Prof. Dr. Celal F. Gökçay
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Interest Areas
Biodegradation of unusual compounds (Ph.D).
Bio-leaching and recovery of mining residues and wastes.
Bacterial Desulfurization of coals.
Microbial Solubilization of Lignites.
Activated sludge kinetics. Nutrient removing activated sludge.
Effect of heavy metals on activated sludge kinetics.
Biological treatment of paper pulp bleachery effluents.
Treatability of chlorinated organic compounds.
Curriculum Vitae | |
E-mail: cfgokcay {at} | |
Links: | |
Phone: +90-312-210-2641 Fax: +90-312-210-2646 |
- September, 1968 Istanbul, Kabataş Lycee, Science Section
- November 1968 - February 1973, University of Istanbul, Department of Biology (B.Sc)
- October 1974 - June 1978, University of Wales, U.K. (University College, Cardiff, Dept. of Microbiology) (Ph. D).
Membership in Professional Societies
- International Association on Water Pollution on Water Qualit, IAWQ (Currently IWA). Member.
- TMC, Turkish Microbiology Society. Member.
- KUKEM, Type Culture Collections and Industrial Microbiology Society. Board Member and editor.
- MESAEP, Mediterranean Scientific Association for Environmental Pollution. Member and editor.
- NATO-Fellowship for Ph.D in U.K. delivered via TUBITAK
Positions Held
Academic Positions Held
- November 1973 - October 1974, Teaching assistant at Middle East Technical University (METU), Environmental Engineering Dept.
- September 1978 - Sept. 1980, Assistant Professor at METU, Env. Eng. Dept.
- Sept. 1980 - Febr.1992, Associate Professor (Docent) at METU.
- Febr.1992 - Full Professor at METU.
Administrative Positions Held
- 15th February 1983 - 12th July 1988, Assistant Chairman at METU Env.Eng. Dept.
- 1988 - 1991, Executive Board Member for the Environmental Research Group of the National Scientific Technical Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
- 1990 - 1997, Head of Environmental Sciences, section in METU Env. Eng. Dept.
- 1998 - 1999, Head of Environmental Engineering Department
International Assignments
- 9th July 1991 - 20th August 1991, Short term WHO Consultancy assignment for the Regional WHO Office for the Western Pacific. Scope: Designing and conducting an intensive course on environmental sanitation and biological treatment to hospital engineers at Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia
Interest Areas
- Biodegradation of unusual compounds (Ph.D).
- Bio-leaching and recovery of mining residues and wastes.
- Bacterial Desulfurization of coals. Microbial Solubilization of Lignites.
- Activated sludge kinetics. Nutrient removing activated sludge
- Effect of heavy metals on activated sludge kinetics.
- Biological treatment of paper pulp bleachery effluents.
- Treatability of chlorinated organic compounds.
Research Techniques Employed
- Enzyme assays, manometric and respirometric techniques in biochemistry and biological treatment.
- Gas chromatography, atomic absorption spectroscopy, thin layer chromatography.
- Organic chlorine analysis (TOX, AOX).
- Trace organics analyses (PCBs and organochlorine pesticides) in waters and wastewaters.
Laboratories Developed
- Microbiology research and teaching labs. Atomic absorption, gas chromatography, AOX and IR laboratories in METU- Environmental Engineering Dept.
Teaching Experience
(The following courses have been taught in the Middle East Technical University, Dept. of Environmental Engineering. Medium of teaching is English in METU)
- EnvE 205 Environmental Microbiology. Lectures and designing and administration of practicals
- EnvE 302 Chemical Microbiology.
- EnvE 301 Principles of Ecology for Environmental Engineers
- EnvE 420 Environmental Impact Assessment
- EnvE 313 Statistics for Environmental Engineers
- EnvE 314 Chemical Microbiology Laboratory
- EnvE 520 Microbial Degradation of Organic Pollutants
- EnvE 532 Environmental Biotechnology
- EnvE 314 Chemical Microbiology Laboratory
- EnvE 535 Advanced Biological Treatment
- U.G. Ozkan Yucel and C F Gokcay. "Co-treatment of reactive azo-dye with sewage sludge".Facing sludge diversities:Challanges, Risks and Opportunties. 28-30 March 2007-Antalya. Proceedings Book pp. 165-175.
