Prof. Dr. F. Dilek Sanin
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Interest Areas
Management of wastewater sludge
Wastewater treatment, fate of micropollutants and microplastics in wastewater treatment
Investigation of occurrence and removal of micropollutants and microplastics in wastewater sludge
Management of solid and hazardous wastes
Renewable energy production from wastes; applications such as biogas production etc.
Curriculum Vitae | |
E-mail: dsanin {at} | |
Links: | |
Phone: +90-312-210-2642 Fax: +90-312-210-2646 |
Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, August 1989‑March 1996.
Dissertation: "Bioflocculation of Activated Sludge: the Function of Extracellular Polymers and Calcium Ions "
Supervisor: Professor Dr. P. Aarne Vesilind.
- M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, September 1985 ‑ August 1987. .
Thesis: "A Study on Various Parameters Affecting Physical Properties of Activated Sludge”
Supervisor: Professor Dr. Gülerman Sürücü.
B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey, September 1981‑ August 1985.
Academic Work
- Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, December 2006 – continuing.
- Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, November 2000 – December 2006.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, May 2000-November 2000. Instructor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey May 1999-May 2000.
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, September 1998-January 1999. Academic responsibilities: taught “Environmental Engineering” (undergraduate) and “Solid Waste Engineering” (graduate) courses.
- Post Doctoral Research Associate, Civil Engineering Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA, March 1996-July 1998. Research Project: “Fate of Synthetic Organic Chemicals in Landfills”. Project is funded by Upjohn Pharmaceutica.
- Teaching Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, January 1992-March 1996. Teaching assistant to: "Introduction to Environmental Engineering " and "Environmental Engineering” courses. Took part in the design, establishment and development of an undergraduate teaching laboratory, designed experiments.
- Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, July 1990-December 1991. Research Project: "Pathogen Reduction Capabilities of Freeze/Thaw Sludge Conditioning". Project funded by US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory.
- Teaching Assistant, Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, March 1986-July 1990.
Administrative Duties
- Board Member, International Water Association (IWA) Specialist Group on Sludge Management Executive Board Member, elected Eastern Europe representative, May 2013 – continuing.
- Chairperson, Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, December 2012 – continuing.
- Board Member, Turkish Cement Manufacturers’ Association, Council for Quality and Environment (Turkey), August 2011 - continuing.
- Guest Editor, Water Research, Special Issue: Sludge Research, August 2014- continuing.
- Editor, Water Science and Technology (UK), January 2009- continuing.
- Associate Editor, Water Science and Technology (UK), March 2007- January 2009.
- Executive Committee Member, KAKAD –Solid Waste Research and Implementation Turkish National Committee, January 2009- continuing.
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Residuals Science and Technology (USA) January 2004- continuing.
- Chairperson, Department of Biotechnology, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, September 2003-September 2005.
- Vice Chairperson, Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, November 2002- November 2009.
- Management Board Invited Member, International Water Association Specialist Group on Sludge Management, January 2001-March 2004.
Design and Consulting
- Consultant for Selin Construction and Engineering Company, Ankara Turkey, on Removal of Turbidity from Different Water Samples by Chemical Coagulation, February-March 2012.
- Consultant for Aydeniz Construction Company, Ankara Turkey, on Water Quality Assessment and Determination of Treatment Requirements for Multi-User Water Supply System in an International Airport, July-August 2011.
- Consultant for Arges Engineering, Ankara Turkey, on Low Temperature Drying of Wastewater Sludge, March 2011-July 2011.
- Consultant for Arges Enginering, Ankara Turkey, on Development of a Vacuum Filter System for Dewatering and Disinfection of Excess Sludge Originating from Wastewater Treatment, March 2011-July 2011.
- Consultant for Lafarge Cement Factory, Izmit Turkey, Education provided for project on combustion of domestic sludges in cement factory examination of health risks associated with pathogenic microorganisms 2008.
- Consultant for GATAB, Antalya, Turkey, Project on improvement of composting operations in the Materials Recovery Facility under the authority of GATAB, 2006 - 2007.
- Subject Matter Expert, United Nations Train Sea Coast Programme, Ankara, Turkey, Project on Reduction of Pollutional Loads Entering Black Sea, 2003-2004.
- Consultant for Encon, Ankara, Turkey, Waste Treatability Study for a Pharmaceutical Industry, 2000.
- Consultant for MKE Fişeksan A. Ş., Ankara, Turkey, Heavy Metal Removal in Fişeksan A. Ş. Wastewater, 1999.
- Project Engineer, MacConnell and Associates, Inc., Cary, NC, USA. Part time design engineer, May 1994-August 1994.
Other Professional Activities
- Member of Experts Group, Union of Municipalities of Turkey, Expert Group on Sludge Management, 2009-2011.
- Special Issue Editor, Environmental Science and Technology (ÇBT) - Technical Journal, September 2011 (in Turkish).
- Conference Co-Chair, International Water Association Specialist Conference of “Facing Sludge Diversities: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities” March 2007, Antalya Turkey.
- Special Issue Editor, Journal of Residual Science and Technology, October 2005.
- Organizing Committee Member, METU Second National Environmental Pollution Symposium (October 2003)
- Reviewer for the following International Journals
- Water Research, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Bioresource Technology, Chemosphere, Water Science and Technology, Waste Management, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Biochemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Residuals Science and Technology, Environmental Science and Pollution Research
- Reviewer for the following national institutions to review research project proposals and reports: The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, Technology Forecasting and Assessment Directorate of Turkey, Middle East Technical University Research Fund, Hacettepe University Research Fund, Ankara University Research Fund, Uludag University Research Fund.
- Reviewer, for several national journals
- Independent Auditor, for several national projects
Awards and Scholarships
- Jeffrey Taub Environmental Engineering Graduate Student Award, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, 1993.
- Fulbright Scholarship, 1989-1990.
- International Water Association
- Chi Epsilon, Civil Engineering Honor Society (Duke University).
- KAKAD –Solid Waste Research and Implementation Turkish National Committee
Ongoing or Completed Research Projects
- Investigation of the Effects of Microplastics on Anaerobic Digestion of Disintegrated Sludge and their Fate During this Process, (principal investigator) funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, (121Y156) 3-year project started in Oct. 1, 2021.
- Microplastics in Wastewaters of Selected Industries and Organized Industrial Zones, (principal investigator) funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, (121Y064), started in Sept. 15, 2021.
- Molecular Level Microplastic-Organic Interactions Coupling Meso-Scale Circularity Assessment for Macro-Scale Policy Impact (Researcher), Joint Project of NSF-USA and The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, 3-year project started in June 1, 2021.
