Prof. Dr. Kahraman Ünlü
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Interest Areas
Mathematical modeling of soil, groundwater and waste disposal systems
Contaminated site remediation
Soil and groundwater risk assessment
Management of solid and hazardous wastes
Curriculum Vitae | |
E-mail: kunlu {at} | |
Links: | |
Phone: +90-312-210-5869 Fax: +90-312-210-2646 |
- Ph. D., University of California Davis, September 1989
- M.S., Iowa State University, June 1984
- B.S., University of Ankara, June 1977
Membership in Professional Societies:
- American Geophysical Union
- Turkish National Committee on Solid Wastes
- Graduate Scholarship, NATO, 1982 – 1985.
- International Visiting Scholars Award, Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada, 10-16 March 2007.
Academic Positions Held
- Prof., Environmental Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey; April 2000 - present.
- Assoc.Prof., Environmental Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey; October 1994 - April 2000.
- Asst. Prof., Environmental Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey; September 1992 - October 1994.
- Research Scientist/Faculty Member, Center for Environmental and Hazardous Materials Studies, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA; April 1990 - August 1992.
- Environmental Consultant, Environmental Systems & Technologies Inc., Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A., January 1991 - August 1992.
- Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Land Air and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, USA; October 1989 - March 1990.
- Research Assistant, Department of Land Air and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, USA; June 1986 - September 1989.
- Research Assistant, Department of Agronomy, Iowa State Univ., Ames, USA; January 1982 - June 1984.
- Research Engineer, Soil-Water Research Institute, Ankara, Turkey; September 1979 - December 1980.
Administrative Positions Held
- Asst. Department Chair, Environmental Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey; December 1994 - September 1997; September 1999 - 2002.
International Editorial Positions Held
- Editorial Board Member, Waste Management and Research, January 2003 - January 2008.
Interest Areas
- Development, numerical implementation and application of mathematical models for flow and contaminant transport in subsurface and waste disposal systems
- Management of solid and hazardous wastes; Environmental risk and impact assessment
- Contaminated site (soil and groundwater) remediation
- Flow and contaminant fate and transport in the subsurface environment.
Teaching Experience (courses taught)
- Modeling Soil and Groundwater Pollution, METU (Graduate)
- Contaminated Site Remediation (Graduate)
- Solid Waste Landfill Design, METU (Undergraduate)
- Environmental Modeling, METU (Undergraduate)
- Soil & Groundwater Pollution, METU (Undergraduate)
- Environmental Impact Assessment, METU (Undergraduate)
- Water Quality Management, METU (Undergraduate)
- Soil Physics, UC Davis (Undergraduate)
Teaching Experience (Courses Developed)
- Contaminated Site Remediation (Graduate)
- Solid Waste Landfill Design, METU (Undergraduate)
- Soil and Groundwater Pollution, METU (Undergraduate)
- Transport Processes in Environmental Engineering (Undergraduate)
Educational Seminars and Developed Short Courses
- Stochastic analysis of large scale transient unsaturated flow in soil, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U. S. A. (Invited Seminar)
- Screening models for land-disposed oil exploration and production wastes, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A. (Invited Seminar)
- Solid Waste Management in Turkey: Current Status and Recent Developments Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (Invited Seminar)
- Final Covers for Solid Waste Landfills, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (Invited Lecture) Stochastic Methods in Subsurface Hydrology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute (Short Course)
- Assessment of Soil & GW Pollution in EIA Studies, METU SEM, (Short Course)
- Waste Disposal in Soils, ÇITOSAN, (Short Course)
- Solid Waste Disposal, METU SEM, (Short Course)
- Environmental Impact Assessment, ARÇELİK-METU SEM (Short Course)
- Multi-Purpose Management of Natural Resources in the Mediterranean Region, CIHEAM-MAICH and METU (Special Short Course)
- Environmental Modeling and Related Applications, JICA and MTA (Short Course)
- TAIEX Workshop on Groundwater Modelling (Reference code: INFRA 30208), Organized in co-operation with European Commission’s DG Enlargement and Turkish State Hydraulic Works (Short Course).
- Toprak Kirliliğinin Kontrolü ve Noktasal Kaynaklı Kirlenmiş Sahalara Dair Yönetmelik Uygulamaları için Personel Eğitim Semineri, Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı, Ankara, 20-24 Haziran 2011.
- WEB Tabanlı Kirlenmiş Sahalar Bilgi Sisteminin Uygulanabilmesi Amacıyla Çevre ve Orman İl Müdürlükleri Personeli Eğitim Semineri, Çevre ve Orman Bakanlığı, Ankara, 27 Haziran-1 Temmuz 2011.
Directed Thesis Studies
- A stochastic analysis of the influence of soil and climatic variability on the estimate of leachate collection efficiency and groundwater pollution potential at landfill sites", S. Aksakal (M.S.), May 1993 - January 1996, METU.
- "Assessment of groundwater pollution potential due to nitrogen fertilizer leaching in an irrigated agricultural basin", G. Özenirler (M.S.), November 1994 - January 1997, METU.
- "A model for optimal design and operation of land treatment systems for oily wastes", S. Kivanc (M.S.), November 1996 - September 1998, METU.
- "Chromium leaching from chromite ore processing waste material", S. Haskok (M.S.), October 1996 - November 1998, METU.
- "Calculation of critical acid loads for Turkey", B. Erdoğan (M.S.), Co-advisor, January 1998 - July 1999, METU.
- "Development of modeling approaches for landfill leachate management", E. Demirekler (Ph.D.), October 1996 - September 2001, METU.
- "Solidification stabilization of hazardous wastes", O. Yılmaz (M.S.), January 1999 - December 2000, METU.
- "Comparison of leaching tests for hazardous waste characterization", N. Anbaryapan (M.S.), Co-advisor June 1999 - June 2001, METU.
- "Treatment of domestic wastewater using soil aquifer treatment (SAT) systems", K. Güngör (M.S), January 1999 - July 2001, METU.