- O.T. Komesli, Z. Gürkan and C F Gokcay. "Sludgde characteristic of a vacuum rotation membrane bioreactor (MBR)". .Facing sludge diversities:Challanges, Risks and Opportunties, 28-30 March 2007-Antalya. Proceedings Book pp. 747-755.
- Okan Tarik Komesli, Katharina Teschner, Werner Hegemann and Celal F. Gokcay. Desalination; Volume 215, Issues 1-3, 5 September 2007, Pages 22-28.
- Devrim Kaya, Filiz B. Dilek and Celal F. Gökçay. Reuse of lagoon effluents in agriculture by post-treatment in a step feed dual treatment process Desalination; Volume 215, Issues 1-3, 5 September 2007, Pages 29-36.
- Celal F Gokcay. "Wastewater Potential and Reuse Standards in Turkey."6th Conference on Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for Sustainability October 9-12, 2007 Antwerp, Belgium. Abstract in Proceedings publication p. 67.
- Celal F Gokcay. Environmental problems facing us: An overall assessment from Turkey. 6th FP Integrating and strengthening the European research area project. Innova-Med Innovative processes and practices for wastewater treatment and reuse in the Mediterranean region Course. Lecture notes of 8-11 October 2007, Ankara TURKEY pp.1-14.
- Celal F. Gökçay. Microbial degradation of ethers. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Wales, Cardiff-UK, 1978.
- Celal F.Gökçay. Microbial degradation of surfactants. 1st National Environmental Engineering Symposium 26th February, l979, Ankara (In Turkish). Proceeding publication.
- Celal F.Gökçay. Tracing of waters by using microbial tracers. 28-30 November, l979. Industry and the Environment Symposium. Symposium organized by The Turkish Chamber of Mechanical Engineers (In Turkish). Proceeding publication.
- Soyupak Selçuk, A.Yazici and C.F.Gökçay. A mathematical model for simulating biofilm formation in completely submerged rotating biodisc reactor (In Turkish). DOGA, Environment Sect., 5, 93-98, (1981).
- Celal F.Gökçay. Microbial metal leaching (In Turkish). KUKEM J. 5, (2), pp. 24-25, (l982).
- Aysenur Caglar and C.F.Gökçay. Leaching of copper from Murgul calcined fly-ash by using thermophylic Thiobacilli(In Turkish). KUKEM J., 5, (2), pp. 30-31, (l982).
- Celal F.Gökçay, Z.Dogan, M.E.Atabey. Microbial leaching and recycling of Turkish pyrite cinders (In Turkish). KUKEM J., 5 (2), pp. 86-87 (1982).
- Celal F.Gökçay & R.Yurteri. Microbial desulfurization of lignites. FUEL (London), 62, 1223-1224, (1983).
- Celal F.Gökçay. Microbial metal extraction and recycling of mineral wastes (In Turkish). BOOK , Industrial Microbiology, , ed. by Enver Tali Cetin. Istanbul Bayda Publication. pp. 381-396 (1983).
- Zeki Dogan, C.F.Gökçay, M.E. Atabey. Bacterial Leaching of Turkish pyrite cinders. , Recent Progress in Biohydrometallurgy, BOOK ed. by G.Rossi A.E. Torma. Associazione Mineraria Sarda-09016 Iglesias-Italy. pp. 693704. (1983).
- Celal F.Gökçay, S.Soyupak, M.E. Hatipoglu. Initial assessment of marine biological fouling and fouling control under consideration of environment protection aspect for a nuclear power plant to be sited on the East of Mediterranean. MESAEP Symposium, Iraklion, Greece 6-9. (l983).
- Celal F. Gökçay, S.Soyupak, M.E. Hatipoglu. Initial assessment of marine biological fouling and fouling control, taking into consideration environmental protection aspects, for a nuclear power plant to be sited in the East Mediterranean. VII Journé es Etud. Pollutions, Lucerne, C.I.E.S.M. (l984). pp. 72l-725.
- Zeki Dogan, C.F.Gökçay, M.E. Atabey. Bacterial leaching of Turkish pyritic cinders. VIIIth National Congres on Mining and Mining Technology (In Turkish). 21-25 February, l983. Proceedings pp. 349-358.
