Prof. Dr. Gülerman Sürücü
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Interest Areas
Water Pollution Control,
Industrial Wastewater Treatment,
Solid Waste Management.
Curriculum Vitae | |
E-mail: gsurucu {at} | |
Links: | |
Phone: +90-312-210-2641 Fax: +90-312-210-2641 |
1975 Ph.D., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaing, Environmental Engineering
1968 M.S., Middle East Technical University, Civil Engineering
1967 B.S., Middle East Technical University, Civil Engineering
Interest Areas
- Water Pollution Control, Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Solid Waste Management.
Professional Experience and Positions Held
Administrative Positions
- 1988-1994, Head of Environmental Engineering Department, METU
- 1982-1986, Head of Environmental Engineering Department, METU
Work Experience in This Faculty
- 1988 - Present METU, Environmental Engineering Department, Professor
- 1982 - 1988 METU, Environmental Engineering Department, Associate Professor
- 1970 - 1971 METU, Civil Engineering Department, Instructor
- 1968 - 1970, METU, Civil Engineering Department, Teaching Assistant
Other Related Experience (Teaching, Industrial Activities, etc.)
- 1979-1979, Cornell University, Department of Civil Engineering, Visiting Research Assistant Professor
- 1973-1975, University of Illinois, Part time Graduate Research Assistant in Environmental Engineering
- 1969-1970, Technische Hochschule-WIEN (Austria), Visiting Research Assistant
Industrial Activities
- Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters Using Simple and Low-Cost Technologies, Samur Carpet Industry, Principal investigator, 1998.
- Eymir and Mogan Lakes Pollution and Eutrophication Prevention Project, ASKI, Research Member, 7/1993-2/1995
- Kastamonu Paper Industry Wastewater Analysis Treatment Project, SEKA, Research Member, 3/1993-9/1993.
- Revision of METU Wastewater Treatment Plant (20,000 pop.), METU, Project Director, August 1989 – June 1990.
- Pollution Study in the Black Sea at Çatalağzı Thermal Power Plant, ELTEM-TEK, Research Member, 4/1989-9/1989.
- Physico-Chemical-Biological Treatment of Phenolic Wastewater, METU (AFP Project), Project Director, 5/1987 – 1989.
- Water Supply and Treatment for City Kayseri, Temelsu Consulting Engineering Co., 1/1987- 1988.
- Solid Waste Problem of Municipality of City of Bursa, Municipality of Bursa, Advisor, 1/1986-4/1987.
- Treatment of Wastewaters of Ammunition Industry in Elmadağ, MKEK, Advisor, 12/1985 –5/1986.
- Water Supply and Treatment for City of Şanlıurfa, Temelsu Consulting Engineering Co., Advisor, 2/1985 – 12/1986.
- Design of Wastewater Treatment Facilities for Marble Industry, Özmer Marble Industry, Project Director, 3/1984 – 10/1984.
- Design of Wastewater Treatment Facilities for Coca-Cola Factory, ANSAN Coca-Cola Factory, Project Director, 5/1983 – 9/1983.
- Design of Water Treatment Facilities, Suitable for the Need of Motor Industry; TÜMOSAN, Turkish Motor Industry, Project Director, 11/1981 –5/1982.
- Preliminary Design of Wastewater Treatment Plant for Koru Satellite Village Near Ankara for a population of 5000, ME-SA Construction Company – ANKARA, 9/1980 – 12/1980.
- Study of the Necessary Parameters for the Pollution Assessment of Gediz River, Su-Yapı Design Company – Ankara, 5/1978 – 10/1978.
- Study of the Wastewater Characteristics of the Largest Ammunition Plant of Turkey and Design of Wastewater Treatment Facilities with Physical-Chemical and Biological Units, MKEK Makina ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu – Ankara, 4/1977 – 5/1978.
Consulting and Patents
- Consultant to Su-Yapı for city of Kayseri Water Supply Project.
- Consultant work to ACK Construction Company for the Design of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Konya.
- Consultant work to ASKİ in the Development of Water Pollution Control Regulations.
- Consultant to Su-Yapı for city of Şanlıurfa Water Supply Project.
- Consultant work to T.C. GAP Regional Development Administration, 4/1993-10/1993.
- Consultant to Municipality of Ankara, 3/1992 – 12/1992.
- Consultant work to ÇEVMER in the Management of Industrial Wastewaters, 9/1991-12/1991.
- Consultant to ÇEVMER, 9/1991 – 12/1991.
- Consultant to Municipality of Ankara, 2/1991 – 6/1991.
