, partitionings, sources, and health risks International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, June 18 – 21, Capadokia (2013)
- Caner Yosunçığır, Deniz G. Tokgöz, Gürdal Tuncel relatıonshıp between meteorology and sıze dıstrıbutıon of partıcles at an urban aırshed. 6th Atmospheric Science Symposium - ATMOS 2013, Book of Proceedings pp 67-73, Istanbul, April (2013)
- Fatma Öztürk, Ali İhsan İlhan, Tülay Balta, Gürdal Tuncel, chemical characteristics of rainwater in Izmır, Turkey, 6th Atmospheric Science Symposium - ATMOS 2013, Book of Proceedings pp 132-138, Istanbul, April (2013)
- İ. Balcılar, A. Zararsız, Y. Kalaycı, G. Dogan, G. Tunce,l Temporal Variations of Eastern Black Sea Aerosol The Fourth Internatıonal Cemepe & Secotox Conference, June 24-28, Mykonos Island, Greece (2013)
- F. Yetgin, G. Tuncel, Contribution of natural sources on regional differences in PM10 concentrations in Turkey. The Fourth Internatıonal Cemepe & Secotox Conference, June 24-28, Mykonos Island, Greece (2013)
- Civan M., Elbir T., Seyfioğlu R., Kuntasal, Ö. O., Bayram A., Doğan G., Yurdakul S., Bozlaker A., Sofuoğlu S., PekeyB., Odabaşi M., Tuncel G., Ambient VOC levels and their sources in two different industrial cities and an industrial town in Turkey. 17th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, MESAEP 2013, September, Istanbul (2013)
- Yurdakul S., Özden Ö., Civan M., Ayakli G., Dogan G., Dögeroglu T., Tuncel G., Temporal variation of inorganic pollutants at working offices in METU. 17th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, MESAEP 2013, September, Istanbul (2013)
- Yurdakul S., Civan M., Tuncel G., Effect of the asphalting operations on the voc load of the bursa urban atmosphere 17th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, MESAEP 2013, September, Istanbul (2013)
- Tuncel G., Local and Distant Sources Affecting Rural Air Quality in Different Parts of Turkey: Recent Developments in Trajectory Statistics. German ‐ Turkısh Workshop on Aır Pollutıon and Human Health Effects 15 ‐ 17 December 2014, Eskişehir, TURKEY
- Tuncel G., Variations in sulfate source regions affecting Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere between 1980 and 2010, International Environmental Sciences Symposium of Van (IESSV), 4-7 July, Van (2014)
National Scientific Meetings
- S. Tuðrul, A. Özkan, G. Ramelow, G. Tuncel, T. Ý. Balkaþ Deniz Organizmalarýnda Alevli ve Alevsiz Atomik Absorpsiyon Tekniði ile Eser Element Tayini. VI. Ulusal Bilim Kongresi, Ankara, 1977.
- A. Özkan, G. Tuncel, G. Ramelow, T. Ý. Balkaþ, Enjeksiyon ile Örnekleme Sisteminin Atomik Absorpsiyon Spectrometresine Uygulanmasý. VI. Ulusal Bilim Kongresi, Ankara, 1977.
- S. Tuðrul, A. Özkan, G. Tuncel, G. Ramelow, T. Ý. Balkaþ, Deniz Suyunda Alevli Atomik Absorpsiyon Tekniði ile Eser Element Tayini. VI. Ulusal Bilim Kongresi, Ankara, 1977.
- G. Tuncel, A. Özkan, S. Tuðrul, G. Ramelow, T. Ý. Balkaþ, Deniz Suyunda Civa Tayini. VI. Ulusal Bilim Kongresi, Ankara, 1977.
- G. Tuncel, A. Özkan, S. Tuðrul, G. Ramelow, T. Ý. Balkaþ Sediman ve Balýklarda Soðuk Buhar Atomik Absorpsiyon Tekniði ile Civa Tayini. VI. Ulusal Bilim Kongresi, Ankara, 1977.
- G. Tuncel, S. Tuðrul, A. Özkan, G. Ramelow, T. Ý. Balkaþ, Deniz Örneklerinde Eser Element Tayini. III. Ulusal Spektroskopi Kongresi, Ankara, 1978.
- A. Özkan, G. Tuncel, S. Tuðrul, G. Ramelow, T. Ý. Balkaþ, Çeþitli Akdeniz Sedimanlarýnda Eser Element Tayini. III. Ulusal Spektroskopi Kongresi, Ankara, 1978.
- G. Tuncel, M. Volkan, O. Y. Ataman, Atomik Absorpsiyon Spectrometresinde Kullanýlan Pirolitik Grafit Kaplý Tüplerin Özelliklerinin Ýncelenmesi. VII. Ulusal Spektroskopi Kongresi, Ýzmir 1980.
- G. Hacýsalihoðlu, G. Teksöz, S. Sanin, S. Tuncel, T. Ý. Balkaþ, G. Tuncel, Karadeniz'e Atmosferden Giren Eser Element Akýlarýnýn Belirlenmesi. Çevre 89, 5. Çevre Bilimleri ve Teknolojisi Kongresi, Basýlý Tebligler, sayfa 464 - 474, Adana 1989.
- E. Alp, G. Tuncel, S. Soyupak, K. B. Özsoy, B. Kýlýç, B. Arpacýoðlu, Termik Santrallarýn Hava Kalitesine Etkileri: Aliaða Pilot Çalýþmasý, Türkiye'de Çevre Kirlenmesi Öncelikleri Sempozyumu, Ýstanbul, Eylül 1991.
- M. Y. Sert, G. Tuncel, C. Yurteri, Ankara Hava Kirliliði Ölçümlerinin Zaman Serileri Analizi. Devlet Ýstatistik Enstitüsü, ARAÞTIRMA SEMPOZYUMU'92, Ankara, Temmuz 1992.
- C. B. Arpacýoðlu, C. Yurteri, G. Tuncel, E. Alp, Aliaða Bölgesi Hava Kirliliði Modellemesi: Yöntem ve Sonuçlar, ÝTÜ 1. Hava Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolu Sempozyumu, sayfa 100-112, Ýstanbul, Mayýs 1993.
- G. G. Palaoðullarýndan, T. Pervan, G. Tuncel, E. Alp, Türkiye Genelinde Endüstriyel Kaynaklý Hava Kirleticileri, Emisyon Envanteri Oluþturulmasý, ÝTÜ 1. Hava Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolu Sempozyumu, sayfa 202-211, Ýstanbul, Mayýs 1993.
- T. Pervan, G. Palaoðullarýndan, G. Tuncel, E. Alp, Uzun Mesafe Kirletici Taþýným Modelinin Türkiye ve Çevresine Uygulanmasý, ÝTÜ 1. Hava Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolu Sempozyumu, sayfa 72-83, Ýstanbul, Mayýs 1993.
- Y. Sert, G. Tuncel, C. Yurteri, Ankara Hava Kirliliði Ölçümlerinin Zaman Serisi Analizi, ÝTÜ 1. Hava Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolu sempozyumu, sayfa 91-99, Ýstanbul, Mayýs 1993.
- G. Güllü, Ý. Ölmez, T. Balkaþ, S. Tuncel, G. Tuncel, Karadeniz Atmosferinde Ölçülen Parçacýklarýn Kimyasal Kompozisyonu, ÝTÜ 1. Hava Kirlenmesi ve Kontrolu Sempozyumu, sayfa 245-257, Ýstanbul, Mayýs 1993.
- M. Yatýn, S. G. Tuncel, G. Tuncel, N. K. Aras, Ý. Ölmez, Ankara Kentinde Hava Kirliliði Kaynaklarýnýn Belirlenmesi, X. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, sayfa 160, Bursa, Eylül 1994.
