Prof. Dr. İpek İmamoğlu
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Interest Areas
Fate of organic compounds
Environmental chemistry
Interaction of organics and microplastics
Contaminated site management
Receptor modeling
Curriculum Vitae | |
E-mail: ipeki {at} | |
Links: | |
Phone: +90-312-210-5861 Fax: +90-312-210-2646 |
- Ph. D. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, Department of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, 2001.
- M.S. University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Department of Civil Engineering, 1996.
- B.S. Middle East Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering, 1995.
Positions Held
- 2014- Professor Middle East Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering, Ankara, Turkey
- 2007-2014 Associate Professor Middle East Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering, Ankara, Turkey
- 2003-2007 Assistant Professor Middle East Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering, Ankara, Turkey
- 2002-2003 Instructor Middle East Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering, Ankara, Turkey
- 1998-2001 Research Assistant University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Department of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Wisconsin, USA
- 1997-1998 Teaching Assistant Middle East Technical University, Department of Environmental Engineering, Ankara, Turkey
Administrative Duties
- 2012-2015 Vice Dean Faculty of Engineering, Middle East Technical University
- 2009-2012 Vice Chair Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University
- 2008-2011 Elected Member, Faculty Academic Board Faculty of Engineering, Middle East Technical University
- 2003-2005 Vice Chair Department of Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University
- METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ph.D. Dissertation Award for Supervision of the Ph.D. Dissertation entitled “Sustainable Remediation of Aquatic Sediments Contaminated with Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Hexabromocyclododecane” by Hale Demirtepe, 2017.
- METU Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ph.D. Dissertation Award for Supervision of the Ph.D. Dissertation entitled “Occurrence, Distribution, and Sources of Polychlorinated Biphenyls at Selected Industrial Sites in Turkey” by Kadir Gedik, 2010.
- UWM Graduate School Dissertator Fellowship Award for Ph.D. studies, 2000/01
- Scholarship from the Turkish Science and Research Council (TUBITAK) NATO-A1 to cover travel expenses during Ph.D. studies, 1998
- British Chevening Scholarship of Foreign and Commonwealth Office of UK Government, for complete funding of MS studies, 1995/96
- TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories Standard, Document Preparation, Internal Auditor Certificate, 2005.
- Turkish Accreditation Agency Certified Auditor (TS EN ISO/IEC 17025).
Ph.D. Dissertation Supervision
- K. Gedik, “Occurrence, Distribution, and Sources of Polychlorinated Biphenyls at Selected Industrial Sites in Turkey”, Ph.D. Dissertation, METU, 2010.
- D. Kaya, “Attenuation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls under Anaerobic Conditions” Ph.D. Dissertation (co-advisor), METU, 2012.
- F. Karakaş, “A Mathematical model development for use in remediation of sediments contaminated with PCBs”Ph.D. Dissertation, 2016.
- H. Demirtepe, “Sustainable remediation of PBDEs and HBCDD contaminated sediments” Ph.D. Dissertation, 2017.
- E. Koçak, “Determination of Secondary Organic Particle Composition in Ankara Atmosphere and Investigation of Their Contribution to Receptor Modeling” Ph.D. (co-supervisor), METU, 2017.
- E. S. Uzunpınar, “Effect of Meteorology and Transport on Particle Concentrations and Size Distribution in Eastern Mediterranean Atmosphere” Ph.D. (co-supervisor), METU, 2022.
MS Thesis Supervision
- G.Çiftçi, “Investigation of the Interaction of Organics With Pristine and Aged Polyethylene: The Case For Trichlorophenol and Tetrachloroethane”, M.S. Thesis, METU, ongoing.
- Ü.D. Türkeli, “Pristine and UV-Aged Polyethylene Interaction with Organic Contaminants: Insights From Experimental Studies and Bioaccumulation Modeling”, M.S. Thesis, METU, ongoing.
- E.Y. Özen, “Interaction of Triclosan and Hexachloroethane with Aged and Pristine Microplastics”, M.S. Thesis, METU, ongoing.
- M. Dassouki Dit Tahan, “Bio-Aging of Polyethylene and its Impact on Sorption of Organics”, M.S. Thesis, METU, ongoing.
- I. Özdemir, “Integrating the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) to Critical Future Next Steps of Turkey in Combating the Impacts of Climate Change”, M.S. Thesis, METU, ongoing.
- A.İ.Kayan, “Prediction of Bioaccumulation Potential of Selected Chemicals using Food Web Bioaccumulation Models”, M.S. Thesis, METU, ongoing.
- V. Çağın, “Use of clinoptilolite for copper and nickel removal from aqueous solutions”, M.S. Thesis, METU, 2006.