- “Modeling groundwater contaminant transport and remediation at the AKSA acrylonitrile spill site” S. Sengor (M.S.), Februıary 2000-2002, METU.
- "Sanitary Landfill Design Evaluation Using GIS Interfaced with System Simulation Models", B. Tarhan (M.S.), October 2001 - August 2003, METU.
- "Modeling chromium leaching from chromite ore processing waste", S. Yalçın (M.S.), October 2001 - September 2003, METU.
- "The effects of aquifer heterogeneity on natural attenuation rates of chlorinated solvents", B. Önkal (M.S.), December 2002 - December 2005, METU.
- "Modeling natural attenuation of petroleum hydrocarbons (BTEX) in heterogeneous aquifres". T. Uçankuş (M.S.), December 2002 - December 2005, METU.
- "Assessment of quality and quantity of leachate from the municipal solid waste landfill of Bursa", S. Akyol (M.S.), December 2002 - September 2005, METU.
- "Laboratory Investigation of the treatment of chromium contaminated groundwater with iron-based permeable reactive barriers", B. Uyuşur (M.S.) December 2002- August 2006, METU.
- "A mathematical modelling study on the feasibility of disposing partially treated domestic wastewater using soil pile systems", H. Altınoklar (M.S.) December 2002- 2006, METU.
- "Development of a decision support system for a performance-based landfill design", B. Tarhan (Ph.D.), August 2004 - May 2008, METU.
- "An Adaptive Decision Support Tool for Conceptual Site Model Development at Contaminated Sites", B. Büyüker (M.S.), March 2007 - September 2009, METU.
- "Development of a Remedial Priority Ranking System for Contaminated Sites", Ş. Polat (M.S.), March 2007 - December 2009, METU.
- "Development of Risk Assessment Approaches for Contaminated Site Remediation", M. Güvener (Ph.D.), October 2005 - March 2011, METU.
- “Development of a conceptual model for Güzelyurt Akifer, North Cyprus, using Geographic Information Systems” Debebe Beyene Fanta (M. S.), June 2013 - Continuing.
Directed Research Projects
- Project director on “Development of a Management System for Contaminated Sites in Turkey”, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, September 2006 - May 2009, $414000.
- Project co-director (together with a research partner from Netherlands) on “Development of a Project Plan for the Derivation and Use of Risk-Based Soil Quality Standards for Turkey “, Netherlands Ministry of Finance-EVD, January 2008 -December 2008, 150000 Euro.
- Project director on “Development of a decision support system for a performance-based landfill design”, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, May 2006 - May 2008, $49000.
- Project director on “Laboratory Investigation of the treatment of chromium contaminated groundwater with iron-based permeable reactive barriers”, METU Scientific Research Funds, January 2004 – December 2005, $2860
- Project director on “The effects of aquifer heterogeneity on natural attenuation rates of chlorinated solvents”, METU Scientific Research Funds, May 2003 - May 2005, $1800.
- Project director on “Sanitary Landfill Design Evaluation Using GIS Interfaced with System Simulation Models”, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, August 2002 - August 2004, $5000.
- Project director on “Evaluation of Sanitary Landfill Design Components Based on Site Characteristics and Waste Composition”, METU Scientific Research Funds, June 2002 - June 2004, $3600.
- Project director on “Reclamation of domestic wastewater using soil aquifer treatment systems”, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, May 2000 - July 2001, $5500.
- Project director on "Orhangazi-Gemlik-İznik Basin Environmental Status Report”, JICA, December 1999-February 2000, $8430.
- Project director on "Assessment of the effectiveness of solidification stabilization technology for the disposal of hazardous wastes”, State Planning Organization, May 1998 – 2001, $36000.
- Project director on "Providing environmental engineering consulting services for soil remedial investigations at Incirlik Air Base, Adana, TURKEY", USAFE & LAW Engineering and Environmental Services, March 1996 - March 1997, $16000.
- Project director on "Soil pollution and solid wastes", ÇITOSAN and The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, September 1995, $3500.
- Project director on "Assessment of surface- and ground-water pollution potential due to nitrogen fertilizer leaching in an irrigated agricultural basin", The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, November 1994 - November 1996, $10000.
- Project director on "Development of mathematical models for the evaluation of groundwater pollution potential by pesticides, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, September 1993 - August 1994, $10000.
- Co-director on "Screening models for land disposal of oil exploration and production wastes", American Petroleum Institute, Land and Groundwater Task Force, May 1990 - December 1991, $95000.
- Co-director on "Modeling nonaqueous phase liquids in soil and groundwater: review of current approaches", American Chemical Manufacturers Association, January 1991- May 1991, $10000.
- Co-director on "Model development, site assessment and remedial design for groundwater contamination at the Manassas West Industrial Park", Virginia Dept. of Waste Manag., January 1990 - October 1990, $54000.
Consulting/Contributed Projects
- Researcher on “Modeling Güzelyurt Aquifer, North Cyprus, using Geographic Information Systems”, METU NCC Scientific Research Funds, June 2013 - June 2015, $14000
- Consultant on “Assessment of environmental impacts of waste disposal facility of Çöpler complex mining operation in case of possible accident and disaster”, Anagold Mining Inc., March 2012 - July 2012
- Researcher on “Hazardous Waste Management in Turkey in accordance with EU Environmental Regulations”, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, May 2009 - May 2011.
- Consultant on “Assessment of soil contamination due to chemical spill at BOTAŞ Kars camp” Çınar Engineering Consultants. May-June 2007.
- Researcher on “Development of tools and guidelines for the promotion of sustainable urban wastewater treatment and reuse”, EU-MEDA. May 2003 - October 2007.
- Consultant on “GYTMP solid waste management and landfill design project” includes preparation of waste management plans and control of design application project and contracting documents, Yeni Yapi Inc. October 2004 - October 2005.
- Consultant on “Feasibility study on disposal of partially treated domestic wastewater using soil piles”, Baku Tiblisi Ceyhan Pipeline Company, October 2004 - March 2005.