- Celal F.Gökçay, M.E.Hatipoglu. Study of human-origined bacterial and organic pollution on the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey (In Turkish). ENVIRONMENT 84, Vth Turkish-German Environmental Engineering Symposium, 11-16 th June, 1984, Izmir. Proceedings pp. E.20-23.
- Zeki Dogan, C.F.Gökçay, M.E. Atabey. Bacterial leaching of Turkish pyritic cinders (In Turkish).METU, Applied Research J., 3, (11), (1985).
- Celal F.Gökçay, Food Industry wastewaters and their discharge and biological treatment alternatives (In Turkish). Recent Advances in Food Technology Symposium, FAO-METU-TUBITAK, Ankara 23-24 October,1985 . Proceeding pp. 217-236. (Publication 1986).
- Celal F.Gökçay and S.Önerci. Microbiological recycling of copper flotation tailings (In Turkish). KUKEM J., 10 (2), pp. 116-117, (1987).
- Ülkü Yetis & C.F.Gökçay. Effect of Cr(VI) and Ni(II) salts on BOI experiments (In Turkish). KUKEM J., l0 (2), pp. 118119, (1987).
- Celal F. Gökçay & Ü.Yetis. Effect of Ni(II) on activated sludge. , International Symposium on Environmental Management 87-Istanbul, . Proceding pp. 581-596 (1987).
- Celal F.Gökçay & R.Yurteri. Bacterial desulfurization of Turkish Lignites. Resources Conservation and Recycling, vol. l, 261-278, (1988).
- Reyhan Yurteri & C.F.Gökçay. Bacterial desulfurization of Turkish Lignites. Biological Treatment of Coals Workshop, Virginia, July 8-10, 1987. Proceedings. 242-277 (1988).
- Ülkü Yetis & C.F.Gökçay. Effect of Nickel (II) on activated sludge. Water Research. 23, pp. 1003-1007,(1989).
- Celal F.Gökçay. , Magnitude of impacts of the industry on environment in Turkey, (In Turkish). Symposium on biology education related to environmental problems, 20-21 December, 1989, Ankara. Proceeding pp. 31.
- Celal F.Gökçay, R.Yurteri. Bacterial desulfurization of lignites. , Bioprocessing and Biotreatment of Coal, BOOK ed. by Donald L.Wise. Marcel Dekker Inc., NewYork-Basel. 1990. ISBN 0-8247-8305-0.
- Celal F. Gökçay & Ü.Yetis. Effects of Cr(VI) on activated sludge. Water Research. 25, pp. 65-73, (1991).
- Celal F. Gokcay and F.B. Dilek. Effects of nickel, chromium and initial feed concentration on the batch growth of a microbial consortium developed from sewage. Environmental Technology. Vol. 12, pp. 1-11, (1991).
- Filiz B Dilek, C.F. Gokcay and U. Yetis. Effects of Cu(II) on a chemostat containing activated sludge. Environmental Technology. Vol. 12, pp 1007-1016, (1991).
- Coskun Yurteri, C.F. Gökcay and E. Egemen. Overlay Technique in Assessment of Thermal Power Plant Impacts on Vegetation: A case Study. ENSEC'93 International Conference on Energy System and Ecology, Cracow, Poland, Jul 5-9, 1993. Proceedings pp 157-164. (1993).
- Ege Egemen, C.F. Gökçay, C. Yurteri. Assessment of terrestrial impacts of sulfur emissions. IInd International Ecology and Environmental Problems Symposium. 5-7 November 1992. Proc.
- Filiz B. Dilek and C.F. Gokcay. Effects of Selected Metals on Microbial Growth, Proceedings of the international Urban Ecology Symposium, pp. 240-265, Izmir, June 5-10, 1991.
Celal F Gokcay, F.B. Dilek and U. Yetis. Treatment of Waste waters from Testas-Ankara Electronics Industry (In Turkish). Environment 89, Proceedings of the 5th. Environmental Sciences and Technology Conference, pp. 916-933, Adana, June 5-10, 1989. - Celal F Gokcay, F.B. Dilek, G. Surucu and E. Ulug. Biological Treatability of Wastewaters from Pulp and Paper Industry (In Turkish) , Turkish Journal of Water Pollution Control, 9, p.245-256.1992.
