Dr. Elif Asuman Korkusuz Ülgen
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Interest Areas
Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment
Ecological Sanitation Approaches
Sustainable Living Approaches
Management of Medical Wastes
Management of Packaging Wastes (Recycling)
Industrial Symbiosis
Project Cycle Management (PCM)
E-mail: asumank {at} metu.edu.tr
Links: enve.metu.edu.tr
Phone: +90-312-815-1500 Fax: +90-312-815-1298
- Ph.D. in Biotechnology, Department of Biotechnology, Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey, 2004
- M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey, 1998
- B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University Ankara, Turkey, 1996
Work Experience
Deputy General Manager of the Optimet Eng. Environmental Technologies Ltd. Co., Ankara (www.optimet.com.tr).
Research and Development Projects Coordinator for OPTİMA Engineering Ltd. Co., BOSB, Ankara (www.optima.tc)
Part Time Instructor for the Spring Semester Course “ENVE330: Principles of Environmental Engineering” (A Must Course of the 3rd Years Students of the Department of City and Regional Planning of METU).
Research and Development Projects Coordinator for the EKODENGE Engineering and Consultancy Ltd. Co., Hacettepe Technopark, Ankara.
National Consultant for the UNDP-Project called: “Industrial Symbiosis in Iskenderun Bay Area” sponsored by the SPO, BTC Co. and Adana Chamber of Trade (ADASO).
Project Coordinator for the UNDP-Small Grand Project (SGP) called “Improving Solar Energy Designs and Establishing Substructure of a New Brand in Sorgun Project” for ŞAHDER, Şahmuratlı Village, Yozgat.
Consultant for the Project sponsored by the UNDP-Coca Cola Life + Youth Fund called “ECOCAP-Ecological Wastewater Treatment for a Cleaner Capodocia” owned by NIHA, Ankara.
Consultant for the UNDP-Small Investments Fund (SIF) Project called “Natural Treatment of the Wastewater of Kars, Karaurgan Village Project” sponsored by Karaurgan Development Society and Sürkal Society.
Consultant for OPTIMA Engineering Co. Ltd. within the TUBITAK-TEYDEB Research and Development Project called: “Hospital Waste Sterilization System” (Project No: 02.1. TBT.0.06.05.-162-01-531).
Post-doc Researcher at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Dep. of Water-Atmosphere-Environment, Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control (BOKU-SIG), Vienna, Austria.
Post-doc Researcher at the Technical University of Crete, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Solid Waste Management Expert for the Project called “Solid Waste Management Awareness for the East Black Sea Region” supported by JICA.
Technical Counselor for Creation of a Working Group to foster “Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse in Rural Areas of Turkey” employed by The German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) and The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion, for Reforestation & Protection of Natural Habitats (TEMA).
Technical Counselor for a Full-Scale Constructed Wetland Application in Viranşehir, Urfa, Turkey, which is carried out within the framework of the Implementation Phase of the “Integrated Preventive Environmental Management Project for Municipalities-IPEEM”, conducted by UCTEA Chamber of Environmental Engineers & supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
Research Assistant in the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of METU for the Project called: “Domestic Wastewater Treatment in Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetlands Implemented in the Middle East Technical University” (Project No: AFP-2001-07-02-00-31)
Research Assistant in METU for the Project called:
“Designing Constructed Wetlands for the Tributaries of the Mogan and Eymir Lakes”
Environmental Engineer in METU AGUDOS Projects.
Environmental Engineer in PARMAŞ Industrial Researches & Engineering Inc. (private sector)
Visiting Student in the GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health GmbH, Institute of Ecological Chemistry, Neuherberg, München, Germany.
Seka-Dalaman Paper and Pulp Industry, Turkey.
ÇEKOTEK, Antalya, Turkey.
Recently Attended Environmental Programmes & Courses
- September 2016: Participant in the “15th IWA Specialist Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control”, Gdansk, Poland.
- January 2015: Participant and Guest Speaker in the Symposium called “Waste Management” organized by the General Directorate of Environmental Management of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation, Antalya.
- May 2015: Participant in the Course called “Application Procedures for Temporary Activity Certificate (GFB) and Environmental Permit License” given by the Chamber of the Environmental Engineers, Ankara
- October 2015: Participant and Editor for the “5th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control (WETPOL)”, Nantes, France.
- October 2010: Participant in the “12th IWA Specialist Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control”, Venice, Italy.