- Consultant on “Assessment of solid waste management system in Urfa”, Urfa Municipality, September 2004 - October 2004.
- Consultant on “Modeling environmental impact of waste disposal activities at Kişladag Mine Project Site”, ENCON Environmental Consultancy Co., August 2002-October 2002.
- Researcher on “Development of disasters related environmental action plans for the Marmara Region”, Turkish Ministry of Environment, May 2001-December 2001.
- Consultant on “Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the addition of a new painting unit at the Mercedes-Benz Turk Aksaray Plant”, Mercedes-Benz Türk, July 2000- Octrober 2000.
- Consultant on “Assessment of landfill site selection studies for the Greater Municipality of Mersin”, City of Mersin, March 2000-April 2000.
- Consultant on "Revision project of industrial waste cell of İzmit Greater Municipality's Landfill to hazardous waste cell", İZAYDAŞ, April 1999.
- Researcher on "Assessment of pollution in the Midyat Aquifer and Devegeçidi Dam due to production operations at the Beykan oil field", Shell Company of Turkey, August 1996 - February 1998.
- Consultant on "Environmental Impact Assessment study for Mastra gold mining project", EUROGOLD, June 1995 - June 1996.
- Consultant on "Environmental baseline study for Efençukuru gold mining project", TÜPRAG, June 1994 - November 1994.
- Consultant on "Environmental Impact Assessment study for Marmara power plant", PARMAS November 1993 - June 1994.
- Researcher on "Environmental baseline study for Kaymaz gold mining project", TUPRAG, November 1992 - May 1993.
- Researcher on "Modeling multiphase organic chemical transport in soil and groundwater" U.S. EPA R. S. Kerr Environmental Research Laboratory, January 1991 - December 1991.
- Researcher on "Movement and modeling of selenium, boron and salt to groundwater at the West Side Field Station", Kearney Foundation of Soil Science, UC Davis, July 1989 - June 1990.
- Researcher on "Monitoring soil water properties utilizing geostatistical techniques", Kearney Foundation of Soil Science, UC Davis, June 1986 - June 1989.
Publications in Refereed International Journals
- Ünlü, K. M. L. Kavvas, and D. R. Nielsen. 1989. Stochastic analysis of field measured unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, Water Resources Research, 25(12):2511-2519.
- Ünlü, K., D. R. Nielsen, and J. W. Biggar. 1990. Stochastic analysis of unsaturated flow: Comparison of 1-D Monte-Carlo Simulations with spectral perturbation analysis and field observations, Water Resources Research, 26(9):2207-2218.
- Ünlü, K., D. R. Nielsen, J. W. Biggar, and F. Morkoç. 1990. Statistical parameters characterizing the spatial variability of selected soil hydraulic properties, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 54(6):1537-1547.
- Ünlü, K., M. W. Kemblowski, J. C. Parker, D. K. Stevens, P. K. Chong, and I. Kamil. 1992. A screening model for effects of land-disposed wastes on groundwater quality, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 11: 27-49.
- Ünlü, K. 1994. Assessing risk of groundwater pollution from land-disposed wastes, Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE 120(6):1578-1597.
- Ünlü, K. 1998. Transport of metals leaching from land-disposed oil field wastes, Waste Management and Research, 16(6):541-554.
- Ünlü, K., A. İlbeyi, S. Soyupak, and C. Yurteri. 1999. A geochemical equilibrium modeling approach to assess soil acidification impacts due to depositions of industrial air emissions, Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 113(1/4):395-409.
- Ünlü, K., G. Özenirler and C. Yurteri. 1999. Nitrogen fertilizer leaching from cropped and irrigated sandy soil in Central Turkey, European Journal of Soil Science, 50(4): 609-620.
- Ünlü, K., and E. Demirekler. 2000. Modeling water quality impacts of petroleum contaminated soils in a reservoir catchment, Water, Air & Soil Pollution, 120(1-2):169-193.
- Ünlü, K. and S. Haskök. 2001. Treatability of chromite ore processing waste by leaching, Waste Management & Research, 19(3): 217-228.
- Ünlü, K. and S. Kıvanç. 2001. A model for optimal operation of land-treatment sites for oily wastes, Waste Management & Research, 19(3): 229-248.
- Yılmaz, O., K. Ünlü, and E. Cokca, 2003. Comparison of two leaching tests to assess the effectiveness of cement-based hazardous waste solidification/stabilization, Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 27(3):201-212.
- Yilmaz, O., K. Ünlü, and E. Cokca. 2003. Solidification/stabilization of hazardous wastes containing heavy metals and organic contaminants, J. of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 129(4):366-376.
- Yıldız, E. D., K. Ünlü, and R. K. Rowe. 2004. Mathematical Modeling of Leachate Quality and Quantity in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, Waste Management & Research,22(2): 78-91.
- Güngör, K and K. Ünlü, 2005. Nitrite and Nitrate Removal Efficiencies of Soil Aquifer Treatment Columns During Ripening Phase, Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 29(3): 159-170.
- Tarhan, B., and K. Ünlü, 2005. Performance-based sanitary landfill design: Development of a design selection matrix using GIS and system simulation models, Environmental Geology, 49: 133-147.
- Yalçın, S., and K. Ünlü. 2006. Modeling chromium dissolution and leaching from chromite ore processing residue, Environmental Engineering Science, Special Edition on Modeling of Contaminant Leachability from Cemented and Particulate Media, 23(1): 187-201.
- Uçankuş, T., and K. Ünlü. 2008. The Effect of Aquifer Heterogeneity on Natural Attenuation Rate of BTEX, Environmental Geology, 54(4); 759-776 .
- Çelik, B., R. K. Rowe, and K. Ünlü, 2009. Effect of Vadose Zone on the Steady-State Leakage Rates from Landfill Barrier Systems, Waste Management, 29(2009); 103-109.
- Uyuşur, B., and K. Ünlü. 2009. A Laboratory Column Investigation for the Treatment of Cr(VI) with Zero-Valent Iron, Environmental Engineering Science, 26(2):385-395.