- G. Güllü, Ý. Al Momani, D. Karakaþ, S. G. Tuncel, G. Tuncel, Ü. Eler, G. Þirin, E. Örtel, Þ. Sipahioðlu, M. Çalar, Doðu Akadeniz Bölgesine Uzun Mesafeli Kirletici Taþýnýmý. X. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, sayfa 169, Bursa, Eylül 1994.
- G. Tuncer, O. Güven, F. C. Gökçay, T. Ý. Balkaþ, G. Tuncel, Türkiye Kýyýlarýndan Karadeniz'e Nehirler Yoluyla Atýlan Kirletici Miktarlarý. X. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, sayfa 171-172, Bursa, Eylül 1994.
- Ý. Al momani, G. Tuncel, Deposition of Heavy Metals and Ions to the Eastern Mediterranean Basin. X. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, sayfa 175, Bursa, Eylül 1994.
- G. Kaya, S. G. Tuncel, G. Tuncel, Ankara Atmosferinde Yaþ ve Kuru Çökelmenin Kimyasal Kompozisyonunun Belirlenmesi. X. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, sayfa 175, Bursa, Eylül 1994.
- Ulu Y., Güllü G., Tuncel S. G., Köse C., Yazar M., Tuncel G., İzmir Aliağa bölgesinde endüstrileşmenin bölge hava kalitesine olan etkileri. III. Ulusal Yanma ve Hava Kirliliği Kontrolu Kongresi, Tebliğler kitabı sayfa 365 – 375, Ankara (1995)
- Güllü G., Al-Momani Ý., Eler Ü., Örtel E., Þirin G., Ölmez Ý., Tuncel G., Antalya Kýrsal Bölgesinde ölçülen kirleticilerin kaynak bölgelerinin tesbiti. IV. Yanma ve Hava Kirliliði Kontrolu Sempozyumu, Bildiriler kitabý, sayfa 106-119, Antalya 20-22 Mayýs (1997)
- Kayın S., Önder K., Tuncel G., Yurteri C., Doğal gaz kombine çevirim santrallarının yerel hava kalitesine etkileri. Yanma ve Hava Kirliliði Kontrolu Sempozyumu, Bildiriler kitabý, sayfa 125-132, Antalya 20-22 Mayýs (1997)
- Tuncel G., Kýrsal Bölgelerde yapýlan hava kirliliði çalýþmalalrýnýn Türkiye’nin hava kirliliði öncelikleri içersindeki yeri. II. Türkiye’de Çevre Kirlenmesi Öncelikleri Sempozyumu. Bildiriler kitabý, sayfa 351-361, 22-23 Mayýs, Gebze (1997)
- El-Agha, O., Tosun, S., Tuncel G., Trace elements and ions composition of rainwater in the western Black Sea forest region. KIMYA 98, XII. National Chemistry Congress, Book of Abstracts, pp 94, Edirne, September (1998)
- Tuncel, G., Güllü G., Al-Momani I., Kuloglu E., Uzun B., El-Agra O., Karakaş D., Eler Ü., Şirin G., Ortel E., Tosun S., Regional air pollution in the eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea: Consequences and source regions. KIMYA 98, XII. National Chemistry Congress, Book of Abstracts, pp 692, Edirne, September (1998)
- Atgın S., Keskin B., Zararsız A., Kırman R., Kocataş A., Parlak H., Tuncel G., Determination of sources contributing to hih trace element levels in Izmir Bay. KIMYA 98, XII. National Chemistry Congress, Book of Abstracts, pp 694, Edirne, September (1998) (in Turkish)
- Güllü G., Ölmez İ., Tuncel G., Determination of chemical composition and source regions of aerosols in the eastern Mediterranean atmosphere. KIMYA 98, XII. National Chemistry Congress, Book of Abstracts, pp 700, Edirne, September (1998) (in Turkish)
- Karakaş D., Ölmez İ., Tuncel G., Long range transport of pollutants to the western Black Sea: study of aerosol composition and sources. KIMYA 98, XII. National Chemistry Congress, Book of Abstracts, pp 705, Edirne, September (1998) (in Turkish)
- Kuloğlu E., Tuncel G., Particle size distribution and dry deposition fluxes of trace elements and major ions in the eastern Mediterranean atmosphere. KIMYA 98, XII. National Chemistry Congress, Book of Abstracts, pp 726, Edirne, September (1998) (in Turkish)
- Al-Momani I., Eler Ü., Şirin G, Örtel E., Tuncel G., Wet deposition of pollutants in the eastern Mediterranean. KIMYA 98, XII. National Chemistry Congress, Book of Abstracts, pp 728, Edirne, September (1998) (in Turkish)
- Uzun B., Tuncel G., Investiagation of biogenic sulfur source in the eastern Mediterranean atmosphere. KIMYA 98, XII. National Chemistry Congress, Book of Abstracts, pp 730, Edirne, September (1998) (in Turkish)
- Karakas, D., Tuncel, G., Traceelement chemistry in Black Sea aerosols. Chemistry 99, XIIIth National Chemistry Congress, Samsun, September (1999) (in Turkish)
- Al-Agha, O., Tuncel, G., Determination of sources affecting chemical composition of black Sea precipitation. Chemistry 99, XIIIth National Chemistry Congress, Samsun, September (1999) (in Turkish)
- Tuncer, G., Tuncel, G. ve Balkas, T. I., Pollution History of the Golden Horn Sediments. Haliç. 2001 Symposium, Book of Abstracts, pp 231-252, Istanbul (2001)
- Yay, O. D. And Tuncel G., Ankara’da toprak kirliliği ve kaynakları. IV. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, bildiriler kitabı pp 113-119, İçel, Kasım (2001)
- Oğuz, Ö., Tuncel G., and Karman D., Trafikten kaynaklanan uçucu ve yarı uçucu bileşiklerin belirlenmesi ve mevsimsel değişimlerinin incelenmesi. IV. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, bildiriler kitabı pp 495–503, İçel, Kasım (2001)
- Tuncel, G., Türkiye’ye Yurt Dışından Taşınan Kirleticilerin Kaynak Bölgelerinin Belirlenmesi. IV. Ulusal Ekoloji ve Çevre Kongresi, book of abstracts, pp 76, Bodrum, Ekim (2001)
- Güray Doğan, Gürdal Tuncel, Türkiye’nin Değişik Bölgelerinde Ölçülen Aerosol Kompozisyonlarının Karşılaştırılması, Yanma ve Hava Kirliliği Kontrolü VI. Ulusal Sempozyumu, Proceedings, pp 169 – 181, Eylül, İzmir (2003)
- Eftade O. Gaga, Gürdal Tuncel, Semra Tuncel Şehir Atmosferindeki Çok Halkalı Aromatik Bileşiklerin Kuru Çökelme Akılarının ve Kirlilik Dağılımının Kar Yüzeyi Kullanılarak Belirlenmesi. Yanma ve Hava Kirliliği Kontrolü VI. Ulusal Sempozyumu, Proceedings, pp 220 – 226, Eylül, İzmir (2003)
- Fatma Öztürk, Lenar Soultanov, Gürdal Tuncel, Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi’nde Gözlenen Yüksek Sülfat Derişim Kaynaklarının Belirlenmesi. Yanma ve Hava Kirliliği Kontrolü VI. Ulusal Sempozyumu, Proceedings, pp 298 – 311, Eylül, İzmir (2003)
- Gürdal Tuncel, Türkiye’de asit Yağışları. III. Atmosfer Bilimleri Sempozyumu, Bildiriler Kitabı, sayfa 1-16, Istanbul, Mart (2003)