- N. Moralı, “Investigation of zinc and lead removal from aqueous solutions using clinoptilolite”, MS Thesis, METU, 2006.
- K. Gedik, “Cadmium removal using clinoptilolite: influence of conditioning and regeneration”, MS Thesis, METU, 2006.
- N. Akduman, “Investigation of PCB pollution in the Mid-Anatolia and Aegean Regions”, MS Thesis, METU, 2009.
- İ.İpçi, “Investigation of cadmium removal mechanisms by clinoptilolite”, MS Thesis, METU, 2009.
- F. Demircioğlu, “Comparison of receptor models for their use in identification of PCB sources and degradation”, MS Thesis, METU, 2010.
- H.Demirtepe, “Modeling anaerobic dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls”, MS Thesis, METU, 2012.
- T.Serçe, “Levels and distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls in urban and domestic wastewater treatment plant sludges throughout Turkey”, MS Thesis, METU, 2012.
- N. Ülgüdür, “Environmentally friendly process optimization of lab-scale electroforming for cold-shield production” MS Thesis, METU, 2013.
- E. Şıltu, “Evaluation of Turkey’s status in terms of compliance with persistent organic pollutant restrictions under the Stockholm Convention”, MS Thesis, METU, 2014.
- İ. Çelik, “Source apportionment of trace elements in Ankara atmosphere”, MS Thesis, METU, 2014.
- E. S. Uzunpınar, “Source apportionment of volatile organic compounds in Ankara atmosphere”, MS Thesis, METU, 2015.
- I. Karahan, “Investigation of Biotic Degradation of Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD)”, MS Thesis, METU, 2018.
- G. Barlas, “Prediction of Fate of Selected Priority Pollutants Considering Their Transformation Products Using In-Silico Methods”, MS Thesis, METU, 2020.
- D. Rahim, “Chemical Alternatives Assessment for Substitution of Hazardous Chemicals with Safer Alternatives”, MS Thesis, METU, 2021.
Research Projects
- Principle Investigator, “Molecular Level Microplastic-Organic Interactions Coupling Meso-Scale Circularity Assessment for Macro-Scale Policy Impact”, TUBITAK 2501 Project, Project No:220N044, 2021-continuing.
- Principle Investigator, “Investigation of the Fate of Brominated Flame Retardants in Aquatic Sediments”, TUBITAK 1001 Project, Project No:115Y122, 2015-2018.
- Principle Investigator, "Investigation of the fate of flame retardant frequently used in the textile sector", METU-Research Fund, Project No: BAP-03-11-2014-002, 2014-2016.
- Researcher, “Investigation of the possibility to increase the source resolution in receptor modeling by increasing the variety of natural source tracers”, TUBITAK 1001 Project, Project No: 112Y036, 2012-2015.
- Researcher, Management of Domestic/Urban Wastewater Treatment Sludges, TUBITAK KAMAG 1007 Project, Project No: 108G167, 2010-2013.
- Principle Investigator, Identification and Modeling of Potential Sources for the Transformer Oil Related Contamination in Eymir Lake Area and Investigation of the Degradation of PCB Containing Transformer Oils, METU Research Fund, Project No: BAP -03-11-2009-01, 2009-2011.
- Principle Investigator, "Identification of the situation of polychlorinated biphenyl pollution in Turkey and investigation of the fate of these pollutants”, TUBITAK-CAREER Project No: 104I126, 2005 – 2010.
- Principle Investigator, "Use of natural zeolites in wastewater treatment", METU-Research Fund, Project No: BAP-2003-03-11-02, 2002-2004.
- Researcher, "Development of Tools and Guidelines for the Promotion of the Sustainable Urban Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in the Agricultural Production in the Mediterranean Countries", European Union - MEDAWARE, 2002-2005.
- Research Assistant, Source Apportionment of Organic Pollutants in the Aquatic Environment Considering Fractionation Between Source and Receptor, United States National Science Foundation, 1998 – 2001.
Consultancy Projects
- Expert, “Identification and Remediation of Contaminated Sites with Persistent Organic Pollutants, UNDP Project, 2019-continuing.
- Expert, "Türkiye'de Arıtma Çamuru Yönetimi ve Eylem Planının Hazırlanması Projesi" 2016 - 2019.
- National Expert, " POPs Legacy Elimination and POPs Release Reduction Project - Technical Annex and Guidance Documents to the Existing PCB Regulation”- Turkey GEF Project ID: 4601, UNIDO SAP ID: 140288, 2016.