- The Fate and Effects of Microplastics in Anaerobic Digestion of Sludge, (principal investigator) METU BAP Research Project (GAP-311-2021-10613), two-year project started in February 1, 2021.
- Management of Sludge and Preparation of an Action Plan for Turkey, (principal investigator) Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, July 2016 – October 2019.
- Energy Recovery from Wastewater Sludge using Microbial Fuel Cells, (principal investigator) METU-BAP (03-11-2015-002), January 2015-December 2016.
- Examination of Changes in Energy Potential and Combustibility of Sludge During Anaerobic Digestion, (principle investigator) METU-BAP (03-11-2014-01) January 2014-continuing.
- Determination of Nonylphenol Degrading Microorganisms using qPCR and tRFLP Techniques, (principle investigator) METU-BAP (03-11-2010-03) January 2012-continuing.
- Investigation of Regrowth Potential of Pathogens in Stabilized Sludge, (principle investigator) Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (110Y360) April 2011- December 2011.
- Management of Domestic/Urban Sludges, (principle investigator) Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (108G188) June 2010-continuing.
- Examination of the Fate of Nonyl Phenol Compounds in Sludge Stabilization Processes, (principle investigator) Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (109Y018), September 2009-continuing.
- Effect of Sludge Addition on Waste Stabilization in Bioreactor Landfills, (principle investigator) Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (108Y343), April 2009-September 2010.
- Effect of Sludge Stabilization Processes on Microbiological Quality of Sludge, (principle investigator) METU-BAP (03-11-2010-03) January 2010-continuing.
Sludge Minimization, (principle investigator) Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (105Y339) May 2006-April 2009. - Improvement of Calcium Alginate as a Coagulant for Low Turbidity Waters (principle investigator) Middle East Technical University, Research Fund Project (BAP - 2006-03-11-01) January 2006- December 2006.
- Alginate Production from Azotobacter Vinelandii (principle investigator) Middle East Technical University, Research Fund Project (BAP – 08-11-DPT2002K 120510) January 2005- continuing.
- Determination of Fate of TCA in Landfills (principle investigator) Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (105Y339) started September 2005- September 2006.
- Use of Microbial Polysaccharides as a Coagulant in Water Treatment (principle investigator) Middle East Technical University, Research Fund Project (BAP-2005-03-11-02) January 2005-December 2005.
- Effect of Various Cations on Activated Sludge Flocculation and Chemical, Surface Chemical and Physical Properties, (principle investigator) Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (İÇTAG-Ç085) January 2004-June 2006.
- Recovery and Reuse of Waste Sludges, (principle investigator) Middle East Technical University, Research Fund Project (BAP-2004.03.11.03) January 2004-December 2005.
- Development of Tools and Guidelines for the Promotion of the Sustainable Urban Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the Agricultural Production in the Mediterranean Countries European Commission Euro Mediterranean Partnership (MEDA) Project (researcher) (2003-2004).
- Determination of Fate of TCA in Simulated Landfill Reactors, Middle East Technical University, Research Fund Project (BAP-2002.03.11.03) (principle investigator) January 2002-December 2004.
- Disinfection by-products in Reservoirs Governed by State Hydraulics Works, Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (İÇTAG-Ç019) (co-investigator) January 2002-December 2003.
- Effect of Extracellular Polymer Composition of Activated Sludge on the Removal of Hazardous Substances by Biosorption, Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (İÇTAG-Ç002) (principle investigator) January 2001- December 2002.
- Use of Hydrogels in Sludge Dewatering, Middle East Technical University, Research Fund Project (AFP- (principle investigator) January 2000-December 2001.
- Effect of Feed C/N Ratio of Activated Sludge on the Composition of Extracellular Polymers, Middle East Technical University, Research Fund Project (AFP- (principle investigator) 1999-2000.
- Fate of Synthetic Organic Chemicals in Landfills, North Carolina State University, Civil Eng. Department, Raleigh, NC USA. funded by Upjohn Pharmaceutica, (research associate) March 1996-July 1998.
- Pathogen Reduction Capabilities of Freeze/Thaw Sludge Conditioning, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, DukeUniversity, Durham, NC, USA. funded by US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, (researcher) July 1990-December 1991.
Supervisor of Following Ongoing and Completed Thesis and Dissertation Work
Ph.D. (ongoing)
- “Biodegradation of Nonylphenols, Determination of Degradation Products and Detection of Responsible Microorganisms Using Molecular Techniques” Fadime Kara (Ph.D.) 2009-continuing
- “Wastewater Sludge in Bioelectricity Generation Using Microbial Fuel Cells” Seçil Ömeroğlu (Ph.D.), 2013- continuing
- “Investigation of Solid Waste and Leachate Management Approaches in Turkey and Improvement of Leachate Quality with a Treatability Study for a Selected Landfill Site” Didar Ergene Şentürk Ömeroğlu (Ph.D.), 2014- continuing
Master of Science (ongoing)
- “Effects of Disintegration and Anaerobic Digestion on Biogas Production and Fuel Properties of Municipal and Industrial Sludges” Emrehan Berkay Çelebi, (MS) 2013 - continuing
- “Evaluation of Alternative Sludge Management Approaches Based on Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint” Emin Calbay (MS) Co-Advisor, 2013 - continuing
Ph.D. (completed)
- “Production of Alginate from Azotobacter Vinelandii and its Use in Water and Wastewater Treatment”, Çiğdem Kıvılcımdan Moral, (Ph.D. main advisor) February 2011.
- “Attenuation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Under Anaerobic Conditions”, Devrim Kaya (Ph.D. main advisor) September 2012.
Master of Science (completed)
- “Effect of Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio on the Composition of Microbial Extracellular Polymers in Activated Sludge” Burcu Durmaz (MS) September 2001.
- “Investigation of Solids Residence Time on Sludge Characteristics with Specific Emphasis on Extracellular Polymers” Mohammed Lamin Sesay (MS) March 2003.
- “The Effect of Extracellular Polymer Composition of Activated Sludge on the Removal of Heavy Metal by Biosorption” Bilgen Yüncü (MS) Co-Advisor, September 2003.
- “Determination of Trihalomethane Formation Potential of the Reservoirs in Turkey: Kinetics Aspect” Mine Artuğ (MS) Co-Advisor, November 2004.
- “Bioflocculation of Activated Sludge in Relation to Calcium Ion Concentration”, Aysun Vatansever (MS) July 2005.
- “Investigation of Activated Sludge Bioflocculation: Influence of Magnesium Ions”, Ipek Turtin (MS) September 2005.