- Yörük E., Yeşilyurt C., Bayar B., Tuncel G., Orta Anadolu Bölgesinde Atmosferin Kompozisyonunun Belirlenmesi, V. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Tebliğler kitabı, 125-129, Ankara, Ekim (2003)
- Kuloğlu, E., Doğan G., Tuncel G., Doğu Akdeniz bölgesinde element ve iyonların kuru çökelme akılarının tane irilik dağılımları dikkate alınarak belirlenmesi, 2.Ulusal Çevre Kirliliği Kontrolü Sempozyumu, bildiriler kitabı sayfa 112-120, Ankara, Ekim 2003
- Oğuz, Ö., Tuncel G., Karman D., Organik hava kirleticilerinin kaynak katkı paylarının belirlenmesinde reseptör modellemesi tekniğinin kullanılması, 2.Ulusal Çevre Kirliliği Kontrolü Sempozyumu, bildiriler kitabı sayfa 121-128, Ankara, Ekim 2003
- Coşkuner R. T., Güllü G., Tuncel G., Yapay sinir ağları metodunun İstanbul şehri NOx seviyelerinin tahmininde kullanımı, 2.Ulusal Çevre Kirliliği Kontrolü Sempozyumu, bildiriler kitabı sayfa 137-144, Ankara, Ekim 2003
- Ünver Ö., Tuncel G., Bulgaristan'daki bir nükleer santraldeki potansiyel bir kaza sonrası emisyonların Türkiye üzerindeki birikiminin model yardımıyla incelenmesi, 2.Ulusal Çevre Kirliliği Kontrolü Sempozyumu, bildiriler kitabı sayfa 337-341, Ankara, Ekim 2003
- Nur Banu Ö. Emek, Semra G. Tuncel, Gürdal Tuncel, Partikül Fazında Eser Element Kimyası, XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 5-9 Temmuz, Kars (2004)
- Eftade O.Gaga, Gürdal Tuncel, Semra G. Tuncel, Çok Halkalý Aromatik Bileþiklerin Kuru Çökelmelerinin GC-Kütle Spektrometresi Kullanýlarak Araþtýrýlmasý, XVIII. Ulusal Kimya Kongresi, 5-9 Temmuz, Kars (2004)
- Kuntasal O. Ö., Karman D., Tuncel G., Motorlu taşıtlardan kaynaklanan toksik hava kirleticilerinin emisyon profillerinin tayini. IX Otomotiv ve Yan Sanayii Sempozyumu, Bursa, Mayıs 2005
- F. Öztürk, R. Kırmaz, N. Efe, A. Zararsız ve G. Tuncel, Doğu Akdeniz Atmosferinde Bulunan Aerosollerin Kimyasal Kompozisyonunun Enerji Dağılımlı X Işınları Floresans Spektrometresi ile Tayini. 6. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, İstanbul, Kasım (2005)
- D. D. Genç, C. Yeşilyurt, B. Bayar Ve G. Tuncel, Ankara’daki Hava Kirliliğinin Zamansal ve Mekansal Değişimi. 6. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, İstanbul, Kasım (2005)
- Ö. IŞIKDEMİR, H. PEKEY ve G. TUNCEL, Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi Yağışların Kimyasal Kompozisyonunun İncelenmesi. 6. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, İstanbul, Kasım (2005)
- Demet Arslanbaş, Hakan Pekey, Beyhan Pekey, Güray Doğan, Mihriban Civan, Gürdal TUNCEL Kocaeli’de Farklı Mikro Çevrelerde Uçucu Organik Bileşiklerin Belirlenmesi. Mersin Üniversitesi, Ulusal Çevre Sempozyumu, Mersin, Nisan (2007)
- Zehra Bozkurt, Beyhan Pekey, Hakan Pekey, Güray Doğan, Gürdal Tuncel, İç Ortam Havasında İnorganik Gaz Kirleticilerin Belirlenmesi Mersin Üniversitesi, Ulusal Çevre Sempozyumu, Mersin, Nisan (2007)
- Güray Doğan, Gülen Güllü, Gürdal Tuncel Akdeniz Bölgesindeki Potansiyel Uzun Mesafeli Kirletici Kaynaklarının Bootstrap Metodu ile Belirlenmesi. 7. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Tebligler CD’si, Izmir, Mayıs (2007)
- Fatma Öztürk, Abdullah Zararsız, Gürdal Tuncel Doğu Akdeniz Atmosferinde Bulunan Aerosollerin Kimyasal Kompozisyonunun 1992-2000 Yılları Arasında Gözlenen Kısa ve Uzun Vadeli Değişiminin İncelenmesi. 7. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Tebligler CD’si, Izmir, Mayıs (2007)
- Deniz Derya Genç, Gürdal Tuncel Türkiye’nin Kuzeybatısındaki Aerosol Kompozisyonunun İçeriği. 7. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Tebligler CD’si, Izmir, Mayıs (2007)
- Tuğba Ayvaz Kahramantekin, Özlem Özden, Tuncay Döğeroğlu, Serap Kara, Gürdal Tuncel, Eftade Gaga, Eskişehir atmosferindeki partikül maddenin iyonik bileşenler açısından karakterizasyonu. 7. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Tebligler CD’si, Izmir, Mayıs (2007)
- Demet Arslanbas, Hakan Pekey, Beyhan Pekey, Güray Dogan, M_Hr_Ban C_Van, Gürdal Tuncel, kocael_nde uçucu organik biesiklerin konsantrasyonları üzerinde meteoroloik sartların etkileri. Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumu; Kocaeli-2008, Tebliğler kitabı sayfa 272-282, 14 – 18 Mayıs, Kocaeli (2008)
- Zehra Bozkurt, Demet Arslanbaş, Hakan Pekey, Beyhan Pekey, Abdullah Zararsız, Güray Doğan, Yetkin Sönmez Dumanoğlu, Abdurrahman Bayram, Nurettin Efe, Gürdal Tuncel, Kocaeli’de farklı mikroçevrelerde uçucu organik bileşikler, ağır metaller ve inorganik gaz fazı kirleticilerin iç ve dış ortam seviyelerinin belirlenmesi VIII. Ulusal Tesisat Mühendisliği Kongresi, Bildiriler kitabı 385-394, Kocaeli, Mart 2008
- Zehra Bozkurt, Beyhan Pekey, Hakan Pekey, Güray Doğan, Gürdal Tuncel Aktif ve pasif örnekleme teknikleriyle inorganik gaz kirleticilerin izlenmesi. Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumu; Kocaeli-2008, Tebliğler kitabı 284-291, 14 – 18 Mayıs, Kocaeli (2008)
- Mihriban Yılmaz Civan, Sema Yorulmaz, Gürdal Tuncel, Uçucu organik maddeler için pasif örnekleme tüplerinin tekrarlanabilirliğinin ve tutma sabitinin değişkenliğinin belirlenmesi. Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumu; Kocaeli-2008, Tebliğler kitabı sayfa 21-220, Kocaeli, Mayıs (2008)
- Ali İhsan İlhan, Fatma Öztürk, Cihan Dündar, Tülay Balta, Nezahat Öz, Fatma Eroglu Kenet, Gürdal Tuncel Çözünmüş metallerin Çamkoru (Ankara) ormanlık alanına olan çökelmelerinin incelenmesi. Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumu; Kocaeli-2008, Tebliğler kitabı sayfa 292-299, 14 – 18 Mayıs, Kocaeli (2008)
- Güray Dogan, Ebru (Yörük) Tuna, Gürdal Tuncel İç Anadolu bölgesindeki potansiyel uzun mesafeli kirletici kaynaklarının bootstrap metodu ile belirlenmesi. Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumu; Tebliğler kitabı sayfa 206-211, Kocaeli-2008, Kocaeli, Mayıs (2008)
- Fatma Öztürk, Gürdal Tuncel Doğu Akdeniz Aerosolu İnorganik Değişkenlerinin Uzun Donem Değişimlerinin İstatiksel İncelenmesi. Ulusal Hava Kalitesi Sempozyumu, Mayıs, 2008 Konya