- National POPs Facilitator/Short Term Expert, Technical Assistance for implementation of the persistent organic pollutants regulation, IPA funded project with the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization under the consortium of NIRAS Co., 2013-2015.
- Expert, Iskenderun Industrial Symbiosis Project, Feasibility of use of a bio-based material obtained from lint waste for its uses as adsorbent and as bioremediation agent for crude oil contaminated soil, with Turkish Technology Development Foundation, 2012-2013.
- Expert, Water Treatment requirements for Mazhar-e Sharif Airport Project, with Aydeniz Ltd.Sti., 2011.
Publications in Refereed International Journals
- Hatinoğlu, D., A. Adan, F. Perreault, İ. İmamoğlu, O.G. Apul, “Linear solvation energy relationships for adsorption of aromatic organic compounds by microplastics” Chemical Engineering Science, 282, 119233 (2023).
- Çiftçi, G., Ü.D.Türkeli, E.Y. Özen, M. Özdemir, F.D.Sanin, İ. İmamoğlu, “Microplastics & organics - a comparative study of sorption of triclosan and malachite green onto polyethylene”, Water Science & Technology, 87 (5), 1072-1081 (2023).
- Uzunpınar, E.S., İ.Balcılar, İ. İmamoğlu, A.Zararsız, Y.Kalaycı, G. Tuncel. "Trace element composition of fine and coarse particles at a background mountain station in Eastern Mediterranean: Assessment aerosol components and their source regions", Atmospheric Environment, 307, 119847 (2023).
- Uzunpınar, E.S., İ. İmamoğlu, A.Rahmani, G. Tuncel. " Modification of Saharan dust size distribution during its transport over the Anatolian Plateau", Science of the Total Environment, 892, 164646 (2023).
- Uzunpınar, E.S., İ. İmamoğlu, A.Rahmani, G. Tuncel. "Factors affecting particle number size distributions at a suburban and a rural site at the Anatolian plateau", Atmospheric Pollution Research, 13 (7), 101422 (2022).
- Koçak, E., S.A. Kılavuz, F. Öztürk, İ. İmamoğlu, G. Tuncel. "Characterization and source appointment of carbonaceous aerosols in fine particles at urban and suburban atmospheres of Ankara, Turkey", Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28 (20), 25701-25715 (2021).
- Karakaş F., A. Aksoy, İ. İmamoğlu. "Development of a fate and transport model for degradation of PBDE congeners in sediments", Environmental Pollution, 266, 115116 (2020).
- Demirtepe H.; İ. İmamoğlu “Biostimulation enhanced the biotic degradation of hexabromocyclododecane in sediments”,Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19(6), 2859-2868 (2019).
- Kaya D., K.R. Sowers, H. Demirtepe, B. Stiell, J.E. Baker, İ. İmamoğlu, B.V. Kjellerup “Assessment of PCB contamination, the potential for in situ microbial dechlorination and natural attenuation in an urban watershed at the East Coast of the United States” Science of the Total Environment, 683, 154-165 (2019).
- Demirtepe H.; İ. İmamoğlu “Levels of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers and Hexabromocyclododecane in Treatment Plant Sludge: Implications on sludge management”, Chemosphere, 221, 606-615 (2019).
- Demirtepe H.; İ. İmamoğlu “Degradation of decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) in microcosms mimicking sediment environment subjected to comparative bioremediation strategies”, Journal of Environmental Management, 233, 120-130 (2019).
- Uzunpınar E.S., Sert, Ezgi E.; Kilavuz, Aslan S.; İmamoğlu, İ.; Tuncel G. “Source identification of VOCs in METU Campus through factor analysis” GLOBAL NEST JOURNAL, 20(1), 109-114 (2018).
- Kaya D., İ. İmamoğlu, F.D. Sanin, KR Sowers. “A comparative evaluation of anaerobic dechlorination of PCB-118 and Aroclor 1254 in sediment microcosms from three PCB-impacted environments”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 341, 328-335 (2018).
- F. Karakas, İ. İmamoğlu, K. Gedik, Positive Matrix Factorization dynamics in fingerprinting: A comparative study of PMF2 and EPA-PMF3 for source apportionment of sediment polychlorinated biphenyls, Environmental Pollution, 220, 20-28, Part: A (2017).
- E. Kocak, S.A. Kilavuz, İ. İmamoğlu, G. Tuncel, PM2.5 Bound Organic Molecular Marker Speciation Methods and Observations from Daily Measurements in Ankara - Turkey, Conference: 18th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region (MESAEP) Location: Crete, GREECE Date: SEP 26-30, 2015, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26(1) 263-272 (2017).