- Consultant work to ASKİ on Wastewater Treatment Plant, 11/1990 – 2/1991.
Scientific and Professional Societies of Which a Member
- National Environmental Standards Preparation Committee, 1985-1990.
- National Association of Environmental Engineers, 1990-1994.
- Turkish Society of Civil Engineers, 1968- .
- WEF, 1975-1993.
International Assignments
- 9 July 1991 – 20 August 1991, Short term WHO Consultancy assignment for the regional WHO office for the Western Pacific. Scope: Designing and conducting an intensive course on Environmental Sanitation and Biological Treatment to Hospital Engineers at Quala Lumpur/Malaysia.
Honours and Awards
- Graduate Research Assistanship, University of Illinois Urbana, 1975.
- Ph.D. Research Fellowship, WHO, 1971-1973.
- Scholarship, J. F. Kennedy, 1963-1967.
Institutional and Professional Service
Courses Taught
- Introduction to Environmental Engineering
- Unit Operations and Processes of Wastewater Treatment
- Wastewater Engineering
- Water Supply Engineering
- Water Pollution Control
- Physical Principles of Environmental Engineering
- Biochemical Wastewater Treatment
- Environmental Microbiology
- Industrial Wastewater Treatment
- Unit Operations of Environmental Engineering
- Unit Processes of Environmental Engineering
Committee Member in the
- Higher Environment Committee of the Ministry of Environment (1990-1994)
- Marine and Environment Sciences Group of the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) (1992-1994)
- Turkish National Committee of Solid Waste Research and Control (1988- )
- Turkish National Committee of Water Pollution Research (1986- )
- International Committee of “World Cultural Council” Monterry, Mexico (1985- )
Referee for
- The Journal of Eng. and Env. Sciences (TUBITAK)
- The IAWQ Symposiums
- Research proposals to TUBITAK
- Dilek F., İmamoğlu İ., Sürücü G., Gökçay C.F., "A Sustainable Wastewater Management Project: MEDAWARE", International Conference on Environmental Survival and Sustainability, 19-24 February 2007, Nicosia, Northern Cyprus.
- İ. Gülkaya, G.A. Sürücü, F.B. Dilek, "Importance of H2O2/Fe2+ ratio in Fenton's Treatment of a carpet dyeing wastewater", Journal of Hazardous Materials, B136 pp. 763-769, 2006.
- A. Aksoy, C. F. Gökçay, E. Şahinkaya, U. G. Özkan, K. Ünlü, G. Sürücü, “Best Practice Examples for Reuse of Wastewaters in Agricultural Irrigation in the World”, International Workshop on Implementation and Operation of Municipal Wastewater Reuse Plants Thessaloniki, Greece, 11-12 March 2004.
- Ö. Oğuz, G. Sürücü, C.F. Gökçay, Ü. Yetiş, "Assessment of Disaster Emergency Plans to Minimize Environmental Risk of Disaster", EPMR-2002 International Conference, 11-15 April 2002, Nicosia, North Cyprus
- G. Sürücü, "Mikroorganizmalar ve Çevre Sorunları", XII. Biyoteknoloji Kongresi 17-21 Eylül 2001, Ayvalık Balıkesir
- İ. Gülkaya, G. Sürücü, F.B. Dilek, "Halı Fabrikaso Boyalı Atıksularının Fenton Oksidasyonu ile Arıtımı", 1. Ulusal Çevre Kirliliği Kontrolü Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 4-6 Ekim 2000, Ankara
- T. Tüzün, G. Sürücü and F.B. Dilek, "Use of Ferrate in Water and Wastewater Treatment" 10th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, 2-6 Oct 1999, Alicante, Spain
- G. Sürücü, "Growth Requirements of Thermophilic Aerobic Microorganisms in Mixed Culture used for the Treatment of Strong Wastes" Wat. Sci. Tech., 40, No.1 pp. 53-60 (1999)
- G. Sürücü, C.F. Gökçay, Ü. Yetiş, F.B. Dilek and B.Arıcan, "Treatability of Carpet Dyeing Wastewater-Case Study" 10th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, 2-6 Oct 1999, Alicante, Spain
- G. Sürücü, "Growth Requirements of Thermophilic Aerobic Microorganisms in Mixed Culture used for the Treatment of Strong Wastes" Fourth International symp. on Waste Management Problems in Agro. Industries Sep 1998 İstanbul Turkey
- Akata Latifoğlu, G. Sürücü, "Improvements to the Dewaterability of Ferric Sludge Produced from Chemical Treatment of Wastewaters" Water Polution 97,18 - 20 June 1997 Bled, Slovenia
- A. Bayar,S. Soyupak,D. Altınbilek, B.Kılıç, C.F. Gökçay, L. Muhallalati, G. Sürücü, G. Bakan, "Mogan ve Eymir Gölleri için Önerilen Su Kalite Amanajman Teknikleri" Mogan ve Eymir Gölleri II. Çevre Kurultayı 1996 Ankara
- Ü. Yetiş, F.B. Dilek, G. Sürücü, S. Şahin, "Treatment of Wastewaters Originating From Natural Marble Industry" VVater Quality International 96 IAWQ 18th Bianial Conference 23 - 28 June 1996 Singapore.