- September 2008: Participant and Lecturer in the 3-week Course “International Training of Trainers On Wetland Management”, Wageningen International and Buğday Association for Supporting Ecological Living, Ankara.
- February 2008: Participant in the International Workshop “Sustainable Living” organized by the Science for Society Center, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- February 2004: Participant in the Workshop “Wastewater Management and Reuse in Rural Areas” organized by the Turkish Government, GTZ (German Technical Cooperation) and TEMA, Ankara, Turkey.
- September 2003: Reporter of the Seminar called “Technology and Innovation” that took place in the “MEDREUNET International Seminar on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse” organized by the Ege University and AGBAR Foundation (Spain) and supported by EU Commission, Izmir, Turkey.
- February 2003: Moderator of the “Recycle Workshop” in the Seminar called “Eco-School Projects for Turkish High Schools” organized by TURCEV in the Marmara College, Istanbul, Turkey.
- April 2002: Participant in the “Recycle Days” organized by the METU Recycle Club, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
- November 2001: Participant in the International Workshop called: “Shallow Lake Wetlands: Ecology, Eutrophication and Restoration” organized by the Department of the Biology of Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
- August 2001: Participant in the Exchange Program for “Creating Environmental Awareness” organized by Naturschutzjugend Group (Germany) and the Society for the Protection of Nature (Turkey) (Place: some of the Natural Wetlands of Turkey (Lake Manyas/Uluabat/ Burdur).
- July 2001: Educator in the workshop called “Raising of Awareness for Recycling” organized by the Turkish TED College-METU Summer Science School Project, METU, Ankara, Türkiye.
- April 2001: Participant in the Workshop for “Development of the Environmental Protection Projects” organized by UNDP and the Society for the Protection of Nature (Turkey) in Ankara.
- August 2000: Group Leader of the Exchange Program for “Creating Environmental Awareness” organized by Naturschutzjugend Group (Germany) and the Society for the Protection of Nature (Turkey) (Place: Germany).
Certificate for “Deep Democracy”, given by Payam Yüce Işık at METU, 25-26 August, 2016, Ankara.
Certificate for “Innovation Approaches”, given by Salih Keskin at Ankara Chamber of Trade, 11 June 2015 (6 hours), Ankara.
Certificate for “Education on Foreign Trade”, given by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Asım Balcı at Ankara Development Agency, 29 March-6 April 2013 (16 hours), 2016, Ankara.
Certificate for “Practice Session focused on Restorative Circles (Conflict Management) Facilitation (Conflict Management)”, given by Duke Duchscherer at METU, 6-8 May, 2011, Ankara.
Certificate for “Restorative Circles (Conflict Management)”, given by Duke Duchscherer at METU, 27-28 November, 2010, Ankara.
Certificate for “Dragon Dreaming (How to achieve successful projects?)”, given by John Croft at METU, 2-5 February, 2009, Ankara.
Certificate for “International Training of Trainers on Wetland Management”, Wageningen International and Bugday Association for Supporting Ecological Living, 8-26 September, 2008, Ankara.
Certificate for “Programme for Training of Young Entrepreneur”, October 2002-June 2003, METU KOSGEB Technology Development Center (TEKMER), Ankara.
Certificate for “Project Management”, 10-11 March 2003, Girişim Education and Counseling Center Ltd. Co., Ankara.
Volunteer Reviewer for the International Scientific Journals
Water Science and Technology
Ecological Engineering
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Journal of Environmental Management
Environmental Science and Technology
Microbial Ecology
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Guest Editor
- “Treatment of Pollution in Constructed Wetlands: From the Fundamental Mechanisms to the Full Scale Applications: WETPOL 2013”, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Volume 22, No: 17, September 2015.
Foreign Languages
Excellent written and spoken English (Graduated from METU)
Excellent written and spoken German (Graduated from Ankara Anatolian High School and Mittelstufe III Diploma from Goethe Institute)
Computer Knowledge
- Experienced in using MS Office Software (Word, Excel, Power Point, Sigma Plot, Statgraphics, etc.), PREWet, CEMOS, EPANET, Polymath, QUAL2E, SEWER, CAPDET. Fortran 77, etc.
Journal Publications
- Langergraber, G., Giraldi, D., Mena, J., Meyer, D., Peña, M., Toscano, A., Brovelli, A, Korkusuz, E.A. 2008. “Recent Developments in Numerical Modelling of Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetlands”. Sci Total Environ, Vol (407), pg 3931-3943.