- Çelik, B., S. Girgin, A. Yazıcı, and K. Ünlü, 2010. A Decision Support System for Assessing Landfill Performance, Waste Management, 30(2010); 72-81.
- Yigit C., Maden G., Disa N., Yılmaz O., Ogutverici, A., Alp E., Unlu K., Gokçay C.F., Dilek F.B., Doğan O., Karanfil T., Yetis U. 2010. Hazardous Waste Management in Turkey: Current Legislative Requirements and Future Challenges, Desalination and Water Treatment Journal.26:152-159.
- Kentel, E., A. Aksoy, B. Büyüker, F. Dilek, S. Girgin, M. H.. Ipek , S. Polat, Ü. Yetis, and K. Ünlü. 2011. Challenges in Development and Implementation of Health Risk-Based Soil Quality Guidelines: Turkey’s Experience, Risk Analysis. 31(4): 657-667.
- Şengör, S.S. and K. Ünlü. 2013. Modeling groundwater contaminant transport and remediation at an acrylonitrile spill site in Turkey, Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. 150(2013): 77-92.
- Polat, Ş., A. Aksoy and K. Ünlü. 2014. A fuzzy rule based remedial priority ranking system for contaminated sites, Groundwater. in print.
- Çelebi, S., Yetis, U., Ünlü, K. 2021. A practical approach for the determination of environmental quality standards-based discharge limits: the case of Tersakan sub-basin of Yeşilırmak River in Turkey. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28:38730–38748.
- Küçük, E., Pilevneli, T., Erguven, G.O., Aslan, S., Olgun, Ö.E., Canlı, O., Unlu, K., Dilek F.B., Ipek, U., Avaz, G., and Yetis, U. 2021. Occurrence of micropollutants in the Yesilirmak River Basin, Turkey. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28:24830–24846.
Book Chapters
- Ünlü, K. and S. Aksakal. 1996. A screening model for the assessment of leachate collection efficiency and groundwater pollution potential at landfill sites, in M. M. Aral (ed)."Recent Advances in Groundwater Pollution Control and Remediation", Kluwer Academic Publishers, NATO-ASI Series, 9(2): 479-491.
- Girgin, S. K. Ünlü, and Ü. Yetiş. 2004. "Use of GIS as a supporting tool for environmental risk assessment and emergency response plans. In Comparative Risk Assessment and Environmental Decision Making", I. Linkov and A. B. Ramadan (eds.), NATO Science Series - IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.38, pp. 267-274, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
Publications in International Conference Proceedings
- Ünlü, K. 1993. Modeling subsurface migration of metals leaching from landfills. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Hazardous Waste Management in Economically Developing Countries, ISWA, İstanbul, Turkey, June 24-26.
- Parker, J. C., K. Ünlü, and M. W. Kemblowski. 1993. A monte carlo model to assess effects of land disposed E&P waste on groundwater, Proceedings of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Annual Technical Conference, Huston, USA, October 3-6, pp.121-130.
- Ünlü, K. 1998. Case studies of contaminated soil and groundwater remediation in Turkey. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Meeting on Evaluation of Emerging and Demonstrated Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater-Phase III. February 22-28, Vienna, Austria.
- Haskök S., and K. Ünlü. 1998. Chromium leaching from chromite ore processing waste material. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, USA, November 1-4.
- Ünlü, K., S. Kıvanç. 1999. Optimal design and operation of land treatment systems for petroleum hydrocarbons. Proceedings of the Fifth International In situ On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, San Diego, USA, April 19-22.
- Ünlü, K., and O. Yilmaz. 1999. Solidification/stabilization of hazardous wastes. Interim Report. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Meeting on Evaluation of Emerging and Demonstrated Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater-Phase III. May 9-14, Angers, France.
- Demirekler, E., R. K. Rowe, and K. Ünlü. 1999. Modeling leachate production from municipal solid waste landfills. Proceedings of the Seventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italya, October 4-8.
- Demirekler, E., K. Ünlü, R. K. Rowe and M. Armstrong. 2000. Leachate quality and quantity modelling in municipal solid waste landfills, Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of Canadian Civil Engineering Society, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, June 12-15.
- Ünlü, K., and O. Yilmaz. 2000. Solidification/stabilization of hazardous wastes. Final Report. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Meeting on Evaluation of Emerging and Demonstrated Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater-Phase III. June 26-30, Wiesbaden, Germany.
- Girgin, S., Ünlü, K., Taşel, E., Cangir, B. T., Tokcaer, E., Oğuz, Ö., Dilek F.B., and Yetiş, Ü. 2002. Implementation of geographic information system development of the environmental emergency response plan for Marmara region. EPMR-2002 International Conference on Environmental Problems of the Mediterranean Region. 12-15 April, Girne, Northern Turkish Republic of Cyprus.
- Demirekler, E., K. Ünlü. 2002. Numerical evaluation of the effects of leachate recirculation on landfill leachate quality and quantity. Proceedings of the International Conference on Appropriate Environmental and Solid Waste Management and Technologies for Developing Countries, ISWA 2002, Istanbul, Vol 2, pp. 883-890, June 8-12.
- Demirekler, E., K. Ünlü. 2003. Effects of landfill development on leachate characteristics. Proceedings of the Ninth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium CD, Cagliari, Italya, October 6-10.
- Ünlü, K., and S. Değirmencioğlu. 2003. Status report on soil pollution and contaminated lands in Turkey. Proceedings of Workshop on Contaminated lands in accession countries: Benchmarking historical heritage and national actions, Budapest, Hungary 16-18 November 2003.
- Tarhan, B. and Ünlü, K. 2004. Solid waste management in Turkey: Current status and recent developments. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study on “Prevention and Remediation in Selected Industrial Sectors: Rehabilitation of Old Landfills”. 23 – 26 Mayıs, Cardiff, Wales, U.K.
- Tarhan, B. and Ünlü, K. 2004. Performans based sanitary landfill design using GIS interfaced with SSM. ISWA 2004 World Environment Congress & Exhibition, 17-21 October 2004, Rome, Italy.