- Eftade O. Gaga, Akif Arı, Serpil Yenisoy Karakaş, Duran Karakaş, Gürdal Tuncel, Kent Merkezi’nde İnce ve Kaba Partikül Madde Derişimlerinin İncelenmesi ve Kaynak Belirlenmesi. Ulusal Hava Kalitesi Sempozyumu, Mayıs, 2008 Konya
- Hakan Pekey, Beyhan Pekey, Zehra Bozkurt, Demet Arslanbaş, Güray Doğan, Gürdal Tuncel Kocaeli İlinde Evlerin İç ve Dış Ortamlarında İnorganik Gaz Kirleticilerin Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi. Ulusal Hava Kalitesi Sempozyumu, Mayıs, 2008 Konya
- Hanefi Bayraktar, F.Sezer Turalıoğlu, Gürdal Tuncel, Erzurum Atmosferinde TSP, PM10, PM10-2.5, PM2.5 Kütlesel Konsantrasyonları. Ulusal Hava Kalitesi Sempozyumu, Mayıs, 2008 Konya
- Ali İhsan İlhan, Fatma Öztürk, Kamil Çoşkun, Tülay Balta, Nezahat Öz, Fatma Eroğlu Kenet, Gürhan Rasan, Cihan Dündar, Gürdal Tuncel, karadeniz yağmur suyu kompozisyonunu etkileyen kaynakların faktör analiz tekniği ile belirlenmesi. Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü ulusal Sampozyumu – 2008, Bildiriler kitabı, editörler T. Elbir, Y. Dumanoğlu, A. Bayram, M. Odabaşı, S. Örnektekin, ISBN No 978-975-00331-0-0, Sayfa 364 – 374, Hatay, Ekim (2008)
- Güray Doğan, Öznur Oğuz, Mihriban C. Yılmaz, Ayşe Bozlaker, Tolga Elbir, Remzi Seyfioğlu, Sait Sofuoglu, Abdurrahman Bayram, Aysen Müezzinoğlu, Mustafa Odabaşı, Sema Y. Yorulmaz, Beyhan Pekey ve Gürdal Tuncel, İzmir-Aliağa’da aktif aolla ölçülen uçucu organik bileşik konsantrasyonlarının kısa süreli, 24 saatlik ve mevsimsel değişimlerinin değerlendirilmesi. Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü ulusal Sampozyumu – 2008, Bildiriler kitabı, editörler T. Elbir, Y. Dumanoğlu, A. Bayram, M. Odabaşı, S. Örnektekin, ISBN No 978-975-00331-0-0, Sayfa 265 – 273, Hatay, Ekim (2008)
- Başak Munzur, Güray Doğan, Deniz G. Korkmaz, Abdullah Zararsız, Rıdvan Kırmaz, Tolga Elbir, Remzi Seyfioğlu, Sait Sofuoglu, Abdurrahman Bayram, Aysen Müezzinoğlu, Mustafa Odabaşı, ve Gürdal Tuncel, Ege bölgesinde toplanan atmosferik partiküler maddenin kimyasal kompozisyonu ve literatürle karşılaştırılması. Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü ulusal Sampozyumu – 2008, Bildiriler kitabı, editörler T. Elbir, Y. Dumanoğlu, A. Bayram, M. Odabaşı, S. Örnektekin, ISBN No 978-975-00331-0-0, Sayfa 513 – 523, Hatay, Ekim (2008)
- Mihriban Civan, Tolga Elbir, Remzi Seyfioğlu, Sait Sofuoğlu, Abdurrahman Bayram, Aysen Müezzinoğlu, Mustafa Odabaşı, Öznur Kuntasal, Ayşe Bozlaker, Hakan Pekey, Sema Y. Yorulmaz, ve Gürdal Tuncel, Aliağa bölgesindeki inorganik ve uçucu organik bileşiklerin pasif örnekleme metoduyla belirlenmesi. Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü ulusal Sampozyumu – 2008, Bildiriler kitabı, editörler T. Elbir, Y. Dumanoğlu, A. Bayram, M. Odabaşı, S. Örnektekin, ISBN No 978-975-00331-0-0, Sayfa 178 – 193, Hatay, Ekim (2008)
- Elif Bayındır, S. G. Tuncel, G. Tuncel, Atmosferdeki NO2 ve o3’ün Pasif Örnekleyicilerle Ölçümlerinin İncelenmesi ve Meteorolojik Parametrelerin Tutunma Sabitine Etkisinin Belirlenmesi. Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü ulusal Sampozyumu – 2008, Bildiriler kitabı, editörler T. Elbir, Y. Dumanoğlu, A. Bayram, M. Odabaşı, S. Örnektekin, ISBN No 978-975-00331-0-0, Sayfa 115 – 120, Hatay, Ekim (2008)
- Sait C. Sofuoğlu) Derya Baytak, Abdurrahman Bayram, Aysen Müezzinoğlu, Mustafa Odabaşı,, Tolga Elbir, ve Gürdal Tuncel İzmir-aliağa’da hava kirleticilerine maruziyet ve bundan kaynaklanan sağlık riskleri. Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü ulusal Sampozyumu – 2008, Bildiriler kitabı, editörler T. Elbir, Y. Dumanoğlu, A. Bayram, M. Odabaşı, S. Örnektekin, ISBN No 978-975-00331-0-0, Sayfa 686 – 698, Hatay, Ekim (2008)
- Deniz Derya Genç Tokgöz, Gürdal Tuncel, Türkiye’nin kuzeybatısındaki trajektör ve hava kütlesi klimatolojisinin ön değerlendirmesi ve partiküler madde üzerine etkileri. Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü ulusal Sampozyumu – 2008, Bildiriler kitabı, editörler T. Elbir, Y. Dumanoğlu, A. Bayram, M. Odabaşı, S. Örnektekin, ISBN No 978-975-00331-0-0, Sayfa 741 – 749, Hatay, Ekim (2008)
- Sema Yorulmaz, Mihriban Civan, Gürdal Tuncel Üniversite kampüsünde uçucu organik bileşiklerin pmf modeliyle kaynaklarının belirlenmesi. Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü ulusal Sampozyumu – 2008, Bildiriler kitabı, editörler T. Elbir, Y. Dumanoğlu, A. Bayram, M. Odabaşı, S. Örnektekin, ISBN No 978-975-00331-0-0, Sayfa 903 – 909, Hatay, Ekim (2008)
- Özlem Işıkdemir, Hakan Pekey, Güray Doğan, Gürdal Tuncel, Doğu Akdeniz bölgesi yağmur suyu kompozisyonunu etkileyen kaynakalrın positif matris faktorizasyonu ile belirlenmesi. Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü ulusal Sampozyumu – 2008, Bildiriler kitabı, editörler T. Elbir, Y. Dumanoğlu, A. Bayram, M. Odabaşı, S. Örnektekin, ISBN No 978-975-00331-0-0, Sayfa 355 – 363, Hatay, Ekim (2008)
- Sema Yorulmaz, Mihriban Civan, Gürdal Tuncel, ODTÜ Kampüsündeki UOB Konsantrasyonlarının Belirlenmesi 8. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Antalya, Kasım (2009)
- Mihriban Civan, Sema Yorulmaz, Gürdal Tuncel, Üniversite Kampüsünde Ölçülen Uçucu Organik Bileşiklerin Faktör Analiz Tekniği İle Değerlendirilmesi . Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Antalya, Kasım (2009)
- Fatma Öztürk, Ali İhsan İlhan, Tülay Balta, Gürdal Tuncel, Türkiye’de Farklı İstasyonlarda Belirlenen Yağmur Suyu Kompozisyonunun İyon ve Elementler Açısından Karşılaştırılması . Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Antalya, Kasım (2009)
- Mihriban Yılmaz Civan, Sema Yorulmaz, Gürdal Tuncel, Pasif örnekleme tüplerinde tutma sabitinin önemi. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, HKK 2010, Bildiriler kitabı sayfa 135-145, Ankara, Ekim 2010
- Sema Yorulmaz, Mihriban Civan, Gürdal Tuncel, Bursa ve Ankara atmosferinde ölçülen uçucu organik bileşik konsantrasyonlarının zamansal değişimlerinin incelenmesi. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, HKK 2010, Bildiriler kitabı sayfa 662-668, Ankara, Ekim 2010