- “Use of Calcium Alginate as a Coagulant in Water Treatment”, Hale Aylin Çoruh (MS) September 2005.
- “Recovery and Reuse of Waste Sludges”, Gülçin Özsoy (MS), September 2006.
- “Investigation of Sodium and Potassium Ions in Relation to Bioflocculation of Mixed Culture Microorganisms”, Fadime Kara (MS), June 2007.
- “Use of Calcium-Alginate as a Coagulant for Low Turbidity Waters”, A. Mete Yüksel (MS), December 2007.
- “Combination of Alkaline Solubilization with Microwave Digestion as a Sludge Disintegration Method – Effect on Gas Production and Dewaterability of Anaerobically Digested Sludge” Ilgin Dogan (MS) July 2008.
- “Effect of Different Sludge Disintegration Methods on the Formation of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids and Subsequent Digestability and Dewaterability of Waste Activated Sludge” Onur Guven Apul (MS) February 2009.
- “Investigation of Digester F/M Ratio as a Parameter to Affect Sludge Minimization and Gas Production of Ultrasonically Treated Waste Activated Sludge” Gozde T. Koksoy (MS) June 2009.
- “The Role of Calcium Ion on Activated Sludge Biochemical and Physical Properties in Phosphorus Deficient Growth Medium” Ceren Aksu (MS) September 2010.
- “Investigation of Magnesium Ions Effect on Sludge Properties in Phosphorus Deficient Bioreactors” Eda Ünal (MS) September 2010.
- “Determination of Microbial Quality of Prestabilized, Stabilized and Dewatered Sludge” Müge Erkan, (MS) September 2011.
- “Treatability and Toxicity of Nonylphenol Compounds in Anaerobic Batch Reactors” Hande Bozkurt (M.S.) December 2011.
- “Fate of Nonylphenol Compounds in Aerobic Batch Reactors” Seçil Ömeroğlu, (M.S.) June 2012.
“Fate of Nonylphenol Compounds in Aerobic Semi-Continuous Reactors” Muneer Ahmed, (M.S.) August 2012. - Health Risk Assessment of the Land Application of Biosolids in Turkey: Ingestion Pathway, Ece Kendir, (M.S.) January 2013.
- Combustion Characteristics and Thermal Utilization of Sewage Sludge, Onur Atak (MS) Co-Advisor, September 2013.
- Investigation of Fuel Values and Combustion Characteristics of RDF Samples, Ayşe Sever Akdağ, (M.S.) August 2014.
- Evaluation of Solar Sludge Drying Alternatives on Costs and Area Requirements, Mayıs Kurt (MS) Co-Advisor, September 2014.
Taught the Following Graduate and Undergraduate Courses
Graduate Course
- CEE 248 Solid Waste Engineering (Duke University)
Undergraduate Courses
- ENVE 102 Environmental Chemistry (METU)
- ENVE 208 Environmental Chemistry Laboratory (METU)
- ENVE 422 Treatment and Disposal of Water and Wastewater Sludge (METU)
- ENVE 432 Hazardous Waste Management (METU)
- ENVE 312 Water Supply Engineering (METU)
- CEE 124 Environmental Engineering (Duke University)
- Sanin, F. D., Clarkson, W. W. and Vesilind, P. A. “Sludge Engineering: the Treatment and Disposal of Wastewater Sludges”, DEStech Publications, Inc., Lancaster, PA, USA, 2011.
Journal Articles – SCI/SCI expanded
- Ergene Şentürk, D. & Aksoy, A. and Sanin, F. D. (2022). Comprehensive analysis and modeling of landfill leachate. Waste Management, 145, 48.
- Aksu Bahçeci H., Sanin, S. L. and Sanin, F. D. “Co-digestion Potential of Industrial Sludges with Municipal Sludge” Waste and Biomass Valor., 12(10), 5437-5449, 2021.
- Çelebi, E. B, Aksoy, A., Sanin. F.D. “Maximizing the energy potential of urban sludge treatment: An experimental study and a scenario-based energy analysis focusing on anaerobic digestion”, Energy, 221, 2021.
- Hatinoğlu, M. D. and Sanin F. D. “Sewage sludge as a source of microplastics in the environment: A review of occurrence and fate during sludge treatment” J of Env. Management, 295, October 2021.
- Ömeroğlu, S., Kara Murdoch, F., and Sanin, F. D. “Investigation of nonylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylates in sewage sludge samples from a metropolitan wastewater treatment plant in Turkey”, Talanta, v. 131, pp. 650–655, 2015.
- Ömeroğlu, S., Sanin, F.D. “Fate and degradation kinetics of nonylphenol compounds in aerobic batch digesters”, Water Research, v. 64, pp. 1-12, 2014.
- Sanin, F. D., Filibeli, A., Erdinçler, A., Çokgör, E., Kentel, E., Ayol, A., Alagöz, A., Pehlivanoğlu Mantaş, E., Şener, G. and Saygili, G. “Regulatory Framework in Sludge Management: Examples from Around the World” Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2014
- Kaya, D., Karakas, F., Sanin,F. D. and İmamoglu, İ. “PCBs in Sludge: Development of a Practical Extraction Procedure and its Application in an Urban WWTP” Water Environment Research, v. 86, 2014.
- Bozkurt, H. and Sanin, F. D. “Toxicity of nonylphenol diethoxylate in lab-scale anaerobic digesters” Chemosphere, v.104, pp. 69–75, 2014.
- Insel,G., Kendir, E., Ayol, A., Erdinçler, A., Arıkan, O., Imamoğlu, I., Alagöz, B. A., Gençsoy, E.B., Sanin, F.D., Büyükkamaci, N., Karataş, Ö., Saygili, G., Şener, G., Çokgör, E. U. and Filibeli, A. “Current Situation and Future Perspectives in Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Management in Turkey”, Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, v.10, n.3, pp. 133-139, 2013.
- Kaya, D., İmamoglu, İ. Sanin, F. D. “Anaerobic Mesophilic Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge in the Presence of 2,3’,4,4’,5-Pentachlorobiphenyl”, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 83, 41-47, 2013.
- Kaya, D., Imamoglu, I., Sanin, F. D. “Impact of PCB-118 and transformer oil toxicity on anaerobic digestion of sludge: Anaerobic Toxicity Assay Results” Chemosphere, v. 92, n. 7, 821-827, 2013.
- Moral Kıvılcımdan, Ç., Doğan, Ö., Sanin, F. D. “Comparison of Chemical Fractionation Method and 1H-NMR Spectroscopy in Measuring the Monomer Block Distribution of Algal Alginates”. Journal of Polymer Engineering, 33:3, 239-246, 2013.