- Ulku Yetiş, Nuray Ateş, Başak Tarhan, Kahraman Unlu. 2006. Water and wastewater management plans for Gelibolu (Gallipoli) Peninsula National Historical Park, Turkey. Proceedings of the Seventh Speciality Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems. 7-10 March. Mexico City, Mexico, on CD-ROM.
Uyuşur, B. and K. Ünlü. 2006. Treatment of Cr(VI) Contaminated Groundwater with Iron Based Permeable Reactive Barrier: A laboratory column study. Proceedings of the International Soil Meeting’06. 22-26 May 2006, Urfa, Turkey, pp: 215-222. - Tarhan, B. and Ünlü, K. 2006. Development of a decision support system for a performance-based landfill design. Proceedings of the ISWA 2006 Annual Congress. 1-5 October 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark, on CD-ROM.
- Akyol, S. and Ünlü, K. 2006. Assessment of quality and quantity of leachate from Bursa Municipal Solid Waste landfill in Turkey. Proceedings of the ISWA 2006 Annual Congress. 1-5 October 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark, on CD-ROM.
- Değirmencioğlu, S. and K. Ünlü. 2007. EU Soil Thematic Strategy and Applications in Turkey. Proceedings of International River Basin Management Symposium, Antalya, Turkey, March 22-24.
- Tarhan, B., R. K. Rowe, and K. Ünlü, 2007. Evaluation of the Effect of Vadoze Zone on the Leakage from Landfill Systems. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italya, October 1-5, on CD-ROM.
- Tarhan, B., S. Poçhan, A. Yazıcı, and K. Ünlü, 2007 Coupling GIS and System Simulation Models under a Decision Support System for Assessing Sanitary Lnadfill Performance. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italya, October 1-5, on CD-ROM.
- Önkal, B. and K. Ünlü. 2008. The effect of aquifer heterogeneity on natural attenuation rate of chlorinated solvent compounds. Proceedings of the IAHR the 3rd International Groundwater Symposium, Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Subsurface Formations: Theory, Modeling & Applications, İstanbul, Turkey, June 18-20, on CD-ROM, pp: 92-99.
- Yiğit, C., G. Maden, N. Dişa, O. Yılmaz, E. Alp, K. Unlu, C.F.Gokcay, Filiz B. Dilek, O. Dogan, T. Karanfil, U. Yetis.2009. Comparison between EU and Turkish Legislation on Hazardous Waste Management- Reporting Requirements, ULE 2009, International Workshop on Urbanization, Land Use, Land degradation and Environment, Denizli, Turkey, Sept 28 - Oct 1, Workshop-II: Environment Proceedings, pp.204-209.
Publications in Refereed National Journals
- Ünlü, K. and J. C. Parker 1995. Estimation of capillary pressure parameter from total petroleum hydrocarbon measurements in contaminated soils, Turkish Journal of Oil and Gas, 1(2):45-51
- Ünlü, K., G. Özenirler and S. Sözüdoğru. 1997. Classification of commonly used pesticides in Turkey based on pollution potential, Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 21(3):189-202
- Ünlü, K. 1998. Soil Pollution: Characteristics, control and remediation, Çevre ve Mühendis, TMMOB Environmental Engineering Publication, 16: 20-28
- Tarhan, B. and K. Ünlü. 2004. Performance based landfill design: A comparison of applications in the USA, EU, and South Africa with Turkey, Çevre Bilim ve Teknoloji, 2(2): 149-165.
Publications in National Conference Proceedings
- Demirekler, E. ve K. Ünlü. 1999. Risk değerlendirmesine dayalı katı atık sahası depolama tasarımı. Türkiye’de Çevre Kirlenmesi Öncelikleri Sempozyumu III, Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitiüsü, Gebze-Kocaeli, 18-19 Kasım
- Güngör, K. and K. Ünlü. 1999. Evsel atıksuyun toprak akifer arıtım sistemi ile arıtılması. 3. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, TMMOB Çevre Mühendisleri Odası, İzmir, 25-26 Kasım
- Demirekler, E. ve K. Ünlü. 2000. Katı atık depolama sahalarında sızıntı suyu oluşumu ve kalitesinin modellenmesi. 1. Ulusal Çevre Kirliliği Kontrolu Sempozyumu, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara, 4-6 Ekim, pp. 255-262
- Tarhan, B., K. Ünlü, M. Türker, and O. Tortamıs 2003. Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) ve sistem simulation modelleri (SSM) kullanarak katı atık deponi sahalarının değerlendirilmesi. 2. Ulusal Çevre Kirliliği Kontrolu Sempozyumu, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Ankara, 22-24 Ekim, pp. 212-220
- Ünlü, K., S. S. Sengör, S. Girgin, T. Balta. 2004. Sayısal akifer modellemesi: Bir çevresel etki değerlendirme (ÇED) uygulaması örneği. Yeraltı Suları Ulusal Sempozyumu, Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı, Köy Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Konya, 23-24 Aralık
- Akyol, S. and K. Ünlü. 2005. Bursa evsel katı atık depolama sahası sızıntı suyu kalite ve miktar değişimlerinin irdelenmesi. 6. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, TMMOB Çevre Mühendisleri Odası, İstanbul, 16-18 Kasım.
- Tarhan, B. and Ünlü, K. 2007. Performans-Bazlı Katı Atık Depolama Sahası Tasarımı için Karar Destek Sistemi Geliştirilmesi. TURKAY 2007, AB Sürecinde Türkiye’de Katı Atık Yönetimi ve Çevre Sorunları Sempozyumu, İstanbul, 28 - 31 Mayıs.
- Girgin, S., M. Güvener, Ş. Polat, B. Büyüker, Ü. Yetiş, F. Dilek, A. Aksoy, K. Ünlü. 2008. Endüstriyel Kaynaklı Kirlenmiş Sahaların Yönetimi İçin Bilgi Sistemi Geliştirilmesi, İ.T.Ü. 11. Endüstriyel Kirlenme Kontrolü Sempozyumu, İstanbul, 11-13 Haziran.