- Korkusuz, E.A., Beklioğlu, M., Demirer, G.N., 2007. “Use of Blast Furnace Granulated Slag as a Substrate in Vertical Flow Reed Beds: Field Application”, Bioresource Technology, Vol (98), 2089-2101.
- Korkusuz, E.A., Beklioğlu, M., Demirer, G.N., 2005. “Comparison of the Treatment Performances of Blast Furnace Slag-based and Gravel-based Vertical Flow Wetlands operated identically for Domestic Wastewater Treatment in Turkey”, Ecological Engineering, Vol (24), pg 187-200.
- Korkusuz, E.A., Beklioğlu, M., Demirer, G.N. 2004. “The Treatment Performance of the Vertical Flow Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetlands of METU operated for Domestic Wastewater Treatment", Turkish Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences, TUBITAK, (published in English), Vol 28 (333-344).
- Korkusuz, E.A., 2017. “Packaging Waste Collection & Separation System of The Province of Kırıkkale”, Çevre Bilim ve Teknoloji Teknik Dergisi, Chamber of Enve Eng, Vol 2, (1-13) (ISSN: 1302-5627)
Conference Publications
- Yöntem, E., Salihçavuşoğlu, G., Korkusuz, E.A., Aydınalp Köksal, M., Yöntem, Z., 2011. “A Case Study: Gate to Gate Life Cycle Analyses of a Combined Cycle Power Plant Located at an Industrial Park in Turkey”. 2nd Int. Conference on Air Pollution and Control (CAPAC-II), 19-23 September, 2011, Antalya (Oral Presentation)
- Korkusuz, E.A., Langergraber, G., 2008. “Nitrogen Removal Performances of Different Natural and Artificial Filter Media used in Vertical Flow Filters”. IWA 11th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, 1-7 November 2008, Indore, India (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Meyer, D., Langergraber, G. 2008. “CW2D Simulation Results for Lab-Scale Vertical Flow Filters filled with Different Media”. IWA 11th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, 1-7 November 2008, Indore, India (Oral Presentation).
- Spanakis, N., Stephanopoulos, K., Korkusuz, E.A., Diamadopoulos, E., 2007. "Constructed Wetland Treatment of Strong Sewage in Arid Climates". IWA 6th International Conference on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Sustainability, 9-12 October, 2007 Antwerp, Belgium (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Langergraber, G., 2007. “Nitrogen Removal Performance of Natural and Artificial Filter Substrates used as Media in Vertical Flow Filters”. WETPOL 2nd International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control, 16-20 September 2007, Tartu, Estonia (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Meyer, D., Langergraber, G. 2007. “Investigation and Simulation of Physico-chemical, Hydraulic and Single-solute-transport Characteristics for various Filter Materials”. WETPOL 2nd International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control, 16-20 September 2007, Tartu, Estonia (Poster Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Diamadopoulos, E. 2006. “A Closer Look to the Constructed Wetland Applications in the Mediterranean Basin”. IWA 10th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, 23-29 September 2006, Lisbon, Portugal (Oral Presentation in Plenary Session).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Beklioğlu M., Demirer G.N., 2006. “Phosphorus Retention Mechanisms of Blast Furnace Granulated Slag utilized as a Substrate in a Vertical Flow Reed Bed”. IWA 10th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, 23-29 September 2006, Lisbon, Portugal (Oral Presentation)
- Korkusuz, E.A., Langergraber, G. 2006. “Investigation of Special Substrates To Optimize Nutrient Removal In Constructed Wetlands”. IWA 10th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, 23-29 September 2006, Lisbon, Portugal (Poster Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Diamadopoulos, E. 2006. “Recommendations for future Constructed Wetland Applications in Mediterranean Countries”. MEDAWATER International Conference on Sustainable Water Management Rational Water Use, Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, 8-10 June 2006, Marrakech, Morocco (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Diamadopoulos, E. 2005. “Evaluation of the Constructed Wetlands (CWs) used for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Mediterranean Countries”. Sustainable Urban Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, SUWTR, 15-16 September 2005, Nicosia, Cyprus (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Langergraber, G. 2005. “Optimization of Nutrient Removal in Constructed Wetlands using Special Substrates”. WETPOL International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control, 4-8 September 2005, Ghent Belgium (Poster Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Demirer G.N., Beklioğlu M., 2005. “Mass Balance Approach for the Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater in Turkey”. 1st Zer0-M Conference on Sustainable Water Management, 15-16 March 2005, Istanbul, Turkey. (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Demirer G.N., Beklioğlu M., 2004. “Comparison of Gravel and Slag-based Vertical Flow Reed Bed Performance in Turkey”. IWA 9th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Avignon, France. (Oral Presentation).