- Zorba, G. T. and Sanin, F. D. “Disintegration of Sludge by Sonication and Improvement of Methane Production Rates in Batch Anaerobic Digesters” Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 41, 4, 396–402, 2013.
- Erkan, M. and Sanin, F. D. “Can Sludge Dewatering Reactivate Microorganisms in Mesophilically Digested Anaerobic Sludge? Case of Belt Filter versus Centrifuge” Water Research, v 47, n. 1, 428-438, 2013.
- Devrimci, H. A., Yuksel, A. M. and Sanin, F. D. “Algal Alginate: A Potential Coagulant for Drinking Water Treatment” Desalination, 299, 16-21, 2012.
- Kıvılcımdan Moral, C., Doğan Ö. and Sanin, F.D. “Use of Laboratory-grown Bacterial Alginate in Copper Removal” Water Sci. and Technol. 65, 11, 2003-2009, 2012.
- Kıvılcımdan Moral, C. and Sanin, F.D. “An Investigation of Agitation Speed as a Factor Affecting the Quantity and Monomer Distribution of Alginate from Azotobacter vinelandii ATCC® 9046” Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 39, 3, 513-519, 2012.
- Koksoy, G. T. and Sanin, F. D. “Effect of Digester F/M Ratio on Gas Production and Sludge Minimization of Ultrasonically Treated Sludge” Water Science and Technology, 62, 7, 1510-1517, 2010.
- Apul, O. G. and Sanin, F. D. “Ultrasonic Pretreatment and Subsequent Anaerobic Digestion Under Different Operational Conditions” Bioresource Technology, v. 101, pp. 8984-8992, 2010.
- Apul, O. G., Atalar, I., Zorba, G. T and Sanin, F. D. “The Dewaterability of Disintegrated Sludge Samples Before and After Anaerobic Digestion” Drying Technology, v. 28, n. 7, pp. 901-909, 2010.
- Apul, O.G., Dogan, I. and Sanin, F. D. “Can Capillary Suction Time be an Indicator for Sludge Disintegration?” Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, v.6, n.3, pp. 99-104, 2009.
- Doğan, I and Sanin, F. D. “Alkaline Solubilization and Microwave Irradiation as a Combined Sludge Disintegration and Minimization Method” Water Research, v. 43, pp. 2139-2148, 2009.
- Kara, F., Gurakan, C. G and Sanin, F.D. “Monovalent Cations and Their Influence on Activated Sludge Floc Chemistry, Structure and Physical Characteristics” Biotechnology and Bioengineering, v.100, n.2, pp231-239, 2008.
- Sesay, M. L., Ozcengiz, G. and Sanin, F.D. “Enzymatic Extraction of Activated Sludge Extracellular Polymers and Implications on Bioflocculation” Water Research, v. 40, n. 7, pp. 1359-1366, 2006.
- Yuncu, B., Sanin, F. D and Yetis, U. “An Investigation of Heavy Metal Biosorption in Relation to C/N Ratio of Activated Sludge” J of Hazardous Materials, v. 137, n. 2, pp. 990-997, 2006.
- Ozsoy, G., Dilek F. B. and Sanin, F. D. “An Investigation of Agricultural Use Potential of Wastewater Sludges in Turkey - Case of Heavy Metals” Water Science and Technology, v. 54, n. 5, 155-161, 2006.
- Sanin, F. D., Vatansever, A., Turtin, I., Kara, F., Durmaz, B. and Sesay, M. L. “Operational Conditions of Activated Sludge: Influence on Flocculation and Dewaterability” Drying Technology, v. 24, n. 10, pp. 1297 – 1306, 2006.
- Turtin I, Vatansever, A. and Sanin, F. D. “Phosphorus Deficiency and Sludge Bulking” Environmental Technology, v. 27, n.6, pp. 613-621, 2006.
- Sanin F. D., and Vesilind, P. A. “Rheology of Wastewater Sludge – A Review” Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, v.2, n.2, pp. 71-78, 2005.
- Sesay, M. L. and Sanin, F. D. “An Investigation of Activated Sludge Floc Structure in Relation to Solids Retention Time” Journal of Residuals Science & Technology, v.1, n.2, pp. 125-131, 2004.
- Özbek, M. And Sanin, F. D. “A Study of the Dental Solid Waste Produced in a School of Dentistry in Turkey” Waste Management, v. 24, pp. 339-345, 2004.
- Durmaz, B. and Sanin, F. D. “Effect of Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Activated Sludge” Environmental Technology, v. 24, pp. 1331-1340, 2003.
- Sanin, S. L., Sanin, F. D. and Bryers, J. D. “Effect of Starvation on the Adhesive Properties of Xenobiotic Degrading Bacteria” Process Biochemistry, v.38, n.6, pp. 909-914, 2003.
- Sanin, F. D. “Effect of Solution Physical Chemistry on the Rheological Properties of Activated Sludge” Water SA, v.28, n.2, pp. 207-212, 2002.
- Durmaz, B. ve Sanin, F. D. “Effect of Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio on the Composition of Microbial Extracellular Polymers in Activated Sludge” Wat. Sci. and Technol., v. 44, n. 10, 221-229, 2001.
- Sanin, F. D. “Effect of EDTA on Activated Sludge Properties” Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, v.10, n.2, pp. 165-169, 2001.
- Sanin F. D., and Vesilind, P. A. “Bioflocculation of Activated Sludge: the Role of Calcium Ions and Extracellular Polymers” Environmental Technnology, v. 21, pp. 1405-1412, 2000.
- Sanin F. D., Knappe, D. and Barlaz, M. A. “The fate of Toluene, Acetone and 1,2 Dichloroethene in a Laboratory Scale Simulated Landfill” Water Research, v. 34, n. 12, pp. 3063-3074, 2000.
- Sanin, F. D. and Vesilind, P. A. "A Comparison of Physical Properties of Synthetic Sludge with Activated Sludge" Water Environment Research, v. 71, n. 2, pp. 191-196, 1999.
- Sanin, F. D. and Vesilind, P. A. "Synthetic Sludge: A Physical/Chemical Model in Understanding Bioflocculation" Water Environment Research, v. 68, n. 5, pp. 927-933, 1996.
- Sanin, F. D. and Vesilind, P. A. "Effect of Centrifugation on the Removal of Extracellular Polymers and Physical Properties of Activated Sludge" Wat. Sci. and Tech., v.30, n.8, pp. 117‑127, 1994.