- Karakaş F., İ. İmamoğlu. " Estimation of Anaerobic Debromination Rate Constants of PBDE Pathways Using an Anaerobic Dehalogenation Model", Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Apr; 98(4): 582-587 (2017).
- Karakaş F., İ. İmamoğlu. "Estimation of rate constants of PCB dechlorination reactions using an anaerobic dehalogenation model", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 324, 554-563 (2017).
- Kaya D., İ. İmamoğlu, F.D. Sanin, "Potential risk reduction of Aroclor 1254 by microbial dechlorination in anaerobic Grasse River sediment microcosms", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 321, 879-887 (2017).
- Demirtepe H., Kjellerup B., Sowers K.R. and İ. İmamoğlu “Evaluation of PCB dechlorination pathways in anaerobic sediment microcosms using an anaerobic dechlorination model”, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 296 120-127 (2015).
- Kaya D., F. Karakas, F. D. Sanin and İ. İmamoğlu “PCBs in Sludge: Development of a practical extraction procedure and its application in an urban wastewater treatment plant”, Water Environment Research, 87(2) 145-151 (2015).
- Arslan, B., N. Ülgüdür, M. Erdoğan, İ. İmamoğlu and İ.Karakaya “Comparison of Structural Properties of Copper Deposits from Sulfate and Pyrophosphate Electrolytes”, ECS Transactions, 58(32) 105-113 (2014).
- İnsel G., E.Kendir, A. Ayol, A. Erdinçler, O.Arıkan, İ. İmamoğlu, B.A. Alagöz, E.B. Gençsoy, F.D. Sanin, N. Büyükkamacı, Ö. Karataş, G. Saygılı, G. Şener, E.U. Çokgör, A. Filibeli “Current Situation and Future Perspectives in Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Management in Turkey” Journal of Residuals Science and Technology, 10(3) (2013).
- Karakaş F., Gedik K. and İ. İmamoğlu, “Apportionment of PCB Sources Near a Transformer Maintenance and Repair Facility in Ankara, Turkey” Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, DOI 10.1007/s00128-013-1019-2 (2013).
- Kaya D., İ. İmamoğlu and F. D. Sanin “Anaerobic Mesophilic Digestion of Waste Activated Sludge in the Presence of 2,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl”, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 83, 41-47 (2013).
- Kaya D., İ. İmamoğlu and F. D. Sanin “Impact of PCB-118 and Transformer Oil Toxicity on Anaerobic Digestion of Sludge: Anaerobic Toxicity Assay Results”, Chemosphere, 92, 821-827 (2013).
- Gedik K. and İ.İmamoğlu, “Levels, Distribution, and Sources of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Sediments of Lake Eymir, Turkey” Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, DOI 10.1007/s00244-013-9900-x (2013).
- Özyürek N., Gedik K., Şıltu E. and İ.İmamoğlu, “Levels and Sources of PCBs affecting Ankara Creek sediments, Turkey” Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A, 48, 1-9 (2013).
- Gedik K. and İ. İmamoğlu, “Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) Evaluation of Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Sources in Sediments of Kızılırmak River, Turkey, Near a Scrap Yard” Environmental Forensics, 13(1), 39-44 (2012).
- Gedik K. and İ. İmamoğlu, “A Preliminary investigation of the environmental impact of a thermal power plant in relation to PCB contamination” Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 18 (6), 968-977 (2011).
- Gedik K. and İ. İmamoğlu, “Assessment of temporal variation and temporal variation of PCBs in the sediments of Mediterranean Sea, Mersin Bay, Turkey” Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62, 173-177 (2011).
- Gedik K. , F. Demircioğlu and İ. İmamoğlu, “Spatial distribution and source apportionment of PCBs in sediments around Izmit industrial complexes, Turkey” Chemosphere, 81, 992-999 (2010).
- Gedik K. and İ. İmamoğlu, “An assessment of the spatial distribution of polychlorinated biphenyl contamination in Turkey” CLEAN-Soil Air Water, 38(2), 117-128 (2010).
- Gedik K. and İ. İmamoğlu, “Removal of cadmium from aqueous solutions using clinoptilolite: influence of pretreatment and regeneration” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 155(1-2), 385-392 (2008).
- Gedik K. and İ. İmamoğlu, “Affinity of clinoptilolite-based zeolites towards removal of Cd from aqueous solutions” Separation Science and Technology, 43(5), 1191-1207 (2008).
- Çağın V., N. Moralı and İ. İmamoğlu, “Use of a natural mineral for the removal of copper and nickel from aqueous solutions to reduce heavy metal content of precipitation sludges” Journal of Residuals Science and Technology, 4(1), 45-54 (2007).