- Demet Arslanbaş, Hakan Pekey, Beyhan Pekey, Güray Doğan, Mihriban Civan, Öznur Oğuz Kuntasal, Gürdal Tuncel, Kocaeli’de farklı mikro çevrelerde kişisel maruziyet uçucu organik bileşik konsantrasyonları ve kaynaklarının belirlenmesi, Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, HKK 2010, Bildiriler kitabı sayfa 55-64, Ankara, Ekim 2010
- İç anadolu bölgesinde kaynak etki bölgeleri yöntemiyle bölgesel hava kirliliği kaynaklarının tespiti R. Fikret Yıkmaz, Gürdal Tuncel. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolu Sempozyumu, HKK 2010, Bildiriler kitabı sayfa 441-447, Ankara, Ekim 2010
- Öznur Oğuz Kuntasal, Güray Doğan, Deniz Karman, Daniel Wang, Gürdal Tuncel, Yüksek Rakımlı Şehir Atmosferinde Uçucu Organik Bileşiklerin Kaynaklarının Belirlenmesi, 9. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Samsun, 5-8 Ekim 2011
- Mihriban Civan, Öznur Oğuz Kuntasal, Gürdal Tuncel, Bursa Atmosferinde İnorganik Kirleticilerin Mekansal Dağılımı, 9. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Samsun, 5-8 Ekim 2011
- Deniz Genç Tokgöz, Gürdal Tuncel, Geri Yörünge Hareketlerinin Kümeleme Analizi ve Türkiye’nin Kuzeybatısında Ölçülen Aerosollerin Kimyasal Kompozisyonuna Etkisi, 9. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Samsun, 5-8 Ekim 2011
- Aksoy A., Demirer G., Ergüder T H., Imamoğlu I., Sanin D., Tuncel G., Türkiye’deki Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümlerinde Yapılan Araştırmaların Değerlendirilmesi. TMMOB Çevre mühendisleri Odası Çevre Mühendisliği Êğitimi ve Meslek Alanındaki Gelişmeler Çalıştayı, Antalya, 25-27 Mart (2011)
- Ayşegül Aksoy, Göksel N. Demirer, Tuba H. Ergüder, İpek İmamoğlu, Dilek F. Sanin, Gürdal Tuncel, Çevre mühendisliği eğitim programlarının değerlendirilmesi, Çevre Mühendisliği Eğitimi ve Meslek Alanındaki Gelişmeler Çalıştayı, Çalıştay Kitabı, sayfa 9-27, 25 – 26 Mart, Antalya (2011)
- Ayşegül Aksoy, Göksel Demirer, Tuba H. Ergüder, İpek İmamoğlu, F. Dilek Sanin, Gürdal Tuncel. Ülkemizdeki çevre mühendisliği bölümleri’nde yapılan bilimsel çalışmaların değerlendirilmesi, Çevre Mühendisliği Eğitimi ve Meslek Alanındaki Gelişmeler Çalıştayı, Çalıştay Kitabı, sayfa 83-111, 25 – 26 Mart, Antalya (2011)
- Mihriban Yılmaz Civan, Öznur Oğuz Kuntasal, Gürdal Tuncel, Sağlık Riski Çalışmalarında Aşırı Uç Değerler Analizi ve Log Normal Dağılımının Monte Karlo Simulasyonu İle Karşılaştırılması: Bursa Örneği. 5. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, HKK2013, Bildiriler Kitabı, ISBN-978-975-00331-1-7, sayfa 83-92, Eskişehir, 18-20 Eylül, (2013)
- Sema Yurdakul, Mihriban Civan, Gül Ayaklı, Güray Doğan, Gürdal Tuncel, ODTÜ Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü İç-Ortam Havasında Ölçülen UOB’lerin Kaynakları. 5. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, HKK2013, Bildiriler Kitabı, ISBN-978-975-00331-1-7, sayfa 101-110, Eskişehir, 18-20 Eylül, (2013)
- Güray Doğan, Mihriban Yılmaz Civan, Öznur Oğuz Kuntasal, Aysen Müezzinoğlu, Abdurrahman Bayram, Mustafa Odabaşı, Tolga Elbir, Sait Sofuğlu, Remzi Seyfioğlu, Yetkin Dumanoğlu, Beyhan Pekey, Hakan Pekey, Gürdal Tuncel, İzmir-Aliağa Bölgesindeki Uçucu Organik Bileşiklerin Ortam Havasındaki Seviyelerinin Meteorolojik Parametrelerle İlişkilerinin İncelenmesi. 5. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, HKK2013, Bildiriler Kitabı, ISBN-978-975-00331-1-7, sayfa 154-161, Eskişehir, 18-20 Eylül, (2013)
- D. Deniz Genç Tokgöz, Güray Doğan, Gürdal Tuncel, Türkiye’nin Kuzeybatısında Partikül Madde Kirliliği ve Kirletici Kaynaklarının EPA PMF İle Belirlenmesi. 5. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, HKK2013, Bildiriler Kitabı, ISBN-978-975-00331-1-7, sayfa 162-170, Eskişehir, 18-20 Eylül, (2013)
- Ebru Koçak, Seda Aslan Kılavuz, İpek İmamoğlu, Gürdal Tuncel, Kaynak Belirleme Çalışmaları İle Belirlenen Kaynak Gruplarının Partiküler Organik Bileşikler Kullanılarak Arttırılması: Örnekleme Çalışmaları ve Metot Geliştirme. 5. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, HKK2013, Bildiriler Kitabı, ISBN-978-975-00331-1-7, sayfa 275-288, Eskişehir, 18-20 Eylül, (2013)
- Lokman Hakan Tecer, Gürdal Tuncel, Güray Doğan, Balıkesir Kent ve Kırsal Atmosferinde İnce ve Kaba Partikül Maddelerin Metalik Kompozisyonunun ve PMF Yöntemiyle Kaynak Katkılarının Belirlenmesi, 5. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, HKK2013, Bildiriler Kitabı, ISBN-978-975-00331-1-7, sayfa 455-465, Eskişehir, 18-20 Eylül, (2013)
- Zeynep Malkaz, Seda Aslan Kılavuz, Fatma Öztürk, Gürdal Tuncel Doğu Akdeniz Atmosferindeki Sülfat Konsantrasyonunu Etkileyen Kaynak Bölgelerin Tanımlanması, 5. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, HKK2013, Özetler Kitabı, sayfa 37, Eskişehir, 18-20 Eylül, (2013)
- Gül Ayaklı, Ali İhsan İlhan, Tülay Balta, Fatma Öztürk, Gürdal Tuncel, Balıkesir İlindeki Yağışların Kimyasal Birleşimi. 5. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, HKK2013, Özetler Kitabı, sayfa 37, Eskişehir, 18-20 Eylül, (2013)
- İlker Balcılar, Yakup Kalaycı, Güray Doğan, Abdullah Zararsız, Gürdal Tuncel, Doğu Karadeniz Atmosferi Aerosollerinin Kimyasal Kompozisyonunun İncelenmesi. 5. Ulusal Hava Kirliliği ve Kontrolü Sempozyumu, HKK2013, Bildiriler Kitabı, ISBN-978-975-00331-1-7, sayfa 644-652, Eskişehir, 18-20 Eylül, (2013)
- Mihriban Civan, Tolga Elbir, Remzi Seyfioğlu, Öznur Oğuz Kuntasal, Abdurrahman Bayram, Güray Doğan, Sema Yurdakul, Ayşe Bozlaker, Sait Sofuoğlu, Beyhan Pekey, Hakan Pekey, Gürdal Tuncel, Türkiye’nin sanayileşmiş farklı kentlerinde UOB’lerin seviyeleri ve Mekansal dağılımları. 10. Ulusal Çevre mühendisliği Kongresi, Bildiriler kitabı, sayfa 56-62, 12-14 Eylül, Ankara (2013)
Refereed International Journals
- G. Ramelow, S. Tugrul, M. A. Ozkan, G. Tuncel, C. Saydam, T. I. Balkas, The Determination of Trace Metals in Marine Organisms, by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 5, 125-132 (1978).