- Sanin, F. D., Vesilind, P. A. and Martel, C. J. "Pathogen Reduction Capabilities of Freeze/Thaw Sludge Conditioning", Water Research , v. 28, n. 11, pp. 2393‑2398, 1994.
- Sürücü, G. and Çetin, F. D. "Effects of Temperature, pH and DO Concentration on the Filterability and Compressibility of Activated Sludge", Water Research, v. 23, n.11, pp. 1389‑1395, 1990.
- Çetin, F. D. and Sürücü, G. "Effects of Temperature and pH on the Settleability of Activated Sludge", Water Sci. Tech., v. 22, n. 9, pp. 249‑254, 1990.
Journal Articles – non-SCI
- Çetin, F. D. and Sürücü, G. "Effects of Temperature and pH on the Physical Properties of Activated Sludge" Intern. J. Environmental. Studies., v.34, pp. 189-199, 1989.
National Journal Articles
- Ömeroğlu, S., Kara, F., Ahmed, M., Bozkurt, H. and Sanin, F. D. “Existence and Impact of Nonylphenols in Environmental Systems and Wastewater Sludges, Katı Atık ve Çevre, n. 82, 2011 (in Turkish).
- Kara, F. and Sanin F.D. “Pathogens and Indicators in Sludge, New Findings and their Importance for Sludge Use in Agriculture” Katı Atık ve Çevre, n. 78, 2010 (in Turkish).
- Apul, O. G. and Sanin F.D. “Examination of Sludge Minimization Potential and Associated Costs by Ultrasonic Pretreatment” Katı Atık ve Çevre, n. 79, 2010 (in Turkish).
International Conference Presentations
- Sanin, F. D. “Micropollutants: Existence and Fate in Sludge Treatment Lines” International Water Association World Water Congress and Exhibition, September 21-26 2014, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Ömeroğlu, S., Kara Murdoch, F. and Sanin, F. D. “Development of Practical Extraction and Analysis Methods for Nonylphenol Compounds in Water and Wastewater” International Water Association World Water Congress and Exhibition, September 21-26 2014, Lisbon, Portugal (poster presentation).
- Kara Murdoch, F., Murdoch, R. W. and Sanin, F. D. “Determination of Relative Abundance of Sphingomonads in Aerobic and Batch Semi-Continuous Digesters” International Water Association World Water Congress and Exhibition, September 21-26 2014, Lisbon, Portugal (poster presentation).
- G. Insel, E. Kendir, A. Ayol, A. Erdinçler, O. Arıkan, İ. İmamoğlu, B. A. Alagöz, E. B. Gençsoy, F. D. Sanin, N. Büyükkamacı, Ö. Karataş, N. Sayi Ucar, G. Şener, G. Saygili, E. U. Çokgör, A. Filibeli, “Domestic/Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Management In Turkey” ECSM 4th European Conference on Sludge Management, 26-28 Sept. 2014, İzmir, Turkey.
- G. Insel, A. Gezer, N. Yağcı, M. Doğru, A. Erdinçler, D. Sanin, A. Filibeli, B. Keskinler, E.U. Çokgör, “Comparison of Energy Efficiencies for Advanced Anaerobic Digestion, Incineration and Gasification Processes in Municipal Sludge Management” ECSM 4th European Conference on Sludge Management, 26-28 Sept. 2014, İzmir, Turkey.
- Fadime Kara Murdoch, Muneer Ahmed and F. Dilek Sanin Degradation of Nonylphenol Compounds in Aerobic and Anaerobic Digesters ECSM 4th European Conference on Sludge Management, 26-28 Sept. 2014, İzmir, Turkey.
- F.D. Sanin, A. Filibeli, A. Erdinçler, E. Çokgör, E. Kentel, A. Ayol, A. Alagöz, E. Pehlivanoğlu-Mantaş, G. Şener and G. Saygılı, Regulatory Framework in Sludge Management: Examples from around the World” ECSM 4th European Conference on Sludge Management, 26-28 Sept. 2014, İzmir, Turkey.
- M. Görgüner, A. Aksoy, F. D. Sanin, “GIS-Based Area Determination for Land Application of Municipal Sludge of A Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant” ECSM 4th European Conference on Sludge Management, 26-28 Sept. 2014, İzmir, Turkey.
- O. Atak, A.T. Atimtay, F.D. Sanin, “Assessment of Sewage Sludge Samples From Different Treatment Processes for a Possible Use in Energy Recovery” EURASIA 2014 Waste Management Symposium, 28-30 April 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Kıvılcımdan Moral, Ç., Doğan Ö. and Sanin, F.D. Effect of Oxygen Tension on Monomer Distribution of Alginate and Its Use in Turbidity Removal, 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Antalya, Turkey, 14-17 May 2014, pp 53-54.
- Kara Murdoch, F., Ömeroğlu, S., Bozkurt, H., Ahmad, M., and Sanin, F. D. "The Fate of Nonylphenolic Compounds in Water and Wastewater Systems". 17th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region. September 28- October 1, 2013, Istanbul, Turkey (poster presentation).
- Kaya, D, Imamoglu, I., Sanin, F. D. and Sowers, K. “Pathway Investigation of Aroclor 1254 Dechlorination through 22 Congeners in Grasse River Sediment Microcosms”, 2nd International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies, June 10-13, 2013, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
- Kaya, D., Imamoglu, I., Sanin, F. D. and Sowers, K. “Dechlorination of PCB-118 in an Anaerobic Sludge Digester in the Presence of Transformer Oil” (poster presentarion), 2nd International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies, June 10-13, 2013, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
- İnsel, G., Kendir, E., Ayol, A. Erdinçler, A., Arıkan, O., İmamoğlu, I., Alagöz, B. A., Gençsoy, E. B., Sanin, F. D., Büyükkamacı, N., Karataş, O, Çokgör, E. U. and Filibeli, A. “Current Situation and Future Perspectives in Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Management in Turkey” International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, 18-21 June 2013, Nevsehir, Turkey.
- Moral Kıvılcımdan, Ç., Ertesvåg H., Sanin, F. D. “Use of Post-Epimerized Alginate in Turbidity Removal”. Istanbul International Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, Proceedings p. 212 – 213, May 22 – 24, 2013.
- Sanin, F. D. “Management of Sludge: Sustainability and Recent Trends in the World”. Istanbul International Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, (keynote speech), May 22 – 24, 2013.
- Omeroglu, S., Bozkurt, H. and Sanin, F. D. “Fate of Nonylphenol Compounds during Aerobic and Anaerobic Digestion of Sludge” WEF Residuals and Biosolids 2013: Emerging Opportunities for Sustainable Resource Recovery, Nashville, TN, USA, May 5-8, 2013.