- İmamoglu, İ, K. Li, E.R. Christensen and J.K. McMullin, “Sources and dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyl congeners in the sediments of Fox River, Wisconsin” Environmental Science and Technology, 38(9), 2574-2583 (2004).
- İmamoğlu, İ., K. Li and E.R. Christensen, “Modeling polychlorinated biphenyl congener patterns and dechlorination in dated sediments from the Ashtabula River, Ohio, USA” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 21(11), 2283-2291 (2002).
- İmamoğlu, İ. and E.R. Christensen, “PCB sources, transformations, and contributions in recent Fox River, Wisconsin sediments determined from receptor modeling”, Water Research, 36, 3449-3462 (2002).
- İmamoğlu, İ., K. Li and E.R. Christensen, “PCB sources and degradation in sediments of Ashtabula River, Ohio, USA, determined from receptor models” Water Science and Technology, 46(3), 89-96 (2002).
- Li, K., E.R. Christensen, R.P. Van Camp, and İ. İmamoğlu, “PAHs in dated sediments of Ashtabula River, Ohio, USA” Environmental Science and Technology, 35(14), 2896-2902 (2001).
- Su, M-C., E.R. Christensen, J.F. Karls, S. Kosuru and İ. İmamoğlu, “Apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon sources in Lower Fox River, USA, sediments by a chemical mass balance model” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19(6), 1481-1490 (2000).
- Bakkaloğlu (İmamoğlu), İ., T.J. Butter, L.M. Evison, F.S. Holland and I.C. Hancock, “Screening of various types of biomass for removal and recovery of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Ni) by Biosorption, Sedimentation and Desorption” Water Science and Technology, 38(6), 269-277 (1998).
Publication in a Refereed National Journal
- İmamoğlu, İ., K. Gedik, F. Demircioğlu and N.Akduman “Review of the current state of literature regarding PCB pollution studies in Turkey” (In Turkish) Çevre Bilim and Teknoloji, 3(2), 15-36 (2009).
Publications in International Conference Proceedings
- Demirtepe H., İmamoğlu İ., "Evaluation of Remediation Alternatives for Reductive Debromination of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers" 36th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants, Florence, Italy, 28 August - 2 September 2016.
- Çelik İ., Kılavuz S.A., İmamoğlu İ., Tuncel G., “Identification of chemical composition of aerosols in Ankara's atmosphere", 5th international conference on environmental management, engineering, planning and economics (CEMEPE) and SECOTOX conference, Mykonos Island, Greece, June 14-18 2015.
- Koçak E., Kılavuz S.A., İmamoğlu İ., Tuncel G., “PM2.5 bound organic molecular marker speciation methods and observations from daily measurements in Ankara, Turkey” 18th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region, Book of Abstracts, p 116, , Crete, Greece, September 2015.
- Kirshensteine I, İ. İmamoğlu, S. Erdogdu, P. Futo, I. Holoubek, “Regulatory Impact Assessment of Implementing the EU Persistent Organic Pollutants Regulation in Turkey”, 35th International Symposium on Halogenated Organic Pollutants - DIOXIN 2015, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 23-28 August 2015.
- Demirtepe H, İ. İmamoğlu “Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Treatment Plant Sludges: Method Validation and First Results for Turkey”, 35th International Symposium on Halogenated Organic Pollutants - DIOXIN 2015, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 23-28 August 2015.
- Ülgüdür N., İ. Karakaya, İ. İmamoğlu “Environmentally Friendly Copper Electroplating Process Development”, IWA Biennial World Water Congress 2014 Lisbon, Portugal, 21-26 September, 2014.
- Ülgüdür N., M. Erdoğan, İ. Karakaya, İ. İmamoğlu “Environmentally Friendly Copper Strike Electroplating Process Development”, ISGMA 2014 International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications, Busan, S.Korea, 24-28 June, 2014.
- Ülgüdür N., İ. Karakaya, İ. İmamoğlu “Evaluation of Non-cyanide Alternative in a Lab-scale Copper Strike Electroplating Process by Monitoring Bath Parameters and Product Quality Assessment”, ISGMA 2014 International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications, Busan, S.Korea, 24-28 June, 2014.
- Kaya D., F. Karakas, F. D. Sanin and İ. İmamoğlu “PCBs in Biosolids: Monitoring in a Large WWTP Using a Newly Developed Practical Extraction Procedure”, Residuals and Biosolids 2013: Emerging Opportunities for Sustainable Resource Recovery - Water Environment Federation, 5-8 May 2013, Tennessee, USA (2013).
