Development of Sludge Management and Action Plans for Turkey for 2023
The presentation will summarize main activities carried out as part of a project, namely TAÇYEP which was conducted from 2016 to 2019 under the protocol between Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and METU. The aim of the project was identification of sources and current quantities of domestic/urban and industrial wastewater sludges in Turkey, making future projection of sludge quantities, development of a systematic approach targeting the reduction of quantity as well as toxicity of sludge, and lastly preparation of the Wastewater Sludge Action Plan for Turkey for 2017-2023. The presentation will mainly cover the proposed management system of sludges in Turkey, prioritization of beneficial use/disposal methods, recommended central sludge handling facilities as well as associated costs and the proposed finance model.
By: Prof. Dr. İpek İmamoğlu
Date & Time: March 4th, 2020 at 15:40 in CZ-14