- Kaya, D., Karakas, F., Imamoglu, I and Sanin, F.D. “PCBs in Biosolids: Monitoring in a Large Urban WWTP Using a Newly Developed Practical Extraction Procedure” WEF Residuals and Biosolids 2013: Emerging Opportunities for Sustainable Resource Recovery, Nashville, TN, USA, May 5-8, 2013.
- Kendir, E., Kentel,E. and Sanin F.D. “Health Risk Assessment for Land Application of Biosolids in Ankara, Turkey, 17th European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference, 19-21 November 2012, Leeds, UK.
- Kıvılcımdan Moral, Ç., Doğan Ö. and Sanin, F.D. Water Treatment Using a Laboratory Grown Biopolymer. 15th European Conferences on Biotechnology, September 23-26, 2012, İstanbul, Turkey, pp 175-176. Abstract published in New Biotechnology, v. 29, Supplement, 23–26 September 2012, pp. S175-S176.
- Kıvılcımdan Moral, Ç., Doğan Ö. and Sanin, F.D. Effect of Sucrose Concentration on Monomer Distribution of Alginate. 15th European Conferences on Biotechnology, September 23-26, 2012, İstanbul, Turkey, pp 55. Abstract published in New Biotechnology, v. 29, Supplement, 23–26 September 2012, p. S55.
- Erkan, M., Özdağ, H. and Sanin, F. D. “Bacterial Regrowth During Sewage Sludge Dewatering” ECSM 3rd European Conference on Sludge Management, 6-7 Sept. 2012, Leon, Spain.
- Ömeroğlu, S. and Sanin, F. D. “Fate of Nonylphenol Compounds in Aerobic Batch Digesters” ECSM 3rd European Conference on Sludge Management, 6-7 Sept. 2012, Leon, Spain.
- Kaya, D., Imamoğlu, İ. and Sanin, F. D. “Fate of 23’44’5-Pentachlorobiphenyl in Anaerobic Sludge Digesters” ECSM 3rd European Conference on Sludge Management, 6-7 Sept. 2012, Leon, Spain (poster presentation).
- Bozkurt, H and Sanin, F. D. “Effect of Basal Medium on Methane Productıon Potentials of Sludge from Domestic and Industrial Origin” ECSM 3rd European Conference on Sludge Management, 6-7 Sept. 2012, Leon, Spain (poster presentation).
- Kıvılcımdan Moral, Ç, Doğan, Ö. and Sanin, F. D. “Effect of Calcium Ion Concentration on Monomer Distribution of Alginate” 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, June 25-29, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA.
- Bozkurt, H. and Sanin, F. D. “Toxicity of Nonylphenol Compounds in Anaerobic Digesters” 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, June 25-29, 2012, Houston, Texas, USA.
- Bozkurt, H., Ömeroğlu, S., Ahmed, M. Kara, F. and Sanin, F. D. “Nonylphenols in Sludge: Measurement and Removal Methods” V. Turkish German Solid Waste Days, TAKAG 2011, 27-30 September 2011, Stuttgart, Germany.
- Devrimci, H. A., Yüksel, A. M. and Sanin, F. D. “Use of Algal Alginate in Turbidity Removal from Water Samples” 1st International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts, 17-20 July 2011, St. Louis, USA (poster presentation).
- Kıvılcımdan Moral, Ç and Sanin, F. D. “Use of Laboratory-Grown Bacterial Alginate in Copper Removal” 8th IWA International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries, June 22-24, 2011, Cesme, Izmir.
- Erkan, M., Ozdag, H. and Sanin, F. D. “Pathogens and Indicators in Domestic Sludge” 8th IWA International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries, June 22-24, 2011, Cesme, Izmir.
- Kaya, D., Imamoglu I., Sanin, F.D. “Toxicity of 2,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl in Anaerobic Systems” The 26th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, March, 2011, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
- Kıvılcımdan Moral, C. and Sanin, F.D. “Alginate Production by Azotobacter vinelandii ATCC 9046 and Its Use in Turbidity Removal” Second International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health, September 27-29, 2010, Mykonos, Greece.
- Zorba, G.T., Atalar, I. Apul, O.G. and Sanin, F. D. “Enhancement of Sludge Reduction and Methane Production Rates Using Different Pretreatment Methods Applied Prior to Small Scale Laboratory Anaerobic Digesters” WEF Conference Residuals and Biosolids 2010, May 23-26 2010, Savannah, Georgia, USA.
- Koksoy, G. T. and Sanin, F. D “Effect of Digester F/M Ratio on Gas Production and Sludge Minimization of Ultrasonically Treated Sludge” IWA Specialist Conference Sustainable Management of Water and Wastewater Sludges 2009, August 8-10 2009, Harbin, China.
- Apul, O. G., Dogan, I. and Sanin, F. D. “Can Capillary Suction Time be an Indicator for Sludge Disintegration” IWA Specialist Conference Sustainable Management of Water and Wastewater Sludges 2009, August 8-10 2009, Harbin, China.
- Koksoy, G. T., Doğan, I., Apul, O. G. and Sanin, F. D. “Effect of Digester F/M Ratio on Gas Production of Ultrasonically Treated Sludge” International Water Association World Water Congress and Exhibition, September 7-12 2008, Vienna, Austria (poster presentation).
- Kara, F., Gurakan, C. G and Sanin, F.D. “Monovalent Cations and their Influence on Activated Sludge Floc Structure” IWA Specialist Conference on Moving Forward Wastewater Biosolids Sustainability: Technical, Managerial and Public Synergy, June 24-27 2007, Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada.
- Vatansever, A, Kara, F., Turtin, I and Sanin, F.D. “Effect of Cation Type and Concentration on Bioflocculation and Settling Properties of Activated Sludge” IWA Specialist Conference on Facing Sludge Diversities: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities, March 28-30 2007, Antalya Turkey.
- Dogan, I, Koksoy, G.T, Kara, F., Kıvılcımdan, C. and Sanin, F.D. “Lab-scale Evaluation of Thermal, Thermo-chemical and Acidic Pretreatment of Sludge to Improve Anaerobic Digestion” IWA Specialist Conference on Facing Sludge Diversities: Challenges, Risks and Opportunities, March 28-30 2007, Antalya Turkey.
- Özsoy, G., Dilek, F. B. and Sanin, F. D. “Development of a Microwave-Assisted Digestion Technique for the Extraction of Heavy Metals from Sewage Sludge” IWA World Water Congress, 10-14 September 2006, Beijing, China.