- Filiz B Dilek, C F Gokcay, M. Oguz, M Enuysal and E Ulug. Characterization and treatability of wastewaters from SEKA Kastamonu pulp and paper plant. , Turkish Journal of Water Pollution Control, ,9,257-290. 1992.
- Filiz B Dilek, C F Gokcay, M. Oguz, M Enuysal and E Ulug. Characterization and treatability of wastewaters from SEKA Kastamonu pulp and paper plant (In Turkish) . ITU, 3rd Industrial Effluent Control Symposium'92, pp. 69-85, Istanbul, 7-9 Sept.1992.
- Filiz B Dilek and C F Gokcay. Treatability of oil-laden wastewaters from BOTAS-Dortyol and Batman filling stations (In Turkish). ITU, 3rd Industrial Effluent Control Symposium'92, pp. 197-206, Istanbul, 7-9 September, 1992.
- Celal F Gokcay, F.B. Dilek, G Surucu and E Ulug. Treatability of effluents originating from cellulose production. The 9'th Turkish-German-Polish Environmental Engineering Symposium, pp.469-481, Istanbul, 5-7 October, 1992.
- Celal F Gokcay, N. Kolankaya, F B Dilek, M E Atabey and M Oguz, K Demirtas. Biological Solubilization of Turkish Lignites. International Symposium on Energy Efficiency. November 16-18, 1992. Proc. 214-223.
- U. Yetis, F.B. Dilek and C.F. Gokcay. Effects of Heavy Metals on Biological Activity in BOD Bottle-Seed Biomass Concentration. Second International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro Industries (IAWQ). Istanbul Turkey 23-25 September 1992. Proc. Vol 2., pp. 141-151.
F.B. Dilek, Celal F Gokcay. Treatment of Effluents from HempBased Pulp and Paper Industry I. Waste Characterization and Physico-Chemical Treatability. Pre-treatment of Industrial Wastewaters Conference (IAWQ)- October 13-15, 1995 Athens. Proc. pp.539-542. - Celal F Gokcay, F.B. Dilek. Treatment of Effluents from HempBased Pulp and Paper Industry II. Biological Treatability of Pulping Effluents. Pre-treatment of Industrial Wastewaters Conference (IAWQ)- October 13-15, 1995 Athens. Proceedings pp.543-546.
- Celal F Gokcay and S. Onerci. Recycling of Copper Flotation Tailings and Bioremediation of Copper-Laden Dump Sites. in BOOK , Emerging Technology for Bioremediation of Metals, Ed. J.L. Means and R.E. Hinchee, Lewis Publishers, pp 61-73. 1994.
- Gaye Tuncer, Okan Güven, Celal F Gökçay, Turgut Balkas and Gürdal Tuncel. Riverian Fluxes of Pollutants to the Black Sea Along the Turkish Coast. Xth National Chemistry Congress, Bursa, 1994. (In Turkish).
- Selcuk Soyupak, C.F. Gokcay, S. Yerli, S. Erden, N. Akbay, A.F. Cilesiz. Assessment of Eutrophiocation for Keban Dam Reservoir. Fresenius Envir. Bull. 3: 181-186 (1994).
- Celal F. Gokcay, F.B. Dilek. Treatment of Wastewaters Originating from Hemp-Based Pulp and Paper Industry. IAWQ Bienial 1994 . Proceeding .
- Filiz Dilek and C.F. Gokcay. Treatment of Effluents from Hemp-based Pulp and Paper Industry- I. Waste Characterization and Physico-chemical Treatability. Wat. Sci. Tech. 29:161-164 (1994).
- Celal F. Gokcay and F. Dilek. Treatment of Effluents from Hemp-based Pulp and Paper Industry - II. Biological Treatability of Pulping Effluents. Wat. Sci. Tech. 29:165-168 (1994).
- Celal F. Gokcay and Basak Kilic. Biological Treatability of Pulping Effluents by Using a Penicillium Species. Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region. 8th Symposium. Proc. pp. 169. (1995).
- Celal F. Gokcay and Basak Kilic. Biological Treatability of Pulping Effluents by Using a Penicillium Species. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin.