- Kaya D., İ. İmamoğlu, Sanin F.D., Sowers K., Dechlorination of PCB-118 in an anaerobic sludge digester in the presence of transformer oil, poster presentation, 2nd International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 10-13 June, 2013.
- Kaya D., İ. İmamoğlu, Sanin F.D., Sowers K., Pathway investigation of Aroclor 1254 dechlorination through 22 congeners in Grasse river sediment microcosms, platform presentation, 2nd International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 10-13 June, 2013.
- Demirtepe H., B. Kjellerup, K. Sowers and İ. İmamoğlu, Evaluation of the major anaerobic PCB dechlorination pathways in Baltimore Harbor sediments, platform presentation, 2nd International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 10-13 June, 2013.
- Demirtepe H., B. Kjellerup, K. Sowers and İ. İmamoğlu, Evaluation of PCB dechlorination pathways in anaerobic sediment microcosms using an anaerobic dechlorination model, poster presentation, 2nd International Symposium on Bioremediation and Sustainable Environmental Technologies, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, 10-13 June, 2013.
- Gedik K., T.Serçe, E.Şıltu, J.Klanova, I.Holoubek, İ.İmamoğlu, Monitoring of Background Atmospheric Concentrations of Organochlorine Pesticides in Ankara, Turkey, poster presentation, The International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Nevşehir, Türkiye, 18-21 June, 2013.
- Şıltu E., İ.İmamoğlu, Stockholm Convention & Turkey: Evaluation of Turkey’s Status in terms of compliance with persistent organic pollutant restrictions, platform presentation, The International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Nevşehir, Türkiye, 18-21 June, 2013.
- Kaya D., İmamoğlu İ, Sanin F.D., Fate of 23’44’5-Pentachlorobiphenyl in Anaerobic Sludge Digesters, ECSM 2012-3rd European Conference on Sludge Management, Leon, Spain, 6-7 September, 2012.
- Kaya D., İmamoğlu İ and F.D. Sanin, “Toxicity of 2,3',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl in Anaerobic Systems”, 26th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, platform presentation, Proceedings p. 511-522, USA, 2011.
- Karakaş (Demircioğlu) F. and İ.İmamoğlu, “Exploration of the use of PMF for the Investigation of PCB Sources and Fate in the Aquatic Environment”, 242nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, platform presentation, ENVR014a: Division of Environmental Chemistry, Receptor Modeling for Source Apportionment and Degradation Assessment of Organic Chemicals in the Aquatic Environment, Denver, CO, A.B.D., 28 August – 1 September 2011.
- Gedik K. and İ.İmamoğlu, “Investigation of the Effect of Variable CMB Input Data on Source Apportionment of PCBs in Sediments”, 242nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, platform presentation, ENVR014a: Division of Environmental Chemistry, Receptor Modeling for Source Apportionment and Degradation Assessment of Organic Chemicals in the Aquatic Environment, Denver, CO, A.B.D., 28 August – 1 September 2011.
- Özyürek (Akduman) N., K. Gedik, E.Şiltu and İ.İmamoğlu, “Investigation of PCB Levels and Sources: The Case of Ankara Creek, Turkey”, 242nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, poster presentation, ENVR014a: Division of Environmental Chemistry, Receptor Modeling for Source Apportionment and Degradation Assessment of Organic Chemicals in the Aquatic Environment, Denver, CO, A.B.D., 28 August – 1 September 2011.
- Demircioğlu F., K. Gedik and İ. İmamoğlu, “Investigation of Anaerobic Dechlorination in PCB-Contaminated Sediments”, 10th International In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Conference, platform presentation, E7.Treatment of PCBs and Dioxins, Platform Abstract Book, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 5-8 May 2009.
- İmamoğlu İ., K. Gedik and N. Akduman “Investigation of PCB Pollution in Turkey”, 6th International Conference Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, poster presentation, E4.PCBs/Dioxins/Furans, Poster Abstract Book, Monterey, California, USA, 19-22 May 2008.
- Çağın, V, N.Moralı and İ.İmamoğlu "Copper removal from aqueous solutions using clinoptilolite in fixed-bed reactors”, Zeolite’06 7th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, platform presentation, Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 16-21 July, 2006.
- Moralı, N., V.Çağın and İ.İmamoğlu "Time dependent Zn2+ and Pb2+ removal with clinoptilolite and release of exchangeable ions”, Zeolite’06 7th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, platform presentation, Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 16-21 July, 2006.
- Gedik, K. and İ.İmamoğlu "A comparative study of Cd2+ removal from aqueous solutions using two different Turkish clinoptilolite samples”, Zeolite’06 7th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, poster presentation, Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 16-21 July, 2006.