- G. Tuncel , G. Ramelow, T. I. Balkas, Mercury in Water, Organisms and Sediments from a Section of the Turkish Mediterranean Coast. Marine Pollut. Bull., 11, 18-22 (1980).
- Tuncel , O. Y. Ataman, Design and Evaluation of a New Adsorption Cell for Cold-Vapor Mercury Determination, by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Atomic Spectroscopy, 1, 126-128 (1980).
- Tuncel G. Aras N. K., Zoller W. H., Radiochemical Studies on Atmospheric Aerosols - A Search for Meteoritic Debris. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 43, 267-268 (1982)
- G. Tuncel, W. H. Zoller, Iridium in the South Pole Atmosphere as a Measure of the Meteoritic Component, Nature, 329, 703-705 (1987).
- G. Tuncel, N. K. Aras, W. H. Zoller, Temporal Variation and Sources of Elements at the South Pole Atmosphere: 1. Non-Enriched and Moderately-Enriched Elements. J. Geosphys. Res., 94, 13,025-13,035 (1989).
- M. Yatin, S. G. Tuncel, G. Tuncel, N. K. Aras Composition and Origin of Trace Elements in Fog Water Studied by INAA. J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 139, 315-321 (1990)
- J. M. Ondov, J. A. Dodd, G. Tuncel, Nuclear Analysis of Trace Elements in Size-Classified Submicrometer Aerosol Particles from a Rural Airshed. Aerosol Sci. Technol., 13, 249-263 (1990)
- J. A., Dodd, J. M. Ondov, G. Tuncel, T. G. Dzubay, R. K. Stevens, Multimodal Size Spectra of Submicrometer Particles Bearing Various Elements in Rural Air. Environ. Sci. Technol. 25, 890-902 (1991)
- G. Teksöz, Ü. Yetiþ, G. Tuncel, T. Ý. Balkaþ, Pollution Chronology of the Golden Horn Sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 22, 447 (1991)
- C. L. Salisbury, G. Tuncel, J. M. Ondov, Ultrafine Particle Generation at High Liquid flow Rates with Commercial Two-Fluid Nozzles. Aerosol Sci. Technol., 15, 156-169 (1991)
- Hacısalıhoglu, G., Eliyakut F., Anwari M. A., Black-Sea Aerosols. Abstr Pap Am Chem Soc., 201, 14 (1991)
- G. Hacisalihoglu, T. I. Balkas, S. G. Tuncel, D. H. Herman, I. Olmez, G. Tuncel, Trace Element Composition of the Black Sea Aerosols. Deep Sea Research, 38, S1255-S1266 (1991)
- S. Sanin, G. Tuncel, A. F. Gaines, T. I. Balkaþ, Concentrations and Distributions of Some Major and Minor Elements in the Sediments of the River Göksu and the Taþucu Delta, Turkey. Marine Pollut. Bull., 24, 167-169 (1992)
- T. I. Balkaþ, F. Juhasz, Ü. Yetiþ, G. Tuncel, The Ýzmir Bay Wastewater Management Project - Economical Considerations. Water Sci. Tech. 26, 2613-2616 (1992)
- M. Anwari, G. Tuncel, O. Y. Ataman, Lead and Nickel Levels in the Black Sea Aerosols by ETA-AAS. J. Environ. Anal. Chem., 47, 227-237 (1992)
- G. Hacýsalihoðlu, F. Eliyakut, T. Ý. Balkaþ, G. Tuncel, Chemical Composition of Particles in the Black Sea Aerosols. Atmos. Environ., 26A, 3207-3218 (1992)
- G. Tuncer, S. G. Tuncel, G. Tuncel, T. Ý. Balkaþ, Metal Pollution in the Golden Horn: Contribution of Natural and Anthropogenic Components Since 1913. Water Sci. Technol., 28, 59-64 (1994)
- M. Yatýn, S. G. Tuncel, Aras N. K., G. Tuncel, Trace Element Composition of Atmospheric Aerosols in Ankara Turkey: Determined by Instrumental Neutron Activation Anlaysis. J. Radioanal. and Nuclear Chem., 181, 401-411 (1994)
- Ulu, Y., Güllü G. H., Tuncel S. G., Köse C., Yazar M., Tuncel G., Measurements of SO2, NOx and SPM in an industrial area at the Egean coast of Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 33, 215-235 (1994)
- Tuncel S. G., Baykal A. H, Tuncel G., Özer U., Measurement of NOx, SO2, SPM and O3, at a high altitude station in the northwestern Turkey. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 34, 403-409 (1994)
- I. F. Al-Momani, S. G. Tuncel, Ü. Eler, E. Örtel, G. Þirin, G. Tuncel, Major ion composition of wet and dry deposition in the Eastern Mediterranean basin, The Science of the Total Environment, 164, 75-85 (1995)
- I. F. Al-Momani, O. Y. Ataman, M. A. Anwari, S. Tuncel, C. Köse, G. Tuncel, Chemical composition of precipitation near an industrial area at İzmir, Turkey. Atmospheric Environment., 29, 1131-1144 (1995)
- I. F. Al-Momani, G. Güllü, I. Ölmez, Ü. Eler, E. Örtel, G. Þirin, G. Tuncel, Chemical composition of Eastern Mediterranean aerosols and precipitation: Indications of long range transport. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 69, 41-46 (1997)
- Kaya G., Tuncel G., Trace element and major ion composition of wet and dry deposition in Ankara, Turkey. Atmospheric Environment, 31, 3985-3998 (1997)
- Idrees F. Al-Momani, I. F., Aygun, S., Tuncel G., Wet deposition of major ions and trace elements in the eastern Mediterranean basin. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 8287-8299 (1998)
- Güllü G., Ulutas F., Belli D., Erduran S., Keskin S., Tuncel G., Karadeniz aerosolü ve uzak mesafeli atmosferik taşınım. Tr. J. of Environmental Sciences, 22, 381-398 (1998)
- Tuncer G., Karakaş T., Balkaş T. I., Gökçay C. F., Aygün S., Yurteri C., Tuncel G., Land-based sources of pollution along the Black Sea Coast of Turkey: Concentrations and annual loads to the Black Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin., 36, 409-423 (1998)
- Güllü G., Olmez I., Aygun S., Tuncel G., Atmospheric trace element concentrations over the Eastern Mediterranean sea: factors affecting temporal variability, J. Geopys. Res., 103, 21943-21954 (1998)
- Hoff, J. W., Borgoul P. V., Tuncel G., Ondov J. M., Kelly W. R., Chen L. T., Feasibility of Applying a Stable Isotopic Tracer for Direct Determination of Dry Particulate Deposition to Soybean Plants. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 48, 721-728 (1998)
- Kayın S., Tuncel G., Yurteri C., Local air quality impacts due to downwash around thermal power plants: Numerical simulations of the effect of building orientation. Environmental Monitoring and assessment, 58, 61-67, 1999
- I. F. Almomani, G. Güllü, Ü. Eler, E. Örtel, G. Şirin, G. Tuncel, Long range transport of pollutants from Europe to the Eastern Mediterranean. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 8, 249-256 (1999)
- Yatin, M, Tuncel S. G., Aras N. K., Olmez I., Aygun S, and Tuncel G., Atmospheric trace elements in Ankara, Turkey: 1. Factors affecting chemical composition of fine particles. Atmospheric Environment, 34, 1305-1318 (2000)
- Gülen H. Güllü, lhan Ölmez and Gürdal Tuncel, Temporal variability of atmospheric trace element concentrations over the eastern Mediterranean Sea, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 55, 1133-1148 (2000)
- R. Sinem Atgin, Omar El-Agha, Abdullah Zararsiz, Ahmet Kocatas, Hatice Parlak and Gürdal Tuncel, Investigation of the sediment pollution in Izmir Bay: trace elements, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 55, 1149-1162 (2000)
- Tuncer, G., Tuncel, G., Balkaş T. İ., Evolution of metal pollution in the golden horn (Turkey) sediments between 1912 – 1987. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42 (5) 350 – 360 (2001)