- Celal F. Gokcay and Selale Ataberk. Biological Treatment of Organic Chlorine Compounds from Pulping Effluents. Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region. 8th Symposium. Proc. pp. 155. (1995).
- Ayse Bayar, Selcuk Soyupak, Labeeb Mukhallati, Dogan Altinbilek, Yasar Kutoglu and Celal F. Gokcay. Use of Modelling for Development of Management Strategies in Control of Eutrophication in Lake System of Mogan and Eymir. Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region. 8th Symposium. Proc. pp. 144. (1995) (Also accepted for publication in the special issue of Fresenius Environmental Bulletin ).
Celal F. Gokcay and Ulku Yetis. Effect of Nickel(II) on the Biomass Yield of the Activated Sludge. Water Qality International 96 -IAWQ Biennial Conference; Singapore, 23-28 June 1996, Proc. pp. 47-54. - Ulku Yetis, Aylin Selcuk and Celal F. Gokcay. Reducing Chlorinated Organics, AOX, in the Bleachery Effluents of a Turkish Pulp and Paper Plant. Water Qality International 96 -IAWQ Biennial Conference; Singapore, 23-28 June 1996, Proc. pp.
- Ulku Yetis, Aylin Selcuk and Celal F. Gokcay. Reducing Chlorinated Organics, AOX, in the Bleachery Effluents of a Turkish Pulp and Paper Plant. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol. 34(10), pp 97-104, 1996.
- Filiz B. Dilek and Celal F. Gokcay.Microbiology of Activated Sludge Treating Wastewater Containing Ni(II) and Cr(VI). Water Qality International 96 -IAWQ Biennial Conference; Singapore, 23-28 June 1996, Proc. pp. 63-69.
- Celal F. Gokcay and Ulku Yetis. Effect of Nickel(II) on the Biomass Yield of the Activated Sludge. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol. 34 (5-6), pp. 163-171, 1996.
- Lule M., Yetis U, Gokcay C.F. Effect of Ni(II) on Respirometric Oxygen Uptake. Water Qality International 96IAWQ Biennial Conference; Singapore, 23-28 June 1996, Proc.
- Ulku Yetis, Sahin S.M. and Gokcay C.F. Characterization of Effluents from Chlorine Dioxide Substitution Bleaching and Oxygen-reinforced Extraction. 2nd Specialized Conference on Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewaters-IAWQ. October 16-18, 1996, Athens Poc. pp. 659-666.
- Basak Taseli and Gokcay C.F. Studies on Pre-Treatment of Coloured Effluents for Chlorinated Organics from Pulping Process by Using a Penicillium Species. 2nd Specialized Conference on Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewaters-IAWQ. October 16-18, 1996, Athens Poc. pp. 667-674.
- Celal F. Gokcay and Selale Ataberk. Treatment of Chlorinated Organics in Bleached Kraft Mill Effluents by Activated Sludge. 2nd Specialized Conference on Pretreatment of Industrial Wastewaters-IAWQ. October 16-18, 1996, Athens Poc. pp.771-774.
- Ulku Yetis, Gokcay C.F. and Sahin S. Characterization of Chlorine Dioxide Bleachery Effluents-Molecular Weight Distribution Studies. ITU 5th Industrial Pollution Symposium, 25-27 September 1996, Istanbul, Proc. pp. 341-353 (in Turkish).
- Basak Taseli and Celal F Gokcay. Developing Fungal Reactor for Organic Chlorine Removal from Pulping Effluents. In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, New Orleans, April 28May 1 1997, Proceeding (eds.) Alleman and Leeson. Vol 2, pp. 519-525, 1997.
- Celal F. Gokcay and Basak Taseli. Biological Treatability of Pulping Effluents by Using a Penicillium Species. Fresenius Envir. Bull. Vol. 6, pp 220-226 (1997).
- Gilefsan Demirbas, Celal F Gokcay and Filiz B. Dilek. Sequence of Microbial Populations Associated with the Treatment of Pulping Effluents in a Model Activated Sludge Plant. MESAEP 1997-Italy Proc. pp. 286.
- Hatice Bilgiç, Celal F Gökçay and Nesrin Hasìrcì. Color Removal by White-Rot Fungi. In BOOK , Global Environmental Biotechnology, ed. D.L. Wise, Elsevier Science, pp 187-198, 1997.