- Sürücü G., "Çevre ÜzerineTeni Türkiye Özel Çevre sayısı 5,s 168 Ağustos 1995, Ankara
- Soyupak S., Sürücü G., Gökçay C.F., Kılıç B., Bayar A., Bakan G.K.,Muhaltalati L. "Mogan ve Eymir Göllerinde Kirlilik Kaynakları ve Su Kirliliği Problemi" Mogan ve Eymir Gölleri 1. Çevre Kurultayı 18 - 20 Ocak 1995 Ankara
- Sürücü G.,"Çevre Mühendisliği Disiplini", Bilim ve Teknik Dergisi Cumhuriyetin 70. yılında Türkiye'de bilim eki, Cilt 26, Sayı 31, Sa 125 - 131, Aralık 1993
- Sürücü G., Ataman Ş., Dilek B.F., "Evsel Atiksuların Permanganat ile Aritmi" Türk Devletleri Arasında II. İlmi İşbirliği Konferansı, Çevre 93, Tebliğileri pp. 340 - 349 26 - 29.6.1993 Alma-Ata Kazakistan
- Oran B., Sürücü G., Soyupak S., "A Study on Quality Improvements for Oxidation Pond Effluents by Rock Filters" 2nd IAWQ International Conference on VVaste Stabilization Ponds & The Reuse of Pond Effluents, 30.11 -3.12.1993, Berkeley California-USA.
- Sürücü G., "Türkiye'de Çöp Sorunu, Çöp Toplanması, İmhası, Değerlendirilmesi" Sempozyumu, Türk Belediyecilik Derneği ve Konrad Adenauer Vakfı, 19.7.1993 İzmir
- Gökçay C.F.,Dilek F.B.,Sürücü G.,Uluğ S.E.,"Kağıt ve Selüloz Sanayinden Ortaya Çıkan Atıksuların Biyolojik Yolla Arıtımı" Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi, Kasım 1992
- Sürücü G., Çevre Mühendisliği Eğitimi, İnşaat Mühendisliği XI. Teknik Kongresi 9-11 Ekim 1991, İstanbul
- Sürücü G., "Suların Kirlenmesi" Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi.Savı 3 pp.3 (1991)
- Sürücü G., Akata A., "Conditioning of Sludge from Physical-Chemical Treated Wastewaters of Recreational Areas" Water Pollution Control Federation (WPCF) Annual Conference Washington D.C. (Oct 7-11) 1990
- Sürücü G., "Katı Atıkların Düzenli Depolanması" Katı Atıkların Tanımı, Toplanması ve Uzaklaştırılması Semineri Tebliğleri KAKAD, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi 10-15 Aralık 1990 İstanbul
- Soyupak S., Sürücü G., "Değişik Arıtma Alternatiflerinin Uygulanması Durumunda Konya Şehrinden Tuz Gölüne Organik Madde Taşınımı Projeksiyonları" Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi Cilt 1 Sayı 1,1990
- Yurteri C, Soyupak S., Sürücü G. "TEK Çatalağzı Termik Santrali Bölgesinde Yapılan Yakın Deniz Ortamı Çevre Etüdleri" 12. End. Kirlenme Sempozyumu, İstanbul, 1990
- Çetin F.D., Sürücü G.A., "Effects of Temperature, pH and D.O. Concentration on Settleability of Activated Sludge" 5 Environmental Technology. Vol. 11 ,pp. 205 -212 (1990)
- Akata A., Sürücü G., "Conditioning of Sludge from Physica-Chemical Treated Wastewaters of Recreational Areas" a ÇEVRE 89. Proc. of the 5th Environmental Science and Technology Conference, Çukurove Üniversitesi Adana, 1989
- Sürücü G.,"Effetti Del Tempo Medio Di Residanza Celluare E Dellaconcentratione Dei Solidi Sulle Proprieta'Di Sedimenttazione Del Fango Attivo" İn Ingegneria Ambiantale vol 18 n.6 pp. 348 (1989)
- Sürücü G., "Çevre Sorunlarının Çözümünde Yer Alan Mikroorganizmalar", Doğa. TU Müh. Ve Çevre D.G. 13s 435 (1989)
- Soyupak S., Sürücü G.A., Nakiboğlu H., "A Finite Element Approach for Biological Fluidized-Bed Modelling" J. Applied Mathematical Modelling Vol.14, pp. 258 - 263 (1990)
- Sürücü G.A., Çetin F.D., "Effects of Temperature, pH and D.O. Concentration on Filterability and Compressibility of Activated Sludge" Water Research. Vol. 23, Nollpp. 1389(1989)
- Soyupak S., Sürücü G.A., "BOD Contribution of Konya to Tuzgölü" Journal of Applied Science, M.E.T.U, (in press)