- Ünlü, K., M. Güvener, S. Girgin, Ü. Yetiş, F. B. Dilek, A. Aksoy, B. Büyüker, Ş. Polat. 2008. Endüstriyel Kaynaklı Kirlenmiş Sahalar için Çevre Yönetim Sistemi, İ.T.Ü. 11. Endüstriyel Kirlenme Kontrolü Sempozyumu, İstanbul, 11-13 Haziran.
- Çelik, B. and K. Ünlü. 2008. Katı Atık Depolama Sahaları için Karar Destek Sistemi, İ.T.Ü. 11. Endüstriyel Kirlenme Kontrolü Sempozyumu, İstanbul, 11-13 Haziran.
- Yiğit, Ç., G. Ölmez, N.Çakır, Ö.Yılmaz, A. Nuray, B. Doğru, Ö. Doğan, C.F. Gökçay, K. Ünlü, E. Alp, F.B. Dilek, T. Karanfil, Ü.Yetiş. 2011. Tehlikeli Atık Beyan Sistemi - Kontrol Mekanizmalarının Geliştirilmesi. 3. Ulusal Katı Atık Yönetimi Kongresi, Lefkoşa, KKTC, 7-10 Eylül.
- Ünlü, K. and M. H. İpek. 2011. Toprak Kirliliğinin Kontrolu ve Kirlenmiş Sahalara Dair Yönetmelik ve Yönetmeliğin Uygulama Alanları. İkinci Ulusal Su Kaynakları Kongresi, Ankara. 22-25 Kasım, pp:694-701.
Published Reports
- Ünlü, K., and D. R. Nielsen. 1988. Monitoring soil-water properties using geostatistical techniques. In Second-Year Annual Report on Water Penetration Problems in Irrigated Soils, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, UC Davis, pp.34-40.
- Ünlü, K., J. W. Biggar, and D.R. Nielsen. 1990. Modeling the movement of selenium and salts to groundwater at the West Side Filed Station. In Technical Progress Report, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, UC Davis, pp.47-54.
Parker, J. C., and K. Ünlü. 1991. Modeling nonaqueous phase liquids in soils and groundwater, Technical Report No: 643-51-018, Chemical Manufacturers Association, 51 pp. - Parker J. C., A. K. Katyal, J. J. Kaluarachchi, R. J. Lenhard, T. J. Johnson, K. Jayaraman, K. Ünlü, and J. L. Zhu. 1991. Modeling multiphase organic chemical transport in soils and groundwater. U. S. EPA, Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Lab., EPA/600/S2-91/042, 255 pp.
- Yurteri C., K. Ünlü, S. Soyupak, C. Gökçay, G. Tuncel, M. Çaliskan and Y. Gemici. 1993. Environmental baseline study for the Kaymaz gold project. METÜ Environmental Engineering Department, Environmental Research Center, Project No:92-03-11-01-15, 153p.
- Yurteri, C., K. Ünlü, G. Tuncel, M. Çaliskan and Y. Gemici. 1994. Environmental impact assessment study for the Marmara power plant. METÜ Environmental Engineering Department, Environmental Research Center.
- Yurteri C., K. Ünlü, S. Soyupak, G. Tuncel and Y. Gemici. 1994. Environmental baseline study for the Efemçukuru gold project. METÜ Environmental Engineering Department, Environmental Research Center, 153p.
- Ünlü, K., S. Sözüdogru, G. Özenirler, and C. Pìnar. 1995. Development of mathematical models for the evaluation of groundwater pollution potential by pesticide. TÜBITAK, Project No: KTÇAG-124, 101p.
- Yurteri C., K. Ünlü, G. Tuncel and Y. Gemici. 1996. Environmental impact assessment study for the Mastra gold project. METÜ Environmental Engineering Department, Environmental Research Center, 153p.
- Ünlü, K., G. Özenirler, A. İlbeyi and H. Üstün. Assessment of groundwater pollution potential due to nitrogen fertilizer leaching in an irrigated agricultural basin. TÜBİTAK, Project No: YDAGÇAG-76, 87p.
- Okandan E., K. Ünlü and others. 1998. Assessment of Pollution in the Midyat Aquifer and Devegeçidi Dam due to Production Operations at the Beykan Oil Field, Shell Company of Turkey, Petroleum Research Center, ODTÜ.
- Ünlü, K., Ü. Yetiş, E. Demirekler, B. Tokmak, and A. Arcasoy. 2000. Orhangazi-Gemlik-İznik Basin Environmental Status Report, Middle East Technical University, Environmental Engineering Department.
- Faculty of Environmenta Engineering Department. 2001. Development of disasters related environmental action plans for the Marmara Region, Middle East Technical University Project No: 01-03-11-2-01-02.
- Ünlü, K., and Güngor K. 2002. Reclamation of domestic wastewater using soil aquifer treatment systems. TÜBİTAK, Project No: YDABÇAG-199Y108, 130p.
- Ünlü, K., Şengör, S.S. and Girgin, S. 2002. Mathematical modeling studies for the assessment of groundwater impacts of Kışladağ mining project. ENCON Environmental Concultancy Co., Middle East Technical University, Environmental Research Center, 40p.
- Ünlü, K. 2004. Feasibility study on disposal of partially treated domestic wastewater using soil piles: Assessment of chemical attenuation rates, Baku Tiblisi Ceyhan Pipeline Company, Middle East Technical University, Environmental Research Center, 20p.
- Ünlü, K. 2004. Feasibility study on disposal of partially treated domestic wastewater using soil piles: Interim guidelines for operation and design of a pilot scale soil pile system, Baku Tiblisi Ceyhan Pipeline Company, Middle East Technical University, Environmental Research Center, 10p.
- Ünlü, K., Türker, M., and Tarhan B. 2005. Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) ve Sistem Simülasyon Modelleri (SSM) Kullanılarak Katı Atık Depolama Sahası Tasarımlarının Değerlendirilmesi, TÜBİTAK, Proje NO: İÇTAG Ç-047.
