1. Balcilar, İ., Zararsiz, A., Kalayci, Y., Dogan, G., Tuncel, G., Similarities and differences in compositions of Eastern and Western Black Sea aerosol. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26 (1), 301-309 (2017)

  2. Erkanlı, M., Yilmaz L., Yetis, U., Emecen-Culfaz, Z., Brackish water recovery from reactive dyeing wastewater via ultrafiltration, Journal of Cleaner Production, 165, November 2017,1204-1214.

  3. Icgen, B. and Yilmaz, F. Screening and in situ monitoring of potential petroleum hydrocarbon degraders in contaminated surface water (2017) CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water, 45 (1), 1600194. Wiley

  4. Icgen, B., Salik, S.B., Goksu, L., Ulusoy, H., and Yilmaz, F. Higher alkyl sulfatase activity required by microbial inhabitants to remove anionic surfactants in the contaminated surface waters (2017) Water Science and Technology, 76 (9), 2357-2366. IWA

  5. Karakaş F., İ. İmamoğlu, Gedik K., “Positive Matrix Factorization dynamics in fingerprinting: A comparative study of PMF2 and EPA-PMF3 for source apportionment of sediment polychlorinated biphenyls”, Environmental Pollution, 220(A), 20-28 (2017).

  6. Karakaş F., İ. İmamoğlu. " Estimation of Anaerobic Debromination Rate Constants of PBDE Pathways Using an Anaerobic Dehalogenation Model", Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 98(4), 582-587 (2017).

  7. Karakaş F., İ. İmamoğlu. "Estimation of rate constants of PCB dechlorination reactions using an anaerobic dehalogenation model", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 324, 554-563 (2017).

  8. Kaya D., İ. İmamoğlu, F.D. Sanin, "Potential risk reduction of Aroclor 1254 by microbial dechlorination in anaerobic Grasse River sediment microcosms", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 321, 879-887 (2017).

  9. Kocak E., S. Aslan İ. İmamoğlu, G. Tuncel, “PM2.5 Bound organic molecular marker speciation methods and observations from daily measurements in Ankara, Turkey”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26(1), 263-272 (2017).

  10. Kocak, E., Aslan Kilavuz, S., Imamoglu, İ., Tuncel, G., PM2.5 bound organic molecular marker speciation methods and observations from daily measurements in Ankara, Turkey.  Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26 (1), 263-272 (2017)

  11. LaBarge N., Yilmazel Y.D., Hong P. and Logan B.E., (2017) “Effect of pre-acclimation of granular activated carbon on microbial electrolysis cell startup and performance” Bioelectrochemistry, 113, 20-25.

  12. Nakipoglu, M., Yilmaz, F., and Icgen, B. vanA gene harboring enterococcal and non-enterococcal isolates expressing high level vancomycin and teicoplanin resistance reservoired in surface waters (2017) Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 98 (5) 712-719. Springer

  13. Orhon K. B., Orhon A. K., Dilek F. B., Yetis U, Triclosan removal from surface water by ozonation - Kinetics and by-products formation, Journal of Environmental Management, 204(1), 327-336, ISSN 0301-4797 (2017)

  14. Öncel, M.S., Bektaş, N., Bayar, S., Engin, G., Çalışkan, Y., Salar, L., Yetis, U., Hazardous wastes and waste generation factors for plastic products manufacturing industries in Turkey, Sustainable Environment Research, 27(4), July 2017, 188-194. 

  15. Özcan Z., Başkan O., Düzgün, H.B, Kentel, E., and Alp, E., 2017, A pollution fate and transport model application in a semi-arid region: Is some number better than no number?, Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 595, 425–440

  16. Özcan Z., Kentel, E. and Alp, E., 2017, Evaluation of the Best Management Practices in a Semi-Arid Region with High Agricultural Activity, Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 540, 40-49

  17. Tunçay E.K., Ergüder T.H., Eroglu İ., Gunduz U., 2017. Dark fermentative hydrogen production from sucrose and molasses. International Journal of Energy Research, 41, 1891-1902. (DOI: 10.1002/er.3751)

  18. Yilmaz, O., Kara, B.Y., Yetis, U., Hazardous waste management system design under population and environmental impact considerations, Journal of Environmental Management, 203, December 2017, 720-731.

  19. Yukseler, H., Uzal, N., Sahinkaya, E., Kitis, M., Dilek, F.B., Yetis, U., Analysis of the Best Available Techniques for Wastewaters from a Denim Manufacturing Textile Mill, Journal of Environmental Management, 203, Part 3, December 2017, 1118-1125.

  20. Yurdakul S., Civan M., Doğan G., Üzmez O., Gaga E., Döğeroğlu T., Ayaklı G. and Tuncel G., Vertıcal variation of VOCs and inorganic pollutants in a university building.  Atmospheric Pollution Research, 8, 1-12 (2017)

  21. Yurdakul, S., Civan, M., Özden, Ö., Gaga, E., Döğeroğlu, T., & Tuncel, G. (2017). Spatial variation of VOCs and inorganic pollutants in a university building. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 8(1), 1-12. doi:10.1016/j.apr.2016.07.001

Last Updated:
29/03/2018 - 22:14