- Çetin F.D..Sürücü G.A.,"Effects of Temperature and pH on the PhysicaIProperties of Activated Sludge Flocs" inter. J. Environmental Studies, Vol. 34, pp. 184 - 199 (1989)
- Sürücü G.A., Soyupak S., "Effect of Operationa! Parameters on the Settling Properties of Activated Sludge" Environmental Technology Letters Vol. 10, pp.471 -478,(1989)
- Soyupak S., Sürücü G.A.,"Pollutant Transport Studies to Tuz Gölü" International Journal of Environmental Studies, 33, 291 -298, (1989)
- Soyupak S., Sürücü G.A.,"Konya Şehrinden Tuz Gölüne Organik Madde Taşınımı Mevcut Durum"D.S.İ. Teknik Bülten 66.(State Hydraulic VVorks, Technical Bulletin) 17-26, 1989, Ankara
- Çetin F.D., Sürücü G.A., "Aktif Çamurun Süzülebilirlik ve Sıkıştınlabilirlik Özelliklerine Etki eden Baz Parametrelerin İncelenmesi" Proceedings 7thTurkish-German Symposium p. 163 (1988) İSTANBUL.
- Çetin F.D., Sürücü G.A., "Effect of Temperature, pH and DO Concentration on the Settleability of Activated Sludge"Proceedings of the 4thlnternational Environmental Science and Technology Conference, Vol.1 p. 158 (1988) İZMİR
- Gülbeden H., Sürücü G.A., "Lime Treatment of Wastewater from Small Seasonal Recreation Areas", Published in the booktitled Environmental Management for Developing Countries, EnvitekA.Ş. 1986, İSTANBUL
- Özgen S., Sürücü G.A.,"AI (lll)Tuzlarının Biyolojik Atıksu Arıtımı Üzerindeki Toksik Etkilerinin İncelenmesi" (A Study of the Toxic Effects of Al(lll) Salts on Biological Wastewater Treatment"), Ulusal Çevre Sempozyumu, {National Symposium on Environment)TÜBİTAK-ÇAG, Nov. 1984 ADANA
- Sürücü G.A.,,"A Low Technology Treatment Alternative for a Soft Drink and Fruit Juice Bottling Plant Wastewaters"Published in the book tittled Environmental Management for Developing Countries Vol. 1, EnvitekA.Ş., İSTANBUL (1984)
- Özgen S., Sürücü G.A., "Al (III) Salts in the Physical-Chemical Treatment of Sewage" Published in the Book titled Environmental Management for Developing Countries, Vol. 1, Envitek A.Ş., İSTANBUL (1984)
- Sürücü G.A., "Wastewater Sludges-Treatment and Disposal", "Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Seminar" Sep. 1983, METU ANKARA
- Özgen S., Sürücü G.A., "Use of Sodium Aluminate in Physico-Chemical Treatment of Wastewaters", II. National Env. Eng. Congress, June 1983, İZMİR
- Sürücü G.A., Billur N., "Sulfate Removal in Industrial Waters" II. National Env. Eng. Congress, June 1983, İZMİR
- Sürücü G.A., et. al., Report on "Air Pollution Control Strategies for Ankara" TÜBİTAK Environmental Research Comittee , Feb. 1983, ANKARA
- Sürücü G.A., "Effects of Operational Parameters on the Settling Properties of Activated Sludge" IV-Turkish-German Symposium, Stuttgart-Germany, June 1982
- Sürücü G.A., Atımtay A., Çorapçıoğlu Ö., "Treatment of Wastewater from MKE Kırıkkale Industrial Establishments" COPISEE-TMMOB Symposium on "Environmental Impact on Industrialisation" Ankara, April 1982
- Gülbeden H., Sürücü G.A., "Dinlenme Alanları Pis Sularının Arıtılmasında Kullanılabilecek Fiziko-Kimyasal Yöntemleri" ("Physical-Chemical Processes Applicable for Treatment of Wastewaters from Rest Areas") TÜBİTAK VII. Congress, İstanbul,1980
- Sürücü G.A., "Atıksuların Denize Verilmesinin Çevreye Etkileri ve Deşarj Kriterleri" ("Discharge Criteria and Environmental Effects of Discharge of Wastewaters into Sea") Symposium on Collection and Disposal of Wastewater of City Antalya May 1979
- Sürücü G.A., "İçme ve Kullanma Sularının Pestisitlerden Arıtılması" ("Treatment of Domestic Waters from Pesticides") I. National Env. Eng. Symposium, Ankara, Jan 1979.