- Ünlü, K., Çelik B., Yazıcı A. 2008. Development of a decision support system for performance-based landfill design, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, Project Number: ÇAYDAG 105Y297.
- Kahraman Ünlü, Ayşegül Aksoy, Beril Büyüker, Filiz B. Dilek, Serkan Girgin, Meltem Güvener, Elçin Kentel, Şener Polat, Ülkü Yetiş. 2009. Development of a management system for contaminated sites, The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey, Project Number: KAMAG 106G008.
- Ünlü, K. 2011. Turkish National Studies and Case Studies on the Management of Municipal Waste. UNEP, Plan Blue, Waste Management and Material Flows Work Program. pp80.
- Yazıcıgil, H., Ünlü, K., Erol, O., Ipek, M., and Erdemli, B.U. 2012. Assessment of environmental impacts of waste disposal facility of Çöpler complex mining operation in case of possible accident and disaster”, Anagold Mining Inc. METU Project Code: 12-03-09-2-00-15. pp.128.
- Ünlü, K., B. Akıntuğ. 2013. K.K.T.C.’de Katı Atık Yönetimi: Mevcut Durum ve İleriye Yönelik Tespitler (Solid Waste Management in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus: Current Status and Future Assessment). METU-NCC, pp16.
- Ünlü, K., T. E. Fenton, and R. Horton. 1984. Computer-simulated hydraulic behaviors of two Clorian loam profiles. Soil Science Society of America 1984 Annual Meetings Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A.
- Ünlü, K., D. R. Nielsen, J. W. Biggar. 1988. Estimation of statistical parameters characterizing the spatial variability of selected soil hydraulic properties. Soil Science Society of America 1988 Annual Meetings Los Angeles, California, U. S. A.
- Morkoç, F., D. R. Nielsen, J. W. Biggar, and K. Ünlü. 1988. Two-dimensional variability of bromide in filed soils. Soil Science Society of America 1988 Annual Meetings Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
- Ünlü, K., M. L. Kavvas, and D. R. Nielsen. 1988. Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity as a stochastic process. American Geophysical Union Fall Meetings San Francisco, California, U. S. A.
- Ünlü, K., D. R. Nielsen, and J. W. Biggar. 1989. Stochastic analysis of unsaturated flow: One-dimensional Monte Carlo simulations. Soil Science Society of America 1989 Annual Meetings Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A.
- Ünlü, K., P. K. Chong, and J. C. Parker. 1990. Analysis of uncertainty of groundwater contamination from oil and gas exploration and production waste pits. American Geophysical Union Fall 1990 Meetings San Francisco, California, U.S. A.
- Ünlü, K. 1995. A geochemical modeling approach to assess soil acidification impacts due to depositions of industrial air emissions. European Science Foundation, Natural Waters and Water Technology Meeting, Lenggries, Germany.
- Ünlü, K. 1997. Risk based remedial investigations for pollychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contaminated soil sites. The Fourth International In Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, April 28-May 1, 1997, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
- Ünlü, K. 1998. Case studies of contaminated soil and groundwater remediation in Turkey. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Meeting on Evaluation of Emerging and Demonstrated Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater-Phase III. February 22-28, Vienna, Austria.
- Ünlü, K. and S. Haskök. 1998. Chromium leaching from chromium ore-processing waste material. The Fourteenth International Conference on Solid Waste Management and Technology, November 1-4, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Ünlü, K., and O. Yilmaz. 1999. Solidification/stabilization of hazardous wastes. Interim Report. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Meeting on Evaluation of Emerging and Demonstrated Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater-Phase III. May 9-14, Angers, France.
- Ünlü, K., S. Kıvanç. 1999. Optimal design and operation of land treatment systems for petroleum hydrocarbons. The Fifth International In situ On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, April 19-22, San Diego, CA, USA.
- Demirekler, E., R. K. Rowe, amd K. Ünlü. 1999. Modeling leachate production from municipal solid waste landfills. The Seventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, October 4-8, Cagliari, Italy.
- Demirekler, E., K. Ünlü, R. K. Rowe and M. Armstrong. 2000. Leachate quality and quantity modelling in municipal solid waste landfills. The Annual Meetings of Canadian Civil Engineering Society, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, June 12-15.
- Ünlü, K., and O. Yilmaz. 2000. Solidification/stabilization of hazardous wastes. Final Report. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Meeting on Evaluation of Emerging and Demonstrated Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater-Phase III. June 26-30, Wiesbaden, Germany.
- Sengör, S., K. Ünlü, S. Serun, C. Zanbak. 2000. Modeling flow and transport through a shallow unconfined sandy aquifer at an acrylonitrile spill site in Turkey. American Geophysical Union Fall 2000 Meetings (December 15-19) San Francisco, California, U.S. A.Şengör, S.S.,
- Ünlü, K., Sersun, S., and Zanbak, C. 2001. Groundwater Remediation by Pump and Treat at Aksa Acrylonitrile Spill Site in Turkey. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Meeting on Evaluation of Emerging and Demonstrated Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater-Phase III. September 9-14, Liege, Belgium.
- Güngör, K and Ünlü, K. 2001. Simulation of Soil Aquifer Treatment Using Laboratory Scale Soil Columns. Soil Science Society of America 2001 Annual Meetings Charlotte, North Caroline, U. S. A.Şengör, S.S.,
- Ünlü, K., and Sersun, S. 2002. Final report on groundwater remediation by pump-and-treat at an acrylonitrile spill site in Turkey. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Meeting on Evaluation of Emerging and Demonstrated Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater-Phase III. May 5-10, Rome, Italy.
- Ünlü, K. 2002. Final report on legal and administrative issues and remedial methods used for contaminated sites in Turkey. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study Meeting on Evaluation of Emerging and Demonstrated Technologies for the Treatment of Contaminated Land and Groundwater-Phase III. May 5-10, Rome, Italy.