- Gedik, K. and İ.İmamoğlu "Optimization of pretreatment for Cd2+ removal and regeneration of metal loaded clinoptilolite in fixed bed columns”, Zeolite’06 7th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, poster presentation, Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 16-21 July, 2006.
- Moralı, N., V. Çağın and İ.İmamoğlu "Investigation of heavy metal (Cu2+,Ni2+,Zn2+,Pb2+) uptake by clinoptilolite and release of exchangeable ions”, Zeolite’06 7th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, poster presentation, Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 16-21 July, 2006.
- İmamoğlu, İ and ER Christensen "PCB sources and degradation in sediments of Ashtabula River, USA, determined from receptor models", IWA 2001 World Water Congress Berlin, platform presentation, Berlin, Germany, 15-19 October, 2001.
- İmamoğlu, İ and ER Christensen "Are PCBs in Fox River sediments undergoing anaerobic dechlorination?", 44th Conference of the IAGLR, platform presentation, Green Bay, WI, USA, 10-14 June, 2001.
- İmamoğlu, İ and ER Christensen "Transformations of PCBs in sediments of Fox River, Wisconsin", 43rd Conference of the IAGLR, platform presentation, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada, 21-26 May, 2000.
- Bakkaloğlu (İmamoğlu), İ, TJ Butter, LM Evison, FS Holland and IC Hancock "Screening of various types of biomass for removal and recovery of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Ni) by Biosorption, Sedimentation and Desorption", 19th Biennial Conference of the International Association on Water Quality, platform presentation, Vancouver, Canada, 21-26 June, 1998.
Book Chapters
- İmamoğlu İ. and K. Gedik “Sustainable Use of Natural Zeolites in the Treatment of Wastes” in “Natural Zeolites”, Eds: V.J. Inglezakis and A.A. Zorpas, Bentham Science Publishers, p.509-518, 2012.
- Kazemian H., Gedik K. and İ. İmamoğlu “Environmental Applications of Natural Zeolites” in “Natural Zeolites”, Eds: V.J. Inglezakis and A.A. Zorpas, Bentham Science Publishers, p.301-323, 2012.
Publications in National Conference Proceedings
- Karakaş F., Gedik K., İmamoğlu İ., “Eymir gölü sedimanındaki poliklorlu bifenil kirliliğinin pozitif matris faktörizasyon modeli kullanılarak incelenmesi”, 10.Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Ankara, 12-14 Eylül 2013.
- Ülgüdür N., Karakaya İ., İmamoğlu İ., “Laboratuvar ölçekli bakır elektrokaplama sürecinde temiz üretim uygulamaları”, 10.Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, Ankara, 12-14 Eylül 2013.
- İmamoğlu İ., Gedik K., Serçe T., J. Klanova and I. Holoubek “Monitoring Persistent Organic Pollutants in Turkey”, EKK 2012 İTÜ XIII. Endüstriyel Kirlenme Kontrolü Sempozyumu, 17-19 Ekim 2012.
- Kaya D., İmamoğlu İ., Sanin F. D “Trafo Yağlarında Bulunan PCBlerin Anaerobik Çürütücüde Gideriminin Araştırılması” EKK 2012 İTÜ XIII. Endüstriyel Kirlenme Kontrolü Sempozyumu, 17-19 Ekim 2012.
- Erdinçler A., Filibeli A., Çokgör E. U., Sanin F. D., Alagöz, B. A., Ayol A., İnsel G., İmamoğlu İ., Akyapı A., Buyukkamacı, N., Arıkan O. A., Kendir E., Sayı Ucar N., Oktem G., Saygılı G., “Turkiye’de Evsel-Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesisi Çamurlarının Yönetimi”, EKK 2012 İTÜ XIII. Endüstriyel Kirlenme Kontrolü Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Türkiye, 17-19 Ekim 2012.
- Büyükkamacı N., Erdinçler A., Sanin F. D., İskender G., Ayol, A., Alagöz A., İmamoğlu İ., Ateş Genceli E., Filibeli A., Karataş, Ö., Kendir E., Ekdal A., Saygılı G., Günhan M. S., Ubay Çokgör E., “Türkiye’de Evsel/Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesislerinin Mevcut Durumu: Atıksu Arıtma Teknolojileri, Çamur İşleme ve Bertaraf Etme Yöntemlerinin Bölgesel Bazda Değerlendirilmesi”, EKK 2012 İTÜ XIII. Endüstriyel Kirlenme Kontrolü Sempozyumu, İstanbul, Türkiye, 17-19 Ekim 2012.