- J. Munthe, I. W.angberg, N. Pirrone, A. Iverfeldt, R. Ferrara, R. Ebinghaus, X. Feng, K. Gardfeldt, G. Keeler, E. Lanzillotta, S. E. Lindberg, J . Lu, Y. Mamane, E. Prestbo, S. Schmolke, W.H. Schroeder, J. Sommar, F. Sprovieri, R. K. Stevens, W. Stratton, G. Tuncel, A. Urba, Intercomparison of methods for sampling and analysis of atmospheric mercury species. Atmospheric Environment 35, 3007–3017 (2001)
- I . W.angberg, J. Munthe, N. Pirrone, A. Iverfeldt, E. Bahlman, P. Costa, R. Ebinghaus, X. Feng, R. Ferrara, K. G(ardfeldt, H. Kock, E. Lanzillotta, Y. Mamane, F. Mas, E. Melamed, Y. Osnat, E. Prestbo, J. Sommar, S. Schmolke, G. Spain, F. Sprovieri, G. Tuncel, Atmospheric mercury distribution in Northern Europe and in the Mediterranean region. Atmospheric Environment, 35, 3019–3025 (2001)
- Gullu G., Gunaydin G., Tuncel G., Akdeniz ve Karadeniz’deki kirletici Düzeylerini etkileyen kaynak bölgelerinin Belirlenmesi. Turk J. Engineering and Environmental Science, 25, 471-485 (2001)
- Tuncer, B., Bayar B., Yesilyurt C., Tuncel G., Ionic composition of precipitation at the central Anatolia (Turkey). Atmospheric Environment, 35, 5989-6002 (2001)
- Omar Elagha, Gudral Tuncel and Suat Tosun Air Quality of the Black Sea Region: Local and Long Range Transported Pollutants, Eurasian ChemTech Journal, 3 (4), 273-279 (2001)
- Duran Karakas, Ilhan Olmez, Gurdal Tuncel, Application of Ion Chromatography, Nuclear and Spectrochemical Techniques for Trace and Major Element Determination in Seaside Aerosols. International Journal of Environmental & Analytical Chemistry, 82 (10), 705 – 720 (2002)
- Guvenc N, Alagha O, Tuncel G, Investigation of soil multi-element composition in Antalya, Turkey Environment International, 29 (5), 631-640 (2003 )
- Alagha O., Tuncel G., Evaluation of air quality over the Black Sea Major ionic composition of rain water. Water Air and Soil Pollution Focus, 3 (5-6), 87-96 (2003)
- Oguz O., Karman D., Tuncel G., Measurement of traffic related toxic air pollutants in an urban atmosphere. Water Air and Soil Pollution Focus 3 (5-6), 255-267 (2003)
- Gulu G., Sirin G., Tuncel G., Forest decline evidence in Southern Turkey and its possible dependence on ozone trends. Water Air and Soil Pollution Focus, 3 (5-6), 175-192 (2003)
- Karakas D., Olmez I., Tosun S., Tuncel G., Trace element composition of Black Sea aerosols. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 159 (2), 187-192 (2004)
- Gullu G., Tuncel G., The use of nuclear techniques in source apportionment studies, exemplified by recent studies in Turkey. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 159 (2), 335-339 (2004)
- Gullu G., Olmez I., Tuncel G., Source apportionment of trace elements in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 159 (1), 163-171 (2004)
- Unver O., Tuncel G., A modeling study for the health risk posed by the nuclear power plant in Bulgaria in different parts of Turkey Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 13 (9): 879-888 (2004)
- Gaga, F. O., Tuncel G., Tuncel S. G., PAH composition of snow samples in Ankara city. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 13 (11b), 1295 – 1302 (2004)
- Gülen Güllü, Güray Doğan and Gürdal Tuncel Atmospheric trace element and major ion concentrations over the eastern Mediterranean Sea: Identification of anthropogenic source regions Atmospheric Environment, 39 (34) 376-6387 (2005)
- Esra Kuloglu, and Gurdal Tuncel Size distribution of trace elements and major ions in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere, Water Air Soil Pollution, 167 (1-4) 221-241 (2005)
- Öznur Oğuz Kuntasal, Deniz Karman, Daniel Wang, Semra G. Tuncel and Gürdal Tuncel, Determination of volatile organic compounds in different microenvironments by multibed adsorption and short-path thermal desorption followed by gas chromatographic–mass spectrometric analysis. Journal of Chromatography A, 1099 (1-2), 43-54 (2005)
- G. Doğan, G. Güllü, G. Tuncel, Sources and source regions effecting the aerosol composition of the Eastern Mediterranean. Microchemical Journal 88 (2) 142–149 (2008)
- Tecer L. H., Süren P., Alagha O., Karaca F., Tuncel G., Effect of Meteorological Parameters on Fine and Coarse Particulate Matter Mass Concentration in a Coal-Mining Area in Zonguldak, Turkey. Journal of Air & Waste Management Association, 58 (4), 543–552 (2008)
- Ozan D. Yay, Omar Alagha and Gürdal Tuncel, Multivariate statistics to investigate metal contamination in surface soil Journal of Environmental Management, 86, 4, 581-594 (2008)
- Ahmet Türküm, Hakan Pekey, Beyhan Pekey, Gürdal Tuncel, Investigating relationships between aerosol and rainwater compositions at different locations in Turkey Atmospheric Research, Volume 89, (4), 315-323 (2008)
- Tecer, L.H., Alagha, O., Karaca, F., Tuncel, G. & Eldes, N., "Particulate matter (PM2.5, PM10-2.5, and PM 10) and children's hospital admissions for asthma and respiratory diseases: A bidirectional case-crossover study", Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health - Part A: Current Issues, 71, (8), 512-520 (2008)
- Ahmet Türküm, Beyhan Pekey, Hakan Pekey, Gürdal Tuncel Comparison of sources affecting chemical compositions of aerosol and rainwater at different locations in Turkey Atmospheric Research, 89 (4), 306-314 (2008)
- Eftade O. Gaga, Gurdal Tuncel, and Semra G. Tuncel Sources andWet Deposition Fluxes of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in an Urban Site 1000 Meters High in Central Anatolia (Turkey). Environmental Forensics, 10, 339–351 (2009)
- Ahmed, T., Dutkiewicz, V.A., Shareef, A., Tuncel, G., Tuncel, S., Husain, L. Measurement of black carbon (BC) by an optical method and a thermal-optical method: Intercomparison for four sites. Atmospheric Environment 43 (40), 6305-6311 (2009)
- Dogan G., Gullu G., Karakas D., Tuncel G., Comparison of Source Regions Affecting SO42- and NO3- concentrations at the Eastern Mediterranean and Black Sea Atmospheres. Current Analytical Chemistry , 6 (1), 66-71 (2010)
- Bayraktar, H., Turalioǧlu, F.S., Tuncel, G., Average mass concentrations of TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 in Erzurum urban atmosphere, Turkey Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Stochastic Environmental Research And Risk Assessment, 24 (1), 57-65 (2010)
- Genc, D. D., Yesilyurt, C., & Tuncel, G., Air pollution forecasting in ankara, turkey using air pollution index and its relation to assimilative capacity of the atmosphere. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 166(1-4), 11-27 (2010)
- B. Pekey, Z. B. Bulut, H. Pekey,G. Dogan, A. Zararsız, N. Efe, G. Tuncel, Indoor/outdoor concentrations and elemental composition of PM10/PM2.5 in urban/industrial areas of Kocaeli City, Turkey. Indoor Air 20(2), 112-125 (2010)