- Demirekler, E. and K. Ünlü. 2002. Numerical evaluation of the effects of leachate recirculation on landfill leachate quality and quantity. Proceedings of the International Conference on Appropriate Environmental and Solid Waste Management and Technologies for Developing Countries, ISWA 2002, Istanbul, June 8-12.
- Demirekler, E. and K. Ünlü. 2003. Effects of landfill development on leachate characteristics. Proceedings of the Ninth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium CD, Cagliari, Italya, October 6-10.
- Tarhan, B., K. Ünlü, M. Türker, O Tortamış. 2003. Performance based sanitary landfill design: A methodology interfacing geographic information systems (GIS) with system simulation models (SSM) and a hydrogeologic database. 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region -Appropriate Solutions for Environmental Problems in Emerging Economies, 4-8 Ekim 2003, Antalya, Turkiye.
- Ünlü, K., and S. Değirmencioğlu. 2003. Status report on soil pollution and contaminated lands in Turkey. Proceedings of Workshop on Contaminated lands in accession countries: Benchmarking historical heritage and national actions, Budapest, Hungary 16-18 November 2003.
- Aksoy, A., Gokcay, C.F., Sahinkaya, E., Ozkan, U.G., Unlu, K., and Surucu, G. 2004. Best practice examples for reuse of wastewaters in agricultural irrigation in the world. International Workshop on Implementation and Operation of Municipal Wastewater Reuse Plants, 11-12 March, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Girgin, S. K. Ünlü, and Ü. Yetiş. 2004. Use of GIS as a supporting tool for environmental risk assessment and emergency response plans. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Comparative Risk Assessment and Environmental Decision Making, Rome (Anzio), Italy, 13-16 October.
- Ünlü, K. and Van Veen, H.J. 2004. Availability, implementation, and gaps in scientific knowledge on soil contamination. The 3rd meeting of the Advisory Forum and Technical Working Groups under the EU Soil Thematic Strategy, Brussels, Belgium, 19-21 April 2004.
- Tarhan, B. and Ünlü, K. 2004. Solid waste management in Turkey: Current status and recent developments. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study on “Prevention and Remediation in Selected Industrial Sectors: Rehabilitation of Old Landfills”. 23 – 26 Mayıs, Cardiff, Wales, U.K.
- Tarhan, B. and Ünlü, K. 2004. Performance based sanitary landfill design using GIS interfaced with SSM. ISWA 2004 World Environment Congress & Exhibition, 17-21 October 2004, Rome, ITALY.
- Uyuşur, B. and K. Ünlü. 2005. Laboratory investigation of the reaction kinetics applicable for the treatment of chromate contaminated groundwater with iron based PRB. 2nd International Symposium on Permeable Reactive Barriers and Reactive Zones. 14-16 November 2005, Antwerp, Belgium.
- Ulku Yetiş, Nuray Ateş, Başak Tarhan, Kahraman Unlu. 2006.Water and wastewater management plans for Gelibolu (Gallipoli) Peninsula National Historical Park, Turkey. Seventh Speciality Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems. 7-10 March. Mexico City, Mexico
- Uyuşur, B. and K. Ünlü. 2006. Treatment of Cr(VI) Contaminated Groundwater with Iron Based Permeable Reactive Barrier: A laboratory column study. Internatıonal Soil Meeting’06. 22-26 May 2006, Urfa, Turkey.K. Ünlü. 2006. Status Report on Soil Pollution and Contaminated Lands in Turkey. NATO/CCMS Pilot Study on “Prevention and Remediation in Selected Industrial Sectors: Small Sites in Urban Areas”. 4 – 7 June, Athens, Greece.
- Tarhan, B. and Ünlü, K. 2006. Development of a decision support system for a performance-based landfill design. ISWA 2006 Annual Congress. 1-5 October 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Akyol, S. and Ünlü, K. 2006. Assessment of quality and quantity of leachate from Bursa Municipal Solid Waste landfrill in Turkey. ISWA 2006 Annual Congress. 1-5 October 2006, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Tarhan, B., R. K. Rowe, and K. Ünlü, 2007. Evaluation of the Effect of Vadoze Zone on the Leakage from Landfill Systems. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italya, October 1-5, on CD-ROM.
- Tarhan, B., S. Poçhan, A. Yazıcı, and K. Ünlü, 2007.Coupling GIS and System Simulation Models under a Decision Support System for Assessing Sanitary Lnadfill Performance. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Cagliari, Italya, October 1-5, on CD-ROM.
- Önkal, B. and K. Ünlü. 2008. The effect of aquifer heterogeneity on natural attenuation rate of chlorinated solvent compounds. Proceedings of the IAHR the 3rd International Groundwater Symposium, Flow and Transport in Heterogeneous Subsurface Formations: Theory, Modeling & Applications, İstanbul, Turkey, June 18-20, on CD-ROM.
- Ünlü K. 2008. Development of a Contaminated Site Management System for Turkey. HEMHOLTZ GEMEINSCHAFT-TUBİTAK Workshop 2008: Topical Group Environment, İstanbul-Gebze, Turkey, December 3-5.Ünlü, K. 2008. Numerical modelling of Ulubey Aquifer: A case study for groundwater drawdown impact assessment. TAIEX Workshop on Groundwater Modelling (Reference code: INFRA 30208), Organized in co-operation with European Commission’s DG Enlargement and Turkish State Hydraulic Works, June 23-26, Ankara, Turkey.
- Ünlü K. 2008. Development of a Contaminated Site Management System for Turkey. HEMHOLTZ GEMEINSCHAFT-TUBİTAK Workshop 2008: Topical Group Environment, İstanbul-Gebze, Turkey, December 3-5.
- Ünlü, K. 2011. A Decision Support System for Assessing Landfill Performance. Solid Waste Forum. Vienna, Austria, March 17-18.
- Ünlü K. 2012. Municipal Solid Waste Management in Turkey. Urban Waste and Material Flows Analysis in the Mediterranean. Marseilles, France, 29 March.