- İmamoğlu, İ., Filibeli, A., Erdincler, A., Cokgor, E.U., Sanin, F.D., Ayol, A., Alagoz, A., Arıkan, O., Serce, T., Buyukkamaci, N., Akyapi, A., Pehlivanoglu-Mantas, E., Topuz, E. “Arıtma Camuru Yönetiminde Yasal Mevzuat: TR ve Dunyadan Ornekler” IV. Ulusal Katı Atık Yönetimi Kongresi, Antalya, 17-20 Ekim 2012.
- Cokgor, E. U., Filibeli, A., Sanin, F.D., Erdincler, A, Insel, G., Ayol, A., İmamoğlu, İ., Alagoz, A., Arıkan, O., Buyukkamaci, N., Sever, A., Ersoz, E., Gencsoy, E.B. “Evsel/ Kentsel Atıksu Arıtma Tesislerinde Camur Uretim Potansiyeli: Mevcut Durum”, IV. Ulusal Katı Atık Yönetimi Kongresi, Antalya, 17-20 Ekim 2012.
- İmamoğlu İ., Gedik K., Demircioğlu F. and Akduman N., “Investigation of Turkey’s current status regarding PCB Pollution via Field and Receptor Modeling Studies” (In Turkish), POPs Monitoring: Environment and Health Workshop, invited presentation, Antalya, Turkey, 3-5 Kasım 2010.
- Gedik K. and İ. İmamoğlu, “Investigation and identification of sources of PCBs in Mersin Bay sediments” (In Turkish), National Solid Waste Management Conference (UKAY 2010), platform presentation, Mersin, Turkey, 18-20 Ekim 2010.
- F. Demircioğlu, K. Gedik and İ. İmamoğlu, “Investigation of PCB pollution in and around Lake Eymir, Ankara, Turkey” (In Turkish), 6th Priorities in Environmental Pollution in Turkey Symposium, platform presentation, Gebze Institute of Higher Technology, Kocaeli, Turkey, 28-29 Mayıs 2009.
- İpçi, İ., Gedik, K. and İ. İmamoğlu “Adsorption and ion exchange mechanisms during Cd(II) removal using clinoptilolite” (In Turkish), 6th Priorities in Environmental Pollution in Turkey Symposium, platform presentation, Gebze Institute of Higher Technology, Kocaeli, Turkey, 28-29 Mayıs 2009.
- Akduman, N., Gedik, K. and İ. İmamoğlu “Investigation of PCB pollution in Ankara Creek sediments, Ankara, Turkey” (In Turkish), National Solid Waste Management Conference (UKAY 2009), platform presentation, Eskisehir, Turkey, 27-29 Mayıs 2009.
- Gedik, K. and İ. İmamoğlu “Determination of optimum pretreatment conditions for Cd(II) removal via clinoptilolite packed columns” (In Turkish), 5th Priorities in Environmental Pollution in Turkey Symposium, platform presentation, Gebze Institute of Higher Technology, Kocaeli, Turkey, 11-12 Mayıs 2006.
- Çağın, V., N. Moralı and İ. İmamoğlu “Use of clinoptilolite for removal of heavy metals (Cu, Ni) from wastewater” (In Turkish), 6th National Environmental Engineering Conference platform presentation, İstanbul, Turkey, 24-26 Kasım 2005.
- Moralı, N., V. Çağın, and İ. İmamoğlu “Use of clinoptilolite for removal of heavy metals (Zn, Pb) from wastewater” (In Turkish), 6th National Environmental Engineering Conference platform presentation, İstanbul, Turkey, 24-26 Kasım 2005.
- Gedik, K. and İ. İmamoğlu “Comparison of clinoptilolite samples obtained from Manisa-Gördes and Balıkesir-Bigadiç for their Cd(II) removal efficiency” (In Turkish), 6th National Environmental Engineering Conference platform presentation, İstanbul, Turkey, 24-26 Kasım 2005.
- Uzal, N., T.H. Ergüder, U. Tezel, İ. İmamoğlu and G.N. Demirer “An example for the use of natural zeolites in environmental pollution control and Cu(II) removal” (In Turkish), 2nd National Environmental Pollution Control Symposium, platform presentation, Ankara, Turkey, 22-24 Ekim 2003.
- Kerestecioğlu, M., İ. İmamoğlu, E. Tokcaer and H. Yükseler “Evaluation of a wastewater treatment design course” (In Turkish), 2nd National Environmental Pollution Control Symposium, platform presentation, Ankara, Turkey, 22-24 Ekim 2003.
- Bakkaloğlu (İmamoğlu), İ. “An example of a new technology from a sustainable development perspective” (In Turkish), 2nd National Environmental Engineering Conference, poster presentation, İstanbul, Turkey, Şubat 1997.