- Yıldız, C., Korkusuz, E.A., Demirer G.N., 2004. “Constructed Wetlands for Municipal Wastewater Treatment: A study from Turkey”. IWA 9th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Avignon, France. (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Demirer G.N., Beklioğlu M., 2002. “The Design, Operation, and Performance of the First Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland System Implemented in Turkey for Domestic Wastewater Treatment”. MESAEP, 12th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, 4-8 October 2003, Antalya, Turkey (Poster Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Demirer G.N., Beklioğlu M., 2002. “First Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetland Implemented in Turkey for Domestic Wastewater Treatment.” IWA 8th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Arusha, Tanzania, Africa. (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Yurteri, C. 2000. “Feasibility of Constructed Wetlands Designed for the Mogan-Eymir Basin”. IWA 7th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, US (Poster Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Langergraber, G., 2008. “Comparison of Nitrogen Removal Efficiencies of 10 different Constructed Wetland Filter Materials originating from Austria and Turkey”. EU COST 859 (Phytotechnologies to Promote Sustainable Land Use and Improve Food Safety) Workshop of Working Group 1 Plant Uptake/exclusion and Translocation of Nutrients and Contaminants, 22-24 May, 2008, Smolenice, Slovakia (Poster Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Beklioglu M., Demirer G.N., 2007. “Potential Removal of Heavy Metals via Harvesting Phragmites australis in Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater”. EU COST 859 (Phytotechnologies to Promote Sustainable Land Use and Improve Food Safety) Workshop of Working Group 1 & 3 – Nutrient Biofortification and Exclusion of Pollutants in Food Plants, 23-25 October, 2007, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Sede-Boqer Campus, Israel (Poster Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., 2007. “Constructed Wetland Applications in the Mediterranean Countries and Further Recommendations”, EU INNOVAMED Course on Innovative Processes and Practices for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse, 8-11 October 2007, Ankara University, Turkey (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Beklioğlu M., Demirer G.N., 2007. “Nutrient and Metal Content of Phytomass Growing in Gravel and Slag-based Vertical Constructed Wetlands operated with Domestic Wastewater”. EU COST 859 Workshop of Working Group 2 and 4 – Fate of pollutants in the plant/rhizosphere system: Fundamental aspects and their significance for field applications-Prospects and research needs, 30 May-1 June, 2007, Vilnius, Lithuanian (Poster Presentation and Reporter for a Scientific Session)
- Korkusuz, E.A., Diamadopoulos, E. 2006. “A Review of Constructed Wetland Technologies in Mediterranean Countries”. EU COST 859 Working Group 4 - Integration and Application of Phytotechnologies – Lessons from Pilot and Field scale, 27-29 April 2006, Sintra, Portugal, (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Langergraber, G. 2005. “Use of Special Substrates to Optimize Nutrient Removal in Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands”. EU COST 859 Working Group 4 - Integration and Application of Phytotechnologies – Lessons from Pilot and Field scale, 27-29 April 2006, Sintra, Portugal (Poster Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Diamadopoulos, E. 2005. “Preparation of a Manual of Practice on Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Mediterranean Countries”. Workshop organized by AGBAR Foundation for the EU MEDREUNET II (INCO-CT-2003-502453) Programme, 12-13 May, Barcelona, Spain (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Beklioğlu, M., Demirer, G.N. 2003. “Performance of the First Vertical Flow Constructed Wetlands Treating Domestic Wastewater in Turkey”. EU COST Action 837, 2nd Scientific Workshop on Achievements and Prospects of Phytoremediation in Europe and Management Committee Meeting, 15-18 October 2003, Vienna, Austria (Poster Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., 2017. “Packaging Waste Collection & Separation System of The Province of Kırıkkale” Chamber of Environmental Engineers, 12th National Environmental Engineering Congress, 5-7 October 2017, METU, Ankara, Turkey (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., 2013. “Implementation of the Medical Waste Sterilization System with a Pre-shredder and Superheated Steam Unit that was designed and produced in Turkey, in the Province of Kırıkkale”. Chamber of Environmental Engineers, 10th National Environmental Engineering Congress, 12-14 September 2013, Ankara, Turkey (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Langergraber, G., 2011. “Nitrogen Removal Performances of Different Natural and Artificial Filter Media Used In Vertical Flow Filters”. Chamber of Environmental Engineers, 9th National Environmental Engineering Congress, 5-8 October 2011, Samsun, Turkey (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Mutaf, G., Çakmaklı, B., Summers, F., 2011. A Sustainable Local Development Model: “Improvement of the Solar Powered Devices and In Yozgat Şahmuratli Village”. Chamber of Environmental Engineers, 9th National Environmental Engineering Congress, 5-8 October 2011, Samsun, Turkey (Oral Presentation).