- Gaye Tuncer, Turan Karakas, Turgut Balkas, Celal F Gokcay, Sezer Aygın, Caoşkun Yurteri and Gurdal Tuncel. Land-based Soıurces of pollution along the Black Sea Coast of Turkey: Concentrations and Annual Loads to the Black Sea. Marine Poll. Bull. 36,(6), 409-423 (1998).
- Gilefsan Demirbas, Celal F Gokcay and Filiz B. Dilek. Sequence of Microbial Populations Associated with the Treatment of Pulping Effluents in a Model Activated Sludge Plant. Fresenius Envir. Bull. Vol. 7, pp 114-119 (1998).
- Selale Ataberk and Celal F Gokcay. Treatment of Chlorinated Organics in Bleached Kraft Mill Effluents by Activated Sludge Process. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol 36 (2-3), pp 147-150 (1997).
- Ulku Yetis, Selale Ataberk, Celal F Gokcay and Sebnem M. Sahin. Characterization of Effluents from Chlorine Bleaching and Oxygen-Reinforced Extraction. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol 36 (2-3), pp 353-360 (1997).
- M Albek, Ulku Yetis and Celal F Gokcay. Effect of Ni(II) on Respirometric Oxygen Uptake. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Vol. 48, pp 636-641 (1997).
- Fılız B. Dilek, Celal F Gokcay and Ulku Yetis. Combined Effects of Ni(II) and Cr(VI) on Activated Sludge. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol. 32 (2) pp 303-312 (1998).
- Ulku Yetis, Goksel Demirer and Celal F Gokcay. Effect of Chromium(VI) on the Biomass Yield of Activated Sludge. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. Vol 25, pp 48-54 (1999).
- Basak (Kilic) Taseli, Celal F Gokcay . Biological Treatment of Paper Pulping Effluents by Using a Fungal Reactor. The 6th IAWQ Symposium on Forest Industry Wastewaters June 6-10, 1999, Tampere, Finland. Proc. Pp.221-229.
- G. (Goktayoglu) Demirbas, Celal F. Gokcay and Filiz B. Dilek. Treatment of Organic Chlorine in Pulping Effluents by Activated Sludge. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol. 40 (1) pp 275-279 (1999).
- Basak (Kilic) Taseli, Celal F Gokcay . Biological Treatment of Paper Pulping Effluents by Using a Fungal Reactor. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol. 40 (11-12) pp 93-99 (1999).
- Celal F Gokcay, Nazif Kolankaya and Filiz Dilek. Biological Solubilization of Lignites. FUEL (London)- Vol. 80, pp 1421-1433 (2001).
- Celal F Gokcay. Treatment of Organochlorine Compounds by Fungal Reactor. In Turkish-German Symposium on Recent Advances in Waste Water Treatment, 10-12 October 2001, İzmir. Proc. pp. 19-27.
- Celal F Gokcay. Biological Nutrient Removal from Waste Waters. Turkish-German Symposium on Recent Advances in Waste Water Treatment, 10-12 October 2001, İzmir. Proc. pp.118-130.
- Gürkan Sin ve Celal F Gökçay. Yüksek Verimlilikle İşletim için Büyük Boyutlu Atksu Arıtma Tesislerinin Modellenmesi. IV. Ulusal Çevre Mühendisliği Kongresi, TMMOB. 7-10 Kasım 2001, Mersin. Sempozyum Yayını s. 137-149.
- Elif Ceyda Torcu and Celal F Gökçay. Modelling of Izmir Wastewater Treatment Plant. EPMR-2002 International Conference on Environmental Problems of the Mediterranean Regions 12-15 April 2002. Abstracts book pp 60.
- Ö. Oğuz, G. Sürücü , C.F. Gökçay and Ülkü Yetiş. Assessment of Disaster Emergency Plans to Minimize Environmental Risk of Disasters. EPMR-2002 International Conference on Environmental Problems of the Mediterranean Regions 12-15 April 2002. Abstracts book pp 145.
- Funda Yetgin, Celal F Gökçay. "Zeytinyağı Atıksularının Arıtılması" 1. Zeytinyağı Üretiminde Çevre Sorunları ve çözümleri Çalıştayı 7-9 Haziran 2002. Kitap s. 77-96.