- Sürücü G.A., Atımtay A., Çorapçıoğlu Ö., "MKE Kurumu Kırıkkale Atık Suları Araştırması" ("Treatment of MKE Ammunitİon Plant Wastewaters") ODTÜ Uygulamalı Araştırmalar Dergisi, (METU, Journal of Applied Researches),1978
- Sürücü F., Sürücü G.A., "Suların Hijyenik Kalitesinin Saptanmasında Indikatör Organizmalar" ("New Indicator Organisms in VVater Ouality Control") TÜBİTAK VI. Congress, Ankara. 1977
- Sürücü G.A., "Konsantre Atıksuların Termofil Organizmalarla Arıtılması" ("Thermophilic Treatment of High Strength VVastevvater") TÜBİTAK VI. Congress Ankara, 1977
- Sürücü G.A., "Mikrobiyolojik ve Biyolojik Kavramlar" ("Microbiological and Biological Concepts") Drinking VVater Oualitv and Treatment Seminar Env. Eng. Dept. M.E.T.U.1976
- Sürücü G.A., "Dezenfeksiyon" ("Disinfection") Drinking VVater Oualitv and Treatment Seminar Env. Eng. Dept. M.E.T.U.1976
- Sürücü G.A., "Kimyasal Çökeltme" ("Chemical Precipitation") Drinking VVater Oualitv and Treatment Seminar Env. Eng. Dept. M.E.T.U.1976
- Sürücü G.A., "Tat ve Koku Kontrolü" ("Taste and Odor Control") Drinking VVater Oualitv and Treatment Seminar Env. Eng. Dept. M.E.T.U.1976
- Sürücü G.A., "Treatment of Coke Oven Wastewaters" Turkish-German Environmental Pollution Control Svmposium. April 1977, Stuttgart-Germany
- Sürücü G.A., Chian E.S., Engelbrecht, R.S., "Aerobic Thermophilic Treatment of High Strength Wastewater" Jour. Water Poll. Control Fed.. Vol. 48 pp. 669, (1976)
- Sürücü G.A., "Su Kirlenmesi Konusunda Personel Eğitim ve Yetiştirme Stratejisi" ("Personel Education Strategies in Water Pollution Control Field") Teknik Altyapı Sempozvumu. (Technical Infrastructure Symposium), 1976
- Sürücü G.A., Engelbrecht, R.S., Chian E.S., "Thermophilic Microbiological Treatment of High Strength Wastevvaters with Simultaneous Recovery of Single Cell Protein" Biotechnology and Bioengineering, XVII. pp. 1939, (1975)
- Sürücü G.A., "Hava Kirlenmesi ve Ankara Havasının Temizlenmesi Sorunu" ("Air Pollution and the Problem of Cleaning of Ankara Air") Teknik Bülten İnş.Müh.Odası, (Technical Bulletin, Chamber of Civil Engineering), Sayı 3-4, (1980)
- Sürücü G.A., "Kuyularda Hijyenik Koruma" ("Hygienic Protection of Wells") Türkiye Mühendislik Haberleri. (Turkish Engineering News), March, (1970)
- Sürücü G.A., "Akarsuların Tabii Purifikasyonu" ("Selfpurification of Stream") Türkiye Mühendislik Haberleri, (Turkish Engineering News), April, (1969)
- Sürücü G.A., "Hava Kirlenmesi ve Ankara" ("Air Pollution and Ankara") ODTÜ Mezunlar Dergisi 1. (METU Alumni News), Feb, (1969)