- Salihçavuşoglu, G., Yöntem, Z., Korkusuz, E.A., Yöntem, E., 2011. “Development of Eco-Industrial Parks Through Life-Cycle Assessment: EPESUS Project”. Chamber of Enve Engineers, 9th National Enve. Eng. Congress, 5-8 October 2011, Samsun, Turkey (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Beklioglu, M., Demirer, G.N. 2005. “Performance Comparison of Gravel and Slag-based Vertical Flow Reed Bed implemented at METU”. Chamber of Environmental Engineers, 6th National Enve. Eng. Congress, November 2005, Istanbul, Turkey (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Diamadopoulos, E. 2005. “Constructed Wetlands used for Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Purpose in Mediterranean Countries”. Chamber of Enve. Engineers, 6th National Environmental Engineering Congress, November 2005, Istanbul, Turkey (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Beklioğlu, M., Demirer, G.N. 2003. “The Treatment Performance of the Vertical Flow Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetlands of METU operated for Domestic Wastewater Treatment”. METU Department of Environmental Engineering, 2nd National Symposium on Control of Environmental Pollution, 20-22 October 2003, Ankara, Turkey (Oral Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Beklioğlu, M., Demirer, G.N. 2003. “The Phosphorus Removal Capacity of the Vertical Subsurface Flow Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetlands at METU”. Chamber of Environmental Engineers, 5th National Environmental Engineering Congress, 01-04 October 2003, Ankara, Turkey (Oral Presentation).
- Yıldız, C., Korkusuz, E.A., Arıkan, Y., Demirer, G.N. 2003. “Constructed Wetland for Domestic Wastewater Treatment: Viranşehir Case Study”. Chamber of Environmental Engineers, 5th National Environmental Engineering Congress, 01-04 October 2003, Ankara, Turkey (Poster Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Demirer G.N., Beklioğlu M., 2002. “First Implementation of a Pilot-Scale Constructed Wetland in Turkey for Wastewater Treatment”, 16th National Biology Congress, Malatya, Turkey (Poster Presentation).
- Korkusuz, E.A., Demirer G.N., Beklioğlu M., 2001. “Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment”. Chamber of Environmental Engineers, 4th National Environmental Engineering Congress, Mersin, Turkey, 423-432. (Oral Presentation).
- Demirer G.N., Duran M., Güven E., Uğurlu Ö., Ergüder T.H., Tezel U., Şen S., Korkusuz E.A., and Varolan N., 2001. "Biogas Production from Organic Wastes by Anaerobic Methods: Applicability in Turkey", Renewable Energy Symposium, Chamber of Electrical Engineers, 18-20 January 2001, Izmir, Turkey, 99-105. (Oral Presentation)
- Korkusuz, E.A. 2000. “Constructed Wetlands used for Reduction of the Basin originated Pollutants and for Treatment of Wastewater”, Chamber of Civil Engineers, 3rd National Coastal Engineering Symposium, Çanakkale, Turkey, 419-432. (Oral Presentation).
- Demirer G.N., Duran M., Güven E., Uğurlu Ö., Ergüder T.H., Tezel U., Şen S., Korkusuz E.A., Varolan N., Demirci G., Çapar G., Acuner E., and Şahinkaya E., 2000. "An Example for Biomass Energy: Biogas Production from Organic Wastes by Anaerobic Methods", 3rd National Clean Energy Symposium, Istanbul Technical University and Clean Energy Foundation, 15-17 November 2000, Istanbul, Turkey, 467-474. (Oral Presentation).