- Betül Arıcan, Celal F Gökçay and Ülkü Yetiş. Mechanisitics of nickel sorption by activated sludge. Process Biochemistry Vol 37 No:11, (2002) pp. 13027-1315.
- Filiz B. Dilek, Ulku Yetis and Celal F. Gökçay Water savings and sludge minimization in a beet-sugar factory through re-design of the wastewater treatment facility, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 11, Issue 3, May 2003, Pages 327-331
- Niğmet Uzal, Celal F Gökçay and Göksel N. Demirer. Sequential (anaerobic/aerobic) biological treatment of malt whisky wastewater, Process Biochemistry, Vol. 39 (2003), pp. 279-286.
- Celal F Gökçay, Gürkan Sin. "Modeling of a Large Scale Wastewter Treatmnet Plant for Efficient Operation". Full Paper. IX. IWA Specialised Conference. Design, Operation, Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants. 4 September 2003, Praha, Check Republic. Proceeding pp. 193-200.
- Celal F Gökçay, A. Seyidoğlu. "Aktif Çamur Populasyon Dinamiklerinin Modellenmesi." II. Ulusal Çevre kirliliği Kontrolu Sempozyumu, 22-24 Ekim 2003..Kitap s. 237-247.
- Başak K. Taşeli, Celal F Gökçay, Hasan Taşeli. "Upflow column reactor design for dechlorination of chlorinated wastes by Penicillium camamberti." J. Environmental Management. Vol 72, 175-179 (2004).
- Celal F Gökçay, Gürkan Sin. "Modeling of a Large Scale Wastewter Treatmnet Plant for Efficient Operation". Wat. Sci Tech, Vol. 50(7), pp. 123-130 (2004) .
- Basak K. Taseli, Celal F Gökçay. "Degradation of chlorinated compounds by Penicillium camembertii in batch and up-flow column reactors". Process Biochemistry, Vol 40, pp. 917-923 (2005).
- Basak K. Taseli, Celal F Gökçay. "Identification of electron acceptor properties of Penicillium camemberti used for effective treatment of chlorinated organic compounds’. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Vol 14 (5), pp 347-352 (2005).
- Celal F Gökçay. "Su ve su sistemlerinden kaynaklı hastalıkların kontrolu ve korunma: Kaynak ve rezervuaralar." XXXII. Türk Mikrobiyoloji Kongresi, Antalya 12-16 Eylül 2006. Kitap s. 60-72.
- Taşeli B.K. and Gokcay CF. Degradation of low and high molecular weight fractions of softwood bleachery effluents by Penicillium camamberti in up-flow column rector. BULLETIN OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATON AND TOXICOLOGY 77(3):481-489 (2006).
Short Term International Contacts
- Process microbiology and biotechnology advanced course. University of Canterbury, 1980.
- VII. CIESM, Marine Pollution Conference, Lucerne, 1984 - Speaker.
- Biological treatment of fossil fuels workshop. Washington D.C., 1987.- Speaker.
- University of London, Birckbeck College. Academic link,1988.
- Short term WHO Consultantcy Assignment for the Regional WHO Office for the Western Pacific, 1991.
- In Situ and On-Site Bioreclamation. The Second International Symposium, April 5-8, 1993, San Diego, California. - Speaker
- IAWQ Bienial 1996 . Singapore- Speaker
- Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region. 8th Symposium. 8-12 October, 1995, Rhodos, Greece. - Speaker
- Environmental Pollution and Its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region. 9th Symposium. October, 1997, Sorrento, Italy - Speaker, Session chairman
- The Olive Oil Wastes Remediation Symposium. 28th-30th January 1999. Speaker
- The 6th IAWQ Symposium on Forest Industry Wastewaters. June 6-10, 1999, Tampere, Finland - Speaker.