- Fatma Öztürk, Abdullah Zararsız, Rıdvan Kırmaz, Gürdal Tuncel, A new approach for the characterization of aerosols using EDXRF. Talanta, 83 (3), 823-831 (2011)
- Bayraktar, H., Turaliog̀lu, F.S., Tuncel, G., Zararsiz, A., Elemental composition of PM10and PM2.5in erzurum urban atmosphere, Turkey Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 20 (5), pp. 1124-1134 (2011)
- Mihriban Yilmaz Civan, Öznur Oğuz Kuntasal & Gürdal Tuncel, Source Apportionment of Ambient Volatile Organic Compounds in Bursa, a Heavily Industrialized City in Turkey. Environmental Forensics,12 (4), 357-370 (2011) (December 2011)
- Mihriban Yilmaz Civan and Gurdal Tuncel, Evaluation of adsorbents with passive sampling and their analytical methods to determine volatile organic compunds emitted from vehicular exhaust Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research, 29(1): 563-576 (2012)
- Lokman Hakan Tecer, Gürdal Tuncel, Ferhat Karaca, Omar Alagha, Pınar Süren, Abdullah Zararsız, Rıdvan Kırmaz, "Metallic composition and source apportionment of fine and coarse particles using positive matrix factorization in the southern Black Sea atmosphere", Atmospheric Research, 118, 153-169 (2012)
- Öztürk, F., Zararsız, A., Dutkiewicz, V.A., Husain, L., Hopke, P.K., Tuncel, G. Temporal Variations and Sources of 1 Eastern Mediterranean Aerosols Based on a 9-Year Observation. Atmospheric Environment, 61, 463–475 (2012)
- Mihriban Civan, Sema Yorulmaz and Gürdal Tuncel, Improvement of uptake rate equations depending on meteorological conditions for volatile organic compounds. Talanta, 99, 720-729 (2012)
- Hakan Pekey, Beyhan Pekey, Demet Arslanbaş, Zehra Bulut Bozkurt, Güray Doğan, Gürdal Tuncel Source Apportionment of Personal Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter and Volatile Organic Compounds using Positive Matrix Factorization Water Air Soil Pollut 224, 1403-1414 (2013)
- Yurdakul, S., Civan, M., Tuncel, G., Volatile organic compounds in suburban Ankara atmosphere, Turkey: Sources and variability. Atmospheric Research, 120–121, 298–311 (2013) (february)
- Yurdakul S., Civan M., Kuntasal Ö., Tuncel G., Temporal variations of BTX compounds in Bursa/Turkey atmosphere. Int. J. Global Warming, 5 (3) , 326-344 (2013)
- Deniz Derya Genç Tokgöz, Gürdal Tuncel, Ionic composition of aerosols in northwestern Turkey, International Journal of Global Warming, In press (2013)
- Kuntasal, Ö. O., Kilavuz, S. A., Karman, D., Wang, D., & Tuncel, G. (2013). C5-C12 volatile organic compounds at roadside, residential, and background locations in ankara, turkey: Temporal and spatial variations and sources. Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 63(10), 1148-1162
- Balcilar, T., Zararsiz, A., Kalayci, Y., Doǧan, G., & Tuncel, G. (2014). Chemical composition of eastern black sea aerosol-preliminary results. Science of the Total Environment, 488-489(1), 422-428.
- Civan, M. Y., Elbir, T., Seyfioglu, R., Kuntasal, T. O., Bayram, A., Doğan, G, Yurdakul, S., Andiç, Ö., Müezzinoglu, A., Sofuoğlu C. S., Pekey H., Pekey B., Bozlaker A., Odabaşı M., Tuncel, G. (2015). Spatial and temporal variations in atmospheric VOCs, NO2, SO2, and O3 concentrations at a heavily industrialized region in western turkey, and assessment of the carcinogenic risk levels of benzene. Atmospheric Environment, 103, 102-113
Refereed National Journals
- Tuncel G., Ramelow G., Balkas T. I., Further investigation into the factors affecting sensitivity in the cold-vapor analysis of mercury. METU Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences. 12, 159-170 (1979)
- Yatýn M., Derinöz C., Hamzaoðlu A., Mümtaz H. H., Karaatlý T. H., Tuncel S. G., Aras N. K., Ölmez Ý., Tuncel G., Ankarada aerosollerin eser element konsantrasyonu: I. Ölçülen konsantrasyonlardaki deðiþimleri belirleyen faktörler. Çevre Bilimleri., 3, 1-20 (1996)
- Gullu G., Gunaydin G., Tuncel G., Akdeniz ve Karadeniz’deki kirletici Düzeylerini etkileyen kaynak bölgelerinin Belirlenmesi. Turk J. Engineering and Environmental Science, 25, 471-485 (2001)
- Güllü G., Ölmez İ., Öztaş N. B., Tuncel G., Doğu Akdeniz’deki atmosferik eser element konsantrasyonları: Zamana bağlı değişimleri etkileyen faktörler. Çevre Bilim ve Teknoloji, 1 (3), 23-38 (2003)
- Yörük Ebru, Yeşilyurt Canan, Bayar Banu, Tuncel Gürdal, Orta Anadolu bölgesinde atmosferin kompozisyonunun belirlenmesi. Çevre Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2 (1) 75-83 (2004)
- Tuğba Ayvaz Kahramantekin, Özlem Özden, Tuncay Döğeroğlu, Serap Kara, Gürdal Tuncel, Eftade Gaga, Eskişehir atmosferindeki partikül maddenin iyonik bileşenler açısından karakterizasyonu. Çevre Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 3 (1), 1-10 (2008)
- Kuntasal O. Öznur, Doğan Güray, Karman Deniz, Wang Daniel., Tuncel Gürdal, Yüksek Rakımlı şehir atmosferinde uçucu organik bileşiklerin kaynaklarının belirlenmesi. Çevre Bilim ve Teknoloji., 3 (4), 293-305 (2012)
- Civan M. Y., Kuntasal O. O., Tuncel G., Contribution of VOCs to ozone formation in Bursa atmosphere. Karaelmas Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 2 (1), 34-40 (2012)
- G. Tuncel, Türkiye’de hava kirliliği Çalışmaları, Hava Kirliliği Araştırmaları dergisi, 2, 103-104 (2013)
Chapter in a Book
- M. A. Ozkan, G. Tuncel, G. Ramelow, T. I. Balkas, Extraction of Heavy Metals from Marine Sediments for Analysis by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry; Some Factors Affecting Extraction Efficiency. in Analytical Techniques in Environmental Chemistry, J. Albeiges (ed), Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York (1980).
- G. Teksöz, G. Tuncel, T. Ý. Balkaþ, Pollution Chronology of the Golden Horn Sediments" in Black Sea Oceonography, Izdar E., Murray J. Eds, pp 459-468, Kluwier Academic Publishers, Netherlans (1991)
- G. Hacýsalihoðlu, T.I.Balkaþ, I.Ölmez, M. Arami, G.Tuncel , Sampling and Analysis of Aerosols in the Black Sea Atmosphere" in Black Sea Oceonography, Izdar E., Murray J. Eds, pp 469-487, Kluwier Academic Publishers, Netherlans (1991)
- Günaydin G. C., Tuncel G., Source regions affecting chemical composition of aerosols and precipitation in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere determined using trajectory statistics. In Air Pollution Processes in Regional Scale, D. Melas and D. Syrakov eds., pp 121-133, Kluwer Academic Publishers (Netherlands) (2003)
Non Refereed Journals
- G. Tuncel, Atmosfer yoluyla uzun mesafeli kirletici taşınımı: Türkiye'de gözlediğimiz hava kirleticilerinin ne kadarından biz sorumluyuz? Günce, 43, 36-46 (2011)
- Semra G. Tuncel, Gurdal Tuncel, Judith C. Chow, John G. Watson, Gülen Güllü and Merih A. köksal, Conference highlights, The Second International Conference on air Pollution and Conrol (CAPAC II). EM magazine 40-42 (2012)