- Sanin, F. D. H., Devrimci, A. H. and Yuksel, A. M. “Biopolymer Alginate: A Potential Coagulant For Water Treatment”, 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, August 19-22 2006, Houston, Texas, USA.
- Özsoy, G., Dilek, F. B and Sanin, F. D. “An Investigation of Agricultural Use Potential of Wastewater Sludges in Turkey- Case of Heavy Metals” IWA conference on Management of Residues Emanating from Water and Wastewater Treatment, August 9-12, 2005, Johannesburgh, South Africa.
- Sesay, M. L., Özcengiz, G. and Sanin, F.D. “Enzymatic Extraction of Activated Sludge Extracellular Polymers” IWA conference on Management of Residues Emanating from Water and Wastewater Treatment, Johannesburgh, August 9-12, 2005, Johannesburgh, South Africa.
- Sanin, F. D. “Operational Conditions of Activated Sludge and Influence on Flocculation” First Workshop on Recent Advances in Activated Sludge Flocculation, Characterization and Properties”, September 27-28, 2004, Ghent, Belgium.
- Yuncu, B., Sanin, F.D., and Yetis, U. “An Investigation of Pb(II) Biosorption in Relation to Surface Characteristics of Activated Sludge” 7th European Biosolids and Organic Residuals Conference, 18-20 November, 2002, Wakefield, UK
- Sanin, F. D. “Enzymatic Extraction of Activated Sludge Extracellular Polymers” 7th European Biosolids and Organic Residuals Conference, 18-20 November, 2002, Wakefield, UK
- Sanin, S. L. and Sanin F. D. “Effect of Starvation on the Surface Characteristics of Bacteria” EPMR-2002 International Conference Environmental Problems of the Mediterranean Region, 12-15 April, 2002, Nicosia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
- Durmaz, B. and Sanin F.D. “Effect of Carbon to Nitrogen Ratio on the Composition of Microbial Extracelluler Polymers in Activated Sludge” IWA conference on Sludge Mangement Entering the 3rd Millenium – Industrial, Combined, Water and Wastewater Residues, 25-28 March 2001, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Sanin, F. D. “The Role of Calcium ions in Bioflocculation” IWA 1st Water Congress of the International Water Association, 3-7 July 2000, Paris, France.
- Barlaz, M. A., Sanin, F. D. and Knappe, D. R. U. “Biological and Chemical Transformations of Hazardous Organic Chemicals During Refuse Decomposition” Seventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, 4-8 October, 1999, Sardinia Italy.
- Barlaz, M. A., Sanin, F. D. and Knappe, D. R. U. “The Fate of Toluene and Dichloroethane in a Superfund Landfill” In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation, The Fifth International Symposium, April 19-22, 1999, San Diego, CA, USA.
- Sanin, F. D., and Barlaz, M. A. “Natural Attenuation of Hazardous Organics during Refuse Decomposition in a Municipal Landfill” International Solid Waste Association 1998 World Congress, October 26-29, 1998, Charlotte, NC, USA.
- Sanin, F. D., Barlaz, M. A. and Knappe, D. “Toluene Sorption, Humification and Biodegradation in Excavated Refuse, A High Organic Carbon Sorbent” 1998 Spring Meeting, American Geochemical Union, May 26-29 1998, Boston, MA, USA.
- Sanin, F. D. and Barlaz, M. A. “Effect of Moisture Flux on Contaminant Fate in Refuse Excavated from a Midwestern Landfill” Water Quality International 1998, IAWQ 19th Biennial International Conference, June 21-26 1998, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Sanin, F. D., Vesilind, P. A. and Martel, C. J. "Land Application of Freeze/Thaw Conditioned Sludges: Consideration of Pathogenic Microorganisms", Water Quality International '92, 16th Biennial Conference and Exposition of the International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control, May 24-30, 1992, Washington, DC, USA.
- Çetin, F. D. and Sürücü, G. "Effects of Temperature, pH and DO Concentration on the Settleability of Activated Sludge", Prcs of the 4th Int.Env. Science and Tech. Conference, June 1988, Izmir, Turkey.
National Conference Presentations in Turkey
- Kara Murdoch, F. ve Sanin, F.D. 2013. “Nonilfenol Bileşiklerinin Anaerobik Yarı Sürekli Sistemlerde Akıbetinin İncelenmesi”. 5. Ulusal Katı Atık Yönetimi Kongresi, UKAY 2013, 29 Mayıs-1 Haziran 2013, Kocaeli, Turkiye.
- Sanin, F. D. “Arıtma Çamurlarının Yönetimi” 10. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Çevre Mühendisleri Odası, 12-14 Eylül 2013, Ankara, Turkiye.
- Kaya D., İmamoğlu İ., ve Sanin F. D., “Trafo Yağlarında Bulunan PCBlerin Anaerobik Çürütücüde Gideriminin Araştırışması” EKK 2012 İTÜ XIII. Endüstriyel Kirlenme Kontrolü Sempozyumu, 17-19 Ekim 2012, İstanbul, Türkiye.
- Ömeroğlu S., Kara F., ve Sanin F. D., “Nonilfenol Bileşiklerinin Arıtma Çamurlarında Ölçümüne Yönelik Metotların Geliştirilmesi ve Uygulanması”, EKK 2012 İTÜ XIII. Endüstriyel Kirlenme Kontrolü Sempozyumu, 17-19 Ekim 2012, İstanbul, Türkiye.
- Erdinçler A., Filibeli A., Çokgör E. U., Sanin F. D., Alagöz, B. A., Ayol A., Insel G., Imamoglu. I, Akyapı A., Buyukkamacı, N., Arıkan O. A., Kendir E., Sayı Ucar N., Oktem G., Saygılı G., “Turkiye’de Evsel-Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi Çamurlarının Yönetimi”, EKK 2012 İTÜ XIII. Endüstriyel Kirlenme Kontrolü Sempozyumu, 17-19 Ekim 2012, İstanbul, Türkiye.
- Büyükkamacı N., Erdinçler A., Sanin F. D., İskender G., Ayol, A., Alagöz A., İmamoğlu İ., Ateş Genceli E., Filibeli A., Karataş, Ö., Kendir E., Ekdal A., Saygılı G., Günhan M. S., Ubay Çokgör E., “Türkiye’de Evsel/Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesislerinin Mevcut Durumu: Atıksu Arıtma Teknolojileri, Çamur İşleme ve Bertaraf Etme Yöntemlerinin Bölgesel Bazda Değerlendirilmesi”, EKK 2012 İTÜ XIII. Endüstriyel Kirlenme Kontrolü Sempozyumu, 17-19 Ekim 2012, İstanbul, Türkiye.