Directed Thesis Studies
M.Sc Thesis Conducted
- Microbiological desulfurization of Turkish lignites. R. Yurteri
- Bacterial leaching of copper floatation tailings. S.Onerci
- Studies on calcined pyritic fly-ash using microbiological leaching techniques. A. Caglar
- Development of a compact bio-disk system for domestic wastewater treatment. N. Kazanci
- Anaerobic biological treatment of high-strength wastes. M. Eldem
- Effect of Nickel(II) and Chromium(VI) on RBC culture systems. A.Gürol
- Effect of Metals on Respirometric BOD, Mine Lule (Co-supervision with Dr. Ulku Yetis)
- Characterization of Chlorine Dioxide Bleached Pulp Effluents. Şebnem Şahin. (Co-supervision with Dr. Ulku Yetis)
- Physico Chemical Treatment of Bleaching Process Effluents from SEKA Kastamonu Pulp and Paper Plant, Azize Gercek ( Co-supervision with Dr. Gulerman Surucu)
- Biochemistry of Chlorolignin and Chloropesticide Degradation. Seyhun Yurdagül
- Assessment of Toxicity and Biodegradability of Pulping Effluentrs to Microbial Treatment Community by Electrolytic Respirometry. Pervin Katmer (Co-supervision with Dr.Filiz Dilek)
- Biological Color Treatment of Pulp and Paper Industry Effluents. Hatice Bilgiç
- Activated Sludge Treatment of AOX from Pulping Wastes. Selale Atabek
- Treatment of Chlorinated Compounds by Activated Sludge and. Process Microbiology. Gulefsan Bas
- Nickel Sorption by Activated Sludge. Betul Arican (co-supervision with Dr. Ulku Yetis)
- Evaluation and Modeling of Ankara Nutrient Treatment Plant. Gurkan Sin
- Biological Phosphorus Removal in A/O Process with High Strength Wastwater. Ahmet Aydogan.
Ph.D Thesis Conducted
- Effect of Nickel(II) and Chromium(VI) on activated sludge. Ülku Yetis.
- Combined effects of heavy metals on activated sludge. Filiz Dilek.
- Biological treatment of chlorinated wastes. Basak Kilic.
Research Projects
- Recycling of pyritic fly ash by using microbiological techniques-1981. National Scientific Technical Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) - (Project number: MAG-539). Project Director
- Monitoring of the microbiological pollution in the Mediterranean coastal zone of Turkey. Mediterranean Action Plan (MED-POL) (1985-87) Research Staff Biological Treatment of IMEKS-Abattoir Waste Waters. (Supported by IMEX) Project. Research staff
- Treatment of MKE-Elmadag Ammunition Factory Effluents. (Supported by MKE) Project Director
- Treatment of Pulp and Paper Industry Waste Waters from SEKA Taskopru Plant. (Supported by SEKA - Turkish State Pulp and Paper Enterprise- Taskopru plant). Project Director
- Effect of Nickel to Activated Sludge Microbiology and Kinetics. METU Research Fund. Project Director
- Effects of Various Parameters on Rotating Biological Contactors. METU Research Fund. Project Director
- Consultancy to Ankara Municipality on Process Selection for the Municipality Biological Treatment Unit. ASKI-Ankara Municipality
- Environmental Impact Assessment Project for Aliaga Thermal Power Plant. Project staff
- Biosolubilization of Turkish Lignites. National Scientific Technical Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) -(Project number KTCAG5) (completed, 1993). Project Director
- Black Sea Land-based Pollutants Project. Turkish Ministry of the Environment - Project Staff in charge of PCB analyses in surface waters. (1993).
- Characterization and Treatability of Chlorinated and Coloured Effluents from SEKA Pulping Plants. (Supported by SEKA Turkish State Pulp and Paper Enterprise - General Directorate) 1993-1995. Project Director
- Treatment of Chlorinated Effluents. National Scientific Technical Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) -(Project number KTCAG128) 1993-1995 . Project Director
- Consultancy to İzmir Municipality for the Control of the Process Design of Municipality Nutrient Removing Biological Treatment Unit. Izmir Municipality.(1999).
- Consultancy to the Ministry of the Environment for the assessment of Pamukkale and Akkoy Nutrient Removing Activated Sludge Plants. Ministry of the Environment (2000).
- Consultancy to the Ministry of the Environment for the assessment and design modifications for Gocek Nutrient Removing Activated Sludge Plant. Ministry of the Environment (2001).
- Monitoring of Chlorinated Organics in Kızılırmak. Project director. (Supported by DPT-State planning Organization) 1998-2001.
- Short Term Projects with durations of three or less months; mainly consultancy work. Total of approximately 20 projects.