- Erkan, M. ve Sanin, F. D. “Arıtma Çamurlarındaki Patojen ve Indikator Bakteriler”, IV. Ulusal Katı Atık Yönetimi Kongresi, 17-20 Ekim 2012, Antalya.
- Cokgor, E. U., Filibeli, A., Sanin, F.D., Erdincler, A, Insel, G., Ayol, A., Imamoglu, İ., Alagoz, A., Arıkan, O., Buyukkamaci, N., Sever, A., Ersoz, E., Gencsoy, E.B. “Evsel/ Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesislerinde Camur Uretim Potansiyeli: Mevcut Durum”, IV. Ulusal Katı Atık Yönetimi Kongresi, 17-20 Ekim 2012, Antalya, sayfa 22.
- Imamoglu, İ., Filibeli, A., Erdincler, A., Cokgor, E.U., Sanin, F.D., Ayol, A., Alagoz, A., Arıkan, O., Serce, T., Buyukkamaci, N., Akyapi, A., Pehlivanoglu-Mantas, E., Topuz, E. “Arıtma Camuru Yönetiminde Yasal Mevzuat: TR ve Dunyadan Ornekler” IV. Ulusal Katı Atık Yönetimi Kongresi, 17-20 Ekim 2012, Antalya, sayfa 36.
- Kıvılcımdan Moral, Ç., Doğan Ö. ve Sanin, F.D. Sukroz Konsantrasyonunun Alginatın Monomer Dağılımına Etkisi. 17. Ulusal Biyoteknoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 23-26 Eylül 2012, pp 35-39.
- Kıvılcımdan Moral, Ç. and Sanin, F.D. “Alginate Production by Azotobacter vinelandii ATCC® 9046 and use of this Polymer in the Removal of Turbidity” 9. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Çevre Yönetimi, 5-8 Ekim 2011, Samsun (in Turkish).
- Gürler, I., Yüksel, A. M. and Sanin, F. D. “Drying of Wastewater Sludge” 3. Ulusal Katı Atık Yönetimi Kongresi, UKAY 2011, 7-10 Eylül, 2011, Girne, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (in Turkish).
- Ömeroğlu, S., Kara, F., Ahmed, M., Bozkurt, H. and Sanin, F. D. “Existence and Impact of Nonylphenols in Environmental Systems and Wastewater Sludges, 2. Ulusal Katı Atık Yönetimi Kongresi, UKAY 2010, 18-20 Kasım, 2010, Mersin (in Turkish).
- Bozkurt, H. and Sanin, F.D. “Management of Municipal Sludge: Applications in Turkey and Around the World” 8. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Çevre, Hukuk, Siyaset, 12-14 Kasım 2009, Antalya (in Turkish).
- Kara, F. and Sanin F.D. “Pathogens and Indicators in Sludge, New Findings and their Importance for Sludge Use in Agriculture” 2nd National Syposium of Treatment Plant Sludges, 4-6 Kasim 2009, Izmir (in Turkish).
- Apul, O.G. and Sanin, F.D. “Examination of Sludge Minimization Potential and Associated Costs by Ultrasonic Pretreatment” 8. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Çevre, Hukuk, Siyaset, 12-14 Kasım 2009, Antalya (in Turkish).
- Apul, O. G. and Sanin, F.D. “Minimization of Sludge by Ultrasonic Pretreatment” Türkiye’de Çevre Kirlenmesi Öncelikleri Sempozyumu VI, 28-29 Mayıs, 2009, Gebze (in Turkish).
- Kara F., Vatansever A., Turtin I. and Sanin F.D. “Examination of the Effect of Cation Type and Concentration on Bioflocculation and Dewatering Properties of Activated Sludge”, Türkiye’de Çevre Kirlenmesi Öncelikleri Sempozyumu V, 14-18 Mayıs, 2008, Gebze (in Turkish).
- Apul, O.G., Doğan, I., Koksoy, G.T. and Sanin, F. D. “Effects of Thermal and Thermo-chemical Pretreatment of Sludge on Anaerobic Digestion” 7. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Yaşam Çevre Teknoloji, 24-27 Ekim 2007 İzmir.
- Vatansever, A, Turtin, I and Sanin, F. D. “Bioflocculation of Activated Sludge in Relation to Calcium and Magnesium Concentrations” 1st National Symposium on Treatment Plant Sludges, 23-25 March 2005, Izmir (in English).
- Turtin, I, Vatansever, A, and Sanin, F. D. “Phosphorus Deficiency and Sludge Bulking Problem” 1st National Symposium on Tretament Plant Sludges, 23-25 March 2005, Izmir (in Turkish).
- Ozsoy, G., Dilek, F. B. and Sanin, F. D. “Development of a New Method for the Extraction of Heavy Metals from Sludge” 1st National Symposium on Tretament Plant Sludges, 23-25 March 2005, Izmir (in Turkish).
- Yuncu, B., Sanin, F.D., ve Yetis, U. “Effect of C/N Ratio of Activated Sludge on Lead (II) Biosorption” Çevre 2003, ODTÜ 2. Ulusal Çevre Kirliliği Kontrolü Sempozyumu, 22-24 Ekim 2003, Ankara (in Turkish).
- Sanin, F.D., Sesay, M.L. ve Durmaz, B. “Effect of Sludge Age and C/N Ratio on Bioflocculation and Physical Properties of Activated Sludge” Çevre 2003, ODTÜ 2. Ulusal Çevre Kirliliği Kontrolü Sempozyumu, 22-24 Ekim 2003, Ankara (in Turkish).
- Yılmaz, V. ve Sanin, F.D. “Hazardous Wastes in Municipal Landfills: Example of Halogenated Chemicals” V. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, TMMOB Çevre Mühendisleri Odası, 1-4 Ekim 2003, Ankara (in Turkish).
- Sanin, FD “Natural Attenuation of Toluene in Municipal Landfills” 1. Ulusal Katı Atık Kongresi, 18-21 Nisan 2001, İzmir, Turkey (in Turkish).
- Sanin, F. D. “Simulation of Activated Sludge Flocs with the use of a Synthetic Sludge Floc System” Çevre 2000, ODTÜ 1. Ulusal Çevre Kirliliği Kontrolü Sempozyumu, 4-6 Ekim 2000, Ankara (in Turkish).
- Sanin, F. D. “Role of Extracellular Polymers and Calcium Ions in Bioflocculation” Türkiye’de Çevre Kirlenmesi Öncelikleri Sempozyumu III, 18-19 Kasım 1999, Gebze Kocaeli (in Turkish).